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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 80
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Chapter 80

“What?” Hope shockingly exclaimed. A cold chill ran through her entire body, making her shiver.

She took a step back, her entire body began trembling in fear.

“Wh-who are you?” Hope asked while stammering.

“Someone whom your mother hated,” the woman pronounced this time. She went close to Hope

and looked straight into her eyes. While chanting a spell, she put Hope in her control and her hand

moved to her neck. As soon as she touched the pendant, it shone, and the next moment, both the

woman and Alaric, were thrown away from her.

The impact was so huge that the two were thrown out of the restaurant, and they coughed the


“F*ck! We cannot touch her,” said the woman as she breathed heavily. “We need to kill her, she told

Alaric, who had managed to sit up.

“We will die. Victoria has casted a spell on the pendant, Jennifer,” Alaric said as he placed his hand

on his chest.

“If we won’t kill her, then the Lycan Prince will kill us,” Jennifer said and finally got up. They both

walked into the restuarant again and saw Hope was lying unconscious on the dusty floor.

Jennifer summoned a dagger on her hand and put spell on it. She used her entire force to stab

Hope, but the pendant around Hope’s neck was way too powerful. Alaric, too, helped her, but it was

in vain as they both were again pushed away. Thus, Hope was left unharmed again.

“] told you not to show yourself. | was going to take the pendant from Hope, but you brought us

into the trouble. What will we do now?” Alaric muttered as he ran his fingers through his hair.

“Hope doesn’t know that this pendant protects her. Let’s keep her as a captive and try to take the

pendant from her,” Jennifer suggested to him.

“Are you stu pid?” Alaric’s jaw clenched. “Logan will chase her and cto us. She is marked by

him,” he muttered and got on his knees. Pulling her shirt down from the left of her neck, he stroked

his hand over there and a red mark appeared there.

“] told you not to create any kind of nuisance and now, see the result. Hope knows about us and she

knows our faces,” Alaric said as he pulled back his hand and kept it over his leg before standing up


“That means, we cannot get the pendant, can we?” Jennifer asked as she was losing her mind.

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10:31 Thu, 29 Feb G G

Chapter 80


“We cannot for now. We need to leave. That’s the best thing we can do for now. If Logan catches us,

we won't survive,” Alaric made a decision and informed about the sto Jennifer.

“Where will we go?” She asked.

“Outside the country for a while,” Alaric replied.

“Are you sure the Lycan Prince won’t chase us?” Jennifer asked.

“Yeah, he won’t. We cannot stay around Hope. It’s dangerous for our lives,” Alaric said. and took a

few steps back from Hope. “We will again meet, Hope,” he said and left with Jennifer. However,

before leaving he made sure to take Hope’s phone with him.

Logan looked at his watch and found it was already more than three hours, but Hope hadn’t

returned. He called Kaiden asking him about Hope.

“Madam said | should go back as she would take tto be with her friend, Kaiden said from the

other side. Paul entered the office with a tablet in his hand when he saw Logan was scolding

someone on the phone.

“] told you to stay there!” Logan shouted and hung up the call. He called Hope’s number, but it was


“Paul, 1 need Gloria’s number,” Logan told him..

“Who and why do you need it? Where’s Hope?” Paul asked a few questions at the stand

found the chair was empty, where Hope would usually stay and work.

“] am unable to reach her. She toldshe’s meeting her friend, who is sick. But now, | doubt she

lied to me,” Logan said and closed his eyes. He focused to locate Hope, feeling nervous and anxious

at the stime.

Suddenly, Logan opened his eyes as he finally located her. “She isn’t with Gloria. In fact, she has

gone somewhere far,” Logan murmured and stood up from his chair.

“I'll go with you,” Paul said.

“Sure,” Logan allowed him to accompany him and the two left the office.

After two hours drive, they reached the location, where Hope was present. He tried to communicate

with Hope, but he was unable to. His heart raced in fear and he panicked, thinking if Hope was fine.

“Logan, what is she doing in the outskirts of the city?” Paul murmured as the car finally cto a


Chapter 80

“I’ve no idea,” Logan said and they both stepped out of the car. He kept walking ahead since the

route ahead was filled with mud and going with car wasn’t feasible for them. Paul followed him

closely and finally, they stopped outside the sabandoned restaurant, where Hope was present.

Logan rushed inside and saw Hope was lying unconscious on the ground. Her pendant was put of

the shirt and it glowed a bit.

“Hope!” Logan rushed to her and pulled her up in his arms. He patted on her cheeks. while calling

out her name. “Why is she not waking up?” he murmured, his hands. trembled, which didn’t go

unnoticed from Paul.

“She is unconscious. Don’t be worried. Let’s take her to the hospital first,” Paul said and looked

around. “It seems someone has fought with her. The door is broken,” Paul said with knitted brows.

“Yeah. But I'm unable to trace anyone. There’s no scent,” Logan said.

“You are right,” Paul proclaimed. They both didn’t waste much tand took out Hope from there.

Upon reaching the hospital, Hope was admitted. Logan asked Paul he should go back, but he

insisted to be with them. “Work can be handled later,” he said.

Logan hummed as he sat on the chair next to the bed. Doctor told them it was not serious and Hope

would wake up anytsoon since her vitals were fine.

Suddenly, something clicked in her mind and he looked for Hope’s phone. He was unable to find it.

“Her phone is not here,” Logan murmured.

“] remember | didn’t see her phone that restaurant floor either,” Paul stated and he sat on the other

side on the chair. “What do you think would have happened? Why did Hope even go to such a place

without telling you?” he was puzzled, unable to find any valid reason behind Hope’s actions.

“1 don’t know. Only she can tell after waking up,” Logan stated. He held Hope’s hands as he was

worried and waited for her to regain her consciousness.

After stime, Hope was awake, and she found herself in the hospital. As soon as she heard

Logan’s voice, she realized, she was safe.

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“Are you alright?” Logan asked her.

“Yeah, I'm fine,” Hope answered and sat up.

“Where did you go? And why was your phone off? Why did you lie to me?” Logan angrily asked her.

He didn’t wish to be furious at her, but he couldn’t stop himself from

Chapter 80

29 Fet

doing so. Paul asked Logan to calm down and let Hope breathe.

“I’m sorry, Logan. | got the message from an unknown man. He said he would tellabout my

mother,” Hope revealed to him as her heart started beating. She then narrated everything to Logan

that happened with her.

“What? Are you serious, Hope? You went alone to a place, where you were going to die? You don’t

care for yourself, let alone you will ever care for me? | was a fool to believe. that

you actually love me!” Logan’s anger burst at her. He left his seat when Hope held his hand.

“Logan, please don’t be angry,” Hope urged.

He yanked his hand off her grip. “Let’s live like strangers because you want that. You decide things

on your own. You think I’m nothing in your life,” Logan muttered and left. the hospital.

Hope quickly got off the bed to run after him but she found her head getting heavier and she fell to


Paul supported her and asked Hope not to go after Logan. “He is mad at the moment. You should

have not trusted a random man like this. You know well how much Logan love you and if anything

would have happened to you today, he would have blamed. himself,” he said.

Tears brimmed in Hope's eyes. “lI wanted to know about my mom. | was a fool,” she mumbled and

told Paul she wanted to go after Logan.

“Let him be alone for a while. I'll drop you home,” Paul suggested to her and called the nurse. As he

signed on a paper, Hope was discharged and he took Hope to the villa.


