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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 303_304
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Chapter 303 The pregnant lady's eyes dimmed, and she said, “I don't have a family.” With that, she endured the pain and got out of the car.

Jonathan was momentarily stunned. | can only imagine how tough of a life this woman has. She's a pregnant woman in a foreign place all on her own. Obviously, this woman must have a difficult life story. It seems that everyone has their own difficulties in life, and every family has its own issues.

Jonathan felt bad for the woman. He wanted to give the woman some money, but he soon realized his action could be inappropriate. After all, she was not a beggar. She just had difficulty going around.

“I'm free now. I'll accompany you to the hospital.” As soon as he said that, he closed the car door and sat in the passenger seat. “Let's go to the nearest hospital,” he said to the driver.

The taxi driver started the car.

The woman was in so much pain that she just went along

with it.

After thanking Jonathan, the woman said to the taxi driver, “Go to Guardian Women's and Children's Hospital.” “Okay!” the taxi driver replied and sped toward the hospital.

Lucky for them, the hospital was close to Starbucks, and the traffic wasn't congested at that time.

Ten minutes later, they arrived at Guardian Women's and Children's Hospital.

As the car came to a halt, Jonathan was about to pay for the taxi fare when the driver refused to accept his money and said, “Quick! Get her to the hospital.” Jonathan smiled and got out of the car to help the woman out.

At that moment, the woman's face was turning pale, and she was sweating bullets.

Jonathan knew something was wrong, so he quickly carried the woman in his arms and ran into the hospital.

Upon arriving in the lobby, Jonathan yelled for emergency assistance.

Almost immediately, the nurses and doctors in the hospital pushed a stretcher over.

Jonathan put the woman on the stretcher and watched the medical staff push the woman into the emergency room.

Jonathan waited outside the emergency room for half an hour before he saw a doctor coming out of there.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw the doctor take off his surgical mask. He was worried that the doctor would wave his hands dismissively and tell him the medical staff had done their best.

Although Jonathan didn't know the woman, he still hoped that the mother and the child would be all right.

“Doctor, how is she?” Jonathan asked, rushing up to the doctor.

The doctor, Mike Little, was a middle-aged man. He looked at Jonathan and asked, “Are you the pregnant woman's

lover?” “I'm not!” Jonathan answered.

Mike frowned. “Then you are?” Jonathan was at a loss for words. After a while, he answered, “I was just walking by when | noticed she needed help. So a taxi driver and | sent her here. Don't worry. I'll pay for all the expenses.” Mike shot Jonathan a surprised glance, then said, “Something's wrong with the fetus, and it has heart issues.

It was critical, but we managed to save them.” “I think she's eight months pregnant. Can't she have a cesarean section?” “Under normal circumstances, yes. But in her case, no.” “Why not?” “There's something weird about the fetus, and it isn't well- developed. If we perform a cesarean section, it's going to die. She must be hospitalized for observation and given progesterone.”

“Oh... Thank you, doctor.” “You're welcome.” Soon after, the medical staff pushed the woman out of the ‘emergency room and sent her to the inpatient department.

Mike said to Jonathan, “You can now pay the bills for the pregnant woman.” “Sure.” Jonathan paused for a couple of seconds before asking, “Is her life in danger?” “She's stable now,” Mike answered. “We can't guarantee that nothing will go south during the treatment, but we will try our best to treat her. You have to trust our professionalism.” Jonathan rolled his eyes in response. Well... What more can | say? Despite his thought, Jonathan went straight to make the payments after that. Not only did he pay for the expenses, but he also transferred a hundred thousand into the pregnant woman's bank account before he left.

I've done everything | can, so my conscience is clear. Still, Jonathan felt slightly frustrated the moment he exited the hospital. | planned to grab something to eat and drink, but | ended up not eating anything! Just then, he received a call from Mabel.

Jonathan only answered the call after a long hesitation.

Instead of making fun of Jonathan, Mabel asked, “Are you ‘coming back to eat?” “Yes,” Jonathan answered. It's not like I'm busy or something.

“Okay. Come back soon, okay? We'll wait for you.” With that, they ended the call.

At eleven that night, Jonathan and the other two went out when it was dark and windy.

Again, they left in the military car, and Jonathan drove.

“Where's Jeff?” Jonathan asked after they left the residential area.

He didn't bother addressing Jeff as Chief Yount anymore because he realized how unreliable Jeff was after what had happened with the soul bringer.

Mabel was amused when she heard that.

“Jeff is—" The moment Mabel said that, she realized Jonathan had led her astray. However, she thought it was fun to address Jeff so. “We'll meet in front of Pearl Building.” Upon hearing that, Jonathan drove toward Pearl Building.

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They arrived half an hour later.

Jeff was already there, waiting for them. He was in a robe, and he had the demeanor of a transcendent being.

‘When he saw Jonathan's car, he waved his hand in the air.

Seeing that, Jonathan looked back at Mabel and Beatrix.

“Is Jeff hailing a taxi?” Mabel let out a chuckle and replied, “Chief Yount has a good hearing ability. He can hear what you've just said.” Jonathan immediately laughed in response.

After that, he stopped the car right in front of Jeff.

As soon as the car came to a halt, Jeff opened the door.

“Hey, Jeff! Are you dressed like this because you're a ghostbuster?” Jonathan uttered boldly.

Jeff couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard that.

There's nothing | can do about this clown.

Jonathan started the car and drove toward their destination.

He wasn't very optimistic about the operation that night.

However, as long as Jeff was around, he thought nothing dangerous was going to happen.

He put on a serious expression and asked, “Chief Yount—" Jeff interrupted his speech by letting out a dry cough. “I'm more used to you addressing me as Jeff.” Jonathan laughed and said, “That's great, Jeff! You said so! Okay, apart from this haunted house, do you have other places in mind? Let's check out a few places tonight.”

“I have three more places lined up, and they're all around Yaleview. If we can't find anything tonight, I'll widen the scope of the investigation tomorrow.” “All right.” Around half an hour later, which was past midnight, the group arrived at the haunted house Jeff had talked about.

The haunted house was located in the suburb, and it was surrounded by a forest.

The suburb wasn't exactly a place suitable for humans to stay in, and it wasn't a place the people in Yaleview were familiar with.

“Forests will attract snakes, and snakes attract spirits.” The group stood in front of the forest.

The haunted house was located right behind the forest, and it was an old house that looked ancient and historic.

Right away, Jonathan detected the presence of countless snakes and insects crawling around in the area.

The forest was surrounded by mist, which was poisonous

because it was emitted by snakes and insects.

This place is definitely not suitable for mortal beings! Spirits and negative energy objects love this kind of place.

However, Jonathan and the other three were elites. They weren't afraid of such things.

As they went in, Jeff led the way while the others followed behind.

The weird thing was that although the forest was filled with snakes, insects, and poisonous mist, Jeff repelled them as he walked.

In other words, they were breezing past the forest.

Undeniably, Jeff was quite impressive, and it seemed that there were many talents hidden in the Department of National Security.

Soon, they arrived in front of the haunted house.

The entrance to the haunted house was covered in overgrown grasses and shrubs. Evidently, no one had ever set foot inside.

Right at that moment, a wave of demonic energy could be felt from the haunted house. Seconds later, the group heard a burst of wicked laughter that belonged to an old woman.

Upon laughing sinisterly, the old woman uttered, “You fools have a death wish. Leave now, or I'm going to swallow all of you alive.” Jonathan sneered, “Well, | don't think you have an appetite big enough for that.” “How dare you!” the old woman roared, releasing a wave of demonic energy.

Subsequently, a cloud of dark mist drifted out, transforming into a terrifying demon.

The tall demon had long, sharp fangs and a green face, and its body was covered in black scales.

All of a sudden, the demon swung its claws at Jonathan.

“What an insolent fool!” Beatrix snorted before whipping out the Demon Slayer and attacking the demon.

Upon receiving a slash, the demon's claws broke.

The demon howled in pain, and then suddenly widened its mouth to fight back.

Jeff had a deadpan expression on his face when he yelled, “You evil creature! Kneel!” Something weird happened as soon as those words fell.

The demon abruptly turned into its original form, a wrinkly old woman. She kneeled before Jeff and trembled in fear.

“Have mercy on me, Supreme Immortal! Have mercy on me, Supreme Immortal!” “What kind of spirit are you? Why are you causing trouble in this area?” Jeff asked in a deep voice.

The old woman answered, “My name is Lydia. People used to address me as Mdm. Lydia. This is my home. My family and my children died after they joined the army. After that, | died here. | only found out that my spirit had nowhere to go after | died, so | cultivated using the negative energy here.

Supreme Immortal, although I'm a ghost, I've always stayed here. | haven't harmed a single person!”

Jeff furrowed his brows and glanced at Lydia. “Are you telling the truth?” Jonathan chuckled. “Jeff, why are you asking her that? Surely she's going to tell you she's telling the truth!”

Chapter 304 Jonathan continued, “Also, this old woman is good with her words. She said she has never harmed a single person, but who can be certain that she isn't lying?” Jeff was speechless. He said to Jonathan, “Why don't you question her, then?” He truly wanted Jonathan to ask, not because he was irritated with him.

Seeing that Jeff wasn't angry, Jonathan agreed. He stood before Lydia and said, “Mdm. Lydia, stand up and speak.” Lydia glanced at Jeff fearfully and stood up as told when she saw that Jeff was silent.

“Do you know the Infant King?” Jonathan asked.

Immediately, Lydia replied in confusion, “Who's Infant King?” Jonathan was exasperated. “Are you the one questioning me, or am | questioning you?” Startled, Lydia hurriedly answered, “Right, right, but I've never heard of the Infant King.” Jonathan and the others knew it was a waste coming here,

as they could tell from her expression that she was telling the truth.

Jonathan sighed and said to Jeff, “I'm done asking questions. It's up to you now whether you want to send her to the afterlife or let her go.” Lydia looked at Jeff in horror and got to her knees.

“Supreme Immortal, | promise | won't do anything evil or hurt anyone in the future.” Jeff snorted. “Your demonic energy is overwhelming and your face is filled with hostility. How can | let you off when you Kill whenever you see a human?” Before Lydia could resist, he slammed his hand on her head. She let out a shrill scream, then vanished into thin air.

Jonathan and the others could understand Jeff's actions.

Jeff was the chief of the first division of the Department of National Security. He was in charge of matters relating to the supernatural and the safety of the capital. Lydia was a

powerful spirit, so she was a potential threat.

Naturally, Jeff had to get rid of her.

Moreover, spirits were against nature and should not exist.

Not only would he not get punished for killing that spirit, but he would be rewarded.

Following the incident regarding Lydia, Jonathan fell into deep thought as he realized it was immensely difficult to find the Infant King's subordinates. Time was running out for Mabel.

Thereafter, everyone rushed to their next location.

Along the way, Jonathan could not help but ask Jeff, “How long more does Mabel have?” “I have to take a look to accurately estimate it,” Jeff replied solemnly before stretching out a finger to press on an acupoint on Mabel's forehead.

Mabel closed her eyes, and Jonathan gently stopped the car.

Together with Beatrix, he looked at Jeff and Mabel


After a while, Jeff retracted his hand, looking extremely grave.

The other's hearts skipped a beat. Mabel smiled bitterly and asked, “What's wrong, Chief Yount?” “The recovery speed of the Infant King is very fast. | think he'll regain his consciousness in less than five days, and when that happens, it'll be useless no matter how much dark energy you absorb. That energy will become a tonic for the Infant King.” “Five days?” Everyone gasped in shock.

Indeed, time was running out.

This time, even Mabel couldn't remain calm anymore.

Previously, she felt fine and didn't know when she would die.

Yet, now, the countdown to her life began.

Jonathan did not say anything else and started the engine.

That night, they sped to a few places with negative energy.

However, in the end, they got nothing. Jeff got rid of a few spirits and even captured some criminals in a drug den.

At ten in the morning, they returned empty-handed, as they had run out of places to check out.

Jonathan looked at Jeff, who said, “I will hurry up and continue to look for new locations.” “Could it be that we've been searching in the wrong direction?” Beatrix suggested solemnly.

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Looking at Beatrix, Jonathan asked, “Care to explain?” Beatrix shook her head. “I don't know, but | have a feeling that something's wrong. If we continue investigating, we won't get any results.” Jonathan also had the same feeling, but he couldn't think of other methods.

It was too challenging for people of the overworld to investigate things of the underworld, and they had zero clues.

Jonathan asked Jeff, “Don't the masters from The Destino have divination skills? Can't we use the Fortune Telling Spell to find the Infant King's subordinate?” “The Fortune Telling Spell does exist. But to use that, we need the person's birthday, energy, blood, hair, etcetera as a medium, and we can only see a tiny section of the future.

We've injured the Infant King, and we don't know what his subordinates look like, how many there are, or where they are. We don't have any clues. How do you expect me to cast the Fortune Telling Spell?” Realizing he was asking too much from Jeff, Jonathan fell silent.

Jeff went on, “I will ask my friends to help investigate.

Although | can't find the Infant King's subordinate, | can see a glimmer of auspicious aura in Mabel's deadly aura. This means there's still hope.” Mabel flashed a faint smile. “Chief Yount, we just need to try our best. Let's not force ourselves.” Jeff nodded before bidding farewell to the others.

After Jeff left, Jonathan and the rest returned to Mabel's home.

Having worked hard for the entire night, they were all tired.

Beatrix went to shower first, and after she was done, she said to Jonathan, “I'm going to sleep first. Inform me immediately when there's news.” “All right.” Jonathan nodded.

Mabel went to shower next, and afterward, she went back to her room straight away to sleep.

Jonathan did the same, then sat on the couch quietly, feeling a strong sense of urgency and panic in his heart.

I'm afraid | can only watch Mabel die after five days. No, there are less than five days left. We can't calculate the Infant King's speed of recovery according to the average person's speed of recovery. If we only find his subordinate after five days, it will be too late. Where's the breakthrough point? Where is it?

Jonathan racked his brain, but he still couldn't think of anything.

It was noon then. The weather was getting hot.

Sunlight streamed through the windows. However, despite the beautiful weather, Jonathan felt irritated and anxious.

At that moment, his phone rang.

He fished out his phone and saw that it was a call from an unknown number from Yaleview.

Is someone going to give me clues? He immediately picked it up, and a female's voice rang out from the other end.

“Are you Mr. Lawson?” she asked timidly.

“lam. And you are?” “I'm Zoe Yorrick.” “I don't think | know you,” Jonathan said straightforwardly.

He was not in the mood to waste time chatting with her.

Zoe hurriedly said, “Mr. Lawson, I'm the pregnant woman

you sent to the hospital yesterday.” Jonathan froze for a moment before realization dawned on him. His tone softer now, he said, “Oh, it's you. How are you?” “I'm fine now. Thank you for your help.” With a faint smile, Jonathan responded, “That's good to hear. But I'm busy now. So if there's nothing else, I'm hanging up.” Zoe was momentarily stunned. “I know you must be an influential person, but could you help me with something?” she asked, sounding somewhat troubled.

Jonathan paused for a while and replied, “Sure. What is it?” “I don't know anyone in Yaleview, so could you help me find a few good bodyguards? | also want to stay in a more secluded place. Money is not a problem.” Jonathan was dumbstruck.

“Are you in some kind of trouble?” he asked.

He knew Zoe must have an interesting story. She must

have come to Yaleview to hide from certain people. I'm afraid she's not an ordinary person.

Zoe did not reply to Jonathan. Instead, she asked pitifully, “Mr. Lawson, could you help me?” Jonathan did not want to interfere with other people's matters since Mabel was still in danger, but he could not bear to reject Zoe.

Moreover, she was pregnant. If something were to happen, two lives would be lost! “Where are you now? I'll go find you,” Jonathan said after taking a deep breath.

Upon hearing that, Zoe exclaimed, “I'm in the hospital.

Thank you. Thank you so much, Mr. Lawson.” “Wait for me,” Jonathan said before hanging up.

Then he kept his phone and left the house.

Driving Mabel's military car, he went straight to Guardian ‘Women's and Children's Hospital and arrived around half an hour later.

He contacted Zoe again, but she said, “Mr. Lawson, I'm at the fruit store opposite the hospital. Could you call a cab? The people chasing me are in the hospital. | don't dare to show my face.” Indeed, she has a story and is met with trouble. | have a car,” Jonathan replied before driving out of the hospital.

The instant he left the hospital, he saw the fruit store and drove to the opposite side.

After getting out of the car, he walked toward the fruit store.

Business was good, as quite a number of people were inside picking fruits. The moment Jonathan entered, he saw Zoe poking her head out of the restroom.

She looked around nervously. But when she spotted Jonathan, there was a glint of joy in her eyes.

She walked out of the restroom and said, “Mr. Lawson, thank you for coming.” “Let's go. Get in the car.” Zoe said cautiously, “Please shield me. I'm afraid they'll see

me.” Jonathan did not know who the other party was, but he didn't say much and immediately used his body to cover Zoe as they walked toward the car.

“Oh no! They saw me! Let's go!” Zoe suddenly shouted anxiously.