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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 445
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Chapter 445 A Massacre

Right then, Moose uttered in a deep voice, “Jonathan, you heard Torrence. If you choose to turn back now, I'll act as

if nothing had ever happened.”

Jonathan chuckled in response and said, “Mr. Moose, do you even believe your own words? Of course, I know you

were sincere. However, once you've become strong, you'll recall the embarrassment you endured today. The more

you think about it, the more you'll feel resentful. By then, I think I'll be doomed.” After a short pause, he added,

“Hence, I have nothing to lose, so I might as well drag you down with me.”

Those words rendered Moose speechless.

At that moment, Yeverie was still standing by Jonathan's side. No matter what his decision was, she was determined

to back him up.

Enraged, Skylar shouted at Jonathan, “Let Mr. Moose free!”

Jonathan ignored Skylar and shifted his gaze toward Torrence. “What do you think we should do next?”

Torrence kept mum for a while before asking Jonathan, “Have you thought things through? If you ask Mr. Moose to

make you a promise now, you can get him and Skylar to make an oath in the name of Theos, assuring that they will

never come after you in the future. After that, you can let Mr. Moose go and leave with your companions. That way,

you'll walk away from this mess.”

Moose's eyes lit up, and he chimed in, “That's right, Jonathan. If you let me go, we won't trouble you in the future. I

swear in the name of Theos.”

Jonathan was tempted. That's one way I can get away from this freely.

In the following moment, however, a smile spread across Jonathan's face as he looked at Torrence. “Having already

embarked on this course of action, it is only fitting that I see it through to the end. Retreating now would render all

my previous efforts futile.”

A glint of malice flickered in Torrence's eyes as he responded, “Very well. If you are resolved to proceed, then

eliminate him.”

“Don't you dare!” Skylar fumed.

At the same time, Moose's face had turned as pale as a sheet.

“Certainly,” Jonathan responded, his grip suddenly tightening. With an unexpected surge of strength, he snapped

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Moose's neck right then and there.

Before Moose could react, his eyes popped out of his eye sockets, and blood streamed down from the corners of

his mouth. Then and there, he died.

Yeverie was left dumbfounded, utterly shocked by Jonathan's swift and ruthless execution of Moose. It was a turn of

events she never anticipated.

Jonathan knew he had no choice but to kill Moose because that was the only way he and Torrence could leave.

He had no idea if Moose had committed any heinous crimes or was in the wrong, but he had already decided to

rescue Torrence. Thus, killing Moose was a choice that had to be made.

When things get tricky, one must not be weak and merciful. Jonathan didn't want to kill innocent people, but he

knew he couldn't afford to act mercifully.

“F*ck you!” Skylar was livid when he saw that Moose had died. His eyes were bloodshot as he dashed toward


Skylar swiftly unsheathed his gleaming sword, his movements akin to an unleashed tempest as he charged toward

Jonathan with unyielding ferocity.

In an instant, Jonathan's expression grew even more somber, his Dragon Binding Gloves still adorning his hands.

With astonishing speed, Skylar materialized before Jonathan, his sword poised unwaveringly at Jonathan's throat.

A glint flickered in Jonathan's gaze as he swiftly employed his Dragon Claw Grab technique, seizing Skylar's sword in

a firm grip

Simultaneously, Ducson, accompanied by a Golden Knight, unleashed a coordinated attack against Jonathan, while

the rest of the Golden Knights charged at Torrence.

In that critical moment, Yeverie realized the need to take action.

However, she lacked a weapon, and engaging in a direct confrontation with numerous skilled swordsmen without

any means of defense would be a suicidal move.

Hence, Jonathan instructed Yeverie in a deep voice, “Back away! I can deal with them!”

Overwhelmed by the sight of the gleaming blades in the hands of her adversaries, Yeverie felt fearful. She realized

that remaining by Jonathan's side would only burden him further. With a determined nod, she swiftly retreated.

Since Skylar and the others were targeting Jonathan, they didn't bother chasing after Yeverie.

As Jonathan extended his hand to seize Skylar's sword, the skilled adversary swiftly twisted his wrist and delivered a

diagonal slash toward Jonathan's arm.

Reacting with agility, Jonathan lowered his shoulder and deflected the sword with a forceful strike, causing it to veer

off course.

Jonathan employed a flurry of swift and calculated movements, skillfully disrupting Skylar's swordplay and

preventing him from executing his formidable techniques.

Unfortunately for Jonathan, Skylar wasn't the only one attacking him.

Right then, Ducson and the Golden Knight extended their swords toward Jonathan from opposite directions. Just like

that, they had him surrounded.

Despite Jonathan's formidable cultivation level, he found himself unable to gain the upper hand against Skylar due

to the combined efforts of Ducson and the Golden Knight, which created an obstacle that impeded Jonathan's


In this moment of crisis, Jonathan employed Shadow Step, his form becoming a blur as he evaded the imminent

three-way assault. With impeccable agility, he gracefully weaved through the chaotic battlefield, employing his

feather-like footwork to swiftly maneuver in a zigzag pattern.

The vast expanse of Dragon Palace provided an ideal battleground for the fierce confrontation.

As Jonathan swiftly made his retreat, Skylar and his companions wasted no time in pursuit.

While Jonathan possessed a higher cultivation level than Skylar and the others, he knew that their advantage lay in

their swords. In a fair fight, Jonathan was confident in his ability to overpower them all simultaneously.

Alas, being expert swordsmen, his adversaries wielded immense destructive power, and their proficiency in

swordplay made them formidable opponents, capable of unleashing devastating attacks. Jonathan knew that he,

alone, could not overcome their relentless and coordinated assault.

On the other hand, despite their best efforts, Skylar and the other two were unable to defeat Jonathan due to his

incredible speed and agility.

As the battle raged on, Yeverie was sitting idly by. Although no one bothered to attack her, she couldn't be of

assistance to anyone.

She could not help but wonder if things would be different if she had a weapon in hand.

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While Jonathan's fight was a stalemate, Torrence's battle was rather one-sided. At that moment, Torrence was

fighting against the rest of the Golden Knights between the ice pillars in Dragon Palace. His sword techniques were

too much for his opponents to handle.

Not only was Torrence's cultivation level higher than Jonathan's, but the former also had a sword in his hand.

Torrence showcased his absolute strength as the leader of the Holy Golden Knights.

Before long, he had already taken down three of the Golden Knights.

It didn't necessarily mean Torrence was significantly stronger than Jonathan, but rather the advantage Torrence

held as an elite swordsman with a weapon in hand.

Jonathan's Dragon Binding Gloves were undoubtedly powerful, but their effectiveness was limited in a multi-

opponent situation like the one he found himself in. While the gloves provided an advantage in one-on-one combat,

they couldn't match the versatility and lethal nature of swords. Additionally, facing three highly skilled swordsmen

wielding golden trefoil swords placed Jonathan at a significant disadvantage. It was no wonder he struggled to hold

his ground against such formidable opponents.

The presence of weapons undeniably played a crucial role in the outcome of battles. If Torrence were to face Skylar

and the other two adversaries without a sword, he would likely find himself in a similar predicament and be forced

to retreat.

For instance, consider a scenario where a man found himself cornered by three formidable opponents within the

confines of a small space. Without any means of defense or offense, the odds were undeniably stacked against him.

However, if the man had wielded a cleaver, the dynamics of the situation would have shifted dramatically.

As Jonathan desperately evaded his pursuers, his attention was momentarily diverted to Torrence's ongoing battle.

To his surprise, Torrence seemed to be handling his opponents with relative ease. Once Torrence is done with those

Golden Knights, Skylar and the others are doomed!

As soon as Jonathan noticed that, so did Yeverie and Skylar.

An important realization struck Skylar like a bolt of lightning. Without Mr. Moose, we aren't strong enough to kill

Torrence and Jonathan. Heck, we might even end up dying here.

Reacting with agility, Jonathan lowered his shoulder and deflected the sword with a forceful strike, causing it to veer

off course.