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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63 Celebrating Him Coming Last Every Time? Rather than saying such a person is my ex-

husband’s mother, those who are rubbernecking are more willing to believe that it’s a scene where the

legal wife settles accounts with the mistress. Parting her lips, Leanna wanted to explain herself.

However, she didn’t do so because she felt that all her explanations would end up in vain. Therefore,

she allowed their imaginations to run wild.

I can’t even shut Aidan’s mouth up, let alone the mouths of these hundreds of people here. After

leaving Lux, she headed to Pearson Group since she wanted to pass the envelope to Aidan. At this

juncture, she didn’t want to care about the fuss in the Pearson Family. When Leanna arrived at

Pearson Group, she discovered that the front desk seemed to have changed to a new group of staff

members. After she had written her name on the registry, the front desk politely said, “I’m sorry.

President Pearson gave us an order a few days ago, saying he won’t meet all Lux Magazine’s

designers.” After hearing the front desk’s words, Leanna became silent as she was too dumbfounded

to react for a moment. Feeling her effort to come here had all gone down the drain, she couldn’t help

but criticize Aidan inwardly, This b*stard is becoming grouchy day by day. Seeing that there was

nothing that she could do to see Aidan in person, Leanna pursed her lips and took out the envelope. “In

that case, can you please help me pass this to him?” Unexpectedly, the front desk declined her request

and said, “I’m sorry. We can’t accept gifts of any kind.” “This isn’t a gift. It’s—” “I’m very sorry, Ma’am.

These are the rules here, so I can’t help you too.” Hence, Leanna could only place the envelope back

into her bag. “That’s fine. Sorry for the trouble.” Sigh. Guess I can only take this troublesome envelope

back with me again. … In the meantime, Aidan was busy working in the president’s office of Pearson

Group. Just as he was focusing on his work on hand, Jonathan came knocking on the door. After that,

he came in and reported, “President Pearson, the birthday present we’ve prepared for the chairman’s

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wife is ready. Would you like to see it?” Without raising his head to look up, Aidan responded, “No need

for that.”

“Understood.” After replying, Jonathan didn’t leave immediately. Instead, he stood in place and looked

somewhat hesitating to speak. Glancing up slightly, Aidan asked, “Do you have anything else that you

wish to report on?” “The security had caught a guy sneaking around on the second floor of the

basement—” Jonathan didn’t get to continue when he sensed Aidan’s unfriendly stare. With an

indifferent expression, Aidan looked at him without uttering a word. It was as if he wanted to reprimand

Jonathan’s ability to come to him only to ask the way to deal with this trivial matter. Trying to get a grip

of himself, Jonathan coughed and continued, “It’s Madam’s father.” Even though Aidan’s expression

didn’t change after he heard that, there was a slight sense of chill in the words he spoke. “Don’t you

know that I’m divorced?” In an instant, Jonathan felt his back break in a cold sweat. He had no idea

what Aidan was trying to do. Thus, he quickly backtracked. “Yes—Miss McKinney’s father is clamoring

to see you.” “What does her father have to do with me? Send that person directly to the police station if

we catch someone who has a misdemeanor. Do you still need me to teach you such simple logic?”

“Yes, President Pearson. I’ll handle it at once.” After leaving the president’s office, Jonathan felt like he

had taken a trip to hell and barely escaped death. I don’t know how Madam offended President

Pearson this time, but he does seem to be furious. Meanwhile, Aidan, who was in the office, put down

the pen in his hand and rubbed his temples. Not long after, his phone rang, after which he picked up,

and Oscar’s voice came from the other end of the phone. “Care to join me for a drink?” “Where?”

“Patheon Club.” … When Aidan arrived at the private room, he saw a group of people opening

champagne and celebrating enthusiastically. Then, he took a seat on the couch and sat with his pair of

long slender legs crossed. After that, he asked casually, “What’s going on?” Holding the wine glass,

Oscar replied, “I’m not sure either. It seems like that good-for-nothing son of the Yenington Family is

about to start college, and his father invited a lot of people to celebrate for him.”

“Celebrate? What’s there to celebrate? Celebrating him coming last every time?” While talking, Victor

Yenington, the head of the Yenington Family, saw Aidan. With his face full of smiles, he came over with

a glass of wine. “President Pearson, I didn’t expect you to come. Come, come, come. Thank you for

coming and celebrating this joyous occasion with us. Here, let me give you a toast.” As he spoke, he

took the glass and drank the wine in one shot. At this time, someone came over and threw his hand on

Victor’s shoulder. “Victor, I heard that your son has enrolled in Southfork University.

That truly is an amazing achievement!” The Yeningtons’ fortunes were mainly new money, so the entire

family was deemed uncultured. Many in Highside laughed and mocked them because of their barbaric

behavior. However, Victor only had one son. He couldn’t and was in no way able to make his son

reborn as a genius, no matter how bad his grades were. However, Victor suddenly announced that his

son had been admitted to the top-ranked university in the country just when everyone looked down on

them. Not only that, he even invited many people to celebrate this rejoiceful event. Since Oscar’s

company and Victor had business dealings, he naturally received this invitation. Yet, he didn’t want to

attend the event all by himself and listened to these people’s hypocritical touts.

Therefore, he tricked Aidan so that he could attend the party with him. Hearing that person’s praise,

Victor said modestly, “I didn’t expect this son of mine who looks like a loafer on usual days would

outperform himself at crunch time. Well, at least he didn’t embarrass our family.” “Then, it seems like

Mr. Frank is a sensational person indeed.” “Oh, not at all. It’s all thanks to my good supervision. I often

teach him by personal precept and example. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have scored such good results.”

During the time they were touting, Aidan gave Oscar a cold look that resulted in Oscar quickly looking

away. Impatience was written all over Aidan’s deep and stern facial features. Just as he got up and was

about to leave, their voices continued to sound. “Since Mr.

Frank has entered Southfork University, his score must be excellent.” With his face full of smiles, Victor

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said, “It’s still fine. I think he scored 1550 something on his SAT, and he’s a few points behind to get a

full score. I don’t understand why this son of mine doesn’t really work hard on usual days. Look at how

much joy it is to score well on a test.” “1550? That’s an excellent result! I heard that the provincial

champion of our district this year also scored more than 1550. Could it be your son who is the

provincial champion?” Aidan, who walked to the door, paused slightly and glanced sideways. Realizing

that he had made a slip of the lip, Victor immediately changed the subject. “What century are we living

in now? Is becoming a provincial champion that important? Come, come, let’s keep drinking.”

Meanwhile, Oscar caught up in Aidan’s footsteps. “What’s the matter?” With an indifferent demeanor,

Aidan said, “Do you think his son is able to be admitted to college with his grades?” “Forget about

college. Victor had to donate the money to build a few buildings just to enroll his son into high school.”

“Then, how did he get into Southfork University?” For a moment, Oscar was at a loss for words. “Uh—”

Seeing Oscar’s reaction, Aidan frowned slightly. Then, he instructed with a cold voice, “Bring the

manager here.” Five minutes later, the manager pushed open the door of another private room and

said cautiously, “President Pearson, President Woodley, what can I do for you two?”

Looking up at the manager, Aidan said, “Why did Louis meet up with you a few days ago?” “President

Pearson, didn’t you ask me before? Louis needs money—” Before the manager could finish his

sentence, Aidan immediately interrupted. “Did he get the money?” The manager held back for a long

time before saying, “Yeah, he got it.” When Aidan heard that, the expression on his face became even

colder. “Who gave it to him?” At once, the manager felt he was weak on his knees and didn’t know how

to answer for a moment. Louis came to me at that time because he wanted to sell his college

admission letter. Although it’s illegal, there are indeed many rich people doing this. After those rich

people bought admission letters, they naturally had their own way of making this thing their own. When

Louis was still working at Patheon Club, someone had asked him about him. However, Louis ignored


It’s until something happens to his family this time that he has the intention to sell his college admission

notice. Initially, the Yeningtons didn’t want to spend so much money. Nevertheless, the value of that

college admission letter is simply too precious. Hence, they paid a million for it.