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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 448
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Chapter 448 The Dragon Clan

Upon hearing that, Torrence said solemnly, “Well, Paradiso is the strongest nation in Moranta. Since its inception,

Paradiso had stood out with its exceptional magical prowess. The founder and first ruler, Darve, had been a

renowned figure, hailed as the most formidable man in history. Possessing extraordinary talents in both magic and

combat, Darve set the standard for the subsequent rulers of Paradiso. They too prioritized the development of

magic and combat skills, solidifying their position as a powerful force among the royal families of Paradiso.”

He took a momentary pause before continuing, “Nevertheless, despite the prevailing circumstances, Supreme Sect

managed to rise above all others and assert its authority in collecting taxes. It even succeeded in gaining

recognition from Paradiso, which attests to the immense strength of Supreme Sect.”

Jonathan and Yeverie were caught off guard by the revelation. Jonathan responded with a wry smile, saying, “Well,

that doesn't concern me anymore. I'm going back to the main world, after all.” He paused for a moment, then

grinned. “But I'm curious, what is the third spell?”

With that, he picked up the third, purple spell.

Jonathan closed his eyes and tapped into his spiritual sense to investigate further. Within moments, he sensed the

distinct presence of earth elements in the third spell. As Jonathan delved deeper into the essence of the third spell,

he sensed an intriguing quality to its earth elements. They swirled and twisted like dark vortices, concealing their

true purpose from prying eyes. It was as if the spell held a hidden power, shrouded in mystery and intrigue.

Immediately, Jonathan opened his eyes and turned to Torrence, relaying the information he had uncovered.

Although Torrence lacked expertise in magic, his familiarity with spells and knowledge of the elders' magic allowed

him to grasp the significance of Jonathan's findings.

“This spell, known as Door of Enlightenment, was created by an Earth Magician and the chief elder of Supreme

Sect, Derren.”

“What exactly is this 'Door of Enlightenment'?” Jonathan inquired, his curiosity piqued.

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Torrence proceeded to provide an explanation, stating, “Door of Enlightenment has the ability to transform into an

underground gateway. By entering the gate, one can evade pursuit and seek refuge. Furthermore, it has the

capability to transform into the Eonetara Gate, effectively trapping individuals within. Once trapped inside, unless

they possess formidable magical abilities, escape becomes nearly impossible as they are buried deep


“That's impressive!” Jonathan exclaimed, his eyes filled with awe and admiration for the spell. He was genuinely

impressed by its capabilities.

Soon, Jonathan discerned the presence of two distinct energies within the Door of Enlightenment spell. One

emanated a gentle and soothing aura, while the other exuded a fierce and powerful force.

The ferocious energy within the spell served to assail and defeat adversaries, while the gentle energy provided

protection and aid to those seeking refuge from pursuers.

Having comprehended the intricacies of the three spells, Jonathan safely stored them within his spatial ring,

ensuring their accessibility whenever the need arose.

Due to concerns about security, Jonathan opted to rely on his spatial ring rather than the storage ring, finding it to

be a safer and more trustworthy option for storing valuable spells.

Then, he turned his gaze toward Torrence and couldn't help but ask the burning question, “Is it true, Mr. Moose's

claim that you stole the Auropurple Crown?”

“Yes, it's true.” Torrence nodded solemnly in response to the question.

Jonathan's curiosity prompted him to inquire further. “Why did you come to Demon Palace after stealing the

Auropurple Crown?”

“Naturally, I'm here to pledge my allegiance to Demon Dragon,” Torrence responded. “The Auropurple Crown is a

divine relic of Supreme Sect. I plan to offer it to Demon Dragon as a symbol of my loyalty and seek his protection in

return. Given that Demon Dragon and Theos are archenemies, I believe he will be pleased to have the Auropurple

Crown in his possession.”

Jonathan fell into a pensive silence, contemplating the situation at hand. After a moment, he spoke up with a

serious tone. “It appears that your plan might encounter an obstacle. The entity frozen in Dragon Palace, was it

indeed Demon Dragon?”

Torrence affirmed with a nod. “Indeed, it is Demon Dragon who is frozen in Demon Palace.” He paused for a

moment, collecting his thoughts before continuing, “There have always been rumors circulating about Demon

Dragon's confinement within Demon Palace. Even Theos herself, despite her power, was apprehensive about

venturing into Demon Palace. I believed that Demon Dragon was still alive until I witnessed the current state of the

palace and the frozen state of Demon Dragon. It was a startling revelation.”

A cloud of concern settled over Torrence's face as he processed the implications. It was evident that the revelation

was far from desirable news for him.

“What are your plans now?” asked Jonathan.

A bitter smile formed on Torrence's lips as he responded to Jonathan's question, “Initially, seeking refuge with

Demon Dragon was my only recourse. However, with him now frozen, it seems there is no longer a place for me in

this world.”

Jonathan's anxiety rose, and he felt a surge of panic. Wait, we're in the same boat now. Does that mean I have no

place either? Are we both left with nowhere to go?

Torrence observed Jonathan's troubled expression and let out a wry smile. “I warned you about the gravity of the

situation, but you refused to listen. Regret won't change our predicament now.”

Jonathan chuckled lightly and replied, “Regret? I don't believe in regrets. I knew what I was getting into when I

chose to assist you.” He paused for a moment, deep in thought, before continuing, “However, we can't afford to

remain idle. We must find a solution. What if we pledge our loyalty to the King of Paradiso instead?”

Torrence shook his head in disagreement. “That won't work.”

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“Why not?”

“The royal family dislikes Supreme Sect, but they are allies. It is precisely this alliance that allowed Supreme Sect to

become as powerful as it is today. If we seek refuge with the royal family, they will likely betray us and hand us over

to Supreme Sect.”

Jonathan's expression turned somber as he realized the gravity of their predicament and the limited options

available to them.

“We can't rely on Demon Dragon, and seeking refuge with the royal family is out of the question. In that case,

should we just hide?” he suggested.

“Even if we hide, Theos possesses the Holy Scripture, which grants her the ability to locate us wherever we may


Jonathan's spirit sank as he exclaimed in disbelief, “Are we truly doomed to die?”

After releasing a heavy sigh, Torrence affirmed with a solemn tone, “Betraying Supreme Sect is essentially inviting

death upon oneself.”

Jonathan, however, refused to accept the notion of a hopeless situation and declared, “I refuse to believe that there

is absolutely no way out. No one is all-powerful, not even Theos.”

Torrence proposed, “For the time being, we should stay in this snowy tundra. It used to be the exile grounds for the

dragon clan, and Theos is unwilling to venture into this area. Therefore, it offers us relative safety. However, since

we have eliminated Mr. Moose and his group, Theos may come after us once she becomes aware of it.”

“I planned to find refuge with Demon Dragon, but with Demon Dragon frozen, our safety here is no longer

guaranteed if Theos comes for us.” He sighed.

Suddenly, Jonathan's gaze shifted toward Torrence, a spark of curiosity igniting within him as he contemplated the

dragons. “Dragon clan and Demon Dragon. What's going on here?”

Jonathan wasn't someone who would dwell on his troubles. Before long, his worry had turned into curiosity.

He had only heard of dragons in myths and legends. Now that he had heard about the existence of the dragon clan

and witnessed the presence of a real dragon in Demon Palace, Jonathan's curiosity burned brighter than ever.

Jonathan fell into a pensive silence, contemplating the situation at hand. After a moment, he spoke up with a

serious tone. “It appears that your plan might encounter an obstacle. The entity frozen in Dragon Palace, was it

indeed Demon Dragon?”