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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 98
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Chapter 98

“Select the designs, Hope. Which one do you want to for the wedding gown from all these designs?” Logan

handed her the tablet as he sat beside her on the chaise. “Or do you wish to customize a gown for yourself?” he


“I will take at these first,” Hope said and slid the designs to find out what would look best at her.

By the way, I'll take you to

you to the famous island today evening and we will stay there on this weekend,” he pronounced. “I think we

should have a beach wedding. What do you think of that?” He queried as his hand moved to her hair, caressing

them gently.

“Wow! A beach wedding!” Hope's eyes sparkled with happiness. “You've already planned so much. What about

this dress? | think it will look good on me. A scoop neck with embroidery, full A-line wedding dress with lace

train,” she exclaimed.

“Alright. You'll need to provide your measurements for this gown. We can stop by the wedding gown showroom

on our way,” he suggested, before asking her to help him select a wedding outfit as well.

“I think this black tuxedo outfit,” Hope pointed her finger at the third picture.

“I also liked this when | checked the designs,” Logan pronounced.

“Our choices matched then,” Hope answered.

“Hmm. We are a match made in heaven after all,” Logan replied, smiling at her. They lightly kissed each other

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before Logan put away the tablet.

“Do you want to rest for a while?” Logan inquired.

“No, Id rather talk with you,” she replied, intertwining their fingers. “Logan, | want to take over my father’s

company. | want to rebuild the firm he once worked so hard for. And no, | don’t need your help with the capital

because | want to invest my own hard- earned money into it,” Hope shared with him.

Logan encouraged her, believing that Hope's path to self-independence was crucial for her growth. He wanted to

see his wife thrive in every possible way.

“Thank you, Logan. Without you, this idea would have never crossed my mind,” Hope said, her fingers gently

stroking her neck. She nuzzled her nose against his and brushed her lips against his tenderly.

Soon, she found herself straddling his lap as their lips met in a passionate kiss. His hands gently rested on her

hips, stroking them before moving to her back.

10:50 Fri, 1 Mar.

Chapter 98

“I love you,” she said with a smile, pappering kisses on his face. Logan chuckled along with her and playfully

flipped her down onto the chaise.

“Darling, | love you too,” Logan whispered against her lips, mimicking her actions from moments before.

“Logan, it tickles,” Hope laughed as she tried to squirm away from his playful advances. He paused, gazing into

her eyes affectionately. His hand tenderly rested on her neck as he continued, “You are as magical as your name

suggests. | am grateful to have found you, Hope. I'm glad that a part ofnever gave up hope for a happy life.”

Leaning down, he kissed her with genuine tenderness this time. It was a gentle, lingering kiss before he pulled

away and helped her to her feet, standing up alongside


Hope felt her back sink into the soft mattress as he hovered over her. He removed his t- shirt, revealing his

naked, enticing body to her eager eyes. Running her hands over his chest, she admired him for a moment, even

searching for the wound from the silver bullet on his arm, but it had miraculously disappeared.

“I'm glad the wound is healed,” Hope murmured as she caressed his right arm and propped herself up on her

elbows. She licked her lips, watching his pupils dilate in


He drew her close, his hand gently cradling her nape as they kissed each other hungrily. Her fingers trailed over

his taut muscles, gradually inching down towards his trousers.

“F*ck,” Logan cursed softly as he broke away from the kiss, his gaze locking with Hope's. “You've aroused the

beast within me. Now, it won't rest until it’s satisfied its desire and. love completely,” he muttered huskily/

“Is that so?” Hope asked teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she pushed him back onto the mattress.

Straddling him, she ran her hands sensually over his chest, observing the subtle changes in his eyes.

His hands traversed the expanse of her thighs, tenderly exploring as the tension escalated between them. One

hand found its way to her right breast, applying a soothing pressure.

“Mmmm... Hope's breath hitched, her lips captured by her teeth as her head tilted back in response. With a

smirk, he drew her closer, ensnaring her legs within his own.

His thumb trailed along her lips, eliciting a gentle kiss before descending to explore her body further.

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Her spine arched involuntarily as she fought to contain the burgeoning moan. “Let your desires find voice, Hope,

Logan’s husky whisper sent shivers down her spine.

Chapter 98

“Goo-d,” she gasped, unable to suppress a low cry of his nas his lips trailed kisses along her collarbone.

With a deft hand he lowered her dress, devoting his full attention. to one curve while skillfully caressing fie other.

“Logan, this sensation is overwhelming. | crave more,” Hope confessed, her eyes transitioning from shades of

brown to fiery yellow. The hint of her omega werewolf form emerged, teasing but not fully revealing itself.

Why she suddenly started feeling hotter than usual. “Please givemore, Logan. | beg you, Hope requested as

she wanted to be pleasured hy him.

“First, let's get rid of this clothing of yours. A ripping sound echoed in Hope's ears and she opened her eyes. He

ripped off her dress.

“What the heck?”

“I couldn't wait,” Logan confessed and took off her bra as well. He bounced on her curves and spread her legs for

him. However, he kept in mind not to be harsh on her since they had to travel in the evening.

Hope loved this feeling. Her body embraced whatever he did to her. But for now, she was unaware that her

werewolf form was finally began emerging, which could never be revealed.