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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 235
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Jonathan continued, “Besides, the women you like must be very impressive individuals, no?” Lance smiled placidly. “You're right. In fact, | can tell that you're deeply troubled by these things. Since you've asked me, I'll let you in on something.” Jonathan sat tight and listened intently.

“When | was young, | faced the same troubles as you. We weren't born unfaithful. If | weren't Lance Cadman back then, | would've done what other commoners did. | would've only married one woman and led a quiet life. Of course, I'm not saying that just because I'm capable, | deserve to have more wives. It's just because, as humans, we're not capable of refusing love. In fact, the power of love is limitless. As I've said, if | were a commoner, | wouldn't have to trouble myself with romance. As humans, we have to live by the rules of society. If | were to do that, how could I'have a harem? “That being said, | was facing a lot of trouble, and | held a lot of grudges. | knew | had to strengthen myself so that |

‘could protect my wife and my family. However, | met a lot of people and did a lot of things. From time to time, | would get involved with other women. At first, | tried to suppress my feelings because | didn't want to betray my wife. Yet, the more | tried to suppress it, the worse | felt. When | wasn't feeling great, | couldn't cultivate. Meanwhile, my enemies were getting stronger every day. It was a tough decision to make, but for my family and my wife, | chose to fall in love with other women.

“How you want to deal with your feelings depends on what kind of person you want to be. If you want to make some money and spend your life with your wife and kids, you can.

However, if you want to achieve great things during the Great Tribulation and rise above others, you can't suppress your feelings. Otherwise, you're going to end up hurting yourself and others. Think about who you want to be, and you'll have your answer. Society has its rules. Likewise, the Divine Realm also has its rules. A commoner will always live by the rules. If you want to stand out, you must bend the rules and challenge them. For ‘example, a rich man can have a glass of wine worth

millions, but that will be impossible for a commoner.” Upon hearing that, Jonathan felt as though he had understood something, but he couldn't tell what it was exactly.

“l actually feel a little sad now,” Lance added.

Without missing a beat, Jonathan asked, “Why is that?” “I can sense that | have a long life ahead of me, but my family is growing old. | can't accept the fact that they're dying. It seems that they're just passersby in this long life of mine.” “You're sad because you want to live a long life, aren't you?” Lance smiled and posed a question instead. “Live a long life? As in eternal life?” Jonathan didn't dare to ask further.

Seeing that, Lance uttered, “All right. I've already said what I need to say. Now, it's your turn.”

Jonathan drank a gulp of beer and started telling his story.

For some reason, Jonathan felt he could trust Lance and be open with him. It was as if they were close friends.

Perhaps it was because Lance exuded a warm and gentle aura.

Jonathan started off by telling Lance about his background.

After that, he told Lance about how his master had nurtured him and how he had trained on the battlefields in Smealand, and then returned to Horington to protect ‘Yasmin.

Jonathan felt he didn't need to hide anything from Lance.

He even told Lance about liking Jennifer and peeking at her when she was showering.

He also told Lance how he was forced to join the Divine Realm and how he had married Catherine. Then, he told Lance about looking for King Sergiu's treasures and how he had got his hands on the raw stone.

When he was done, two hours had passed.

Lance paid close attention to Jonathan's story.

After Jonathan was done talking, Lance asked, “Why did you tell me about your raw stone? Aren't you afraid that | might snatch it from you? You should know that the Holy Chest is capable of creating a five-dimensional space, right? That shows how much mana the raw stone holds.

For smart people like me, that's a valuable treasure...” Jonathan was stunned for a while. He then smiled and whipped out the raw stone. “Mr. Cadman, if you want it, | can give it to you. You don't have to snatch it from me!” “You're truly something. Despite how valuable the raw stone is, it's also going to cause you trouble.

Remember that a person's treasures can arouse the envy of others. | would suggest you keep it hidden. You should only take it out and use it when you have enough mana to activate it in the future.” “What? | need mana to activate this raw stone?” “Of course. Mana is a strong spiritual energy. Like signals, you can only communicate and transmit the mana inside if

you have powerful signals.” At that moment, Jonathan had an epiphany. “Since | can't use it now, Mr. Cadman, perhaps | should lend it to you first.” Lance waved his hands dismissively. “That's not necessary.

Although that raw stone is a good item, fate has brought us together. | can't possibly take something of yours as an elder.” In response, Jonathan said, “But—" “That's enough,” Lance uttered in a serious tone.

Hearing that, Jonathan clamped his mouth shut.

“By the way, you mentioned Yareth. | think | remember him.

Back when | was in Yaleview, | had the pleasure of meeting him. He had some questions regarding cultivation techniques, so | ended up having a chat with him. Who would've known that | would end up crossing paths with you?” Jonathan chuckled and replied, “My grandpa has always been proud of having met you. When | return, I'll tell him I've had a deep conversation with you! He's going to be so

jealous!” Lance laughed out loud in response.

After a pause, he uttered, “Also, | need to advise you on something.” Jonathan immediately sat up straight. “Please go ahead, Mr. Cadman!” “Regarding your mission to look for King Sergiu's treasures and bring back the Sinai Bible, Gideon surely knows you've also found the Holy Chest. This raw stone is incredibly important to him, so he'll want it. However, he's your senior, so he won't snatch with you. After all, the Divine Emperor is watching. If Gideon ever asks you to be his inner disciple, you must reject him. If you were to become his inner disciple, he would have control over your life. By then, you may end up dead if you don't give him the raw stone.” Jonathan's heart dropped. He was beginning to realize how much trouble the raw stone could cause him.

Lance added, “Even so, you can't give your raw stone away because it's an opportunity of a lifetime to come across

such a treasure. It's going to serve you tremendously in the future. If you give it away, nothing's going to save you then.” Jonathan nodded. “I'l remember that, Mr. Cadman.

Thank you for your advice.” Lance waved his hand. “Even if you don't end up as Gideon's inner disciple, he may still try to take it away from you. You ought to keep your guard up.” “I will, Mr. Cadman.” Despite his words, Jonathan's heart was still racing wildly. That's only Master Gideon! What if Oswald, Richard, and the others get tempted as well? Whatever happens, | must listen to Mr. Cadman. This is my fate. | can't simply give it away. In fact, | must protect it with my life.

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The two of them then continued chatting casually.

Jonathan wanted to ask Lance to teach him martial arts.

However, he didn't dare to do so. If | did that, it would seem like I'd planned it all along.

Lance also didn't want to say much about it.

In the end, they both ended up having a glass too many.

At that point, Lance seemed to be overwhelmed by emotions. Perhaps he knew he was going to miss that place dearly.

He said, “What's the earth for if we can't sleep soundly at night? What's food for if we always starve? What are temptations for? Why should there be changes if we're all bound by religious beliefs? What are walls for if there's nothing to contain? What is the use of consciousness if everyone is always foolish? Why was | born if happiness eludes me? Why should | live if I'm just going to keep running wild? Where did | come from? We're in the same world. We should enjoy each other's company and appreciate the journey together. Why spend a thousand years looking for something undiscoverable? Why don't you just have a great time with me instead? What's the purpose of my existence if | can't have what | want? Why don't we just forget all about our troubles instead?”

Jonathan listened intently, and he was fascinated. It sounds like Mr. Cadman is telling me to be like him and live my life to the fullest.

Little did Jonathan know Lance was remembering his younger days.

Back then, Lance had been hunted by the leader of the esoteric sect, Torma. It was Linda Reed, a rich girl, who had hidden Lance away and kept him alive.

Consequently, Linda got into trouble when Lance's enemies raped her.

Enraged, Lance ended up murdering countless people to avenge Linda.

After he had done that, he sat in a bar with Linda and said those words to her.

Unlike now, Lance had been youthful and full of life back then.

That was why he was emotional.

After a long while, Jonathan and Lance went to their own rooms to sleep.

‘When Jonathan woke up the next morning, his gut feeling told him that Lance had left.

He then went to Lance's room and found Lance's bed untouched. Mr. Cadman didn't even sleep! He left last night.

Where is Mr. Cadman going exactly? Is there even a place he can't go? Why was he so sorrowful? He can't leave Earth, can he? That's impossible, right?

Jonathan tried not to overthink it. To him, it was an honor to be able to drink with someone as legendary as Lance.

At that moment, Jonathan realized those capable were usually quite magnanimous. People like Mr. Cadman are often as gentle as a lamb. They never raise their voices or behave arrogantly. However, the man managed to beat Prince Kirsten and murder Nameless Ancestor of the esoteric sect without breaking a sweat. Warren and Tammy ran away with their tails between their legs because of that.

Jonathan then decided it was time to take a shower.

Afterward, he changed into a fresh shirt and put on a black trench coat. I've got to say. | look pretty good.

Jonathan thought he looked very much like the protagonist of an action film as he stared into the mirror. If people like Mr. Cadman were in an action movie, | bet his younger self would be the protagonist. What about me, though? Even though | have some achievements under my belt, I'm nothing compared to bigshots like Mr. Cadman. What kind of person am | going to be?

It was unnecessary to ask that question since Jonathan knew he was the one and only Chosen One.

It was the reason Lailah searched for the Sinai Bible, ‘something considered impossible to find.

Lailah was convinced Jonathan would be fortunate enough to find it.

The man indeed managed to accomplish the task even though he had no idea how he did it.

On top of that, Gabriel's crisis was successfully averted with the help of the Lunar Pendant.

Jonathan was sure all of that was made possible by luck. | guess that means I'm one incredibly lucky person! Thinking about what Lance had said to him, Jonathan got the answer to his question.

He realized he should follow his heart, not go against it.

Still, Jonathan thought it would be best for him to refrain from flirting around as much as possible.

It was six-thirty then, and the air was still chilly even though

dawn had broken.

Several trees outside the window had lost most of their leaves.

Even though Jonathan was unfamiliar with the plants, he noticed new shoots growing on the trunks.

Suddenly, the man got a call from Alice, the Anglandurn beauty who had received him and the others.

The woman was very fond of Jonathan.

“Good morning, Mr. Lawson!” uttered Alice enthusiastically.

Jonathan could tell from her voice that she was smiling when she greeted him.

That cheery tone could make anyone's day.

“Hello, Ms. Alice. Are you calling me this early because you miss me?” Jonathan could not help himself because he was a sweet talker.

“You're funny, Mr. Lawson,” stated Alice with a chuckle.

Jonathan frowned after hearing that. That's not how | expect her to respond.

“Mr. Lawson, | just want to remind you that all external disciples and inner disciples must be at the shrine by seven. There'll be serious consequences if you fail to do so.

‘You're new here, so you should be on your best behavior,” continued Alice.

Jonathan was shocked when he heard the woman. Shoot! | almost forgot. Thank goodness for Alice's reminder! “Thank you for reminding me. What do you say | treat you to dinner tonight as a token of my appreciation?” “We'll see if you remember by then. Goodbye!” answered Alice with a smile before hanging up.

Jonathan then washed up before hurrying to the shrine as reminded.

Like most markets, the place of worship was at its liveliest in the morning.

On the altar at the door were several large candles filling the building with smoke.

The shrine was just like any other place of worship.

‘When Jonathan arrived at the place, he saw many disciples gather outside. They had already fallen into lines.

Jonathan hesitated as he stared at the group. Shoot! Which line should | join? | don't even know who's who. Will | make a fool of myself if | accidentally join Oswald's or Richard's people since I'm with Master Gideon? Just when Jonathan was still scratching his head, a young woman in a red coat approached him. The sweet-looking young lady seemed barely eighteen. Her charming smile was as pleasant as the spring breeze.

“You must be Jonathan. Am | right?” inquired the young lady.

Jonathan stared at her in puzzlement because he was sure he did not know her. Neither had he ever read her profile.

“lam... You are...” The man dared not flirt with the young lady, who seemed uninitiated. These days, those who look untrained are not to be underestimated. If she's here, even though | have never seen her profile, she's likely the inner

disciple of a master.

The woman chuckled at Jonathan's response before introducing herself. “I'm Yuna Long, but you can call me Ms. Yuna!” With that, she grabbed the man by the hand.

“You can stand beside me; I'll look out for you.” Jonathan did not resist Yuna at all when he got pulled to her side. Standing right next to the young woman, Jonathan could smell her fragrance.

“Wait here, Jonathan. When the masters are done, it'll be our turn to worship,” Yuna said.

Jonathan snorted inwardly, surprised at how much seniority mattered in worshipping. A nobody like me is probably the last one to go in.

Jonathan then swept his gaze around and noticed the many disciples near him. Some of them looked mysteriously powerful, especially the silent and unusually cold-looking man in black with a straightened back.

The fearsome man exuded an aura so intense that

Jonathan dared not gaze at him a second longer.

He was not the kind of person Jonathan would want to trifle with.

“That's our eldest senior, Frost. He may look stern, but he's not a bad guy. Don't be afraid,” assured Yuna when she noticed how uneasy Jonathan was.

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The man then quickly forced a chuckle in response. “I'm not afraid. Why would | be?” To that, Yuna simply smiled.

“Lailah told me you're only twenty-two, so technically, I'm your senior!” added Jonathan.

‘Yuna furrowed her pretty eyebrows before voicing, “You b*stard... Whoever gets in first gets to be senior. That means I'm still your senior even if I'm only eight.

Understand?” Immediately, Jonathan had a moment of realization. “How do you know who | am, Yuna? Am | really that famous?” asked the man curiously.

‘Yuna could not help but pinch Jonathan's arm after listening to him. “Hey! It's Ms. Yuna. Got it?" “Oh, right. Got it, Yuna,” teased Jonathan, chuckling because he was amused by how easily he had made Yuna's face turn bright red with annoyance. | didn't expect to find someone so unpretentious in the Divine Realm.

Unsure of how to deal with the man, Yuna decided to stop talking to him.

Only when Jonathan addressed her as Ms. Yuna did Yuna turn her frown upside-down. “That's more like it.” “So how did you know who | am?” Jonathan repeated his question.

“Why wouldn't I? You searched for the Sinai Bible with Lailah. We all thought you'd fail, but you proved us wrong.

‘Your achievement shocked every disciple in the Divine Realm. Don't worry. Master Gideon will definitely make it worth your while. After all, you made us all look good,” Yuna said while patting Jonathan on the shoulder like a wise


Jonathan chuckled once again, for he finally knew what was happening.

“Stop talking,” ordered Frost suddenly.

‘Yuna stuck her tongue out apologetically and kept quiet.

Jonathan, too, kept silent as ordered.

After the three masters were done worshipping, they walked out while chattering.

Then, it was the first-generation inner disciples’ turn to worship.

There were not many of them since most had gone elsewhere.

Jonathan turned to look at the masters, Oswald Anderson, Richard Norris, and Gideon Carnell.

He knew who they were because he had already read their profiles.

However, from what he knew, he never thought he would see the three mingle like old friends.

Before long, Oswald and Richard left.

Jonathan could sense the auras emanating from the two, and they gave off the impression that the masters were invincible and probably even more fearsome than Lance.

However, Jonathan knew better than to compare the two to Lance, who had already become weak. What remained with Chanaean Dragon was his gentle nature.

At that moment, Gideon walked up to Yuna and the other disciples, who quickly greeted him respectfully.

Jonathan hurriedly followed suit.

Dressed in a cyan robe, Gideon looked like a quaint scholar. His facial features made him seem like a man in his forties.

Gideon nodded in response before his eyes fell on Jonathan.

“You must be Jonathan,” stated Gideon calmly.

Even though the master's voice was gentle, Jonathan felt

pressured nonetheless. “I am,” uttered Jonathan while clenching his fists nervously. “You can relax.” Gideon paused for a moment before continuing, “You did well. Your rewards are already with me, so come to the Astral Hall after worshipping the Divine Emperor. Besides the three Ninth Immortality Pills from me, you'll also receive other rewards.” “Thank you, Master Gideon!” responded Jonathan immediately.

Gideon then nodded at the man before taking his leave.

Jonathan only let out a sigh of relief after the master had left. What a chore it is to be in the presence of these big shots! | felt like a lapdog.

‘Yuna suddenly patted Jonathan on the shoulder and voiced, “Jonathan, if Master Gideon's in a good mood, maybe he'll even accept you as an inner disciple! Imagine how awesome that'd be. I'd get to take advantage of you every day!”

“I think you got it the other way around,” retorted Jonathan with a chuckle.

‘Yuna raised her fist and threatened jokingly, “I'll beat you up for even trying.” In response, Jonathan simply smiled and said nothing else.