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I Want a Divorce by Abigail Quinn

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107

It didn’t feel right!

Oliver’s mind raced, searching through his memories. This situation reminded him of a scene from the

science fiction film “Men in Black.”

He remembered the little black stick used to erase memories through a blinding flash and thought he

could be in a similar situation.

However, it didn’t explain why he didn’t lose his memory.

Perhaps he possessed a unique ability to disable such functions. It could be the superpower that was

bestowed upon his eyes.

“Let’s go!” Oliver dismissed the question. He gestured with his hand and took the lead in front.

The passageway was no longer the same as the ones before, where there would be two identical

paths, just like an Enchanting Array.

Now, the passageway was clear, instilling a sense that it would lead them all the way to the top.

Besides, there was only one path to follow.

Gunther’s face flushed with rednessy

As he ascended further, his eyes became increasingly brighter. Walking alongside him, Louis and

Yoseph provided support on his left and right, lending a helping hand as they climbed. Hailey trailed

closely behind as her breath quickened.

Her father’s condition was far from normal. The term “terminal lucidity” kept resurfacing in her mind.

However, she didn’t want to dwell on it and fought hard to banish such thoughts.

Oliver pondered as he was walking. Despite feeling an overwhelming sense of anticipation and

excitement stronger than the others, he made an effort to contain his emotions.

The ruby gemstone had crumbled into mere dust. Everyone had no memory of it at all, and Oliver alone

retained a crystal-clear memory. He couldn’t help but wonder whether something extraordinary from the

gemstone had been infused into his body.

The passageway grew progressively steeper, and the slope eventually turned into a flight of rugged

stone stairs. Two hours later, Oliver was caught by the glimmering light before his eyes. As he drew

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closer, he realized this was the edge of Mount Rockenan’s stone wall. At regular intervals of three feet

along the outer wall was a series of squared stone apertures, which allowed brilliant sunlight to filter


Oliver approached closer and peered outside. An unobstructed scenery unfolded before his eyes. It

was around 3,300 feet above the ground.

However, an oddity puzzled them, as the outer part of the passageway was adorned with such

apertures. When they were observing Mount Rockenan from below, they couldn’t find such features.

Everyone behind Oliver couldn’t help but ask the same question. Each and every one of them probed

through the apertures and pondered.

“That’s strange. I observed it with a telescope below, and every side of the peak appeared smooth. If

there are apertures at the passageway since the beginning, how is it possible that we couldn’t see

them before?” Wayne voiced out first. Simon, Louis, and Yoseph followed, raising their heads to

scrutinize the surroundings. All of them felt something peculiar.

As they continued to ascend, a square gate suddenly appeared in front of the stone stairs. On top of

the gate were three words that read: [Palace of Immortality].

There were two rows of characters at both ends of the gate. On the right side, the inscription read: [The

world is insignificant once you enter this door.]

The inscription on the left read: [Immortality will be bestowed upon whoever enters Tristar Palace.]

“Palace of Immortality, Palace of Immortality. I found it. I really found it!” Gunther exclaimed in

exhilaration, his face flushed with excitement. He pulled his hands away from Louis and Yoseph, who

had been supporting him.

Gabriel, too, was astonished. “Immortality… Is it truly real?”

Oliver was also taken aback when he saw the stone door. “Could this be what they called Tristar

Treasure? Is it possible that something here is capable of bestowing immortality?” he wondered.

Gunther’s hands trembled uncontrollably. After his exclamation, he gestured to Louis and yelled, “The

door! Open the door!”

Louis stepped forward and exerted a powerful push at the door using his hands.

However, the stone door had no response and remained still.

Louis pushed the door harder, but still, it did not move.

Without saying a word, Yoseph stepped forward, crouched down, and pushed the door with all his

might. The two of them

strained against the stone door with a formidable push but to no avail.

Wayne and Simon also joined in their effort. The four of them exerted their strength, pushing against

the stone door. However, the door only moved slightly.

Then Wayne shouted, “One, two, three!” On the count of three, the four of them summoned every

ounce of their strength.

Once again, the door yielded only a slight movement and couldn’t be pushed open at all!

If the combined strength of the four of them couldn’t open the door, the assistance of Hailey and

Sienna, regardless of their gender, and the contribution of Gabriel and Gunther, despite their age,

would likely have little impact on the situation.

This stone door could not be opened by brute force. Hence, there must be a mechanism behind it.

Oliver composed himself and gazed at the stone door. A few seconds later, a message materialized in

his mind: [The stone door contains the power of runes called Fortification. Without Runes Deactivation

or power of the Energy Refining Stage, the passage beyond this point is unattainable.]

Then, a peculiar runes seal appeared in his mind.

Oliver was stunned. The door was sealed with runes, and only one at the Energy Refining Stage could

use Runes Deactivation to unseal it. However, he didn’t know what the Energy Refining Stage exactly


Obviously, none of the people present had reached the Energy Refining Stage.

Oliver had never seen anything like the rune seal in his mind. It was neither a writing nor a painting,

with intricate strokes arranged in a reverse pattern.

Oliver fixated on the rune seal within his mind and couldn’t resist the urge to trace the patterns of the

seal with his fingertips, mimicking its strokes.

Unknowingly, Oliver could recreate the entire rune seal in a single motion as he traced along the

strokes. It was possible that he possessed an innate talent for deciphering such enigmatic symbols.

To the others, Oliver was merely extending his fingers in front of the door and making random gestures

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in the air. But Oliver was able to see the seal vividly. When he was recreating the rune seal with a

single fluid motion, a glowing seal abruptly materialized in front of his fingers.

The radiant glow coalesced into a rune seal and soared through the stone door in a flash. In an instant,

Oliver felt an overwhelming drain on his energy. The act of creating such a seal had left him

unexpectedly exhausted. His feet started to soften, causing him to stagger forward.

No one noticed that Oliver’s feet gave way beneath him. In a sudden flash, his body surged forward

and propelled toward the stone door.

Neither Wayne nor Simon paid attention to their surroundings, as the stone door was in front and the

others were behind. There was no hostility or danger present. As soon as they saw Oliver collapsing,

they immediately rushed to pull him up, but it was too late.

Oliver’s body had already struck the stone door. However, to everyone’s surprise, there was no sound

of impact or the expected cry of pain that would usually accompany such a forceful collision.

Oliver’s body was pulled into the stone door right before everyone’s eyes. It was as if the door itself

was an oblivious illusion rather than a tangible object.

“Mr. Eastwood…” Wayne and Simon were startled. They jumped up quickly and rushed over, stretching

out their hands to grab Oliver.

However, neither of them could catch him, as Oliver’s body was engulfed by the stone door, leaving

Wayne and Simon in futile attempts to catch him.

“No! Mr. Eastwood…”

“Mr. Eastwood!”


The last sound was Sienna’s gasps. Several people rushed in the direction of Oliver. However, he

vanished into the depths of the stone door right before their eyes.

Wayne and Simon, being the strongest and quickest, jumped toward the stone door to grab Oliver. But

upon making contact with the solid surface, a pang of pain shot through their hands.

The stone door was incomparably hard, and both of them looked at the door in disbelief while grasping

their hands.

Oliver disappeared into the stone door as if he had merged with it.

Everyone was shocked, gathering around and staring at the stone door. All of them wondered why

Oliver was pulled into the door.