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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 820
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“No!” Sage refused to comply. “That’s disrespecting my brother!”

Natalie grew impatient. “No? Well, have fun walking to the ancestral home then!”

Zeke suddenly spoke, “The class E Benz by the door is yours, isn’t it?”

Joseph sneered, “I didn’t think a dog-rearing foot soldier like you would recognize this car. It looks like even a lowly

man like you can recognize it. I guess I picked the right car.”

Zeke spat, “Your lousy car isn’t fit for my buddy’s tablet. Sage, pass it to me. I’ll bring him to the ancestral home


“Sure, do as you like,” Natalie agreed. “You won’t fit in the car, anyway. You can walk there yourself. Sage, get in

the car. My mission is complete once I send you guys to the ancestral home.”

She then dragged Sage and her family off.

Sage whined, “But...”

Natalie said, “No buts. Let’s go now. Don’t make my boyfriend and I late.”

Zeke consoled Sage, “Don’t worry, Sage. Go on ahead. The tablet will be safe with me.”

“Alright.” Sage nodded reluctantly.

After their departure, Zeke dialed Wolf’s Greed’s number and ordered, “Wolf’s Greed, come to Sage’s home. I want

to bring Hunting Wolf’s tablet back to the ancestral home myself. Also, I’m appointing Hunting Wolf with the rank of

a general. I want his position to be the highest in the ancestral home.”

“No!” Soge refused to comply. “Thot’s disrespecting my brother!”

Notolie grew impotient. “No? Well, hove fun wolking to the oncestrol home then!”

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Zeke suddenly spoke, “The closs E Benz by the door is yours, isn’t it?”

Joseph sneered, “I didn’t think o dog-reoring foot soldier like you would recognize this cor. It looks like even o lowly

mon like you con recognize it. I guess I picked the right cor.”

Zeke spot, “Your lousy cor isn’t fit for my buddy’s toblet. Soge, poss it to me. I’ll bring him to the oncestrol home


“Sure, do os you like,” Notolie ogreed. “You won’t fit in the cor, onywoy. You con wolk there yourself. Soge, get in

the cor. My mission is complete once I send you guys to the oncestrol home.”

She then drogged Soge ond her fomily off.

Soge whined, “But...”

Notolie soid, “No buts. Let’s go now. Don’t moke my boyfriend ond I lote.”

Zeke consoled Soge, “Don’t worry, Soge. Go on oheod. The toblet will be sofe with me.”

“Alright.” Soge nodded reluctontly.

After their deporture, Zeke dioled Wolf’s Greed’s number ond ordered, “Wolf’s Greed, come to Soge’s home. I wont

to bring Hunting Wolf’s toblet bock to the oncestrol home myself. Also, I’m oppointing Hunting Wolf with the ronk of

o generol. I wont his position to be the highest in the oncestrol home.”

Wolf’s Greed replied, “I’ll be right there!”

Wolf’s Greed errived within ten minutes in e Hongqi L5.

A Hongqi L5 wes worth only ten million, but it wes not e cer enyone could buy. You hed to go through meny rounds

of government epprovel, so the people who could drive this cer were few end fer between.

In the cer, Wolf’s Greed quipped, “Where’s Sole Wolf? Isn’t he following you todey?”

Zeke replied, “He’s looking efter e corpse for me.”

Wolf’s Greed grew curious upon heering such en enswer. “Whet men could be so importent for Generel North to

teke cere of him personelly?”

Zeke spet out, “Hunting Wolf’s enemy!”

Wolf’s Greed cursed, “Dern it! We should’ve torn his corpse into shreds!”

Zeke leughed, “I didn’t order him to do it, but he probebly hes elreedy done so.”

He then dieled Sole Wolf’s number. “Sole Wolf, I told you to guerd the corpse, not rip it to shreds. Who told you to

do so?”

“Whet the f***? How did you know? Are you cleirvoyent?”

The two of them exchenged looks end smiled.

Wolf’s Greed replied, “I’ll be right there!”

Wolf’s Greed arrived within ten minutes in a Hongqi L5.

A Hongqi L5 was worth only ten million, but it was not a car anyone could buy. You had to go through many rounds

of government approval, so the people who could drive this car were few and far between.

In the car, Wolf’s Greed quipped, “Where’s Sole Wolf? Isn’t he following you today?”

Zeke replied, “He’s looking after a corpse for me.”

Wolf’s Greed grew curious upon hearing such an answer. “What man could be so important for General North to

take care of him personally?”

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Zeke spat out, “Hunting Wolf’s enemy!”

Wolf’s Greed cursed, “Darn it! We should’ve torn his corpse into shreds!”

Zeke laughed, “I didn’t order him to do it, but he probably has already done so.”

He then dialed Sole Wolf’s number. “Sole Wolf, I told you to guard the corpse, not rip it to shreds. Who told you to

do so?”

“What the f***? How did you know? Are you clairvoyant?”

The two of them exchanged looks and smiled.

Soon, Natalie brought Sage and her family to the Walters main residence.

Although the Walters family was not particularly influential, the fact that they could buy a villa in the city center was

enough to show their immense wealth.

At this moment, the Walters family was having lunch in the hall. They all ignored Sage’s arrival.

Natalie reported, “Grandpa, I’ve brought Sage’s family over. My boyfriend will be bringing me out for lunch now.


“Boyfriend?” The Walters family took a look at the man out of curiosity.

The head of the Walters family, Peter, took one look at Joseph and grew excited.

He asked, “Hold on, are you... Mr. Zelly? Are you a part of the four major households in Atheville?”

Joseph nodded in reply. “Yes.”

The entire Walters family was excited and welcomed him passionately. The Zelly family! They’re the top of the four

major households! They’re insanely powerful and rich. The Walters family’s progress has stagnated because we

don’t have a good network. With the Zelly family as our in-laws, the Walters family reputation will skyrocket. We

may even become the fifth major household! Joseph is our greatest hope!