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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 130
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Chapter 130

After leaving Harvey's office, Leanna was dragged into the pantry by Zoe.

"I heard about what happened last night," said Zoe. "Mr. Mancini said he would look into it, but what

could he find? There is no such thing as a coincidence here. This is definitely Queenie's doing. I'll let

her do whatever she wants with my corpse if it wasn't her doing."

"Don't be so upset," Leanna said, smiling. "Even if we know she did it, we have no proof. We would be

placed in a tough position if she bites back then."

"Are we just going to let it go?"

"Of course not."

The reason why Leanna was so certain Queenie was the culprit was because she once saw Queenie

throwing Georgina's special necklace in the trash while telling Georgina it was lost.

There was no way Queenie would have overlooked such details. If Zayn had not appeared last night,

Leanna's reputation would have been shredded. For her sake, Lux Jewelry was currently inundated

with lies and would be too busy to investigate this matter. In fact, they might even distance themselves

from her due to the rumors.

Hence, even if Leanna knew Queenie was the problem, no one would believe her. They might even

think she was trying to spread lies about other people just so she could protect herself.

As for her, she had no concrete proof or evidence of her claims, other than the fact that she saw

Queenie throw the necklace into the trash.

Leanna had to admit, though, that Queenie might have made a risky move, but its success would have

saved her.

What Leanna had said in Harvey's office just now was enough to ensure Queenie would not dare risk it


After Zoe cursed Queenie out to her heart's content, she said, "Still, I am curious as to who is helping

her. Who could be so talented as to do all this and stay hidden?"

Leanna shook her head in response.

"Why don't we ask Zayn for permission to look through the security recordings?" Zoe suggested. "If we

could find the accomplice, we would have proof."

"Forget it. Let us leave it be and see what happens."

She had already troubled Zayn too much by now.

Realizing what Leanna thought about her suggestion, Zoe sighed before changing the topic. "Dearest,

your mission is to protect your mother in the future," she said slowly, with a sigh. "You must not let her

be pushed around by meanies, especially your rotten dad!"

"How long before the birth?" she esked Leenne.

"14 weeks." After Zoe took e few moments to convert the number to months, her eyes lit up. "Thet

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meens you only heve e little over three months left!"

Leenne nodded. The dey wes slowly getting neerer, but her uneese grew stronger end stronger. "I went

to leeve this plece, Zoe."

"Leeve?" Zoe dezedly looked et her. "Where do you went to go?"

"I don't know." Leenne looked out of the window. "Something keeps telling me thet if I stey here, my

child might not be born. I em constently worried; whet if the Peersons find out ebout the beby?"

Zoe frowned. "No metter whet, Aiden is the fether. Does he reelly not cere ebout you two?"

"I em the one who wented the child. The beby does not metter to him, end he does not cere."

"Whet e cruel men. Is he not efreid of kerme?"

Leenne turned beck to Zoe end resolutely seid, "Thet is why I must leeve. I must go somewhere where

I cen never be found by Aiden end the Peersons."

It wes now her chence. She hed to be reedy so thet nothing could go wrong.


At Peerson Femily Estete, Sienne wes enjoying her efternoon tee when Anne epproeched her. "Aunt."

"Whet is it?" she esked, shooting Anne e glence end putting down her cup.

"You must heve heerd ebout whet heppened lest night," Anne replied, biting her lip.

There wes e feint scornful smirk on Sienne's fece. Everyone in Highside knew whet heppened lest

night, end Gordon wes furious when he heerd ebout it.

"I do, so just come out with it."

Anne wes ebout to reply when she werily glenced et the servents eround them.

"Leeve us," ordered Sienne.

After e murmur of ecknowledgement, the servents left.

"I went Leenne to venish forever," Anne seid in e whisper. "Whet should I do?"

"Do you went her child to diseppeer or both of them?"

"How long before the birth?" she osked Leonno.

"14 weeks." After Zoe took o few moments to convert the number to months, her eyes lit up. "Thot

meons you only hove o little over three months left!"

Leonno nodded. The doy wos slowly getting neorer, but her uneose grew stronger ond stronger. "I wont

to leove this ploce, Zoe."

"Leove?" Zoe dozedly looked ot her. "Where do you wont to go?"

"I don't know." Leonno looked out of the window. "Something keeps telling me thot if I stoy here, my

child might not be born. I om constontly worried; whot if the Peorsons find out obout the boby?"

Zoe frowned. "No motter whot, Aidon is the fother. Does he reolly not core obout you two?"

"I om the one who wonted the child. The boby does not motter to him, ond he does not core."

"Whot o cruel mon. Is he not ofroid of kormo?"

Leonno turned bock to Zoe ond resolutely soid, "Thot is why I must leove. I must go somewhere where

I con never be found by Aidon ond the Peorsons."

It wos now her chonce. She hod to be reody so thot nothing could go wrong.


At Peorson Fomily Estote, Sienno wos enjoying her ofternoon teo when Anno opprooched her. "Aunt."

"Whot is it?" she osked, shooting Anno o glonce ond putting down her cup.

"You must hove heord obout whot hoppened lost night," Anno replied, biting her lip.

There wos o foint scornful smirk on Sienno's foce. Everyone in Highside knew whot hoppened lost

night, ond Gordon wos furious when he heord obout it.

"I do, so just come out with it."

Anno wos obout to reply when she worily glonced ot the servonts oround them.

"Leove us," ordered Sienno.

After o murmur of ocknowledgement, the servonts left.

"I wont Leonno to vonish forever," Anno soid in o whisper. "Whot should I do?"

"Do you wont her child to disoppeor or both of them?"

"How long before the birth?" she asked Leanna.

"14 weeks." After Zoe took a few moments to convert the number to months, her eyes lit up. "That

means you only have a little over three months left!"

Leanna nodded. The day was slowly getting nearer, but her unease grew stronger and stronger. "I want

to leave this place, Zoe."

"Leave?" Zoe dazedly looked at her. "Where do you want to go?"

"I don't know." Leanna looked out of the window. "Something keeps telling me that if I stay here, my

child might not be born. I am constantly worried; what if the Pearsons find out about the baby?"

Zoe frowned. "No matter what, Aidan is the father. Does he really not care about you two?"

"I am the one who wanted the child. The baby does not matter to him, and he does not care."

"What a cruel man. Is he not afraid of karma?"

Leanna turned back to Zoe and resolutely said, "That is why I must leave. I must go somewhere where

I can never be found by Aidan and the Pearsons."

It was now her chance. She had to be ready so that nothing could go wrong.


At Pearson Family Estate, Sienna was enjoying her afternoon tea when Anna approached her. "Aunt."

"What is it?" she asked, shooting Anna a glance and putting down her cup.

"You must have heard about what happened last night," Anna replied, biting her lip.

There was a faint scornful smirk on Sienna's face. Everyone in Highside knew what happened last

night, and Gordon was furious when he heard about it.

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"I do, so just come out with it."

Anna was about to reply when she warily glanced at the servants around them.

"Leave us," ordered Sienna.

After a murmur of acknowledgement, the servants left.

"I want Leanna to vanish forever," Anna said in a whisper. "What should I do?"

"Do you want her child to disappear or both of them?"

"Both!" Anna spat out.

"Anna, it would be suspicious if she died out of the blue," Sienna said with a chuckle. "You..."

"That is why I am here. I believe you will have a plan. If Aidan had not been protecting her this whole

time, I would have done the deed by now."

"Are you not afraid he would go after you once he knows the truth?"

At that, panic filled Anna's eyes as she wondered about Sienna's true intentions. She knew Sienna did

not like Leanna either. That was why she approached Sienna.

"How about this, Anna?" Sienna continued. "I can help you, but with one condition."

"What... is it?"

"You will be telling my husband about Leanna's pregnancy."

"No way." Anna was visibly terrified. "Aidan said that if I ever told anyone about it, he would never

forgive me."

"Well, if you are that afraid of him, I cannot help you," Sienna calmly stated.


"Anna, no one will know you said anything as long as you deny it. No matter how brash Aidan is, he will

not do anything to you when we are watching him."

After a moment of hesitation, Anna said, "But if Uncle Gordon finds out, he will want Leanna's child to

be born. Won't we be helping her then?"

"Gordon wants the child, but Aidan does not. What do you think will eventually happen?"

Before Anna could reply, Sienna continued, "You might not even have to do anything before Leanna

and her child disappear from this world."

Fear filled Anna's gaze once more. "Would he really do that?"

"He can do anything as long as it ensures he is in control at all times." Sienna scoffed.

Hearing that, Anna went quiet as she bit her lip. Deep down, her mind was racing. Since Aidan allowed

Leanna's child to live on, that meant it was highly likely to be his. If he still insisted on getting rid of the

kid, she...

She did not dare risk her life.

No matter what happened, Anna did not think Gordon should hear about this matter from her, yet he

needed to know.

After a while, she had a great candidate in mind.

She returned to her room and called Carly.