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King of the Underworld by RJ Kane

Chapter 325
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Chapter Three Hundred Twenty-Five


“The Mexicans still haven’t figured out that Lorenzo was going to sacrifice them to overthrow Boss, basically. Do

you have any spies within their ranks? Can you get word to any of them that was the plan? We can cause a little

division between them and Ricardo,” Ivan said.

“Si, I can get word to them. That’s how Martin made it out. Two of the guys that are loyal to me created a diversion

so Martin could escape. They’re high enough in ranks that they’ll be able to get word to the right people,” Trino


“There needs to be a little friction between them and Ricardo. Since Ricardo is obsessed with being better than me,

I’d like for him to understand that’s not possible before he d ies,” Adrik said. He was sitting at his desk, across the

office from where I was on the couch with Andrei. I could feel his anger, but it was at a controllable level. His

patience was wearing thin and his frustration with me being hurt was beginning to become a problem.

“I learned how to be extra spicy from watching him,” I said to Andrei in Russian, so only he could hear. I was hoping

he’d be able to contain his laughter. He made a valiant effort, but still inevitably laughed loud enough that everyone

heard him. Adrik raised his eyebrow at me, wanting to know what had happened. I kept my mo uth sh ut and just

smiled at him, hoping it wouldn’t irritate him more.

“I’m considering going back to Colombia soon, Jefe. I don’t like being away for too long, as I’m sure you understand.

There is also the matter of Massimo that still needs to be addressed,” Trino said.

“I won’t keep you here, Trino. You’re always welcome, but I would want to be in Colombia if I were you. We’ll keep

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an eye on Sal. I expect them to return. Keep me informed on the Mexicans. I’ll do the same for Sal and the other

two bosses,” Adrik said.

They continued to talk for a few minutes before Trino left with the three guys brave enough to be in the same room

as me. Once they were gone and Viktor had returned, Adrik looked at me and Andrei. “Now, do you want to tell me

what you two were laughing about?” He tried to say it sternly, but 1 could tell it was an act.

I giggled. “They’ve been saying that they like the extra spicy version of me, so when you said what you said about

Ricardo, I told Bubba that I learned it from watching you.”

I could feel the pull in my chest that meant he was thinking about how much he loved me. His smirk evident on his

face, he just pointed to me, then pointed to his desk. Andrei helped me off the couch so I could go to him. He

pushed his chair back so I could sit in his lap, his arms wrapped tightly around me. He leaned down, his lips next to

my ear, whispering, “it’s getting more and more difficult to fight my desire for you, solnishko. Especially when

you’re bratty. It makes me want to f**k it out of you.” As soon as he got the words out, I felt his intense desire for

me. He knew I always struggled to control myself when I felt it and now we were in front of everyone so I had no

choice but to contain myself.

I laughed quietly, trying to maintain control. “You’re a little bit evil,” I said quietly so only he could hear. I pushed my

hips back into him discreetly, causing his breath to hitch just slightly.

“So are you,” he said, his arms holding me tightly.

“I feel like we should celebrate your last dose of antibiotic, gazelle,” Misha said, his wide, handsome smile across his

face. Me and the Wonder Twins were once again in the kitchen making me snacks while the rest of the guys were

downstairs with Armando.

“I am glad it kept me from having to go back to the hospital, but I am more glad that I won’t have to take it any

more after this one. I’m hoping my appetite actually goes back to normal now. And that I can do more than, well,

nothing,” I said.

“We’re all looking forward to that, spider monkey. The gym is more fun when you’re there,” Andrei said.

“Well, you didn’t tell me that. I could’ve been your cheerleader this whole time, but you guys have been going while

I was sleeping. You only have yourselves to blame for that poor life choice,” I said, grinning at them both.

“Do you know how much trouble we’d be in if we got you to go to the gym with us and it made you sleep for a day

and a half again?” Misha asked.

I laughed. “That’s fair. Is this how he was before he met me?” I asked. Adrik had been almost cranky lately. He

refused to even attempt s*x with me because he was worried I wouldn’t be able to catch my breath. Really, he was

worried he wouldn’t be able to hold back. Honestly, I was also worried. Not being able to catch my breath after he

kissed me a few times had scared me. I didn’t want to tell him, as I didn’t want him to think he couldn’t


chould talk to him about it, sphlet anskey,” Andrei sand I was too busy laughing with Misha to notice that Andrei had

stopped paying attention bo wat vanwwqvation hosteal be was fishing around

my head.

“I now understand Stephen’s aversion to being read,” I said. Misha looked at mi, confused.

“Talk to who about what he asked.

“Talk to Bows. He’s cranky because she’s still hunt, so there’s been no, uh, extracurricular activities lately. But she

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got scared a few times when he kissed her and she couldic’t catch her breath after. She won’t tell him, though,

Andrei said.

Misu looked at me seriously. “You should talk to him about it. It will help him be a little more patient while you heal a

little more. You’re acting more like yourself lately, but we don’t know what your lung feels like. Neither does he. Just

because it’s not hurting you doesn’t mean it’s completely healed. And you heard the doctor, it’s easy to get

pneumonia again until your long completely heals. None of us want you to have to go back to the hospital”

“I don’t want him to feel like he can’t touch me,” I said. “Knowing him, he will,”

“He won’t,” Andrei said. “Knowing that you’re still struggling to catch your breath, and especially that it scared you,

will help him keep that side of him under control, if you will. The last thing he wants to do is hurt you.”

“He’s still working through you being taken. Guys like to show that we’re in love with physical intimacy. He just wants

to show you that he loves you is all. If he knows that you’re still struggling even with him kissing you, it’ll be easier

for him to wait,” Misha said.

“How did you two get to be so handsome and so wise?” I said, smiling at both of them.

“Stop trying to change the subject, spider monkey. I’ll tell him if you don’t,” Andrei said, grinning at me.

“I ha te you.” Just for fun, I made my eyes go dark. Now that I’d been playing with it more, I could tell when it

happened more easily. It would still surprise me, like during my last check-up, but I was becoming aware of when it

happened and more importantly, I could control it when it happened. I’ had to admit that I was having more fun

with it than I probably should. I knew the guys weren’t intimidated by it, but Trino definitely was. I probably liked that

a little too much.

“You love me and you know you do. Your demon eyes don’t scare me,” Andrei said, laughing.

“Who knew one of the side effects of antibiotics was extra spicy attitude?” Misha said.