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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 255
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Jonathan initially thought his ride on the high-speed rail would be a peaceful one. Much to his surprise, it was not long before a couple stepped into the cabin. One of them was an overweight man, who was also balding as the hair on his head thinned. On the other hand, the woman looked elegant and charming, and it was easy to tell she was a mistress of sorts at first glance.

Gerald strode along with his big belly and was taken aback when he saw Jonathan after stepping into the train. He probably did not expect that there would be anyone around.

Gerald cursed incessantly at his own bad luck, whereas his mistress felt reluctant and quickly climbed onto the upper bunk bed.

He then looked toward Jonathan and suddenly sat on his bed.

Jonathan could feel his bed sink as soon as the man sat on it.

“Hello, good sir!” Gerald exclaimed with heartfelt sincerity.

Jonathan was a smart man. There was no way he had no

insight into Gerald's inclination.

I'm guessing this guy is having an affair while on a business trip. Or perhaps he's also taking a ride on the high-speed rail? Either way, this is such an inconvenience! Jonathan soon sat up and greeted him with a smile, “Hello.” Gerald rubbed his hands together and said, “Could | ask a favor from you, kind sir? Why don't you step outside for two hours? You can go for a walk or have a meal, whatever.

Here, take this money!” He then handed two thousand over to Jonathan as he spoke.

‘Who does he think | am? Does he think I'm short on money or something? Jonathan immediately felt insulted. He remarked, “What is the meaning of this? Why would | have a meal now if I'm not hungry? Besides, I'm not even short on money! Do | look like that to you?” “Why you-" Gerald never expected that Jonathan would be such a difficult person to reason with despite him being all


Then, Jonathan immediately reassured, “Relax. My hearing isn't that sharp. I'll go to sleep, so you two do whatever you want. | won't bother you guys anyway. What a joke!” Gerald was left without a choice and could only sigh. He then turned around and climbed up to his mistress on the top bunk.

The mistress suddenly struggled in response. She grumbled, “What's the matter with you?” Her voice sounded soft when she spoke.

However, Jonathan could hear everything clearly as his hearing was very sharp.

Gerald immediately whispered back, “That guy refuses to leave. What am | supposed to do?” “Hmph! Then don't even think about touching me.” Gerald felt slightly anxious and began to coax the woman.

“Don't be like that, Sonya. I'll buy you the ring you like after we get back.”

“You promise? | want that two-karat one,” Sonya said.

“Deal!” Gerald was genuinely feeling anxious. But, he would agree to anything as long he could fulfill his desires right then and there.

Men differed not from beasts when they gave in to their lustful desires.

Simultaneously, Gerald and Sonya started to get intimate on the bed.

Jonathan could hear the sounds of the two people kissing and immediately felt excited upon imagining the scene that unfolded.

Jonathan did not leave on purpose because he was keenly interested in such things. Only a fool would pass up on something like this. This is happening live right now and is worth sticking around for.

In the meantime, Gerald and Sonya's “session” on the bed had become wilder.

After a while, Jonathan soon heard the sounds of Sonya's

faint breathing.

He was secretly gratified by such things.

However, the sound of footsteps could immediately be heard coming from the outside. Those footsteps sounded as if someone was in a hurry.

Gerald and Sonya frantically recomposed themselves when they heard someone push the door open.

Soon, a charming young woman in her thirties stepped inside as the door opened.

This young woman was dressed in a tight-fitting black leather jacket, which fully showed off her exquisite and curvy figure.

Naturally, the curves were all in the right places on her body.

The young woman looked dazzling, and more importantly, she gave off a disposition of a mature woman. Moreover, she looked like a classy woman, seemingly akin to ladies of nobility.

The young woman pulled along a small suitcase, and after entering the cabin, she soon glanced at Gerald and Sonya on the upper bunk.

Since the bed was narrow, it only made sense for Sonya to be on top of Gerald.

No place was too small for a man and woman if they ever wanted some time together.

The young woman glanced briefly at the situation of the top bunk and immediately understood what was happening.

But then, she soon took a closer look at Jonathan with a fearful expression.

Suddenly, the young woman closed the door quickly and made her way to Jonathan's bed.

“D*mn it!” Jonathan muttered subtly as he expressed his grievances on the situation.

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“Please, help me!” the young woman softly pleaded. She then pulled the blanket away and concealed herself and Jonathan with it.

She smells nice! Amidst the pleasant aroma, Jonathan could feel the young woman's warm and curvaceous body clinging to him.

The young woman embraced Jonathan as her body trembled slightly.

Immediately, Jonathan felt he could bear it no longer.

His lower abdomen soon began to heat up.

The young woman immediately blushed as she had seen the world and knew what was happening.

Jonathan looked at the young woman. Soon, the two locked eyes with one another. Then, Jonathan smiled wryly and whispered, “This is a normal physical reaction. I'm a man, so you can't blame me for this.” The young woman said nothing and tucked her head into the blanket soon after.

Her whole body was currently pressed against Jonathan's.

At that moment, the sounds of footsteps could soon be heard coming from the door again.

The footsteps threaded with unmatched grace as they finally stopped at the door entrance.

Jonathan's ears perked up. He could immediately tell that the person outside the door was possibly an assassin.

Only assassins have such graceful footsteps that are undetectable, whereas the footsteps of masters are unsophisticated and have a more solid feel.

Moreover, Jonathan had also keenly sensed a hint of Killing intent while the assassin stood outside the door.

At that moment, Jonathan could feel the young woman's body as her trembling intensified.

The assassin had also simultaneously pushed open the door directly that time.

Gerald and Sonya also felt something was amiss, and the two were scared senseless. They both then poked their heads out simultaneously to look at the assassin.

The assassin was a man dressed in a black trench coat with a fedora on his head. He looked to be in his thirties,

with an indifferent gaze that brought about chilliness.

At the same time, the assassin also clearly saw both Gerald and Sonya. These two people were obviously not his targets, so he shifted his sights to Jonathan.

Jonathan suddenly poked his head out and scolded the assassin, “D*mn you! What are you looking at? Don't tell me you're here to watch me get intimate with the wife?” The assassin was initially puzzled, but his doubts soon cleared after being told off by Jonathan.

He then mockingly stared at Jonathan and said nothing before turning around to leave.

“You b*stard!” Jonathan immediately felt indignant as he shouted, “I said stay where you are! What's with that look? Are you looking down on me?” The young woman saw Jonathan had unrelentingly scolded the assassin as he was about to leave. She could not help but feel utterly frightened as she dug her fingernails into Jonathan's flesh.

The assassin then took a proper look at Jonathan. A chilling murderous intent emanated from that gaze of his.

“What the hell are you looking at?” Jonathan sounded uncaring as he spoke. “What? Are you looking for a fight? I'm warning you. My dad's a chief at the police station. Hit me. | dare you! What a bloody ass.” After all, Jonathan considered himself to be somewhat all- powerful.

The assassin was at a loss for words. Where did this little brat come from? | would've already dealt with him if | wasn't on a mission. But alas, | can't do that right now. Things would get troublesome if | did kill or teach him a lesson.

Also, it wouldn't be easy for me to escape on this train, and it'll be harder to hunt that woman down once | flee.

“I'l remember you.” The assassin glared coldly at Jonathan before turning around to leave.

He also closed the door when he left.

Gerald and Sonya gasped heavily for air on the top bunk as

soon as the assassin left.

He could not help but feel glad for not getting into a fight with Jonathan earlier. This kid has guts for someone who's all smiles! As the young woman was about to get up, Jonathan hurriedly asked her, “Have you ever read Return of the Falcon Heroes?” The young woman was dumbfounded because Jonathan had asked her a rather strange question.

“I have,” she replied.

Jonathan retorted, “Then why do you still want to get up?” The young woman was stunned. Confused, she questioned softly, “What does Return of the Falcon Heroes have to do with me wanting to get up?” Her warm breath blew onto Jonathan's face when she spoke.

Coupled with her fragrant scent, it was such a blissful moment for him.

At that moment, Sonya had already poked her head out of the top bunk and said softly, “Didn't Lester leave only to return later in his pursuit to Kill Yaro and Lorraine? He's reminding you that man from earlier might do the same.” The young woman froze as she still dared not move a muscle.

This isn't some play. I'll be dead once I'm discovered.

“What's your name?” Jonathan asked.

The young woman glanced at Jonathan. Although he looked handsome, it was not his fault she came onto him.

Furthermore, Jonathan was even the one who momentarily saved her life.

Hence, the young woman did not find him to be unapproachable. “My name's Johanna Wilkinson,” she said.

Jonathan grinned candidly and retorted, “I'm Jonathan. It's nice to meet you, Ms. Wilkinson.” Johanna could not help but feel slightly speechless as the circumstances at that moment seemed rather ambiguous.

She could not tell whether what she felt was joy or not.

Moreover, Jonathan was not conscientious of the fact that Johanna was on top of him.

In turn, Johanna felt her heart beat rapidly as she blushed deeply.

However, Johanna did not dare to get up.

She only forced a smile and never said anything else.

At the same time, Johanna also felt weirded out for having physical contact with a stranger. It was especially after close interaction that one soon realized that everyone had, more or less, a hint of bad breath. But that was not the case for Jonathan. In fact, there was still a fragrant scent whenever he inhaled and exhaled.

“Who was that guy from earlier?” Gerald could not help but ask in a hushed tone. He then poked his head out and looked toward Jonathan.

“He's an assassin,” Jonathan said.

“What?” Gerald and Sonya were astonished.

Johanna became slightly startled. She looked at Jonathan in disbelief and asked, “Why did you tell him off if you knew he was an assassin?” “What's there to be afraid of? After all, my dad is the director of the police station,” Jonathan remarked nonchalantly.

Then, Sonya spoke up weakly from the top bunk. “You mentioned earlier your dad was the chief at the police station. Why are you now saying he's a director there?” Gerald smiled wryly and added, “Your dad got promoted relatively fast!” Jonathan laughed and said, “Did | say it like that? Then | stand corrected.” Johanna and the others could not help but be at a loss for words. Soon, Gerald prompted another question. “So, what does your Dad actually do?”

“I don't know,” said Jonathan.

His answer was enough to make the others feel speechless. However, since Jonathan made it clear that he did not want to answer that question, Gerald stopped asking. He knew Jonathan was not someone he could offend.

After that incident, Gerald was no longer in the mood to get intimate with Sonya. Instead, he turned around and looked at Sonya as he said, “Sleep on the other side. | feel suffocated to have you pressing on top of me.” Hearing that, Jonathan and Johanna could barely stifle a burst of laughter.

Sonya blushed at that. She scolded Gerald before settling in the upper bunk bed on the other side.

After hearing the movements outside through the door for a while, Johanna noticed nothing unusual, so she stood up.

Jonathan did not stop her either. He only teased her for fun instead of intending to take advantage of Johanna or cross the line with her.

Still, Johanna dared not leave the room. Instead, she decided to sleep in the lower bunk bed on the other side.

The night passed by peacefully.

It was fast to travel on a high-speed rail. At six o'clock in the morning, the sky was still dark, but there was an announcement that the train would arrive at the Willowbank station in five minutes, telling the passengers who wanted to get off the train to get ready.

Johanna sat up after hearing the announcement. She barely slept last night, and when she occasionally dozed off, she was constantly awakened by her nightmares.

Meanwhile, Jonathan also sat up. He had planned to get off at the Willowbank station.

Seeing that Jonathan was preparing to get off the train, Johanna looked delighted and said, “I'm getting off at this station too. Should we go together?” Jonathan touched the tip of his nose and chuckled at that.

“You're quite brave, aren't you? You have an assassin

hunting you now. What if the assassin finds you and decides to take my life too?” That question startled Johanna. Then, she grabbed her suitcase and walked away. After that, she ignored Jonathan. It looked like she had quite a temper.

However, Jonathan was not bothered about that.

After Johanna left the room, Gerald immediately poked out his head and said to Jonathan, “Dude, that woman is so pretty! | am so tempted to make a move on her. You should lie to her that you can protect her and get off the station together. Who knows? You might end up in bed together tonight!” Jonathan laughed. “Dude, you make it sound so easy. Why don't you do it yourself?” Gerald laughed awkwardly. “I wish | could, but | have a certain someone keeping her eyes on me.” Jonathan laughed in response. Then, without saying anything else, he left the room.

He did not bring any suitcase with him as he was used to traveling around in a carefree manner.

The Willowbank station was big and busy. Hence, many passengers were getting off the train when it arrived at the station.

Johanna also intended to blend into the massive crowd and leave the station without anyone noticing her.

Sure enough, Jonathan was not serious about leaving Johanna alone. Although he had a sharp tongue, he was still a kind-hearted man. It was his habit to help someone in need. Following the crowd, Johanna moved ahead inside the train, whereas Jonathan paid close attention to the surrounding in case the assassin showed up.

Fortunately, he saw no sign of the assassin for the time being.

Jonathan could not help but wonder about Johanna's background when he thought of the assassin. The assassin's cultivation seemed to be in Peak Neutralizing Force, and he was great at using sharp daggers. An

assassin at his level was considered outstanding even at the international level. Yet, such a skilled assassin was sent to deal with a weak woman like Johanna. He could not understand the reason behind it.

Soon, Johanna walked out of the train while blending into the massive crowd. Meanwhile, Jonathan also moved like lightning among the crowd, following closely behind Johanna, but she did not notice him.

Once they got off the train, the passenger crowd instantly flowed together with the massive crowd in the station as they all continued moving toward the exits.

A situation like this greatly benefited Johanna's plan as it made it easier for Johanna to sneak out of the station.

At the same time, a crowded situation was certainly an advantage to the assassin too. Once he spotted Johanna in the crowd, he could skillfully kill Johanna without anyone noticing and quietly slipped away into the crowd without leaving any trace behind.

All the assassin needed to do was to find Johanna. Once that happened, she would be doomed.

Johanna quickly squeezed her way into the crowd without bothering about anything else.

Before moving any further, she suddenly saw a face in the crowd ten meters away from her.

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At that moment, she was terrified.

It was the assassin from before.

His expression was icy cold. It was also at this moment that he finally spotted Johanna in the crowd.

The assassin immediately made a move.

Johanna quickly ran ahead. However, she did not know martial arts or movement techniques, so she could not run any faster when she was stuck in a crowd.

As an expert in Peak Neutralizing Force, the assassin had honed his movements to perfection. By just taking several leaps, he had already arrived in front of Johanna.

Seeing that her path was blocked, Johanna stared at the

assassin's icy cold face and felt a strong surge of murderous intent flowing into her meridians.

Her face turned deathly pale instantly, and she froze all over. She could not move an inch as her mind went completely blank.

Death was the only thing that occurred to her at that moment, instead of her husband and child.

Acold glint flickered in the assassin's eyes while another cold flash of his blade quickly slashed toward Johanna's fair neck.

It was certainly a strike aimed at her throat.

At that precise moment, Jonathan also made a move.

He appeared next to Johanna like a ghost and snaked an arm around her soft waist. Then, he swiftly reached out two fingers. Like a clamp, Jonathan caught the assassin's dagger between his fingers.

Before the assassin could react, Jonathan immediately released his Heavenly Hook through the dagger.

The assassin felt a tremendous tremble from the blade.

Then, a paralyzing electric current struck him.

It shook off the assassin's grip around the dagger, and he was also forced to take several steps backward.

Jonathan smiled at the assassin and tossed the dagger back at him. “I'll give you back your dagger, but | am protecting this woman, so stop coming after her.” The assassin was horrified and finally got a better look at Jonathan's face. He recognized Jonathan as the ignorant man from last night but was surprised to learn that Jonathan was a hidden opponent who was very powerful.

Jonathan ignored the assassin and left with Johanna.

She was so terrified that she felt weak all over. After a long moment, Johanna finally returned to her senses.

Noticing that, Jonathan let go of her, but Johanna immediately said, “Hold me.” She was still too weak to walk on her own.

Then, Jonathan snaked his arm around her soft waist again.

Johanna was startled and immediately blushed. This jerk...

1 told him to hold me, but not like this! Still, she could not be bothered by that as she leaned weakly in Jonathan's arms.

“Did you save me?” Johanna asked as they stepped out of the exits together. They were still walking among the crowd.

Jonathan asked nonchalantly, “Who else if not me?” “What about the assassin?” Johanna immediately asked.

“He left. Don't worry. He won't come back again.” “But why? Why did he leave just like that?” Johanna was in disbelief.

Jonathan put on a straight face and explained, “You were in a daze just now, so | guess you didn't hear our conversation. Well, it's simple. He wanted to Kill you, but | went to him and persuaded him with much effort. | told him it's the twenty-first century now. He shouldn't be hunting for lives in this modern era. | advised him to go home, go back to school and work hard. In the end, he seemed to have

thought through what | told him and left.” Naturally, Johanna wouldn't believe Jonathan's nonsense.

She took another glance at him and murmured, “How strange.” Nevertheless, she was still very thankful for Jonathan. He did save her life twice.

Johanna then said, “You can stop holding me now. I'm fine.” Jonathan sensibly let go of her waist, even though he did enjoy holding her.

Johanna solemnly said to Jonathan, “Thank you!” He chuckled and said, “You're welcome! You should feel lucky that you're beautiful. | can't stand watching beautiful women fall victim. If you were a man, | wouldn't have bothered interfering even if your life were at risk!” Johanna appreciated his humor and said, “Let me buy you a meal to thank you for saving my life.”

Jonathan touched his nose and said, “Forget it. A meal is too troublesome. | still have other things to do. Let's talk about it another time.” Hearing that, Johanna felt a lingering fear in her heart. “Can you send me home? My sister and | will surely repay your kindness.” He grinned widely at that. “Your sister? Is she pretty?” She was startled.

Jonathan continued, “I guess she must be pretty since you're pretty too. Why don't you make me your brother-in- law to repay me for saving your life?” She was rendered speechless. He's such a weirdo! Johanna said, “Well, my sister's face is covered in freckles, so if you don't mind marrying her, I'd be glad to welcome you into the family.” Jonathan quickly said, “Forget it. I'm only interested in beautiful women!” She had never seen someone like Jonathan who spoke

and acted so unabashedly. Then, she asked, “Can you send me home? Since you've done so much for me, can you do me the last favor by sending me home? To be frank with you, that assassin killed the two bodyguards who came with me. I'm still worried that he will find me again. | just want to get home safe and sound.” He said, “I can send you home, but what can you offer me in return?” She was stunned for a moment, and she said, “I can pay you.” Jonathan was not impressed. “What? Forget it. I'm not interested in money. That fat man tried to pay me two thousand to give him some alone time with his mistress, but | declined it right away. What does he treat me for? Do | look like someone who will do anything for money?” Johanna explained, “I'm not paying you two thousand but two million instead.” Still, Jonathan shook his head. “I'm not interested in that!”

Johanna felt a little anxious. “Then, what do you want me to do?” “Why don't you give me a kiss after sending you back home?” Jonathan immediately suggested.

Startled, Johanna said, “You could have spent a lavish night with a model if you took the two million | offered you.

I'm a married woman. Why are you still—" Jonathan laughed and cut her off by saying, “You don't understand. You're so beautiful and graceful. Your kiss is like a lucky kiss to me!” It was second nature for him to talk nonsense, and he did not even blink an eye when he said that.

In fact, Jonathan had long decided to send Johanna home.

He was a little worried about letting her go home alone.

However, he still could not get rid of his bad habit of teasing ladies, especially the beautiful ones. He would feel uncomfortable if he didn't flirt with a pretty one.

Although Johanna was a mature and elegant woman who

had long gotten used to men sweet-talking her, she was still a woman who could never get enough to hear praise about herself. Hence, she was delighted and said, “Sure! | can promise you that!” At that moment, Jonathan and Johanna had already stepped out of the train station. Nothing happened along their way back.