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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 127
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Chapter 0127


From his experience, George surmised that Luclus was longing for fermate companionship.

“How about we bring a new lover for you from outside?” George proposed.

Lucius stared at him with an intimidating gaze. If it weren't for his known sexual orientation, one may conclude

he had feelings for George.

“Never mind,” Lucius dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand. “If it's not who | want, it only


He preferred a cold shower to any company.

As Lucius lay in bed, his irritation lingered. His mind kept returning to Violet. Had it not been for her, would he

have acted so rashly? But she seemed adamantly opposed to being with him.

He pondered, what was it about Violet that was so captivating? He couldn't pinpoint it, yet the more he dwelled

on her, the stronger his desire grew. Once more, these thoughts caused his body

to tense.

“Damn it,” he muttered.

He rolled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take his second cold shower of the night.

Violet had no idea about any of this. Her anxiousness from the day before carried over into the

morning. She had yet to receive a call from the company to express their regret.

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Arriving on time, she headed straight to the HR office.

The HR manager presented her with a contract, stating. “A one-year contract, with a three-month

probation period.”

She excitedly called Naomi. “Mom, get extra groceries for tonight. We're having a feast!”

“Emily, can you print this out for me?”


Suddenly, Violet overheard a conversation nearby.

She turned, almost dropping her phone in shock. Emily had showed up in her company. She

rubbed her eyes to get a better look.

Emily also recognized her, and called out to Violet softly. “Vivi? Is that really you?”


Despite her hoarse voice and her acting skills, Violet's display of sisterly adoration almost made her forget their

past squabbles.

“Do we know each other well?” Violet responded sharply, pushing Emily away, unable to tolerate her pretense.

The onlookers gave them curious glances, but Violet paid them no attention and strode to her desk.

“Emily, who is she?” someone whispered behind her.

“That's my sister.”

“Is she your biological sister? Why is she so cold to you?”

Emily sighed, “Oh, | can’t really blher.”

she was a natural at playing the innocent victim while discrediting Violet's reputation. Emily

grinned in resentment as she watched Violet walk away.

Motivated by both Violet's nasty words and a desire to demonstrate her independence to Oliver, Emily had

chosen to leave her family’s business for this job.

Because her sole expertise was singing, she ended up working as a minor office assistant.

In contrast, Violet had recently joined the company as a designer. She had beca designer only two years

into her career. This fact intensified Emily's deep-rooted envy.

The previous night, upon learning about the new hire, Emily had urged Belle to speak with the HR


However, they were too late. Someone had already bought the entire company on the condition that no newly

recruited designer could be fired.

Unaware that this gesture was targeted exclusively at Violet, Emily mistook it as a recognition of the design

team’s talent. Violet, she thought, had simply gotten lucky.

The thought of working for the scompany as Violet was Emily's least desired scenario, yet it had beca

reality. This was exasperating to her.

For Violet, Emily's presence was quickly dismissed from her thoughts, deemed too insignificant to linger in her


During a break, Violet overheard a conversation that disturbed her.

“Violet is said to have destroyed Emily's voice. She can’t sing and is forced to work here.”

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So da?

Docal native when there's a heartless sister Involved.”

“This sole sees to have questionable morals.”

Serve commissionate. She didn’t press charges out of concern for Violet,”

“The contrast between the sisters is stark.”

It's brake how a beautiful voice was destroyed by a wicked sister.”

Violet pushed the pantry door open, undeterred. The chatter ceased instantly. She was met with hostile, icy


Stent, she filled her water bottle. It wasn’t in her interest to make enemies on her first day.

She strolled out as it she hadn't heard anything after fetching her water.

She ran into Emily, who was carrying a stack of photocoples, at the entryway.

“Emily.” Violet addressed her, “about your voice. Shouldn't we report it to the cops and investigate thoroughly?”

“Why do you suddenly...want to investigate?” Emily replied, visibly pale.

“Everyone’s been saying I'm responsible for your voice. | want the truth to be known.”

Violet had initially believed her family’s decision not to involve the police was for her benefit. After being

disowned and declared dead by her father, she doubted his benevolence.

Given Belle’s personality, it seemed doubtful that she would let such an upset go unaddressed.

Previously. Violet hadn't fully processed these events. When she reflected on them, she began to realize that

there were many things amiss in the entire Incident.