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Let Me Stay The Night Novel (Christina and Nathaniel)

Chapter 611
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Chapter 611 Greed

Even though Sebastian still didn’t understand, he didn’t persist in his questioning out of professionalism. Instead, he

turned around and got back to work.

Christina finished dinner and wrapped herself in her comfy blankets after a shower. With her phone in hand, she

video-called Nathaniel to tell him about her day.

Nathaniel was busy, so Christina was the one who did most of the talking. Nevertheless, he would make the effort to

reply to everything she said to prove he was listening.

After nearly three hours, Christina began to doze off. xo.com fast update

Nathaniel put on his earphones and set his phone at eye level, then continued his meeting with a softer


His gaze occasionally strayed to Christina’s sleeping face. The sight of her soundly asleep calmed his irritation,

sparing his colleagues, who didn’t do a good job, from a tongue lashing. D

Waking up the next day, Christina noticed her phone battery had died and recalled how she’d fallen asleep without

ending the video call.

Sh*t! I’m sure Nathaniel is p”ssed that he couldn’t reach me when the video call ended suddenly.

She hurriedly rummaged through the drawers for her phone cable, plugging one end into her phone and the other

into the charging cube. After waiting a few minutes for her phone to power up, she noticed Nathaniel had texted

her good night after the call ended.

It’s six something in the morning. Nathaniel should still be in bed at this hour, so it’s probably not a good time to call

him and explain.

After racking her brain, Christina concluded that the man wasn’t angry and happily returned to her warm. comfy

bed. She then began tapping away on her phone, explaining her “mistake” from the night before.

Once done, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom to wash up.

Christina purposefully dressed like a wealthy lady that day. Every detail, from head to toe, exuded an air of luxury

that hinted at her wealth. She had chosen this attire with a specific purpose in mind, for she was about to do

something that would send shockwaves through the entire Gibson family.

Sebastian wasn’t the least bit surprised by her choice of attire.

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Given the esteemed status and vast wealth of the Hadley family, it was only fitting for its members to lead lives of


When Sebastian heard about Christina’s plan, he took it upon himself to enhance her ensemble with a limited

edition purse worth tens of millions, adding a touch of opulence to her attire. Even her car exuded luxury, perfectly

complementing her lavish image.

After enjoying a sumptuous breakfast, Christina, accompanied by Sebastian and Lyle, headed to the Gibson


The atmosphere at the Gibson residence was filled with chaos and tension. Family members were engaged

in heated arguments about the division of family property and the selection of an heir. Their faces were flushed

with anger, their expressions contorted with a fierce determination to secure the best possible outcome for their

own families.

Guiding the family meeting was a revered elder of the Gibson family, Alistair Gibson. Each member of the Gibson

family would have to approach him with the utmost respect and address him as “Uncle Alistair.”

The family had been embroiled in the same issue throughout the night, engaging in heated debates and

discussions. The prolonged arguments had taken a toll on their energy, and weariness had settled in Despite their

best efforts, a satisfactory resolution still eluded them.

“Even though Christina is Timothy’s biological daughter, she did not grow up within our family and therefore did not

receive the necessary education and grooming expected of an heir. Considering her marriage and the strained

relationship her husband has with our family, it is highly likely that she will align herself with his interests,” said

Alistair. “That’s all the more reason not to let her succeed the family.”

“That’s right. I agree,” someone concurred agitatedly.

Timothy sat silently at the side, sipping his tea calmly as though his daughter wasn’t the topic of discussion. Nigel

had tried to provoke Timothy a few times already but to no avail.

After multiple failed attempts at ruffling Timothy’s feathers, Nigel grew increasingly dissatisfied and confronted him.

“Timothy, shouldn’t you say something? This discussion is happening because of you.”

Timothy continued to stay silent, ignoring Nigel’s attempts to get a rise out of him. Nigel’s temper flared up, and he

shouted, “How much longer will you keep putting on airs, Timothy? There are so many people here today. Kunning

away won’t solve the issue we’re facing”

Timothy slowly raised his head, his eyes scanning the chaotic room before settling on Nigel, who was shouting at

him from across the room.

“Were you talking to me?” Timothy pinched the spot between his brows. “I’m sorry about that. I haven’t slept all

night, and my health hasn’t been the best, so I accidentally dozed off.”

The rest of the family members felt their blood pressure rise, almost to the point of having a stroke, upon realizing

that the subject of their intense debate had slept through the entire night without a care.

Do me look like monkeys performing to him?

Even the typically generous elder couldn’t hide his displeasure with Timothy’s attitude. He addressed Timothy

directly, cutting to the chase. “Timothy, let me be clear. I strongly oppose the idea of dividing the family property

and changing the heir. While I won’t prevent you from providing some form of compensation to your daughter out

of guilt, there must be limits. In the Gibson family, everyone’s voice matters. You don’t have the authority to make

all the decisions”

Timothy’s gaze turned icy as it fell on Alistair and Azure. His voice was curt and filled with determination. “I simply

want to reclaim what rightfully belongs to me

“In other words, you intend to les Christina inherit the entire Gibson Corporation. She doesn’t possess the slightest

knowledge of running a company or handling business negotiations. In the end, Nathaniel will be the one reaping

the benefits, Nigel resorted, his voice dripping with sarcasm

Azure nodded in agreement. “Nigel is right”

Timothy sneered as he forcefully placed the teacup on the table, causing a loud thud that reverberated through the

room. The thud resembled the warning bells that were ringing in their minds.

Timothy then began, “Perhaps you have conveniently forgotten a crucial detail while indulging in your luxurious

lifestyle for the past two decades. The Gibson Corporation, established by my father, faced bankruptcy fifteen years

ago. It was my wife and I who painstakingly rebuilt the present-day Gibson Corporation.”

“We are merely tenants in this building, leasing the office spaces. While the current Gibson Corporation bears the

Gibson name, it is my name that resounds throughout the company. The commissions you receive annually from

the Gibson Corporation are based on a contract signed by my father many years ago, a contract that should have

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long expired and become invalid. However, out of consideration for past familial relations, my mother and brother

chose to extend the benefits stipulated in the initial contract. I, personally, did not sign that contract. Therefore, I

suggest you discuss the intricacies of the agreement with the individual who did,” he continued.

Timothy left no room for further debate as he concluded with unwavering determination, “Effective immediately,

the Gibson Corporation will be relocating from its current office building, and none of you have any authority to

interfere in company affairs.”

Nigel’s and Azure’s expressions turned dour. They knew better than anyone else in the room who was the real

owner of Gibson Corporation.

Nigel stormed across the room toward Timothy, his voice filled with anger as he hissed. “Timothy, you can’t do that.

You’re cornering Mom and me with no way out!

“The Gibson family declared you as the heir and CEO of Gibson Corporation. But I distinctly recall that I only granted

you a power of attorney. Your greed knows no bounds, Nigel.” Timothy’s voice grew louder, reverberating with

authority. D

The entire room erupted into chaos, particularly among those who had relied on the old contracts to reap benefits

from Gibson Corporation for years. Panic gripped them as they faced the prospect of potential losses.

If Nigel’s position as CEO is revoked and Timothy feigns ignorance about all the previously signed contracts, those

agreements would be rendered meaningless, akin to mere scraps of paper!

The members of the family began turning toward Nigel, demanding an explanation from him.

Meanwhile, Timothy continued to drive his message home by saying, “If you wish, you can sell me your shares at

the current market price.”

Nigel figured that he had nothing to lose since things had gotten to this point. Thus, he thundered, “Don’t believe his

b*llsh*t! Gibson Corporation wouldn’t be what it is today if he had the financial means. As long as we don’t divide

the family property, all of you can still enjoy the current benefits you receive. Dividing the property would be a

grave mistake!”

Just then, Christina entered the hall with a graceful stride, accompanied by Sebastian and Lyle.

“I was the one who suggested dividing the family property. If anyone has any objections or grievances regarding

this, you can address them to me.”