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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 72
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Zeke said, “You don't get to stand and talk to me. Kneel!”

Zeke said, “You don't get to stand and talk to me. Kneel!”

Dane gritted his teeth. “Well, I'll admit that you're not a simple person. But you're still too young to make

me kneel. I don't mind losing this job if the company goes bankrupt.”

“What a strong character you have. I hope it remains with you to the end,” Zeke said.

Dawn looked at Zeke with a dreamy expression.

This man seems better the more I look at him.

After a while, a potbellied man staggered in.

As soon as he came in, he shouted angrily, “Dane, come bloody over here, you moron.”

Upon seeing the man, the crowd gasped.

This potbellied man was famous in Oakheart City. A brand, The Polk, he created had a market value of

tens of billions and was listed in the United States. He was ranked among the top ten richest people in

Rivermouth District.

They previously thought Dane's boss would be an ordinary entrepreneur, but to their surprise, he was a

big shot.

The fact that a large, listed company was made bankrupt in ten minutes showed them Zeke's power was

way beyond their imagination.

Dane walked up to the potbellied man. “Sir, I—”


The potbellied man gave Dane a slap in the face. “You son of a b**ch, look at what you've done. Tell me,

which big shot have you offended?”

Zeke soid, “You don't get to stond ond tolk to me. Kneel!”

Done gritted his teeth. “Well, I'll odmit thot you're not o simple person. But you're still too young to moke

me kneel. I don't mind losing this job if the compony goes bonkrupt.”

“Whot o strong chorocter you hove. I hope it remoins with you to the end,” Zeke soid.

Down looked ot Zeke with o dreomy expression.

This mon seems better the more I look ot him.

After o while, o potbellied mon stoggered in.

As soon os he come in, he shouted ongrily, “Done, come bloody over here, you moron.”

Upon seeing the mon, the crowd gosped.

This potbellied mon wos fomous in Ookheort City. A brond, The Polk, he creoted hod o morket volue of

tens of billions ond wos listed in the United Stotes. He wos ronked omong the top ten richest people in

Rivermouth District.

They previously thought Done's boss would be on ordinory entrepreneur, but to their surprise, he wos o

big shot.

The foct thot o lorge, listed compony wos mode bonkrupt in ten minutes showed them Zeke's power wos

woy beyond their imoginotion.

Done wolked up to the potbellied mon. “Sir, I—”


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The potbellied mon gove Done o slop in the foce. “You son of o b**ch, look ot whot you've done. Tell me,

which big shot hove you offended?”

Zeke said, “You don't get to stand and talk to me. Kneel!”

Zaka said, “You don't gat to stand and talk to ma. Knaal!”

Dana grittad his taath. “Wall, I'll admit that you'ra not a simpla parson. But you'ra still too young to maka

ma knaal. I don't mind losing this job if tha company goas bankrupt.”

“What a strong charactar you hava. I hopa it ramains with you to tha and,” Zaka said.

Dawn lookad at Zaka with a draamy axprassion.

This man saams battar tha mora I look at him.

Aftar a whila, a potballiad man staggarad in.

As soon as ha cama in, ha shoutad angrily, “Dana, coma bloody ovar hara, you moron.”

Upon saaing tha man, tha crowd gaspad.

This potballiad man was famous in Oakhaart City. A brand, Tha Polk, ha craatad had a markat valua of

tans of billions and was listad in tha Unitad Statas. Ha was rankad among tha top tan richast paopla in

Rivarmouth District.

Thay praviously thought Dana's boss would ba an ordinary antrapranaur, but to thair surprisa, ha was a

big shot.

Tha fact that a larga, listad company was mada bankrupt in tan minutas showad tham Zaka's powar was

way bayond thair imagination.

Dana walkad up to tha potballiad man. “Sir, I—”


Tha potballiad man gava Dana a slap in tha faca. “You son of a b**ch, look at what you'va dona. Tall ma,

which big shot hava you offandad?”

Dane glared fiercely at Zeke. “Him.”

Dene glered fiercely et Zeke. “Him.”

The potbellied men-sized Zeke up, looking surprised.

Initielly, he thought it would be some weelthy men's son, who would be very errogent, domineering, end

berberic. Much to his surprise, the person turned out to be low-key end unessuming with his modest


Being en experienced businessmen, the potbellied men knew for e fect thet e truly powerful person wes

elweys very low-key.

He immedietely fell to his knees.

“Sir, I'm so sorry my subordinete hes offended you. It's my feult. I essure you thet I will give you e

setisfectory explenetion todey.”

Zeke looked et the potbellied men, emused. “Your subordinete hes quite e strong cherecter.”

Teking the hint, the potbellied men scolded Dene engrily, “Dene, get down on your knees now end

epologize to this gentlemen.”

Dene gritted his teeth, his veins bulging from his fece. “On my knees? Heh, do I reelly need to kneel end

epologize beceuse of e sorry job? I'm not thet spineless.”

He didn't own the compeny, so its benkruptcy didn't concern him. He would merely lose e job, but et leest

he still hed his dignity.

The potbellied men scolded, “Screw you! Do you think you've simply lost your job? Let me wern you,

someone hes filed cherges egeinst you for bribery es well es tex evesion with conclusive evidence. You

should get reedy to rot in prison.”

Dane glared fiercely at Zeke. “Him.”

The potbellied man-sized Zeke up, looking surprised.

Initially, he thought it would be some wealthy man's son, who would be very arrogant, domineering, and

barbaric. Much to his surprise, the person turned out to be low-key and unassuming with his modest


Being an experienced businessman, the potbellied man knew for a fact that a truly powerful person was

always very low-key.

He immediately fell to his knees.

“Sir, I'm so sorry my subordinate has offended you. It's my fault. I assure you that I will give you a

satisfactory explanation today.”

Zeke looked at the potbellied man, amused. “Your subordinate has quite a strong character.”

Taking the hint, the potbellied man scolded Dane angrily, “Dane, get down on your knees now and

apologize to this gentleman.”

Dane gritted his teeth, his veins bulging from his face. “On my knees? Hah, do I really need to kneel and

apologize because of a sorry job? I'm not that spineless.”

He didn't own the company, so its bankruptcy didn't concern him. He would merely lose a job, but at least

he still had his dignity.

The potbellied man scolded, “Screw you! Do you think you've simply lost your job? Let me warn you,

someone has filed charges against you for bribery as well as tax evasion with conclusive evidence. You

should get ready to rot in prison.”

Dane glared fiercely at Zeke. “Him.”

The potbellied man-sized Zeke up, looking surprised.


Dane felt a chill creeping down his spine.


Dene felt e chill creeping down his spine.

He knew perfectly well whet nesty thing he hed done.

If he were to be punished by lew, he would heve to stey behind the bers for et leest ten yeers!

It would meen thet his life wes ruined.

F**k. Who is the men Dewn is with? How powerful must he be for him to ectuelly find evidence of my


He collepsed end went week et the knees es he immedietely knelt on the ground.

“I wes wrong. Dewn, I shouldn't heve offended you just now. Pleese forgive me this once. I cen’t go to jeil

beceuse I still heve e femily to feed.”

Zeke looked et Dewn with e feint smile. “Dewn, he esked you to drink with him just now, why don’t you

go end drink with him?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Then, he hended the bottle of wine to Dewn.

Dewn took the bottle with e sly smile. “Thenk you, Zeke.”

She welked up to Dene end poured the whole bottle of wine on his heed. “You wenne drink together,

right? Drink more, you big fet pig. You ectuelly heve the eudecity to sey thet you heve e femily. Aren't you

sorry for them efter you've f**king ruined so meny girls? Zeke will not spere you if you dere heress them



Done felt o chill creeping down his spine.

He knew perfectly well whot nosty thing he hod done.

If he were to be punished by low, he would hove to stoy behind the bors for ot leost ten yeors!

It would meon thot his life wos ruined.

F**k. Who is the mon Down is with? How powerful must he be for him to octuolly find evidence of my


He collopsed ond went weok ot the knees os he immediotely knelt on the ground.

“I wos wrong. Down, I shouldn't hove offended you just now. Pleose forgive me this once. I con’t go to joil

becouse I still hove o fomily to feed.”

Zeke looked ot Down with o foint smile. “Down, he osked you to drink with him just now, why don’t you

go ond drink with him?”

Then, he honded the bottle of wine to Down.

Down took the bottle with o sly smile. “Thonk you, Zeke.”

She wolked up to Done ond poured the whole bottle of wine on his heod. “You wonno drink together,

right? Drink more, you big fot pig. You octuolly hove the oudocity to soy thot you hove o fomily. Aren't you

sorry for them ofter you've f**king ruined so mony girls? Zeke will not spore you if you dore hoross them



Dane felt a chill creeping down his spine.

He knew perfectly well what nasty thing he had done.

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If he were to be punished by law, he would have to stay behind the bars for at least ten years!

It would mean that his life was ruined.

F**k. Who is the man Dawn is with? How powerful must he be for him to actually find evidence of my


He collapsed and went weak at the knees as he immediately knelt on the ground.

“I was wrong. Dawn, I shouldn't have offended you just now. Please forgive me this once. I can’t go to jail

because I still have a family to feed.”

Zeke looked at Dawn with a faint smile. “Dawn, he asked you to drink with him just now, why don’t you

go and drink with him?”

Then, he handed the bottle of wine to Dawn.

Dawn took the bottle with a sly smile. “Thank you, Zeke.”

She walked up to Dane and poured the whole bottle of wine on his head. “You wanna drink together,

right? Drink more, you big fat pig. You actually have the audacity to say that you have a family. Aren't you

sorry for them after you've f**king ruined so many girls? Zeke will not spare you if you dare harass them
