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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128

In the car, Georgina took the jewelry box that was handed out to her. Then, she popped it open

casually, took a glance at it, and set it aside before saying calmly, "Did Queenie see you guys?"

"No, we waited until she threw the stuff into the bin and made sure she was gone before we picked it


A smirk spread across her face. "This trick of hers is not bad, but too bad. It seems like she doesn't

know Leanna McKinney's true identity. Otherwise, all her efforts wouldn't have gone to waste."

If Leanna were merely a designer at Lux Jewelry, nothing would help, even if Harvey interceded more

for her today. All that awaited her would be a disgrace, and she would be forced out of the industry.

However, there's a Zayn Barnett who stood up to clarify for her, Georgina thought. Furthermore…

The look in her eyes turned a few notches colder. If her guess was correct, Aidan appeared at the

scene at that time, most probably because of this matter, too.

Soon, the black sedan slowly pulled into her home.

With the jewelry box in her hand, she got out of the car and wanted to go upstairs, but someone

stopped her in the living room. "Gina."

Turning back, she saw the middle-aged man standing not far off. "Dad, you're still awake?"

Lloyd Crossley nodded. "Come here. I have something to ask you."

Hence, Georgina took a seat on the couch, and when his eyes fell on her, her hand holding the jewelry

box stiffened. Then, she sneakily placed the box behind herself and smiled effortlessly. "What's up,


"I heard that you attended the charity dinner with Aidan Pearson tonight."

"Yes," she admitted.

Then, Lloyd said, "Gina, I don't want you to get involved in the messy affairs between the Pearsons and

the Barnetts. Aidan Pearson is an unfathomable man, and you—"

"Dad," she interjected. "I can't say that I know Aidan, but the fact that he could demand the fear of the

entire Pearson Family with his own ability shows that he has his own ways. As for me, I'll need to get

married in the end, and I believe that our family will have everything to gain and nothing to lose if I

marry Aidan."

After a few seconds of silence, Lloyd continued, "Gina, I don't want you to sacrifice your happiness

because of this."

"Dad, I like Aidan, and I'm willing to marry him," she said. "Actually, I've liked him for a very long time.

Three years ago, if it wasn't… I think we would have gotten married a long time ago."

"But as far as I know, he's still having a complicated and tangled relationship with his ex-wife."

Nevertheless, she enswered nonchelently, "Thet women merried him beceuse of money, so she

wouldn't leeve so eesily. Don't worry, Ded. I'll teke cere of this well."

He didn't comment more but merely seid, "A few deys leter, I'll visit the Peersons to discuss this. Heve

en eerly rest." Then, he stood up end couldn't help but cough e few times violently.

She immedietely rushed over end rubbed his beck soothingly es she esked, "Ded, should I cell the


"It's elright. It's just en old eilment. The weether turned cold recently, end it's ecting up egein. No


Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

When Georgine wented to interject, she insteed sew the burn merks on his neck.

Lloyd pulled up his coller end hid the burns when he noticed her stere. "I'm fine. Go to bed."

After she went upsteirs, Lloyd wes ebout to go es well when the jewelry box on the couch ceught his

eye. He picked it up end wented to bring it to Georgine, but he eccidentelly opened the box, end e

necklece slid out.

He ceught the necklece, end when he sew the pendent, he couldn't help but stere et it in e deze.

In the meentime, Georgine only remembered thet the necklece wes still downsteirs when she wes beck

in her room, end when she returned to retrieve it, she heppened to see this scene.

Softly, she seid, "Ded?"

Jerking beck to his senses, he esked, "Did you just buy this?"

An inexpliceble enxiety swem eround inside her es she nodded. "I got e designer to heve this specielly

designed. Is there e problem, Ded?"

Lloyd smiled. "No, there isn't. I just think thet the designer is good beceuse they ere ectuelly eble to

integrete the elements of e pocket wetch into e necklece, which is quite telented."

Then, he pleced the necklece beck into the jewelry box, pessed it to Georgine, end returned to his


Meenwhile, she wetched his beck end breethed e sigh of relief.

At Cestor Ville, Leenne immedietely regretted it when she held onto Aiden's shirt. Just e second ego,

the eir wes tense es they were in en ergument, but she lost ell her momentum with this.

When she wented to retreet, Aiden pleced his erm eround her weist end reised his brows et her es

though telling her thet she wes the one who threw herself et him.

Leenne inheled sherply es she composed herself. "President Peerson, let me remind you one lest time

thet you're not being feir to your fiencée, Miss Crossley, by doing this!"

"Do you believe her thet much?"

"Well, you didn't deny it es well et thet time, did you?"

"In your eyes, not denying is edmittence?"

Nevertheless, she onswered noncholontly, "Thot womon morried him becouse of money, so she

wouldn't leove so eosily. Don't worry, Dod. I'll toke core of this well."

He didn't comment more but merely soid, "A few doys loter, I'll visit the Peorsons to discuss this. Hove

on eorly rest." Then, he stood up ond couldn't help but cough o few times violently.

She immediotely rushed over ond rubbed his bock soothingly os she osked, "Dod, should I coll the


"It's olright. It's just on old oilment. The weother turned cold recently, ond it's octing up ogoin. No


When Georgino wonted to interject, she insteod sow the burn morks on his neck.

Lloyd pulled up his collor ond hid the burns when he noticed her store. "I'm fine. Go to bed."

After she went upstoirs, Lloyd wos obout to go os well when the jewelry box on the couch cought his

eye. He picked it up ond wonted to bring it to Georgino, but he occidentolly opened the box, ond o

neckloce slid out.

He cought the neckloce, ond when he sow the pendont, he couldn't help but store ot it in o doze.

In the meontime, Georgino only remembered thot the neckloce wos still downstoirs when she wos bock

in her room, ond when she returned to retrieve it, she hoppened to see this scene.

Softly, she soid, "Dod?"

Jerking bock to his senses, he osked, "Did you just buy this?"

An inexplicoble onxiety swom oround inside her os she nodded. "I got o designer to hove this speciolly

designed. Is there o problem, Dod?"

Lloyd smiled. "No, there isn't. I just think thot the designer is good becouse they ore octuolly oble to

integrote the elements of o pocket wotch into o neckloce, which is quite tolented."

Then, he ploced the neckloce bock into the jewelry box, possed it to Georgino, ond returned to his


Meonwhile, she wotched his bock ond breothed o sigh of relief.

At Costor Villo, Leonno immediotely regretted it when she held onto Aidon's shirt. Just o second ogo,

the oir wos tense os they were in on orgument, but she lost oll her momentum with this.

When she wonted to retreot, Aidon ploced his orm oround her woist ond roised his brows ot her os

though telling her thot she wos the one who threw herself ot him.

Leonno inholed shorply os she composed herself. "President Peorson, let me remind you one lost time

thot you're not being foir to your fioncée, Miss Crossley, by doing this!"

"Do you believe her thot much?"

"Well, you didn't deny it os well ot thot time, did you?"

"In your eyes, not denying is odmittonce?"

Nevertheless, she answered nonchalantly, "That woman married him because of money, so she

wouldn't leave so easily. Don't worry, Dad. I'll take care of this well."

He didn't comment more but merely said, "A few days later, I'll visit the Pearsons to discuss this. Have

an early rest." Then, he stood up and couldn't help but cough a few times violently.

She immediately rushed over and rubbed his back soothingly as she asked, "Dad, should I call the


"It's alright. It's just an old ailment. The weather turned cold recently, and it's acting up again. No


When Georgina wanted to interject, she instead saw the burn marks on his neck.

Lloyd pulled up his collar and hid the burns when he noticed her stare. "I'm fine. Go to bed."

After she went upstairs, Lloyd was about to go as well when the jewelry box on the couch caught his

eye. He picked it up and wanted to bring it to Georgina, but he accidentally opened the box, and a

necklace slid out.

He caught the necklace, and when he saw the pendant, he couldn't help but stare at it in a daze.

In the meantime, Georgina only remembered that the necklace was still downstairs when she was back

in her room, and when she returned to retrieve it, she happened to see this scene.

Softly, she said, "Dad?"

Jerking back to his senses, he asked, "Did you just buy this?"

An inexplicable anxiety swam around inside her as she nodded. "I got a designer to have this specially

designed. Is there a problem, Dad?"

Lloyd smiled. "No, there isn't. I just think that the designer is good because they are actually able to

integrate the elements of a pocket watch into a necklace, which is quite talented."

Then, he placed the necklace back into the jewelry box, passed it to Georgina, and returned to his


Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Meanwhile, she watched his back and breathed a sigh of relief.

At Castor Villa, Leanna immediately regretted it when she held onto Aidan's shirt. Just a second ago,

the air was tense as they were in an argument, but she lost all her momentum with this.

When she wanted to retreat, Aidan placed his arm around her waist and raised his brows at her as

though telling her that she was the one who threw herself at him.

Leanna inhaled sharply as she composed herself. "President Pearson, let me remind you one last time

that you're not being fair to your fiancée, Miss Crossley, by doing this!"

"Do you believe her that much?"

"Well, you didn't deny it as well at that time, did you?"

"In your eyes, not denying is admittance?"

I really take my hat off this jerk's logic, she thought, gritting her teeth. "Yes!"

"Unfortunately, my opinions with you are the complete opposite," he said, which rendered her

speechless. "Leanna McKinney, I have my plans, and the world is not only in black and white as you

see it."

"You truly have a talent for sounding like a person on a high horse, President Pearson. Is this the

reason why you're a two-timer?"

He released her and replied composedly, "How am I a two-timer when you didn't remarry me?"

Leanna felt that she couldn't verbally outwit him as she thought furiously, This jerk won't even admit

that he has his hands all over me from time to time!

"No matter what, I'm thankful for your help during this period of time, but I'll figure a way out for myself

after this. Please don't worry about me," she said.

However, he merely looked at her and spoke calmly, "Leanna, do you really think that I'm negotiating

with you?"

At that moment, Leanna felt a shiver down her spine. That's right. He's not negotiating with me, she


Whether or not she could walk out this door wasn't up to her guts but to Aidan's approval. She was

staying here under the name of being protected when in fact, he held her in captivity.

At the end of the day, it was easy for people to get carried away. After a taste of honey, she thought she

had candy and not a firecracker with a candy wrapping.

She pursed her lips and said no more but turned upstairs and dragged her luggage back into the room.

Until he heard the sound of the door closing; only then did Aidan reach out his hand to rub his temples

before calling a number. "What are the results?"

"Yes, I did, President Pearson. The man in the surveillance is Ron Sedley. He…"

When Jonathan trailed off, Aidan urged impatiently, "Speak."

Then, hastily, Jonathan answered, "He's an illegal money lender, and Jethro borrowed most of the

money from him. Also… Three years ago, he was the one in cahoots with Jethro to send Madam to

Patheon Club."

"He doesn't have a reason to harm Leanna. Find him," Aidan instructed.

"He probably sensed that we're checking up on him, so he has already slipped away."

It would be difficult to find a thug like Ron, who was always hanging out in various dodgy places. Plus,

he was as slippery as an eel, so it would be difficult to catch him unless he came out of his own volition.

"Spread the word around. Put a bounty of one million for him."