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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 89
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Chapter 89

The Charity Event: (Slightly Steamy)

For Hope, it was her first tto witness a charity event. William Moore donated a lot in Logan’s nand also

his late parents. As the event cto a halt, Logan went to the stage and held the mic in his hand.

“I wonder what Logan has to say,” Roaxana murmured as she stood next to Hope..

“Perhaps he wants to thank all of you,” Hope replied.

“Naah. Brother isn’t like that. He never did that. Honestly, he never even bothered about this charity event. He

looks so vibrant today. What magic did you do on my brother, Hope?” Roaxana inquired happily.

“Ah, | did nothing,” Hope murmured.

“Don’t lie. You have lit Brother Logan's world, Roaxana affirmed with a smile.

“Firstly, | would like to thank everyone who has cto this charity event on the occasion of my birthday. This

year a lot of things happened with me. | married a beautiful woman, Hope, in a legal way. Despite having a nine

year age gap between us, Hope never letfeel old. She is mature and is an amazing wife.

William smiled the way his grandson expressed the gratitude for having Hope in his life.

Roaxana leaned closer to Hope's ear and whispered, “I told you my brother is head over heels for you.” She

straightened herself and smiled seeing the way Logan’s grew up in this relationship.

“I think my wife deserves a marriage ceremony. Just like every woman's dream, she must have thought about

having a big, mesmerizing and memorable wedding, Logan pronounced.

Hope stopped blinking to hear him. He was proposing her to marry him. She had never imagined it would ever

happened. Her eyes remained fixated at him.

As Paul took the mic from Logan, who gracefully exited the stage, Logan's hand slipped into his pocket,

retrieving a small ring box.

With a determined stride, he knelt before Hope, the love of his life. Opening the box with trembling hands, he

gazed into her eyes and spoke from the depths of his heart, “Marry me, Hope. I love you.”


welled in her eyes, cascading down her cheeks in a torrent of emotion. This

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10:49 Fri, 1 Mar

Chapter 89

moment, unforeseen and overwhelming, engulfed her with a mixture of joy, surprise, and profound gratitude.

Logan's proposal, echoing the words she had longed to hear, enveloped her in a wave of love and anticipation.

“I love you too,” Hope held his hand and got up. Inserting the ring in her hand, Hope did the sto him before

he pulled her for a kiss. He no longer wanted to resist himself in front of all those people.

His arms secured Hope at her face as he kissed her deeply, pouring his entire feelings in that kiss. The loud

sound of

lause echoed in their ears, but they didn’t pull away.

William couldn't control his tears anymore. His grandson was finally leading a happy life. A life which he always

questioned. This moment was the most delightful event of Grandpa Williams's life.

Hope and Logan finally pulled away, peering into each other's eyes. He traces his thumbs over Hope's cheeks

and wiped the tears. “Thank you for embracing the brokenand healing my heart,” he whispered against her


William’s second son announced so having the feast and they all headed to the next hall. Hope excused herself

as she wanted to go to the washroom.

“Shall | cwith you?” Logan worriedly asked, thinking his wife might get lost around.

“No. Stay here. I'll be back soon,” Hope said and walked out of the hall.

After Hope exited the washroom and walked in the corridor, her feet cto a halt. seeing Daniel there. She

thought to ignore him when he stopped her by standing in front of her.

“Will you stop doing such things?” Hope questioned him angrily.

“I thought to apologize to you,” Daniel said.

Hope chuckled and said, “I don’t need an apology from a jerk like you. Also, I've moved on the day you betrayed

me.” She pushed him away and walked ahead.

Daniel pivoted on his shoes and watched her leaving his sight. “She has turned hotter,” he mumbled to himself.

Finally back home, Hope and Logan entered their bedroom, the warmth of familiarity enveloping them. Standing

before the mirror, Hope began to remove her jewelry, her reflection mirroring Logan's content smile. Seeing him

smile brought a matching curve to her lips.

As she reached to unzip her dress, a small frown creased her forehead when the zipper


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Chapter 891

seemed to resist her efforts. “Why is it stuck?” she muttered, frustration mounting as she tugged at it, trying in

vain to coax it down.

Hope lifted her eyes, surprised by the gentle touch of Logan's fingers intertwining with hers. “Lethelp you,”

he murmured softly, his warm breath caressing her ear as het slowly guided the zipper downward.

Their eyes met in the reflection of the mirror, a silent understanding passing between them. Logan closed the

distance between them while his dark eyes hooded at her.

As his fingers trailed along the exposed skin of her back, a shiver ran down her spine. her body responding to his

touch with a gentle arch.

Hope's gaze drifted down to Logan's exposed chest, her breath catching as she watched him lean in closer. The

sensation of his lips against her cold skin sent a shiver of anticipation coursing through her veins, igniting a fire

within her.

Logan's kisses trailed along her neck and nape, each touch sending electric pulses of pleasure through her body.

With practiced hands, he skillfully cased her dress down, revealing her lingerie-clad figure. She felt a surge of

confidence and desire wash over her at his whispered words, her skin tingling with anticipation.

Logan’s warm breath tickled her car as he whispered, “That exudes your sexiness,” before gently nipping at her

earlobe, eliciting a soft moan from her lips.

His hands glided over her belly, sending waves of desire coursing through her, before. slowly moving up to

caress her breasts, sending her senses reeling with pleasure.

As Logan's skilled fingers continued to caress her curves, coaxing low moans of pleasure from her lips, Hope

couldn't resist the overwhelming desire to be closer to him.

Turning around, she wrapped her arm around his neck, her body pressing against his as she stood on her toes to

reach him. Their lips met in a fervent kiss, igniting a passionate flbetween them.

With a sense of urgency, her hand moved to his shirt, deftly unbuttoning it as they pressed against the dresser.

The impact caused the items lying about to tumble to the ground, forgotten in the heat of the moment. Their

kisses grew more passionate, hunger and desire driving them closer together.

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Their tongues intertwined in a dance of passion, each kiss deepening the connection between them as they lost

themselves in the intoxicating embrace of their love.

Chapter 89

“Logan, are we going to...” Hope's breathless words trailed off, her rapid, moaning breaths betraying her desire

for him to be inside her.

“Yeah. I'll have you tonight. | told you that my Lycan Beast cannot resist your temptations,” Logan murmured

huskily, his voice filled with longing and desire.

With practiced ease, he unhooked her bra, freeing her breasts from their confinement. His hands eagerly

explored her exposed curves, his touch igniting sparks of pleasure that coursed through her body.

With a graceful leap, Hope jumped into Logan's waiting arms, her legs securely. wrapping around his torso as

they melted into each other's embrace. Their lips found. each other once more, their chests pressing together as

they lost themselves in the intoxicating kiss.

As they sank into the softness of the mattress, Hope felt the heat of passion rising between them.

Logan, hovered over her, his intense gaze locking with hers as he pulled away from the kiss. His thumb traced

her wet lips teasingly before trailing down her body, igniting at trail of fire wherever it touched.

Hope's body arched perfectly in response to his touch, her back making contact with the mattress as waves of

pleasure washed over her.

Logan's fingers continued their exploration, inching down her body until they reached. the bottom of her navel.

The sensation was overwhelming, and she thrashed her head on the mattress, lost in the ecstasy of the moment,

her moans filling surrendered herself completely to him.

the air as she

“Cry my name. Beg me, Wife,” Logan's voice was filled with primal desire, his words. commanding yet tinged

with longing.

“Just take me, Logan. I-l beg you,” Hope's response was breathless and eager, her voice laden with desire as she

submitted herself to the Lycan Prince demand.

Her eyes shone with a brownish hue, reflecting the intensity of their connection, while Logan's eyes underwent a

transformation, his pupils changing from blue to red, a sign of his primal nature taking over.

Ensuring their safety, Logan didn’t forget to put on protection before entering her, their bodies moving in perfect

harmony as the passion that consumed them.

“I love you, Hope Moore,” Logan declared once more, his words a testament to the depth of his feelings as he

captured her swollen lips in a fervent kiss, sealing their love.