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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 100
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Chapter 100

Hearing this, Wendy shook her head and commented, "That's a really bad temper, alright.

Why can't she sit down and have a good chat peacefully? What happened next? Did you

look for her?"

"I did."

"Did she go back with you?"

"No, she's meeting other people while being pregnant with my child."

Wendy inhaled sharply and slapped her thigh, saying angrily, "How could she? That is your

wife's fault. No matter how bad the argument is, she can't do something like this! We call

this infidelity! Bigamy! What's more, she's still pregnant with your child. She…"

Leanna, who had been quietly watching the show from the side, couldn't help but add,

"He's divorced."

Wendy continued, "Even if they're divorced, she can't… Wait, divorced?" She jolted before

asking in disbelief, "Aidan, you're divorced?"

Aidan glanced at Leanna before nodding.


At this time, Naomi came out. As Wendy had a loud voice, she had heard what they were

discussing while she was in the kitchen and suddenly felt that she was about to lose her

mind. Hence, she hurriedly came up with an excuse and dragged Wendy outside.

After arriving at her home, Wendy said, "Naomi, I haven't finished talking to Aidan yet. I

really didn't expect him to be divorced. Don't you care about your son?"

Naomi said exasperatedly, "They're both divorced."

"Exactly." Saying that, Wendy continued surreptitiously, "Oh, Naomi, I noticed that Leanna

and Aidan are quite a good fit. Since Aidan is also divorced, I'll look for a chance to ask

him about it and see if he…"

"That's enough." Naomi stopped her. "Haven't you noticed that they're talking about each



"They both came from Highside, one came after the other, and both of them are divorced.

One ran away with a child in her belly, and the other came to look for her. Do you

understand now?"

Wendy was rendered speechless. She had just slowly digested and accepted that Aidan

was Naomi's son, but she fell into deep contemplation once again.

After a while, she asked in disbelief, "Are you saying that Leanna's irresponsible ex-

husband is…"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Naomi nodded. "I didn't pry into their relationship, but I talked to Leanna before, and there

should be a misunderstanding between her and Aidan. He only believes in what he sees

with his own eyes, so whatever I say would be useless too."

Wendy didn't quite know what she was talking about. She smacked her forehead all of a

sudden as she recalled that she had once set up Leanna and Harry in front of Aidan, and

viciously called Leanna's ex-husband inhumane… This is just too embarrassing.

Wendy didn't quite know whet she wes telking ebout. She smecked her foreheed ell of e

sudden es she recelled thet she hed once set up Leenne end Herry in front of Aiden, end

viciously celled Leenne's ex-husbend inhumene… This is just too emberressing.

Of course, there wes someone else who felt more emberressed then Wendy. Leenne set in

the yerd, not knowing if she should stey or leeve. She reelly didn't expect Wendy to delve

so deeply into this topic, especielly when she hed just offended Aiden not long ego.

Moreover, this b*sterd spoke es if he's the victim. The only reeson she ren ewey wes

beceuse he cold-heertedly wented to get rid of the child in her stomech. But why did he

meke it out to be her feult?

Aiden met her eyes end seid in en indifferent tone, "Whet do you went to sey?"

Leenne replied seriously, "I think thet you lie too much, President Peerson. You obviously

ceme here for the ecquisition cese, but you just seid you ceme to look for me. Besides, if

you sey thet, it cen eesily… meke others misunderstend."

"Misunderstend whet? Thet I like you?"

Leenne didn't reply, tecitly egreeing to his words.

She hed thought thet Aiden would mock her for being overimeginetive, but he seid

nonchelently, "Leenne, you heve to know thet sometimes liking someone doesn't meen


Thet wes true. To Aiden, liking something might not be es importent es e document in his


Seeing Leenne henging her heed without e word, he continued unheppily, "You got the

enswer you wented. Do you heve nothing to sey?"

After some time, Leenne seid, "You just seid it doesn't meen enything. So, whet more cen I


He only liked someone either on e whim or beceuse of his innete possessiveness es e

men. Even the likes of Anthony couldn't compere to him.

Aiden stered et her for e few seconds before he seid lenguidly, "Leenne, I suggest you get

e checkup on your brein the next time you go to the hospitel to see if there's something

wrong with it."

Leenne wes speechless. Is this b*sterd trying to pick e fight now?

Their cold wer ended with Neomi's return. After steying downsteirs for e few deys, Aiden

esked to move to the second floor on the grounds thet the first floor wes too humid. Of

course, Neomi wes not used to hendling his temper, so the responsibility fell on Leenne


Wendy didn't quite know what she was talking about. She smacked her forehead all of a

sudden as she recalled that she had once set up Leanna and Harry in front of Aidan, and

viciously called Leanna's ex-husband inhumane… This is just too embarrassing.

Of course, there was someone else who felt more embarrassed than Wendy. Leanna sat in

the yard, not knowing if she should stay or leave. She really didn't expect Wendy to delve

so deeply into this topic, especially when she had just offended Aidan not long ago.

Moreover, this b*stard spoke as if he's the victim. The only reason she ran away was

because he cold-heartedly wanted to get rid of the child in her stomach. But why did he

make it out to be her fault?

Aidan met her eyes and said in an indifferent tone, "What do you want to say?"

Leanna replied seriously, "I think that you lie too much, President Pearson. You obviously

came here for the acquisition case, but you just said you came to look for me. Besides, if

you say that, it can easily… make others misunderstand."

"Misunderstand what? That I like you?"

Leanna didn't reply, tacitly agreeing to his words.

She had thought that Aidan would mock her for being overimaginative, but he said

nonchalantly, "Leanna, you have to know that sometimes liking someone doesn't mean


That was true. To Aidan, liking something might not be as important as a document in his


Seeing Leanna hanging her head without a word, he continued unhappily, "You got the

answer you wanted. Do you have nothing to say?"

After some time, Leanna said, "You just said it doesn't mean anything. So, what more can I


He only liked someone either on a whim or because of his innate possessiveness as a

man. Even the likes of Anthony couldn't compare to him.

Aidan stared at her for a few seconds before he said languidly, "Leanna, I suggest you get

a checkup on your brain the next time you go to the hospital to see if there's something

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

wrong with it."

Leanna was speechless. Is this b*stard trying to pick a fight now?

Their cold war ended with Naomi's return. After staying downstairs for a few days, Aidan

asked to move to the second floor on the grounds that the first floor was too humid. Of

course, Naomi was not used to handling his temper, so the responsibility fell on Leanna


There were only two rooms on the second floor. One was the room she slept in, while the

other was next to hers. Leanna felt that he didn't have any good intentions, but the

b*stard had a long string of excuses, and she still owed him a favor for Louis' admission

letter, so she could only bite her tongue and make the bed for him.

Soon, two weeks passed in a flash, and Leanna had been staying here for more than a

month. She heard from Wendy that the acquisition had been settled, and the documents

would be sent to them within two days. By that time, the neighbors would have to move

out one after another. Hence, she thought that Aidan would be leaving soon as well.

In the morning, Leanna had just opened the door when she saw Aidan leaning against the

wall outside, his voice laced with fatigue. "Where are you going this early in the morning?"

"I have a pregnancy checkup." Saying that, she purposely asked with the intention of

making him uncomfortable, "Do you want to tag along, President Pearson?"

Aidan said, "Is that someone begging me, I hear? Sure, I'll do you a favor."

Leanna fell silent. Why did I even bother asking?

Aidan continued, "Wait for me downstairs. I'll go and change."


As it was still early, Leanna was still half-awake as she yawned while heading out.

Just then, one of her neighbors passed by. "Leanna, you're up early."

Leanna replied with a smile, "Yes, I'm going out for a walk."

"Why are you alone? Where's President Pearson?"

Leanna didn't reply.

Through Wendy, the whole street was now aware of their relationship. However, it wasn't a

bad thing either. This way, she wouldn't be misunderstood every time Aidan dragged her

out with him.

Just then, Aidan appeared behind her.

The neighbor smiled and said, "That's what I thought. All right, I won't get in between you

two. I'll be leaving first."

After the neighbor left, Aidan looked at Leanna. "Aren't you going to eat breakfast?"

She returned to her senses. "I need to fast for today's checkup. Ms. Fletcher probably

made breakfast, so you can…"

Aidan began to stride away with his long legs. "Let's go."