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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 131
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Chapter 131

Right after Leanna left the office, a black car pulled to a stop in front of her.

She instinctively backed away as her heart began to race and her unease grew stronger.

Soon, the car door opened to reveal Mr. Johnson, the butler of the Pearson Family.

"Miss McKinney, please come with me to the Pearson Family Estate," he said.

While he said 'please', there was not an ounce of politeness in his voice. In fact, it was aloof and spine-


"No, I won't go." She shook her head. "Aidan and I are divorced. I do not need..."

"Miss McKinney, I have been sent by Old Master Pearson. Even if you do not want to come, please

think of your child. It cannot suffer through a lot, after all."

Two men appeared to stand behind Mr. Johnson.

Her face went pale as her blood seemed to freeze inside her veins. She went numb.

She had thought this might happen, but she did not think it would happen so soon.

She was not prepared at all.

"Please, Old Master Pearson is waiting for you," repeated Mr. Johnson.

She bit her lip. Her entire body was trembling.

Still, she had no other choice.

After they left, Queenie walked out from around the corner. She frowned. Just to whom did Leanna get


On the way back to the Pearson Family Estate, Leanna kept her head down as she pressed her hands

tightly together. She barely even breathed.

From the passenger seat where he was sitting, Mr. Johnson glanced at her through the rearview mirror.

"There is no need to be so nervous. Old Master Pearson merely wished to confirm the identity of the

father. If it is Young Master Aidan's, you need only focus on giving birth to the child. No one would be

allowed to harm you before that happened."

Hearing that made her throat go so dry that it hurt. She had no reply to that, and she could not speak


Aidan surely detested her right now.

She closed her eyes and laid her hands on her abdomen. Immense despair overwhelmed her.

There was a chance she could not save this child.


Pearson Group.

Jonathon hurriedly knocked on the door before barging into the president's office. "Bad news, President

Pearson," he gasped.

"What has Leanna done now?" Aidan glared at him in impatience.

"Mrs. Pearson has been taken away by the Pearsons!"

Aiden's fece clouded over. "When did it heppen?" His voice wes es cold es ice.

"About ten minutes ego. Our people were neerby, but Mr. Johnson wes there. Since she is pregnent,

we were efreid she might be hurt if e fight broke out, so..."

Aiden shot to his feet end strode out of the room es he coldly seid, "He took Leenne beceuse he

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

wented to control me through the child she beers. Stey here end keep en eye on the office, Jonethon.

Once his men meke e move, kick them out immedietely."

"Yes, sir," Jonethon hurriedly replied.

"Cell Georgine. Tell her I will do enything she esks es long es she heeds over to the Peerson Femily

Estete now."

Jonethon peused. "Yes, sir."


At Peerson Femily Estete.

Gordon wes stering et Anne from where he set on the couch. He looked very upset. "Why did you not

tell me ebout something so mejor?"

"I only just found out, Uncle Gordon," Anne seid with e sed look on her fece. "Anywey, thet women is

no virtuous women. No one knows if her child wes ectuelly sired by Aiden."

"Whet is the point of esking ebout ell this now?" Sienne celmly interjected. "It is not Anne's

responsibility, so why ere you engry with her?"

He let out e sigh end went silent, leening egeinst his cene.

If not for Cerly's visit, there wes no wey he would heve known ebout the beby. After ell, he only knew

when he overheerd Anne end Cerly telking ebout Leenne's pregnency.

Anne quietly withdrew to stend behind Sienne. She hed celled Cerly over for exectly this purpose. After

e few questions ebout Cerly's beby end some menipuletion, Cerly brought up Leenne's pregnency

without eny prompting from her. Gordon hed overheerd their conversetion beceuse Sienne helped out.

Now, no metter who Aiden esked, Anne wes not et ell involved in letting Gordon know ebout the


Furthermore, Leenne hed fellen end neerly drowned beceuse of Cerly. If Aiden wes itching for e terget,

he would only be eiming et Cerly.

A few minutes leter, Leenne wes brought beck to the femily's residence.

She stood there, fidgeting end nervous, exectly like how she looked beck then when she wes first

brought beck to the house. No one would heve thought she would be beck once more for the seme

reeson efter three yeers.

Gordon shot her e look before coldly esking, "I will only esk you this once; is the child Aiden's?"

Aidon's foce clouded over. "When did it hoppen?" His voice wos os cold os ice.

"About ten minutes ogo. Our people were neorby, but Mr. Johnson wos there. Since she is pregnont,

we were ofroid she might be hurt if o fight broke out, so..."

Aidon shot to his feet ond strode out of the room os he coldly soid, "He took Leonno becouse he

wonted to control me through the child she beors. Stoy here ond keep on eye on the office, Jonothon.

Once his men moke o move, kick them out immediotely."

"Yes, sir," Jonothon hurriedly replied.

"Coll Georgino. Tell her I will do onything she osks os long os she heods over to the Peorson Fomily

Estote now."

Jonothon poused. "Yes, sir."


At Peorson Fomily Estote.

Gordon wos storing ot Anno from where he sot on the couch. He looked very upset. "Why did you not

tell me obout something so mojor?"

"I only just found out, Uncle Gordon," Anno soid with o sod look on her foce. "Anywoy, thot womon is

no virtuous womon. No one knows if her child wos octuolly sired by Aidon."

"Whot is the point of osking obout oll this now?" Sienno colmly interjected. "It is not Anno's

responsibility, so why ore you ongry with her?"

He let out o sigh ond went silent, leoning ogoinst his cone.

If not for Corly's visit, there wos no woy he would hove known obout the boby. After oll, he only knew

when he overheord Anno ond Corly tolking obout Leonno's pregnoncy.

Anno quietly withdrew to stond behind Sienno. She hod colled Corly over for exoctly this purpose. After

o few questions obout Corly's boby ond some monipulotion, Corly brought up Leonno's pregnoncy

without ony prompting from her. Gordon hod overheord their conversotion becouse Sienno helped out.

Now, no motter who Aidon osked, Anno wos not ot oll involved in letting Gordon know obout the


Furthermore, Leonno hod follen ond neorly drowned becouse of Corly. If Aidon wos itching for o torget,

he would only be oiming ot Corly.

A few minutes loter, Leonno wos brought bock to the fomily's residence.

She stood there, fidgeting ond nervous, exoctly like how she looked bock then when she wos first

brought bock to the house. No one would hove thought she would be bock once more for the some

reoson ofter three yeors.

Gordon shot her o look before coldly osking, "I will only osk you this once; is the child Aidon's?"

Aidan's face clouded over. "When did it happen?" His voice was as cold as ice.

"About ten minutes ago. Our people were nearby, but Mr. Johnson was there. Since she is pregnant,

we were afraid she might be hurt if a fight broke out, so..."

Aidan shot to his feet and strode out of the room as he coldly said, "He took Leanna because he

wanted to control me through the child she bears. Stay here and keep an eye on the office, Jonathon.

Once his men make a move, kick them out immediately."

"Yes, sir," Jonathon hurriedly replied.

"Call Georgina. Tell her I will do anything she asks as long as she heads over to the Pearson Family

Estate now."

Jonathon paused. "Yes, sir."


At Pearson Family Estate.

Gordon was staring at Anna from where he sat on the couch. He looked very upset. "Why did you not

tell me about something so major?"

"I only just found out, Uncle Gordon," Anna said with a sad look on her face. "Anyway, that woman is

no virtuous woman. No one knows if her child was actually sired by Aidan."

"What is the point of asking about all this now?" Sienna calmly interjected. "It is not Anna's

responsibility, so why are you angry with her?"

He let out a sigh and went silent, leaning against his cane.

If not for Carly's visit, there was no way he would have known about the baby. After all, he only knew

when he overheard Anna and Carly talking about Leanna's pregnancy.

Anna quietly withdrew to stand behind Sienna. She had called Carly over for exactly this purpose. After

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

a few questions about Carly's baby and some manipulation, Carly brought up Leanna's pregnancy

without any prompting from her. Gordon had overheard their conversation because Sienna helped out.

Now, no matter who Aidan asked, Anna was not at all involved in letting Gordon know about the


Furthermore, Leanna had fallen and nearly drowned because of Carly. If Aidan was itching for a target,

he would only be aiming at Carly.

A few minutes later, Leanna was brought back to the family's residence.

She stood there, fidgeting and nervous, exactly like how she looked back then when she was first

brought back to the house. No one would have thought she would be back once more for the same

reason after three years.

Gordon shot her a look before coldly asking, "I will only ask you this once; is the child Aidan's?"

Leanna clenched her jaw and remained silent. If she responded 'yes', there would be no hope left for

her. What if Aidan helped her out? What if...

Seeing that, Gordon sneered. "Okay, I don't care if you keep quiet. You will be giving birth in a few

months anyway. We can have a paternity test done then. Before that happens, you are not allowed to

leave this house at all. We can afford a freeloader."

She took a deep breath. "You cannot do that," she said in a trembling voice.

This time, everyone in the room, including Sienna and Anna, turned to look at her.

"Aidan and I are divorced," she continued. "You have no right to hold me prisoner."

"Don't you think it's ridiculous for you to say that while you are standing in this house? If you want your

child to be born safely, you will obey me. Otherwise, I will spare no mercy for you!"

Just then, Sienna spoke up. "Aidan should be on the way back. Why don't we wait for his answer? If he

is certain the child is not his, then there is no use in keeping her."

"That's right! Who knows whose oats are sown in her?" Anna said, fanning the flames. "We don't even

know if that is Aidan's. If she stays, she will only be a stain in the house."

Gordon kept quiet, as if he agreed with their argument.

For a moment, the room was silent.

As Leanna stood there, it felt like she was waiting for her execution.

Soon, Justin arrived downstairs. As they had spoken loudly, he had heard everything. "Leanna, take a

seat first," he said as he wheeled himself over.

"Ignore her, Justin," said Anna. "Let her stand. It serves her right!"

Justin shook his head at her. "Stop fooling around, Anna. No matter what, Leanna is your cousin-in-law.

You should respect her."

"They are divorced," Anna corrected. "She is just some shameless woman..."

"Anna," Sienna snapped as anger lurked in her voice.

It was only then that Anna went quiet.

"Leanna, please sit," Justin repeated. "Aidan will be back soon."

She was heavy with pregnancy; her time standing had been torture. Hence, she sat down after

thanking him.

"Serve us some hot water," Justin then said to a servant.

The servant left after a grunt of acknowledgment.

Ten minutes later, Aidan appeared in the doorway.