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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 50
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Chapter 50

The next day, Logan dropped Hope again at the college. Initially, he wanted to stay at hsince he already

had talked with her professor, but Hope did not agree. So, in the end, he had to surrender to her wish and let her

be at the college.

Upon arriving at the company, Logan went straight to his office when he was encountered with Henry, who also

reached at the stas his. The two of them. stepped into the elevator and Henry pressed the button on

the panel.

“Morning, Logan,” Henry greeted warmly.

“Good morning,” Logan replied with a nod of acknowledgment. “I heard you met Daniel Rutherford yesterday,”

he stated.

“I didn’t know that his banned here,” Henry replied.

entry was

“Was he the one, who told you the false things? Except him, no one has such an audacity,” Logan remarked,

expecting truth from Henry.

“Yep.” Henry admitted. “He said Hope was his mate and she cheated on him,” he asserted.

“And why did you allow him to see you?” Logan inquired. “You can tellthat it was because you wished to

know why | chose Hope over so many women, who could becmy mate,” he proclaimed.

Henry remained quiet for a moment. “Yeah, | was kind of interested, thinking why Logan married someone who

already had a mate. All these years, you only rejected proposals, so it was kind of odd to me,” he stated. He

thought hiding the truth from Logan would only bring suspicion on him. And he couldn't afford that.

“About the project, | have started it yesterday. | met with the on-site Chief Engineer and Architecture for that,

Henry explained to him.

“How much twill it take for the ground floor to be ready?” Logan asked.

“More than a month. I'll report you about the developments soon, Henry assured him.

They finally reached at the top floor and stepped out of the elevator. Their respective secretaries awaited them

outside the elevators and as it opened, they greeted Logan and Henry.

“See you later,” Logan said and was ready to go ahead when Henry stopped him.

“I have an intel that swerewolves packs are the Lycans rules. Did something happen yesterday?” Henry

suddenly asked him.


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Chapter 50

“Hope was attacked by swerewolves. How did you find out?” Logan queried.

“Is she fine?” Henry showed the concern.

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“Yeah, she is,” Logan replied. “I confronted those werewolves who attacked her. Perhaps that’s why you got such

an intel,” he opined.

“I didn’t know this. However, | was informed that Lycans don’t consider werewolves as equal as them. You should

stay aware of the fact that the Lycans are limited in numbers, but the werewolves are in majority. Since we are

more powerful than them, they are terrified from us. Maybe that’s why they don’t wish to follow our rules,”

Henry proclaimed.

“If that’s the case, | will look into it. Thank you for enlighteningregarding this issue. Let's get back to work,”

Logan said and went ahead of him, followed by Paul.

Logan settled on the swivel chair and picked up the file.

“I couldn't find any location of the number you gavelast day,” Paul informed him. “It may be a prank,” he


“According to Hope, it could not be a prank. Regarding her mother no one ever approached her,” Logan stated.

“Well, let's discuss it later and began with the work,” het affirmed.

Gloria asked Hope about her well-being. “I heard what happened last night. How's your arm? Did the wound

heal?” She worriedly asked her.

“Yeah, it has healed. Logan gavean effective pill and the wound was healed faster,” she pronounced.

“Great! Natasha is such a b itch! | cannot relate to that bully,” Gloria muttered. The professor entered and the

lecture started with attendance. “Why is Natasha isn’t in the class today?” she whispered in Hope's ear..

“It’s good she didn’t come. | don’t like her at all anymore,” Hope said, the annoyance in her tone was clear.

Natasha approached her with a hand of friendship, but ended up harming her with her minion werewolves.

Soon, the lunch break arrived. Gloria left for hsince she didn’t wish to attend the later lectures while Hope

submitted the ppt to the professor first before heading to


As she filled the food tray, her eyes scanned around to look for a seat. She found an empty sc at far from the

counter and sat there. “I wonder what Logan be doing,” Hope

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Chapter 50


mumbled and took out her phone. She dropped a message to him when an immediate response cfrom her


Hope was surprised because Logan never responded to her this quick and she ended up smiling.

“You look happy,” Ryan's voice fell into her ears and she lifted her head. He placed the food tray on the table and

pulled out a chair to sit. “Keep smiling. You look beautiful that way,” he asserted.

“Thank you,” Hope said. As she held the spoon, she asked Ryan, “Why do your eyes look swollen? As if you

didn’t sleep the entire night or did you drink a lot last night?”

“I ended up drinking more than my capacity,” Ryan admitted the truth and tasted the chicken soup


“Oh. Why?” Hope curiously asked.

“I just wanted to,” Ryan replied. He felt that telling about his matter to Hope wasn’t a good idea. So, he kept it

within himself.

“I see,” Hope resumed eating too.

“I've thought to drop out of my masters,” Ryan suddenly told her.

“What? Why?” Hope picked up the glass of water and drank from it.

“Dad wantsto join the work,” Ryan replied. “He wantsto work as the Director of JK industries,” he briefed

to her.

“That’s wonderful. | hope you enjoy your new position,” Hope replied. “I'll also go to the internship. | pray that |

get selected in the Moore Group,” she informed him.

“Believe in yourself. | have full confidence in your abilities,” Ryan reassured with a gentle smile.

Suddenly, a friend approached Ryan and exclaimed, “Hey, did you hear? Nat's already with Charlie. They're

officially dating.”

Ryan’s demeanor instantly shifted into an unpleasant one, his smile fading. “Yeah, I'm aware,” he responded


Hope observed him, understanding now why Ryan had indulged in heavy drinking the night before.

Jackson, let’s not talk about it,” Ryan told him.

“Okay.” He glanced at Hope and introduced himself to her. “You are the famous Lycan’s

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Chapter 50

Prince wife, right?” he inquired.

“Yes, Hope replied. “I am done eating, she added.

“So, do I. Ryan said.

“But your tray isn’t empty, Hope stated.

“I don't feel like eating” Ryan rose to his feet and walked away.


“I think he got upset because of me, Jackson murmured. Hope sighed and wondered why swerewolves were

like that.

Hope went after him and after submitting the tray at the counter, she followed Ryan..

“Did you drink because of her last night?” Hope asked him.

“No. | wanted to forget things that happened betweenand Nat,” Ryan asserted. “I'm heading home. You

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should go too. Thanks for having lunch with me.” He went ahead of her while Hope slowed down.

Hope made her way to the parking lot, where she spotted a familiar car patiently awaiting her. The driver

emerged and exchanged greetings with her. Returning the greeting, she entered the car.

“Could you please taketo Logan’s workplace?” Hope requested politely.

“Of course, Madam. Please fasten your seatbelt,” the driver replied dutifully. Once she complied, he set the car in

motion towards the Moore Group administrative office. Along the journey, Hope decided to pick up cupcakes,

intending to surprise Logan with


Finally, she arrived at her destination and exited the car, thanking the driver. She went inside and asked the

receptionist how she could meet Logan.

you have a prior appointment, Ma'am?” the receptionist asked.

“Do you

“No. I'm his wife, Hope Moore,” she gave her introduction so that they would allow her.

“Ah. I'm sorry, Ma'am, for not recognizing you. Please this way,” the female receptionist

top floor’s

said. She made sure Hope would get into the VIP elevator and pressed nist

button on it.

The doors closed and Hope waited to reach at the highest floor. She was awestruck to see the large lobby area

earlier and was kind of excited to join as an intern trainee soon.

The doors of the elevator opened as she finally reached at the topmost floor. She stepped out and saw

everything was in white.

Chapter W

“Where's his office? Hope mumbled and chose the left direction. She saw the board of the Vice Chairman and

walked in to surprise Logan.

Her feet halted as she saw Logan reprimanded semployee. His eyes met hers and he exclaimed in surprise


“Shall | clater? Hope inquired.

“Not at all” Logan said. “You should leave, he instructed the employee, who walked away after greeting Hope.

She too nodded at him in acknowledgement and then glanced at Logan, who approached her.

“Why did you chere?” Logan asked.

To see you, Hope answered, and give this to you. She handed him the paper bag inside which the cupcake box

was present. | will go hsince you are busy at work, she opined.

“Nope. Stay here.” Logan held her hand, thus stopping her from leaving. He kissed her on the cheek, thus

causing her to stop blinking her eyes. “Welcto the Moore Group office,” he said with a smile.