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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 431
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Chapter 431 Moranta And The Main World

After partially recovering their stamina, Jonathan and Yeverie set out at a slow pace and continued on their journey.

Although Yeverie felt much better, Jonathan was growing weaker.

Prolonged exposure to cold environments eventually used up the stored energy in their bodies, and it was the type

of cold that was lethal in prolonged exposure.

As Jonathan's and Yeverie's cultivation was strong, they would still survive if they could keep their energies

replenished. No matter how freezing the place was, they had nothing to fear.

However, they've had nothing to eat. Thus, it prevented them from replenishing their energies. There was nothing

the two of them could do about it.

After all, one could not make bricks without straw, and that was presently the condition Jonathan and Yeverie were


It did not matter how strong their cultivation was. If their physical bodies suffered too much and their energies were

not replenished, there would be no way out.

Three days later, Jonathan and Yeverie were buried in the snow. Their minds were a blur as they held onto each

other tightly. Their bodies were so cold that they were frozen, and their blood was close to coagulating. Soon, they

could no longer move.

Even their consciousness began to blur.

However, they were not yet dead as they instinctively managed to retain the small spark—the last bit of

consciousness in their cerebral domain.

Jonathan felt an incredible amount of resentment and regret as his consciousness faded. At the same time, he felt

betrayed by Leahra.

If it had not been for the vampire primogenitor's cunning plan, he would not have come here. If he had run out,

there could have been a slim chance of survival.

In that brief moment, several thoughts flitted across Jonathan's mind.

He had unfinished business to attend to. He wanted to immediately rush back and become the ruler once again. He

wanted to take down Edward personally, force Tristan to kneel before his mother's grave, and make Ignatius

prostrate before him.

Jonathan could not let go of the hatred and resentment he harbored.

Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do about it at the moment.

Soon, he was no longer able to keep the drowsiness at bay, he felt his own body relaxing in that instant.

As the pain vanished, he felt his body enveloped in a warm and comforting sensation. It was as if he had returned

to his mother's womb, and he felt himself surrounded by amniotic fluid.

Unable to hold it up further, Jonathan closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He was so tired that he fell into deep slumber.

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Had Jonathan and Yeverie been ordinary people, they would most certainly be heading toward death.

However, they managed to hang onto their last breaths.

Jonathan had no idea how much time passed as he found himself cocooned by darkness.

Gradually, he regained consciousness and slowly opened his eyes.

Although Jonathan's surroundings were still pitch black after he opened his eyes, his acute senses detected the

change in the place where he slept.

He was no longer buried in snow, but lying on a warm bed instead. The bed was quite firm, and he could feel a quilt

under his body.

Jonathan was elated. He knew that he wasn't dead. Amidst the most difficult time, he had managed to keep the

spark in his cerebral domain alive. Stubbornly, he refused to allow it to be extinguished.

Like a kerosene lamp, it did not matter how weak the spark was. As long as it was not completely extinguished, it

could surely ignite again.

No matter how terrible the condition Jonathan's body was in, he would be able to make a swift recovery once he

replenished his energy as long as his spirit was not extinguished.

Jonathan's body felt much warmer, and he could feel that his spirit had been replenished a little. He suspected that

person had fed him some food.

However, he realized his body was still feeling quite weak.

As Jonathan tried to stretch his hand, he found himself wrapped in something that felt like a sleeping bag. At the

same time, he could feel a person's soft body next to his. He immediately turned over and groped the other

person's face.

“Yeverie!” Jonathan exclaimed happily.

Next to him, Yeverie was still unconscious.

Jonathan tried his best to tamp down his joy as he realized that he and Yeverie had been saved. The sleeping bag

could not have appeared from thin air.

Sucking in a deep breath, Jonathan struggled to pull the zipper of the sleeping bag open.

Soon, a faint ray of light entered his sight.

They were in a dark cave that barely allowed any light inside.

Jonathan struggled to sit up and check on Yeverie, who was soundly asleep. Although her body appeared to be

weak, her breathing was quite even.

Her life was no longer in danger.

As Jonathan painstakingly squirmed out of the sleeping bag, he realized that there was someone standing at the

entrance of the cave.

After getting up, Jonathan strode toward the entrance. They must be the person who saved Yeverie and I.

At the entrance of the cave, Jonathan saw a young man clad in a knight's attire and a silver cloak.

The man appeared to be in his late twenties and looked like an Anglandurn from the middle ages.

A trefoil sword hung on the man's waist, and he stood very straight.

Inwardly, Jonathan rejoiced. After experiencing far too much despair in this hellhole, he finally encountered another

living person!

“Hello!” Jonathan called out in Ustranasian.

The knight in silver armor glanced at Jonathan indifferently and did not speak.

In a deep voice, Jonathan bowed deeply and said, “Thank you for saving our lives.”

As the knight in silver armor continued to stare at Jonathan for an extended period of time, he began to feel

weirded out.

Despite that, Jonathan behaved himself in front of his savior.

After a while, the knight in silver armor asked, “You and your companion... What are you? How did you arrive in this

exiled land?”

The knight spoke fluent Ustranasian.

Jonathan did not have any difficulties communicating in Ustranasian. Curiously, he asked, “Exiled land? What do you

mean by that?”

“You did not know that this was an exiled land?” A strange look flashed in the knight in silver armor's eyes.

Jonathan shook his head in response. “I have no idea.”

The knight in silver armor's eyes gleamed as he asked, “Where do you come from, and why do you dress so

strangely? When I found you and your companion, you were both frozen blocks of ice. Logically, the both of you

should have perished, but why did you not die?”

The knight in silver armor was all curious about Jonathan and Yeverie.

That was the main reason he saved them. In fact, he had come across Jonathan and Yeverie who were buried in the

snow by chance as he scavenged for food. Much to his surprise, he had dug up two people.

He was incredibly surprised to discover that the two frozen human popsicles were still faintly breathing.

Hence, the curious knight in silver armor decided to save Jonathan and Yeverie.

It was obvious that he was incredibly interested in them.

At the same time, Jonathan too was curious about the knight and the world that they were currently in.

He was almost certain that he had arrived in a dimensional space.

Immediately, Jonathan said, “It's difficult for me to suddenly explain where my companion and I came from. More

importantly, I don't know where this place is.” His words were slightly labored as he settled down.

Jonathan gasped for breath the moment he sat down.

The knight in silver armor grabbed something from his pocket and tossed it at Jonathan. “Here, eat this.”

Jonathan accepted the proffered item and eyed it curiously. It was a black colored fruit that was about the size of a


“You can eat it after peeling the skin,” the knight in silver armor suggested.

Gratefully, Jonathan exclaimed, “Thank you!”

However, he was in no hurry to eat the fruit. He asked, “Can I give this to my companion?”

Slightly stunned by the question, a complicated look appeared in the knight in silver armor's eyes. A moment later,

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he said, “Go ahead.”

“Thank you!” Jonathan replied as he began to peel the fruit.

Surprisingly, the fruit's seemingly unimpressive exterior revealed snowy white flesh under its skin.

Jonathan bit into the fruit, only to realize that its flesh was soft and it melted in his mouth. The texture belied its ugly

and tough exterior.

Ecstatic, Jonathan took two more small bites.

The fruit was immediately converted into calories as it entered his body, and it rapidly replenished his energy.

Although it was only a small amount, it managed to invigorate Jonathan, and he could feel his mind clearing up.

Afterward, Jonathan immediately went over to Yeverie.

After checking to make sure that the knight in silver armor had not followed him, Jonathan bit into the fruit and

chewed on it before feeding it to Yeverie directly.

After a considerable amount of effort, he finally managed to get Yeverie to eat the whole fruit.

Prior to this, Jonathan and Yeverie had managed to eat something in their unconscious state thanks to the knight in

silver armor crushing the fruit and mixing it with melted snow before feeding it to them.

After eating the fruit, some color returned to Yeverie's cheeks.

Nonetheless, she remained unconscious.

Both Yeverie and Jonathan had powerful absorption abilities.

After making certain that Yeverie's life was no longer in a critical state, Jonathan ran back to the knight in silver


“Sir, thank you so much for saving us!” Jonathan exclaimed gratefully.

“You don't seem to be from Moranta,” the knight in silver armor said. “There is no way a person from Moranta

would not know that this is Moranta. Moreover, your clothing and appearance are far too strange.”

“The exiled land?” Jonathan pounced on the vital piece of information. The knight, together with Moranta... It's

almost as if we're in some magical fantasy !

“Do you not know about Moranta?” the knight in silver armor asked as he gave Jonathan a strange look.

Jonathan shook his head.

“Where did you come from then?” the knight in silver armor pressed.

Jonathan smiled bitterly. “It's quite difficult to explain from whence I came. Would you understand what I mean if I

say that I came from a boundless universe?”

“A boundless universe?” The knight in silver armor's expression changed subtly as he heard the words. “Could it be

the legendary main world?”

“What do you mean by the main world?” Jonathan asked curiously.

The knight in silver armor said, “Our Holy Scripture contains records of the main world, which is also known as the

earth's core. Meanwhile, Moranta is one of the cascading spaces.”

Did we really enter the dimensional spaces?

“If Holy Scripture truly has such a record, then it's likely my companion and I are from the main world,” Jonathan


Interest piqued, the knight in silver armor said, “I saw records of the main world in Holy Scripture. I'd also heard

that the air quality in the main world was deteriorating and it is not suitable for humans. Is it true?”