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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 92
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Chapter 91 I’m His Maid

Chloe blinked her eyes, meeting Lily’s curious gaze.

“I cook for him because I’m his maid,” she explained.

They lived under the same roof. They were devoid of the love and affection that a

married couple shared, but they shared the mundane chores of daily life. Was that not what a maid


If she was not a maid, then what was she?

Lily was stunned. “You’re his maid?” she parroted.

“Yeah. Do I not look like one?”

Lily knew that wealthy families would often have strict requirements when hiring maids, but someone

as beautiful as Chloe was a rare find. She could not help but feel a little disappointed. A person who

could make the CEO of Patterson personally come out to greet them must be extraordinary in some


Besides, his height was perfect, his appearance was impeccable, and he had an extraordinary air

about him. He was the dream man of every woman in the world.

But unfortunately, he was not Chloe’s boyfriend.

“Why did you refuse to give Adam your number? If you could get together with him, you wouldn’t have

to work during the day and be a maid at night,” said David.

David Lane was the oldest member of the team. He had been with Baxon for five years. and had

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expected to be promoted to team leader, but Chloe had beaten him to it. Therefore, he was always

finding fault with her work.

Chloe glanced at him and said, “I don’t like Adam. He’s not my type.”

“His father is the CEO of Patterson. If you marry him, you’ll live a life of luxury and become a wealthy

lady for the rest of your days. Isn’t that the ultimate goal for women? “David pressed on.

Lily felt uncomfortable hearing this. “Not all women want to be housewives,” she said.

“Come on, why do you girls try so hard to come to Baxon if you don’t want to marry into a wealthy

family?” David sneered.

Everyone knew that there were plenty of eligible men in big companies, and it was not uncommon for

women to use work as an excuse to find a partner.

“Then why don’t you shave your head?” Chloe joked.

“Why should I shave my head?” David asked in confusion.

“In ancient times, eunuchs all shaved their heads. Since you know women so well, you could have

been an emperor’s favored eunuch.” Chloe chuckled.

David’s face sank.

Upon their return to Baxon, Chloe threw herself into her work, her fingers tapping the keyboard in a

steady rhythm, creating a crisp staccato of clicks. She diligently followed Patterson’s advice and made

revisions to the document, which was not supposed to be a daunting task. However, the word “feeling”

mentioned by the other party posed a challenge.

In a world of infinite possibilities, each person had their own unique perception of feelings. If everyone

felt the same way about something, it would not truly be considered a feeling.

To concentrate, Chloe put on her headphones and tuned out the world, immersing herself in soft, gentle

music. When David emerged from the restroom, he saw Chloe sitting at her desk, diligently revising the


A hint of resentment flickered across his face. If it were not for this girl suddenly appearing out of

nowhere, the position of team leader would have been his.

At this moment, everyone’s phone in the office buzzed. It turned out that Patterson had changed the

deadline for submitting the proposal and was now demanding it by


Lily grumbled in annoyance, “Well, there goes our dinner plans for tonight.”

“You guys can go ahead without me. I’m almost done,” Chloe said as she removed her headphones.

“We can’t let you stay here alone and work overtime,” Lily replied.

The others chimed in, but their disappointment was evident.

David’s eyes rolled and an idea took shape in his mind.

“You guys go ahead. My wife is working the night shift tonight, and I need to go pick her up. I’ll take

care of the remaining work,” he said.

With that, he went to stand beside Chloe, asking about her progress on the proposal.

Chloe could not resist his enthusiasm, and since there were only some minor detalls left to adjust, she


That night, Chloe had a few drinks at the dinner table. Lily took several pxo.com fast

updateictures of her to post on her social media. In the pictures, Chloe’s cheeks were tinted with a rosy

hue, her eyes appeared dreamy, and her long hair cascaded over her shoulders. She leaned lazily

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against Lily, revealing a slender and fair-skinned neck that exuded a charming and delicate feminine

air. Despite her innocent appearance, there was a subtle hint of coquettishness on her face.

As Harry scrolled through his social media feed, he came across the photo posted by Chloe’s friend. It

appeared to him that they were at a restaurant near Baxon. Harry quickly took a screenshot and sent it

to Icarus along with the address.

“Chloe is having a department dinner tonight, and she seems to be drunk. Do you want to create an

accidental encounter?” Harry asked.

Icarus looked at the photos of Chloe and replied with a smile, “I don’t want to create an accidental

encounter. I just want to be her driver.”

The dinner ended at eleven o’clock. Lily’s boyfriend came to pick her up and offered to give Chloe a

ride. However, Chloe turned down his offer.

“It’s okay. I’ll just take a cab. Lily has had quite a few drinks, so please take care of her.”

“Are you sure? It’s not easy to get a cab at this time,” he insisted.

Lying drunkenly in the back seat, Lily chimed in, “Ms. Chloe isn’t going home. She’s going to work as a

maid. It’s really tough!”

“At this time of night? Working as a maid?” Lily’s boyfriend was surprised, and it was apparent that he

had misunderstood the situation.

Chloe was speechless.

After sending Lily on her way, Chloe took out her phone and opened up a ride-hailing app. Suddenly, a

BMW pulled up and parked in the adjacent parking space.

She looked up and saw Icarus stepping out of the car. With a gentle smile, he personally opened the

passenger seat door, his gold-rimmed glasses exuding an air of refinement and elegance. “The ride

you called for has arrived, madam. Please, get in