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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 69
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Chapter 69 No Reason to Stay When the doctor and nurse left, they saw Aidan. Then, the doctor

asked, “You must be the patient’s family. She—” Aidan retracted his gaze and answered coldly, “No.”

“So, who might you be?” “Just a passerby.” The doctor was rendered speechless. If you were just a

passerby, why would you stand here for so long? Just as the doctor was about to leave, Aidan

suddenly spoke, “She has an upset stomach. Please check on her.” The doctor was stunned before

asking, “Upset stomach? What are the specific symptoms?” “Nauseous and constant feeling of wanting

to puke.”

He smiled gently and replied, “Those are indeed symptoms of an upset stomach, but the patient has

been pregnant for four months. Nausea and vomiting are normal pregnancy reactions, so don’t be too

anxious.” Aidan was initially looking at Leanna, but when he heard those words, his eyes squinted into

icy blades. Exuding a cold aura, he questioned, “What did you say?” “N-Nausea and vomiting are

normal pregnancy reactions, so don’t… be anxious.” “The previous sentence.” The doctor asked

tentatively, “The patient is four months pregnant?” Aidan suddenly fell into a daze and the words

Leanna had told him started emerging in his mind, sentence by sentence. “Don’t you always ask me

what I want this time? Aidan, I’m pregnant. I have to plan for the future of the child in my womb. I want

half of all the property under your name. “Maybe it’s because I’ve never been on the runway, so I’m a

little nervous. When I’m nervous, I become nauseated and want to vomit. I’ll be fine after this.”

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“I just found out that I… I lost my gastric pills. I’m not sure if I left it in your office…” “It’s not mine. It’s

Zoe’s… She and her boyfriend are about to get married and are trying to conceive.” “Didn’t I tell you

Zoe is trying to get pregnant? I’m the child’s future godmother, so it’s… normal for me to buy these

things.” He could not believe that he trusted her clumsy lies. After the doctor left, Aidan closed the door

of the ward and strode inside with his long legs. He sat in front of Leanna’s hospital bed with an

indifferent expression while mocking her, “Leanna, you think I’m a fool, don’t you?

Knowing what kind of person you are, I still get fooled by you every time.” On the hospital bed, Leanna

did not respond at all. Aidan looked down and noticed that her hand was always on her abdomen. Even

though she was not conscious, she was always protective of the child in her belly. It had been four

months. She hid it so well. … Leanna did not know how long she had slept. When she woke up, she

felt groggy and uncomfortable. After taking a few seconds to regain consciousness, she recalled falling

into the water and frantically reached for her belly. Feeling that her child was still in there, she breathed

a sigh of relief. However, when she turned around to see where she was, she met a pair of dark and

cold eyes.

Their eyes met for a few seconds and she bounced off the bed with strength that came out of nowhere.

Sitting on the edge of the bed with the blanket in her arms, she stammered nervously, “Pres… Why are

you here, President Pearson?” Aidan’s voice was light as he answered, “I don’t know. I could just be

passing by.” Suddenly, she remembered that it seemed to be Aidan, who had rescued her from the

swimming pool. She could not help clenching the blanket with her fingers and inquired cautiously, “Did

you send me to the hospital?” He looked at her with deep and dark eyes without speaking.

Leanna looked away uncomfortably. Why was that b*stard looking at her like that? She could not help

but shiver. After a while, she looked out of the window and saw the pale sky. Picking a random topic,

she asked, “I must have slept for a night. Sorry for the trouble. I will contact my friend to come over.”

Aidan questioned, “Which friend?” “Erm… Zoe. You’ve met her before.” He hummed indifferently,

“Didn’t you say she was preparing to get pregnant? Is she pregnant now?” Leanna was not sure why

he suddenly switched topics. Feeling a little nervous, she blurted, “I… I guess so?” “Can she still come

to the hospital to care for you if she’s pregnant?” “Huh? It’s fine if she doesn’t. I just choked on water,

so it shouldn’t be a big problem. I should be able to leave the hospital in the afternoon.”

After she finished speaking, he uttered, “If I remember correctly, her boyfriend seems to have cheated

on her. Is she still willing to give birth to his child? It seems that your friend is more generous than you.

You should learn from her.” Leanna was confused. This b*stard must have gone crazy. At this moment,

there was a knock on the door. Aidan retracted his gaze and said lightly, “Come in.” Soon, Jonathan’s

figure appeared in the ward. He took a kraft paper bag in his hand and placed it in front of Aidan.

“President Pearson, it’s all taken care of.” “Okay. You may leave.” After Jonathan greeted Leanna with

a nod, he left quickly. The door to the ward was closed, and the two of them were left in the room

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again. This was the first time Leanna could not figure out what Aidan was thinking.

His expression was so calm that it sent chills down her spine. He threw the kraft paper bag beside her

and instructed, “Open it.” “What is this?” Aidan did not answer, and his poker face remained. Leanna

picked up the kraft paper bag and opened it. When she took out the materials, Aidan’s emotionless

voice sounded, “This is half of all the property under my name. Sign it, and it’ll all be yours.” Hearing

that, she stopped moving. She tilted her head upward and questioned with a hoarse voice, “What do

you mean?” “Isn’t it what you asked for? You requested for half of the property under my name, or do

you regret it now and want more?” Leanna remembered clearly when she made this request. No

wonder Aidan asked her about Zoe’s pregnancy preparations earlier. He was doing it on purpose!

Judging from that, he must have found out. She slipped the half-exposed documents back into the bag

and went silent for a while before saying, “What do you want me to do?”

Without a second of hesitation, he stated with a cold voice, “Abort it.” Even though she already knew

what the answer would be, Leanna still felt that something sharp had pierced through her heart that she

could hardly breathe. “I didn’t expect you to be so generous. You’re willing to pay such a high price for

a child who is yet to be born.” “Yes. You won’t lose anything.” Not only did she not lose anything, it was

also a generous offer! “Then, what if…” Leanna bit her lip tightly until she could taste blood before

inquiring in a raspy voice, “I want to keep it?”

Aidan’s expression remained unchanged as he insisted, “You have no reason to keep it.” She smiled.

To him, the reason she approached him was always for money, no matter if she faked the pregnancy,

or not. Now that he offered half of the property in his name to abort a child, she had no reason to refuse
