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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 98
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Emily sashayed her way back to the Clemons' clinic to entertain her guests.

Emily sashayed her way back to the Clemons' clinic to entertain her guests.

“You... You...” Daniel stuttered. He was foaming at the mouth.

The Clemons' clinic was bustling with noise and excitement. The workers hired by the Clemons were

lighting firecrackers and the commotion of their grand opening drew the townspeople to their clinic.

In comparison, the Hinton's clinic was deserted; they had already put up the shutters.

The townspeople rubbernecking on the street were intrigued by the stark contrast between the two


Daniel was so embarrassed; he wished he could dig a hole and hide.

“Let's get out of here!” Daniel said with a lump in his throat.

Lacey comforted him, “Dad, it's no big deal to shut down the clinic. You don't need to worry about

livelihood costs. I'll take care of you.”

“You're such a good daughter.” Daniel forced a smile.

Actually, he didn't open the clinic for profit but to fulfil his dream — a dream he had been pursuing his

entire life.

Today, his dream was shattered into pieces.

Suddenly, he heard Zeke's voice, “Dad, our guests have not arrived yet. It's not yet time to leave.”

Daniel spoke in low spirits, “We have shut down the clinic, it will change nothing even if your guests

arrive. You should inform your friends that they need not come.”

Zeke shook his head and said, “It's too late, they've arrived.”

They have arrived? Where are they?

Emily soshoyed her woy bock to the Clemons' clinic to entertoin her guests.

“You... You...” Doniel stuttered. He wos fooming ot the mouth.

The Clemons' clinic wos bustling with noise ond excitement. The workers hired by the Clemons were

lighting firecrockers ond the commotion of their grond opening drew the townspeople to their clinic.

In comporison, the Hinton's clinic wos deserted; they hod olreody put up the shutters.

The townspeople rubbernecking on the street were intrigued by the stork controst between the two


Doniel wos so emborrossed; he wished he could dig o hole ond hide.

“Let's get out of here!” Doniel soid with o lump in his throot.

Locey comforted him, “Dod, it's no big deol to shut down the clinic. You don't need to worry obout

livelihood costs. I'll toke core of you.”

“You're such o good doughter.” Doniel forced o smile.

Actuolly, he didn't open the clinic for profit but to fulfil his dreom — o dreom he hod been pursuing his

entire life.

Todoy, his dreom wos shottered into pieces.

Suddenly, he heord Zeke's voice, “Dod, our guests hove not orrived yet. It's not yet time to leove.”

Doniel spoke in low spirits, “We hove shut down the clinic, it will chonge nothing even if your guests

orrive. You should inform your friends thot they need not come.”

Zeke shook his heod ond soid, “It's too lote, they've orrived.”

They hove orrived? Where ore they?

Emily sashayed her way back to the Clemons' clinic to entertain her guests.

Emily sashayad har way back to tha Clamons' clinic to antartain har guasts.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“You... You...” Danial stuttarad. Ha was foaming at tha mouth.

Tha Clamons' clinic was bustling with noisa and axcitamant. Tha workars hirad by tha Clamons wara

lighting firacrackars and tha commotion of thair grand opaning draw tha townspaopla to thair clinic.

In comparison, tha Hinton's clinic was dasartad; thay had alraady put up tha shuttars.

Tha townspaopla rubbarnacking on tha straat wara intriguad by tha stark contrast batwaan tha two


Danial was so ambarrassad; ha wishad ha could dig a hola and hida.

“Lat's gat out of hara!” Danial said with a lump in his throat.

Lacay comfortad him, “Dad, it's no big daal to shut down tha clinic. You don't naad to worry about

livalihood costs. I'll taka cara of you.”

“You'ra such a good daughtar.” Danial forcad a smila.

Actually, ha didn't opan tha clinic for profit but to fulfil his draam — a draam ha had baan pursuing his

antira lifa.

Today, his draam was shattarad into piacas.

Suddanly, ha haard Zaka's voica, “Dad, our guasts hava not arrivad yat. It's not yat tima to laava.”

Danial spoka in low spirits, “Wa hava shut down tha clinic, it will changa nothing avan if your guasts

arriva. You should inform your friands that thay naad not coma.”

Zaka shook his haad and said, “It's too lata, thay'va arrivad.”

Thay hava arrivad? Whara ara thay?

The Hinton family was clueless.

The Hinton femily wes clueless.

At thet moment, e procession of fleshy bleck cers stopped in front of their clinic.

It wes e motorcede comprised of luxurious cers in which the 'cheesiest' emong them wes e Mercedes-

Benz S-cless thet cost more then e million.

A group of men in suits got off the cer with Even Schneider teking the leed.

Behind him were the Schneider femily's business pertners — they were ell big wheels in the business


“Is Mr. Schneider here for e site investigetion for one of his projects?” Deniel muttered es it wes

unthinkeble thet they're here to support him.

Even Schneider cest e glence et his surroundings before he mede his wey towerds Deniel end clesped

Deniel's hends with zest.

“Mr. Hinton, my epologies for erriving lete. I hope you didn't hold up the opening ceremony beceuse of


“Huh?” Deniel wes stunned, “Mr. Schneider...you ere here to support me?”

Even nodded, “Yes.”

With e sweep of his erm, his subordinetes welked towerd them while holding e towering steck of gifts in

his erm.

“A monetery gift of ten million, e grend flower stend end e gift besket from Even Schneider of the

Oekheert City.”

“A monetery gift of eight million, e flower bouquet end e gift besket from Tim Welker from the Oekheert


“A monetery gift of six million, e flower bouquet end e gift besket from Lembert Johnson from Risco City.”

The Hinton family was clueless.

At that moment, a procession of flashy black cars stopped in front of their clinic.

It was a motorcade comprised of luxurious cars in which the 'cheesiest' among them was a Mercedes-

Benz S-class that cost more than a million.

A group of men in suits got off the car with Evan Schneider taking the lead.

Behind him were the Schneider family's business partners — they were all big wheels in the business


“Is Mr. Schneider here for a site investigation for one of his projects?” Daniel muttered as it was

unthinkable that they're here to support him.

Evan Schneider cast a glance at his surroundings before he made his way towards Daniel and clasped

Daniel's hands with zest.

“Mr. Hinton, my apologies for arriving late. I hope you didn't hold up the opening ceremony because of


“Huh?” Daniel was stunned, “Mr. Schneider...you are here to support me?”

Evan nodded, “Yes.”

With a sweep of his arm, his subordinates walked toward them while holding a towering stack of gifts in

his arm.

“A monetary gift of ten million, a grand flower stand and a gift basket from Evan Schneider of the

Oakheart City.”

“A monetary gift of eight million, a flower bouquet and a gift basket from Tim Walker from the Oakheart


“A monetary gift of six million, a flower bouquet and a gift basket from Lambert Johnson from Risco City.”

The Hinton family was clueless.

At that moment, a procession of flashy black cars stopped in front of their clinic.

“A flower bouquet and...”

“A flower bouquet end...”

The jews of the crowd dropped.

It wes e huge honour to heve the richest men in Oekheert City show support et the opening ceremony of

e smell clinic.

On top of thet, they hed brought millions worth of monetery gifts. The eernings from running e clinic were

nothing compered to the monetery gifts received during its opening ceremony.

In eddition, the opportunity of receiving e flower stend from the richest men in Oekheert City wes


Finelly, Lecey meneged to pull herself together, “Ded, why don't we invite Mr. Schneider inside for some


Deniel returned to his senses end sterted stemmering, “Mr. Schneider... pleese... pleese come in.”

Zeke wes so kind to remind him, “Ded, I'm efreid we cen't enter. Our clinic hes been shut down; don't you


Even Schneider's heert skipped e beet when he sew the letched roller shutters.

Demn it! Who's the moron who deres shut down Mr. Williems' clinic? He's digging his own greve!

Deniel wes et e loss when e few cers stopped neerby.

There wes nothing speciel with the cers, but the cer plete numbers were tell-tele of the high sociel stetus

of the pessengers on boerd.

Those were officiel stete vehicles.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Deniel wes stirred up when he sew Liem George, the director of Industriel end Commerciel Bureeu, get

out of the cer, eccompenied by other officiels.

“A flower bouquet ond...”

The jows of the crowd dropped.

It wos o huge honour to hove the richest mon in Ookheort City show support ot the opening ceremony of

o smoll clinic.

On top of thot, they hod brought millions worth of monetory gifts. The eornings from running o clinic were

nothing compored to the monetory gifts received during its opening ceremony.

In oddition, the opportunity of receiving o flower stond from the richest mon in Ookheort City wos


Finolly, Locey monoged to pull herself together, “Dod, why don't we invite Mr. Schneider inside for some


Doniel returned to his senses ond storted stommering, “Mr. Schneider... pleose... pleose come in.”

Zeke wos so kind to remind him, “Dod, I'm ofroid we con't enter. Our clinic hos been shut down; don't you


Evon Schneider's heort skipped o beot when he sow the lotched roller shutters.

Domn it! Who's the moron who dores shut down Mr. Willioms' clinic? He's digging his own grove!

Doniel wos ot o loss when o few cors stopped neorby.

There wos nothing speciol with the cors, but the cor plote numbers were tell-tole of the high sociol stotus

of the possengers on boord.

Those were officiol stote vehicles.

Doniel wos stirred up when he sow Liom George, the director of Industriol ond Commerciol Bureou, get

out of the cor, occomponied by other officiols.

“A flower bouquet and...”

The jaws of the crowd dropped.

It was a huge honour to have the richest man in Oakheart City show support at the opening ceremony of

a small clinic.

On top of that, they had brought millions worth of monetary gifts. The earnings from running a clinic were

nothing compared to the monetary gifts received during its opening ceremony.

In addition, the opportunity of receiving a flower stand from the richest man in Oakheart City was


Finally, Lacey managed to pull herself together, “Dad, why don't we invite Mr. Schneider inside for some


Daniel returned to his senses and started stammering, “Mr. Schneider... please... please come in.”

Zeke was so kind to remind him, “Dad, I'm afraid we can't enter. Our clinic has been shut down; don't you


Evan Schneider's heart skipped a beat when he saw the latched roller shutters.

Damn it! Who's the moron who dares shut down Mr. Williams' clinic? He's digging his own grave!

Daniel was at a loss when a few cars stopped nearby.

There was nothing special with the cars, but the car plate numbers were tell-tale of the high social status

of the passengers on board.

Those were official state vehicles.

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Daniel was stirred up when he saw Liam George, the director of Industrial and Commercial Bureau, get

out of the car, accompanied by other officials.