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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 629
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Chapter 629 It Was Every Man for Themselves

Emily was stunned, and she unconsciously reached up to rub her ears.”What did you say?”

Was Joseph truly this generous?

“If you’re a fan of Master Zaman, you can have them all. They’re just taking up space here.” Joseph said, turning to

address Lucas who stood behind him. “Help her move the artwork in the basement.”

Lucas nodded and proceeded toward the basement to move the pieces.

Joseph put on his shoes at the entrance and turned his gaze toward the bewildered Emily. He paused for a moment

and continued, “I acted impulsively at the hospital last week.”

After some time, Emily realized that Joseph was apologizing to her. Feeling guilty about taking the statue without

permission, she followed suit and accepted his apology. “It’s fine, I accept your apology…”

Joseph’s deep eyes shifted toward the direction of the bedroom. “Spend more time with Chloe when you have the

chance. I’m sure she gets bored being here alone.”

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Emily did not like hearing this. “Why don’t you set her free then?”

“Not right now,” Joseph responded firmly. It was too dangerous with Duskfall lurking about. They might harm her.

“What about in the future?” Emily asked sarcastically.

“Not in the future either,” Joseph replied with resolve, his voice tinged with stubbornness.

Seeing that reasoning with him was futile, Emily decided not to waste any more words. She snorted and

approached Lucas, returning the small statue with great determination. “I don’t want the possessions of a

scumbag!” She had thought of taking advantage of the situation, but she refused to let others look down on her.

Lucas, panting heavily, struggled to bring up two statues as tall as full-grown adults. Upon hearing Emily’s words, he

quickly covered her mouth. “But you have to take them. I can’t move them back. I’m tired as hell.” Without waiting

for her response, he pulled her away.

When Joseph emerged from the shower, the helper had prepared the brewed herbal blend intended for Chloe.

Joseph stated, “Give it to me.”

“Let me handle it. When Ms. Chloe sees the herbal drink, she becomes quite emotional. It wouldn’t be ideal if it

affects you.”

“It’s not a problem.”

The helper glanced at the closed bedroom door and reluctantly passed the herbal soup to him. “You treat Ms. Chloe

too well.” So well that she was spoiled rotten and had no regard for moderation.

Joseph took the herbal drink and pushed open the door to the bedroom. As soon as Chloe saw what he held in his

hand, a look of rejection flashed through her almond-shaped eyes. Her gaze then shifted to Joseph, and her eyes

slowly hardened.

Joseph felt a pang in his heart. “It isn’t an abortion concoction.”

Chloe remained silent, but a mocking smirk formed at the corner of her mouth. “If it’s not, is it a medicine to aid

pregnancy then?”

“No, it’s meant to nourish your body.”

Her delicate brows furrowed, expressing her confusion and skepticism. “Why do I need to drink this?”

“The hospital diagnosed you with anemia, so you need to replenish your iron levels,” Joseph said, taking a seat

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beside the bedside. His handsome face carried a trace of helplessness. “I may have been angry with you, but the

truth is that I’ve never done anything to harm you. Can you please stop doubting me at every turn?”

At that moment, he experienced the bitter taste of making wrong decisions and committing one mistake after


Chloe’s eyes flickered as she lowered her gaze to the pale blue veins on the back of her hand. It was true that she

had been anemic since childhood. Her mother’s frail health had passed on to her, making her inherently weaker

than other children.

And her life turned for the worse when Benjamin brought Karen home after her mother’s passing. In that

household, it had been every man for themselves.

Chloe let go of her concerns, took hold of the small porcelain bowl, and swiftly downed the herbal drink.

“Is it bitter?” Joseph asked.

In the past, she would have acted coy and sought comfort from him, pretending to be cute. But now, she simply

shook her head, her expression indifferent.

Joseph pursed his thin lips, unsure whether to offer the piece of candy in his hand or not. In the end, he decided to

give it to her. “Here, have some candy. I remember that you like this brand.”

Chloe gazed at the candy in his hand. It was wrapped in exquisite packaging, which seemed strangely familiar. After

a moment of contemplation, she recalled that this was the same candy Noah used to bring her.