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Jojo and Coco's Unexpected Love pdf

Chapter 611
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Chapter 611 Xavia Becomes Joseph’s Wife Because She’s Pregnant

“It’s no small favor. You saved Coco’s life. When she regains her freedom, she’ll definitely express her heartfelt

gratitude to you,” Emily said sincerely.

Noah frowned. “But didn’t you say she went home? Isn’t she free now?”

“I’m not entirely sure. All she told me was that Joseph took her back to his house. For now, she and the child should

be safe,” Emily replied. Unbeknownst to her, Chloe had kept the incident of Joseph forcefully feeding her the herbal

medicine a secret to spare her from worry.

Noah quickly grasped Chloe’s current situation. “So apart from not undergoing the procedure, she’s still confined

much like before.”

“Yeah, but it’s slightly better than being in the hospital because she can make phone calls now,

Emily explained.


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“What does she use to make calls? A mobile phone?” Noah asked.

“No, it’s a landline,” Emily answered.

Noah nodded understandingly and got the landline number from Emily. Without continuing the conversation, he

casually found an excuse to end the call.

“Noah, I can help you pursue Coco, but you have to promise to treat the child well and not have any biases,” Emily

said, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Chloe was beautiful, had her own small company, and could raise a child on her own after getting a divorce. But

compared to a large enterprise like Exotic Star Noah owned, there was still a significant difference. However, it

usually took two to tango when it came to relationships.

Noah paused for a moment. “You’ve misunderstood. I don’t have feelings for Coco.”

“Nonsense! I can tell!” Emily retorted. She had sensed it since their first meeting. However, she thought he was just

shy and thus did not say it out loud.

Listening to the call end beeping tone, Noah glanced at the time. It was 4 p.m. Joseph should still be in the office, so

Noah dialed the number that Emily had provided.

“Hello? Who’s on the line?” A middle-aged woman’s voice came from the other end of the


Noah did not say a word and simply hung up. After contemplating for a while, he asked his driver, “Will Grandfather

be attending Mr. Harold’s funeral?”

“No, Mr. Desmond went back to his hometown. He doesn’t know about recent events at the Whitman household,”

the driver replied.

When Noah entered college, Desmond announced his retirement and rarely interfered with

Exotic Star’s internal affairs. He would only give his opinions when it came to major decisions.

“When will he be back?”

“I’m not certain. Probably within the next day or two.”

“Please inform him that Mr. Harold has passed and ask if he wants to visit the Whitmans.”

In the evening, Xavia accompanied Joseph to the financial conference. Despite her prominent baby bump, she

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adorned an elegant dress. Throughout the event, she remained intimately close to Joseph and clung to his arm. The

visible evidence of her pregnancy, combined with her reputation in the art world, captured the attention of the

attending reporters.

During the conference, they uncovered Xavia’s past relationship with Joseph, making it the hottest gossip of the


“What the hell? Didn’t Joseph get married a long time ago? I recall that this woman isn’t his wife though.”

“Did he abandon his wife because this woman is pregnant?”

“Don’t say that. After all, he and this current woman were together for five years before this. Who knows? Maybe

Chiloe was the one who got in the way of their relationship.”

“I agree with the previous comment. There is an order when it comes to love.”

“Um… I work at a photography shop, and last month, Joseph and Chloe came to take their wedding photos. If we’re

talking about looks alone, Chloe is no less beautiful than Xavia. Joseph ordered a custom-made Estren wedding

gown too. I think he really likes Chloe.”

“Who wouldn’t like a young and beautiful woman? If I had the money, I’d form a harem with not just two women,

but as many as possible.”