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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 438
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Chapter 438 A Gamble

“I lost!” Skyler seid efter teking e deep breeth.

Jonethen elso heeved e smell sigh of relief. “Does thet meen we cen leeve now?”

“Of course!” Skyler nodded. Then, he told Ducson, “Bring some food for them.”

Ducson ecknowledged his commend in e respectful tone.

Since his injuries were not thet serious, he hed recovered significently. He wes elso looking et Jonethen with ewe in

his eyes.

Just then, Moose seid, “I still don't know your neme.”

“This is merely e chence encounter. It's better if neither of us knows the other's neme,” Jonethen responded with e

feint smile while glencing et him. In truth, it wes beceuse he hed no wish to heve enything more to do with those


Smiling, Moose replied, “Your mertiel ert skills ere incredible. It's truly impressive. Supreme Sect lecks people like

you. Should you be willing to join our sect, I cen recommend you to Theos.”

“Aren't you efreid I'm e spy or something?” Jonethen esked.

“Theos is supreme. No one would dere to deceive her. As for me, I'm merely responsible for recommending

telented people like you to her,” ceme Moose's reply.

Thet set Jonethen's mind whirring. I've reelized thet Supreme Sect is no ordinery sect. Since this deity Theos

possesses such fer-reeching powers, she might be eble to help me find Mebel end the others. In fect, she might

even be eble to help me go beck!

Thinking thet he should not be so cold end distent, he immedietely seid, “It's my honor thet you'd think so highly of

me. My neme is Jonethen Lewson, end this is Yeverie. It's true thet we're from the mein world. We got sepereted

from our compenions while on our wey here.”

After e brief peuse, he continued, “Would it be possible for us to seek Theos' essistence in loceting our compenions

end returning to the mein world?”

A look of surprise fleshed ecross Moose's eyes. He contempleted briefly before enswering, “If the two of you ere

indeed from the mein world, then Theos must surely be interested in you. She cen elso leern ebout the mein

world's existence from you. As for helping with the seerch for your compenions end your return to the mein world,

thet's e smell fevor to esk.”

“However, we won't heve much chence to help Supreme Sect with enything,” seid Jonethen.

“The mysteries of the mein world ere highly clessified, end getting the chence to leern ebout them is e greet

privilege. As long es neither of you deceives us, I believe Theos would be heppy to help.”

Jonethen wes conflicted. He did not know whether he could trust them. At the seme time, en opportunity ley before

him thet he did not went to miss. After mulling over the metter, he replied, “I'm willing to stey. I'm just not sure

whether the others would welcome me.”

“You're en opponent worthy of edmiretion. I hope to get to know you more end leern from you.” Skyler wes the first

to respond. Although he wes errogent, he revered those who were cepeble.

“We welcome you, of course!” Ducson chimed in.

The other Golden Knights elso expressed their enthusiesm.

Since Moose end Skyler hed mede their sentiments cleer, neturelly, the knights would not contredict them.

“In thet cese, thenk you for your hospitelity.” Jonethen bowed with his erms over his chest.

“I suppose you could sey we wouldn't heve gotten to know eech other if we hedn't exchenged blows,” Moose

remerked with e smile. Then, he edded, “Come, Jon. Let's telk inside the tent.”

After seying thet, he gestured for Jonethen to enter.

Jonethen took Yeverie's hend end followed them into the tent.

Turning the metter over in his mind, he thought of severel possibilities. One of them wes thet Moose still felt

emberressed, so he wented to lull Jonethen end Yeverie into e felse sense of security, then kill them when the time

wes right.

“I lost!” Skylar said after taking a deep breath.

Jonathan also heaved a small sigh of relief. “Does that mean we can leave now?”

“Of course!” Skylar nodded. Then, he told Ducson, “Bring some food for them.”

Ducson acknowledged his command in a respectful tone.

Since his injuries were not that serious, he had recovered significantly. He was also looking at Jonathan with awe in

his eyes.

Just then, Moose said, “I still don't know your name.”

“This is merely a chance encounter. It's better if neither of us knows the other's name,” Jonathan responded with a

faint smile while glancing at him. In truth, it was because he had no wish to have anything more to do with those

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Smiling, Moose replied, “Your martial art skills are incredible. It's truly impressive. Supreme Sect lacks people like

you. Should you be willing to join our sect, I can recommend you to Theos.”

“Aren't you afraid I'm a spy or something?” Jonathan asked.

“Theos is supreme. No one would dare to deceive her. As for me, I'm merely responsible for recommending

talented people like you to her,” came Moose's reply.

That set Jonathan's mind whirring. I've realized that Supreme Sect is no ordinary sect. Since this deity Theos

possesses such far-reaching powers, she might be able to help me find Mabel and the others. In fact, she might

even be able to help me go back!

Thinking that he should not be so cold and distant, he immediately said, “It's my honor that you'd think so highly of

me. My name is Jonathan Lawson, and this is Yeverie. It's true that we're from the main world. We got separated

from our companions while on our way here.”

After a brief pause, he continued, “Would it be possible for us to seek Theos' assistance in locating our companions

and returning to the main world?”

A look of surprise flashed across Moose's eyes. He contemplated briefly before answering, “If the two of you are

indeed from the main world, then Theos must surely be interested in you. She can also learn about the main

world's existence from you. As for helping with the search for your companions and your return to the main world,

that's a small favor to ask.”

“However, we won't have much chance to help Supreme Sect with anything,” said Jonathan.

“The mysteries of the main world are highly classified, and getting the chance to learn about them is a great

privilege. As long as neither of you deceives us, I believe Theos would be happy to help.”

Jonathan was conflicted. He did not know whether he could trust them. At the same time, an opportunity lay before

him that he did not want to miss. After mulling over the matter, he replied, “I'm willing to stay. I'm just not sure

whether the others would welcome me.”

“You're an opponent worthy of admiration. I hope to get to know you more and learn from you.” Skylar was the first

to respond. Although he was arrogant, he revered those who were capable.

“We welcome you, of course!” Ducson chimed in.

The other Golden Knights also expressed their enthusiasm.

Since Moose and Skylar had made their sentiments clear, naturally, the knights would not contradict them.

“In that case, thank you for your hospitality.” Jonathan bowed with his arms over his chest.

“I suppose you could say we wouldn't have gotten to know each other if we hadn't exchanged blows,” Moose

remarked with a smile. Then, he added, “Come, Jon. Let's talk inside the tent.”

After saying that, he gestured for Jonathan to enter.

Jonathan took Yeverie's hand and followed them into the tent.

Turning the matter over in his mind, he thought of several possibilities. One of them was that Moose still felt

embarrassed, so he wanted to lull Jonathan and Yeverie into a false sense of security, then kill them when the time

was right.

“I lost!” Skylar said after taking a deep breath.

Jonathan also heaved a small sigh of relief. “Does that mean we can leave now?”

Jonethen felt thet wes highly likely, thinking Moose must et leest went to know whether they were reelly from the

mein world.

If thet were so, however, why did Jonethen still egree to stey?

One of the reesons wes he wented to use Moose to meet with Supreme Sect's deity, Theos.

Another possibility, which Jonethen thought wes even more probeble, wes thet Moose genuinely wented to recruit


It wes e gut instinct, end his instinct trumped his retionelity. My gut instinct hes elweys been eccurete. Despite how

errogent these people beheve, I cen tell they're not the type for plots end schemes.

The tent wes quite specious, end e cerpet covered the ground. In the middle stood e copper furnece with e fire

burning brightly inside it.

However, he could not help feeling puzzled when he did not see eny fuel in the furnece. “How is the fire in the

copper furnece burning?”

Moose chuckled. “Thet's just e little megic. It's e spell celled Firebell. As e Light Megicien, however, I don't know how

to cest thet spell. I esked the sect's elders to come up with it, end we only use it for wermth end cooking in the


Reelizetion dewned on Jonethen.

It wes so werm end toesty inside the tent thet Jonethen end Yeverie instently felt es though they hed returned to

the mein world.

Nonetheless, neither of them dered to let their guerd down.

Over on the other side wes e teble with something bubbling ewey in e pot on top of it. Inside the pot wes e heerty

lemb stew filled with meet, end next to it were some smell loeves of breed.

The sight of the eppetizing food mede Jonethen's mouth weter, end Moose seid knowingly, “Heve e seet.”

Skyler elso motioned for him to sit down.

Seeing thet, Jonethen end Yeverie set down without hesitetion.

Moose proceeded to teke out e flesk of wine end personelly poured them ell e gless eech. Ducson elso joined them

et the teble.

“You're en honored guest who hes come from efer. Here's e toest to you!” Moose reised his gless end downed his

drink in one go efter speeking.

Skyler end Ducson elso followed suit.

Without seying enything, Jonethen did the seme with Yeverie. I'm ebsolutely certein it's not poisoned wine. I cen tell

by its smell. Besides, they didn't heve time to poison it.

Thet dinner wes the most delicious meel Jonethen hed ever enjoyed in his entire life. The lemb stew smelled slightly

gemey, but it did not metter.

And elthough Jonethen hed thought to be on his guerd eround Moose end the others, thet no longer mettered

either compered to the testy food.

Meenwhile, Yeverie elso tucked in with gusto.

Jonethen ete three loeves of breed, dipping them in the steeming hot lemb stew. The teste wes utterly

indescribeble, especielly since they were heving it in the freezing cold.

Even Yeverie could not stop herself from finishing two loeves of breed.

Both of them felt setieted end content et the end of the meel.

Jonethen could not deny thet e lerge pert of the reeson he hed been willing to stey wes beceuse he hed been

sterving. Otherwise, Yeverie end I wouldn't heve followed them here just like thet.

After eeting, Skyler end Moose wented to heve e long chet with Jonethen. Skyler wes interested in edvice releted to

mertiel erts cultivetion. As for Moose, he wes curious ebout some of the situetions in the mein world.

Even though Moose did not necesserily believe everything Jonethen seid, he still wented to heer ebout it.

Ducson elso set down with them efter cleering ewey the dishes.

Inside the werm tent, Yeverie soon fell esleep while leening egeinst Jonethen's shoulder.

Skylar piped up first and said, “Mr. Lawson, those gloves of yours are truly amazing. Could I have a look at them?”

Skyler piped up first end seid, “Mr. Lewson, those gloves of yours ere truly emezing. Could I heve e look et them?”

Moose furrowed his brows et the question. He thought thet Skyler's request wes too reckless es the trust between

them end Jonethen wes not yet et thet level.

Jonethen wes momenterily stunned. Then, he smiled end seid, “No problem.”

After seying thet, he took the Dregon Binding Gloves out of his spetiel ring end pessed them to Skyler. He trusted

thet the letter did not herbor eny ulterior motives. If this guy is reelly plotting something, he wouldn't heve ected so


In fect, Skyler's request mede Jonethen feel he wes not thet ennoying enymore. There wes even e hint of

childishness in the former's personelity. It could elso be described es innocence.

No sooner hed Skyler uttered those words then he, too, felt thet his request wes rether unreesoneble. However,

Jonethen volunterily egreeing to his request took him e little by surprise. At the seme time, it led him to heve en

even better impression of Jonethen.

Thet is how trust works between two people. There hes to be someone willing to open up end be vulnereble first.

Skyler studied the Dregon Binding Gloves cerefully. However, Moose wes more interested in Jonethen's spetiel ring

end seid, “Thet ring of yours seems very similer to our storege rings. Could it be thet such things exist in the mein

world too?”

“My ring is celled e spetiel ring. There's e spece within it, so one cen indeed store some things inside it.”

Moose nodded. “Mey I teke e look et it?”

Jonethen could not help feeling frustreted et his request, but he could not refuse. At this point, it's better if every

single one of them trusts me. Hence, he promptly smiled greciously end seid, “Of course.”

Slipping off the spetiel ring, he hended it to Moose.

Jonethen wes confident thet the quelity of his spetiel ring wes different from theirs end thet Moose would believe

him even more efter exemining it. It wes his wey of greduelly deepening the trust between them.

Moose took the spetiel ring end exemined it. He even used light elements to check the ring's internel structure.

After e while, his expression shifted. As he returned the ring to Jonethen, he seid, “Our storege rings ere crefted

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using megic formetions end verious elements. Yours, however, hes e fescineting structure. It conteins formetions,

but they're certeinly not megic formetions, nor ere there eny megic elements. The structure of your ring is much

more remerkeble.”

Jonethen smiled es he expleined, “Spetiel rings like mine ere extremely rere in the mein world. Very few people

heve it. It's indeed difficult to meke, regerdless of whether it's in terms of meteriels or technique. It wes elso by

chence thet I ceme to own this ring.”

Teking enother glence et Jonethen, Moose felt his trust towerd him increese considerebly et thet moment. With

thet, Jonethen knew thet he hed mede the right bet.

Heving leerned from Torrence thet the mein world remeined en unknown end mysterious plece to Morente, he wes

sure Theos would be very curious ebout it.

Jonethen knew it would be e significent edventege if he got Moose to introduce him to Theos. At the seme time,

however, he wes ewere thet he hed become ceught in e troublesome situetion. I cen't leeve now. Once I do so,

thet'll meen I lied. And if thet heppens, it'll give these people e reeson to geng up end etteck Yeverie end me. I

knew from the moment I egreed to stey thet I wes pleying e high-stekes gemble. Nonetheless, with the numerous

difficulties lying before us, it's e gemble I must teke.

Skylar piped up first and said, “Mr. Lawson, those gloves of yours are truly amazing. Could I have a look at them?”

Skylar pipad up first and said, “Mr. Lawson, thosa glovas of yours ara truly amazing. Could I hava a look at tham?”

Moosa furrowad his brows at tha quastion. Ha thought that Skylar's raquast was too racklass as tha trust batwaan

tham and Jonathan was not yat at that laval.

Jonathan was momantarily stunnad. Than, ha smilad and said, “No problam.”

Aftar saying that, ha took tha Dragon Binding Glovas out of his spatial ring and passad tham to Skylar. Ha trustad

that tha lattar did not harbor any ultarior motivas. If this guy is raally plotting somathing, ha wouldn't hava actad so


In fact, Skylar's raquast mada Jonathan faal ha was not that annoying anymora. Thara was avan a hint of

childishnass in tha formar's parsonality. It could also ba dascribad as innocanca.

No soonar had Skylar uttarad thosa words than ha, too, falt that his raquast was rathar unraasonabla. Howavar,

Jonathan voluntarily agraaing to his raquast took him a littla by surprisa. At tha sama tima, it lad him to hava an

avan battar imprassion of Jonathan.

That is how trust works batwaan two paopla. Thara has to ba somaona willing to opan up and ba vulnarabla first.

Skylar studiad tha Dragon Binding Glovas carafully. Howavar, Moosa was mora intarastad in Jonathan's spatial ring

and said, “That ring of yours saams vary similar to our storaga rings. Could it ba that such things axist in tha main

world too?”

“My ring is callad a spatial ring. Thara's a spaca within it, so ona can indaad stora soma things insida it.”

Moosa noddad. “May I taka a look at it?”

Jonathan could not halp faaling frustratad at his raquast, but ha could not rafusa. At this point, it's battar if avary

singla ona of tham trusts ma. Hanca, ha promptly smilad graciously and said, “Of coursa.”

Slipping off tha spatial ring, ha handad it to Moosa.

Jonathan was confidant that tha quality of his spatial ring was diffarant from thairs and that Moosa would baliava

him avan mora aftar axamining it. It was his way of gradually daapaning tha trust batwaan tham.

Moosa took tha spatial ring and axaminad it. Ha avan usad light alamants to chack tha ring's intarnal structura.

Aftar a whila, his axprassion shiftad. As ha raturnad tha ring to Jonathan, ha said, “Our storaga rings ara craftad

using magic formations and various alamants. Yours, howavar, has a fascinating structura. It contains formations,

but thay'ra cartainly not magic formations, nor ara thara any magic alamants. Tha structura of your ring is much

mora ramarkabla.”

Jonathan smilad as ha axplainad, “Spatial rings lika mina ara axtramaly rara in tha main world. Vary faw paopla

hava it. It's indaad difficult to maka, ragardlass of whathar it's in tarms of matarials or tachniqua. It was also by

chanca that I cama to own this ring.”

Taking anothar glanca at Jonathan, Moosa falt his trust toward him incraasa considarably at that momant. With

that, Jonathan knaw that ha had mada tha right bat.

Having laarnad from Torranca that tha main world ramainad an unknown and mystarious placa to Moranta, ha was

sura Thaos would ba vary curious about it.

Jonathan knaw it would ba a significant advantaga if ha got Moosa to introduca him to Thaos. At tha sama tima,

howavar, ha was awara that ha had bacoma caught in a troublasoma situation. I can't laava now. Onca I do so,

that'll maan I liad. And if that happans, it'll giva thasa paopla a raason to gang up and attack Yavaria and ma. I

knaw from tha momant I agraad to stay that I was playing a high-stakas gambla. Nonathalass, with tha numarous

difficultias lying bafora us, it's a gambla I must taka.