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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 581
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Chapter 581

After some time, Amelia replied softly, "Frank, could you let go first?"

He hesitated for a moment but ended up releasing her.

Out of jealousy, he had confessed to her on an impulse and kissed her too, so it was natural for her to be

frightened. He knew that her mind was in a mess right now because he felt the same. However, he did not regret

his actions today.

As soon as he released her, she immediately pushed him out of her room. After doing so, she took a step back and

slammed the door shut.

"Amelia. Amelia!" Frank continued to bang on the door.

"Leave, Frank! Leave right now! I don't want to face you, nor do I want to see you now. Leave my house right

away!" She urged him to leave from behind her door.

Not only did he not leave immediately, but he even continued to bang on the door for some time. However, Amelia

no longer bothered about him. In the end, he decided to leave dejectedly. As he turned around to head downstairs,

he saw Sophia and Desmond standing not too far from him.

The loud bangs and yells he made must have alerted the people downstairs, so they came up to find out what was


Sophia was unsure what had happened between the two, but she noticed Frank's dark countenance. She walked

over and stated calmly, "President Mendelson, you should leave."

Desmond also stepped forward and told him, "Sir, let's head home."

Without saying a word, Frank nodded soullessly and walked down the stairs with a downcast look.

Desmond was worried that Frank would miss a step, so he rushed forward to help him down the stairs.

Along the way, Frank did not utter a single word, even up till they entered their car.

Desmond expressed his concern, "What's wrong, sir? Did you explain everything to Ms. Taylor? Did you end up

arguing with each other again?"

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Frank remained silent for some time before answering softly, "I confessed my feelings to Amelia."

"Huh?" Desmond was shocked.

At that moment, Frank glowered at him.

Desmond explained, "Sir, it would be pretty much impossible for Ms. Taylor to believe your confession at the

moment. You should wait at least another couple of months. By then, she would trust that you've given up on Young

Mistress Coleman."

"But if I don't confess my feelings, she will continue to misunderstand my feelings and get jealous of Kendall." Frank

looked like a child who had been wronged. "I don't want her to have the wrong impression of me or be jealous. I

don't want to feel jealous either. She's got photos of random men on the entire wall in her room. There were a lot

of photos of Ronnie, but there isn't even a single photo of me."

It took Desmond a moment to respond, "Sir, you destroyed every photo Ms. Taylor snapped of you. Where else

could she have gotten your photo to paste on her wall?"

Frank maintained his silence. Back then, he was fixated on exploiting Amelia, but he did not bear any feelings for

her. As such, he kicked up a fuss about having his photos taken by her.

Never would he have realized that he would end up enraptured by Amelia and in love with her.

He felt a pang in his heart upon seeing her wild collection of handsome men's photos, but none of them was of him.

Ridden with jealousy, he found his heart ached poorly.

"How did Ms. Taylor react?" Desmond changed the topic and asked about Amelia's reaction.

At that point, he felt like he was almost Frank's relationship consultant. Gosh, it's not easy being a butler nowadays.

It would be tough to do this job without being multi-talented.

Meanwhile, Frank responded huffily, "Didn't you see it yourself? She reacted by kicking me out of the house. She

said she didn't want to see me and told me to leave."

Desmond remained silent.

"I've explained everything to her and told her I didn't regard her as Kendall's replacement. I said I'm in love with

her, and we also shared a kiss. However, she doesn't trust me still."

At that moment, Desmond was rendered speechless. Shared a kiss?! Mr. Mendelson went too far ahead of himself.

It's no wonder that Ms. Taylor kicked him out of the house. He didn't even give her some time to calm down and get

used to everything.

"Head over to Coleman Empire Holdings." Suddenly, Frank instructed the driver.

"Sir, are you going to seek Master Dylan for another consultation?"

"Who else can I ask? His snubs and derisive words would bring me to my senses and calm me down. I need to

figure out my next step."

At that point, Desmond was tempted to remind Frank that they were supposed to be at loggerheads. Mr. Mendelson

has been popping in to see Master Dylan regularly. Does he still regard Master Dylan as his rival? If they've decided

to call a truce, then it would be great if they learn to appreciate each other.

"The problem with that guy is that his consultation fee is too expensive," Frank complained. "It doesn't matter. I'll

just assume that I'm covering the diaper costs for my goddaughter."

"Sir, you don't have a goddaughter, though."

"His daughter is my goddaughter. He might not have a daughter now, but that doesn't mean he won't have one in

the future. I'm certain his first child will be a daughter, so she'll be my goddaughter."

In his dreams, Kendall and Dylan's baby was a girl.

Desmond mentioned, "If Master Dylan and his wife obtain a girl as their first child, the elder Colemans would be

delighted. From then on, Kendall's position in the Coleman Family would be secure."

"Is her position in the family at risk of being toppled right now? Who dares to do that?" Frank immediately stood up

for Kendall domineeringly and acted as if he was her strong support.

"Sir, you'd better not let Ms. Taylor hear this. She might misunderstand again."

"I've bared myself to Amelia."

Desmond had no idea what to say. I merely let Mr. Mendelson head upstairs by himself for just a short moment, and

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there he went and revealed everything. He was mortified by the turn of events.

As Frank went over to bother Dylan again, Kendall received a phone call from her best friend. She had just arrived

at the airport with Emma, but they had yet to meet up with Mr. Gould and the others.

The presidents of the various companies working in collaboration with Parker Corporation chose to pay a visit today.

As such, Kendall's work was consolidated, which meant less work for her.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Kendall walked alongside Emma while answering her best friend's call.

"Where are you now, Kendall?" asked Amelia as she heard the bustling background noise.

"I'm currently at the airport with Emma, and we're about to meet a few important clients. We haven't met up with

our clients yet. What's wrong, Amy?" Kendall explained everything because she was afraid that Amelia would jump

to the conclusion that she was bothering her.

"I'm in a mess now, so I wanted to chat with you. If you're busy, just go ahead with your work. I'll head downstairs

to bring a bottle of wine to my room so I can get drunk. Then, I'll be able to fall asleep. I should feel much better

after that."

"Amy, I'm free at the moment, so tell me what's going on exactly. Why do you need alcohol to numb yourself?"

Kendall expressed concern, "Is it related to Frank? Or has something happened to your family's company?"

She reckoned that Amelia would not be hesitant to talk if it was a business issue. As such, she guessed that it was

because of Frank.

After a moment of silence, Amelia replied, "Kendall, Frank confessed his feelings to me. He said he wasn't sure

when he fell for me and told me he had never regarded me as your replacement. He said he was obsessed with

you because of the baby, but the person he truly loves is me. I'm so confused and frustrated!"

At that point, Kendall was at a loss for words. Frank has certainly improved after paying several hundred million in

consultation fees. Look at how he's gone and confessed his feelings directly.

"Kendall, I won't jump to the wrong conclusion and misunderstand his relationship with you, but I'm just… I don't

know what to do. This is all too sudden!" Amelia was frustrated.

Kendall considered the situation before suggesting, "Your relationship with Frank has nothing to do with me, so I

won't interfere. However, you're feeling confused right now, so I don't mind giving you some suggestions. You can

leave Orapolis silently and go on a trip to relax. Calm your mind, and you can return to deal with him later."