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I'm Sorry My Love Novel

Chapter 503
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Chapter 503

Leanna's expression didn't change as she looked at Jimmy. "What do you think, Mr. Ollander?"

Jimmy did not dare show any weakness before a lawyer like Freddie, so he wiped off his sweat and muttered, "W-

What do I think?"

"What Mr. Sutton said just now. If you didn't hear it, I can ask him to repeat it."

"I heard it," Jimmy said reluctantly. "This is what happened—all these contracts were under Mr. Crossley's

jurisdiction when he was still here. You all know what happened after that, and well… I don't really know the details

and only these were found after we organized everything."

Freddie said again, "Are you saying that all the other contracts have been destroyed by Mr. Crossley?"


Freddie laughed at that. "That's interesting. All these available contracts have his signature on them, and all the

issues mentioned can be linked to him. If he didn't destroy these, I wonder what he already destroyed."

Jimmy swallowed. "M-Maybe this isn't much compared to those he destroyed? Maybe those are far more

mysterious or contained secrets he didn't want anyone else to know. That could be it, right?"

"Are you asking me?"

"No, no. It was just a guess of mine."

Freddie sighed. "Fine. Looks like I'll have to get the proof myself by slowly uncovering the secrets contained in those


The room was filled with a tense silence while the board members exchanged looks.

Just then, the door opened, signaling that the others had arrived. Leanna checked the number of people present—it

was the same as that mentioned in the files. She sighed in relief upon noticing that no one was missing.

Compared to Jimmy and the other board members, the group who had just arrived seemed awkward and only sat

down after Leanna told them to do so. It was clear that they hadn't been in such a situation for a long time and no

longer had the same confidence as before after going through so much.

The meeting soon commenced. The main topic discussed was the situation the Crossley Group was currently in, as

well as all the projects which had been paused.

Raymond said, "I've already contacted the banks we worked with and they are willing to lend us money. They've

already begun the procedures, so I believe the funds will be available very soon and we will be able to restart our

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Leanna then asked, "Are the people in charge of those projects still here?"

"We are now more focused on large-scale projects. There are ten in total. Three people in charge have already left,

leaving behind seven. The other smaller projects will have some breathing room when the large projects


"We are now more focused on large-scale projects. There are ten in total. Three people in charge have already left,

leaving behind seven. The other smaller projects will have some breathing room when the large projects


Jimmy chose that moment to speak. "As I see it, these projects should be followed up on by the original people in

charge since they are most familiar with the proceedings. As for the others…"

He glanced at the people seated opposite him, clearly implying that he wanted to drop those smaller projects on


"I think that makes sense," Leanna stated. "Only those originally in charge would know about the projects, so they

should be the ones to follow up."

Just as the others were about to secretly rejoice upon the prospect of scraping off yet another great sum of money,

she continued, "However, we should add in some new ideas so we can get through the current situation. As such, I

have decided to have two people in charge of each project. That way, any problem can be resolved quickly instead

of being allowed to develop into a bigger issue like now."

She looked toward the group next to Maya's husband. "You've already gone through all the project files. You can just

say whichever suits you best or you can meet me after the meeting. The list of people in charge will be announced

by this afternoon."

Jimmy jumped up as he countered, "I disagree! Miss McKinney, how can you just hand them such big projects? Do

you know what they have done? You will destroy the Crossley Group!"

Leanna looked at him. "Since you are so opinionated, you can come here and say whatever you want."

His face flushed red as he opened and shut his mouth, but he remained quiet in the end.

Leanna got up. "If all of you do not have any other questions, then the meeting can end. Oh, and in case everyone

isn't clear, I'll say this once again—I became the ultimate decision-maker from the moment I entered the Crossley

Group. Anything that does not come from me, including unsigned documents, will not be valid. Anyone can make

their complaints, but I won't necessarily hear you out."

It was obvious she was shutting down Jimmy's objections. Jimmy remained motionless and the rest of his group

lowered their heads without speaking.

Meanwhile, the other party felt vindicated and relieved. Freddie looked surprised as well; he hadn't believed Oscar

when the other man said that Aidan could never catch up to his wife, but now she seemed to be in a league of her

own. Women could be terrifying, especially when they got down to business.

"Wa ara now mora focusad on larga-scala projacts. Thara ara tan in total. Thraa paopla in charga hava alraady laft,

laaving bahind savan. Tha othar smallar projacts will hava soma braathing room whan tha larga projacts


Jimmy chosa that momant to spaak. "As I saa it, thasa projacts should ba followad up on by tha original paopla in

charga sinca thay ara most familiar with tha procaadings. As for tha othars…"

Ha glancad at tha paopla saatad opposita him, claarly implying that ha wantad to drop thosa smallar projacts on


"I think that makas sansa," Laanna statad. "Only thosa originally in charga would know about tha projacts, so thay

should ba tha onas to follow up."

Just as tha othars wara about to sacratly rajoica upon tha prospact of scraping off yat anothar graat sum of monay,

sha continuad, "Howavar, wa should add in soma naw idaas so wa can gat through tha currant situation. As such, I

hava dacidad to hava two paopla in charga of aach projact. That way, any problam can ba rasolvad quickly instaad

of baing allowad to davalop into a biggar issua lika now."

Sha lookad toward tha group naxt to Maya's husband. "You'va alraady gona through all tha projact filas. You can

just say whichavar suits you bast or you can maat ma aftar tha maating. Tha list of paopla in charga will ba

announcad by this aftarnoon."

Jimmy jumpad up as ha countarad, "I disagraa! Miss McKinnay, how can you just hand tham such big projacts? Do

you know what thay hava dona? You will dastroy tha Crosslay Group!"

Laanna lookad at him. "Sinca you ara so opinionatad, you can coma hara and say whatavar you want."

His faca flushad rad as ha opanad and shut his mouth, but ha ramainad quiat in tha and.

Laanna got up. "If all of you do not hava any othar quastions, than tha maating can and. Oh, and in casa avaryona

isn't claar, I'll say this onca again—I bacama tha ultimata dacision-makar from tha momant I antarad tha Crosslay

Group. Anything that doas not coma from ma, including unsignad documants, will not ba valid. Anyona can maka

thair complaints, but I won't nacassarily haar you out."

It was obvious sha was shutting down Jimmy's objactions. Jimmy ramainad motionlass and tha rast of his group

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lowarad thair haads without spaaking.

Maanwhila, tha othar party falt vindicatad and raliavad. Fraddia lookad surprisad as wall; ha hadn't baliavad Oscar

whan tha othar man said that Aidan could navar catch up to his wifa, but now sha saamad to ba in a laagua of har

own. Woman could ba tarrifying, aspacially whan thay got down to businass.

When Leanna walked to the president's office, the original items inside were being moved out. It seems they are

working rather effectively.

At that point, Raymond walked up to her. "Miss McKinney, please don't take Jimmy's words too seriously. He's always

behaved this way and may not be able to change his attitude so quickly."

Leanna looked back at him and smiled. "It's okay. I hope he doesn't take my words to heart as well. I'm just being

professional. It's nothing personal."

After a beat, she continued, "Help me find a clean office, will you? I still need to deal with some things."

"Come with me, Miss McKinney," Raymond stated.

The workspace he got her was small, yet clean and spacious; it looked very new and probably had never been used.

Leanna asked, "Did you say that the bank has agreed to a loan?"

"Yes. Someone took pictures of you and Mr. Pearson at the entrance of the Crossley Group this morning which

caused quite the uproar, so I quickly contacted the bank and they agreed readily."

She nodded. "I see."

"Then I'll take my leave. If you need anything, just call me."

Soon after he left, someone else came knocking on the door. This time, it was the group led by Maya's husband.

They didn't seem to know what Leanna had in mind and they looked uneasy.

Maya's husband was the one who spoke up first. "Miss McKinney, thank you for letting us return to the Crossley

Group, but it doesn't seem right for us to take up the big projects considering our circumstances. Besides, there will

be gossip which will negatively affect the reputation of the company."

She smiled. "No one else is better suited than you all. The Crossley Group doesn't have any reputation to speak of

now, so let's do what we can with what we have."

She then continued, "Now that you are all here, I'll not beat around the bush. I know what happened back then, so

letting you take these projects is partly to help keep an eye on them. Only then will there be a chance for the

Crossley Group to make a comeback."

When Leanna walked to the president's office, the original items inside were being moved out. It seems they are

working rather effectively.