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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 81
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11:05 Fri, 1 Mar



Chapter 81

“Logan, | dropped Hope to the hYou should have stayed with her. She needs you,” Paul said while standing

in the office. He saw Logan was engrossed in a file and didn’t answer him.

“Paul, have you looked into this project?” Logan asked as he finally raised his eyes to look at him.

“What is it about?” Paul asked and went toward him. He took the file from Logan and read. “Ahh this one. Yeah, |

have gone through this. But | thought to ask about it once from you,” he explained to him.

“No need. | believe in our project manager capabilities,” Logan said and looked at his watch. “Can | meet Mr.

Anderson at this hour? | know | postponed the meeting, but | think we will be there by seven,” he asked for Paul's


“That won't be a good idea. It's better to attend the meeting tomorrow. Also, you should go home. Hope was not

feeling well. She was kind of scared. | tried asking her, but she didn’t tell me,” Paul suggested to him.

“Paul, don’t say a word about her. | don’t care anymore what she wants or does,” Logan clarified to him. His

expressions suddenly darkened and he clenched his fists.

“Dude, she is desperate to know about her mother. That's why she did that. She is young and naive too. So,

don’t stay angry with her,” Paul calmly told him.

“I am looking for her parents’ past. Why can’t she believe me? Do you even know what she has done to me? My

Lycan Beast isn’t at rest from the moment | saw her there lying unconscious. Hope says she loves me, but she

refuses to believe me,” Logan

pronounced, showing how hurt he was from Hope's actions.

Paul turned quiet since he had no answers to relieve Logan's frustration.

“I should have kept it as a contract,” he murmured.

“Don’t say that,” Paul said.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Logan picked up his car keys and then left the office, telling Paul he would see him tomorrow. Paul sighed as he

watched him leaving. “I wonder how he will behave with Hope from now onward,” he thought.

Logan started the engine of his car and drove the bar, where he would usually go before the marriage. He

arrived at the bar soon and ordered strong shots for him.

“You've chere after a very long time,” said the bartender, Liam. “I heard you've married an omega

werewolf,” he stated while preparing the shots for Logan.



Fri, 1 Mar

Chapter 81

“How did you find out?” Logan asked him.

Liam shrugged his shoulders, “Guess

“Paul,” Logan replied.


Liam smiled and forwarded the shot to Logan. He chugged it down and kept taking. more. “Yeah, he told me. |

thought you were going smooth in this marriage life,” he proclaimed.

Logan stopped drinking and stared at his ring finger. “Fill more,” he demanded and didn’t answer Liam's

question. He was not in a mood to give explanation to anyone.

Logan finally refused to take more shots and hung his head low. His eyes had turned red as he felt Hope

betrayed him.


‘I told you I should not fall in love with her. | should not have claimed her as my mate,’ Logan talked to his Lycan

Beast and fisted his palm.

‘She made a mistake, which anyone can make. Also, you've not even confessed to her that you love her. You

have put her in more stress,” said his Lycan Beast.


Logan chuckled and took out the black card from his pocket for the payment. Liam took it from him and the

payment was made. As he was ready to leave, Liam said, “Fights are evident to happen in a marriage. You should

not be upset with your wife and drink here.”

“I've not fought with her,” Logan muttered and took the card from him. He left for his hin the car. Because

his tolerence for the alcohol was high, it wasn’t difficult for him to drive the car.

As soon as he reached the home, Camila informed him how Hope had been asking about him every ten minutes.

“Did something happen between you two?” Camila asked him.

“No. | won’t have my dinner today,” Logan said coldly before walking away.

Camila was shocked to see the way Logan talked. It had been a long tsince she last heard him speaking this

way with her. She was worried thinking that both of them were going with something big, or else, why Logan

would chafter having drinks.

“I just pray that the two of them clear their differences,” she joined her hands together as she prayed to the Go


On the other hand, Logan reached upstairs in his room and saw Hope was seated on the bed, awaiting his return

“Logan!” Hope quickly stood up straight on the floor, wanting to apologize to him.



Chapter 81


“I'am not in a mood to talk,” Logan said and took off his blazer. As he took off the tie, his eyes met with Hope's,

which were swollen. She must be crying behind his back because he refused to listen to her the hospital.

Logan averted his gaze from her and turned around. Unbuttoning his shirt, he walked to the cupboard and

opened it to take his casual clothes.

He was ready to walk to the washroom when Hope's arms wrapped around him from behind. “Don’t ignore me. |

know I've done extremely wrong. | am sorry, Logan. Please forgivefor lying to you,” she said as her eyes

turned watery.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Logan held her hands and lowered them from his chest. “Hope, | was wrong about giving myself a chance. | think

we should stay away from each other,” he said and headed to the washroom.

The door slammed shut and it made Hope jolted at her place. She remained at her place, waiting for Logan to

cout. After ten minutes, he cout and went straight to bed.

“Logan, at least listen to me. The way you're ignoringis hurting me,” Hope said as she watched him pulling

the duvet up.

“What did you say? | am hurting you!?” Logan chuckled and gazed at her. “You broke my trust on you. Do you

even know what could have happened to you today? It is killingfrom inside,” he raged his frustration at her.

His orbs turned into a deeper shade of red.

“I wanted to know about my mother,” Hope managed to say.

The next second, she was pinned to the cupboard behind her. Logan’s hands tightly held her shoulders as he was

barely holding his anger.

“I was looking into that. You could have toldright away when you got that go ddamn message!” Logan

bellowed at her. “Your phone is missing. Do you even have any idea what have you fallen today? No, no... Don’t

say a single word, Hope.” His fiery red eyes showed his extranger not only on his wife, but on his

incapability for keeping her trust in him.

“You don’t care about my heart, my feelings for you. You gavehope to live a life again. You think I'm

incapable to bring the truth to you. You've no trust inand that’s where our relationship has gotten weak,”

Logan said, his voice softened but the stern look in his eyes still persisted.

“Logan, just forgive me. | trust you. But I-I couldn’t hold myself from going to the place, where Alaric wanted me

to. He is my mother’s brother, but he wanted to kill me,” Hope said as tears streamed down her cheeks. She

sniffled and continued, “I will never do such a foolish thing, Logan. | promise you. Please don’t be upset with me.

It kills.


Chapter 81

me,” as she pleaded with him



