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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 223
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Before Jonathan could reach out, Lailah suddenly sat up and ran to the bathroom to puke.

Jonathan was left speechless. What's going on? Moments later, he caught a whiff of the foul smell coming from the bathroom while he was in the living room. No matter how pretty a girl is, her puke is still just as disgusting! Jonathan could no longer pity her.

‘When Lailah was done puking, she brushed her teeth and freshened herself up in the bathroom. After she was done, she came out with her hair all over the place and her cheeks still red. At that moment, she looked rather alluring.

However, she had sobered up.

“What time is it?” Lailah asked.

Jonathan knew she was drunk before when he noticed that there wasn't anything strange about her expression. He breathed a sigh of relief and answered, “It's ten.” “I have a new idea.”

“Oh?” “We should visit the bookstores to buy books with information regarding King Sergiu's treasures. Let's see if we can find some clues from there.” “Sure!” Despite what he said, Jonathan was against the idea. If those books were any good, the authors would've found the treasures by now. Besides, those who are looking for treasures must've also referred to these books. We're just doing what others have done. We won't find anything new in those books. But | should just go along with it. She has finally become hopeful again. If she were to sit on her hands, she would end up getting even more anxious.

Soon after, Lailah went back to her own room to rest.

Jonathan took another shower and went to bed. At that moment, the sexual desires within him were still raging.

This is all Lailah's fault.

Left without a choice, Jonathan switched off the lights,

grabbed some tissues, closed his eyes, and began fantasizing.

He fantasized about Lailah and Jennifer as he relieved himself. Only then did he have a good night's sleep.

Since he arrived in Yeringham so many days ago, that was the best sleep he had ever had.

The next day, Jonathan and Lailah went to the bookstores and bought a lot of books about King Sergiu. The books had information on the lost Holy Chest and King Sergiu's treasures.

Not only were the books largely based on fiction, but they were also difficult to comprehend.

Soon, Jonathan lost interest in them.

Lailah also gave up on them after a few hours of reading.

Jonathan remained calm and kept thinking about their next step.

Yet, he couldn't come up with anything.

During that time, he had a conversation with Catherine. He

found out that she had completed two missions within ten days, and she was one mission away from becoming a Silver disciple.

Jonathan knew Simon had helped her with everything, and he was very grateful to Simon. Nonetheless, he didn't feel the need to express his gratitude.

In the blink of an eye, Jonathan and Lailah had spent another ten days in Yeringham.

In other words, the missions had been going on for twenty days, and they had less than ten days left.

However, they were still stuck.

Even Jonathan was starting to get worried. What if we get sealed off? When the time comes, we can't escape that.

The Divine Emperor left marks on Lailah and me. There's no way we're escaping that. If we don't flee, we'll get locked up for ten years, and | can't afford to lose ten years of my life. If we flee, we'll die.

Jonathan refused to accept the idea of being locked up for ten years.

With the Great Tribulation around, those ten years were incredibly important.

He was the Chosen One. If he were to get locked up for ten years, he wasn't sure if he would survive those ten years.

Jonathan grew more and more anxious.

Meanwhile, Lailah had been chatting with Ranen, but she didn't get any useful information from him.

Another five days had passed.

At that point, they had less than five days left because they had to return to Lostaria on the fifth day. If they couldn't hand in the Sinai Bible by then, they would be sealed off.

With things getting even more dicey, Simon called Jonathan to ask about the progress.

Jonathan told him the truth, and Simon fell silent for a while before saying, “If something happens to you, I'll take care of your family.” After that, Lesley and Elijah called Jonathan

and said the same thing.

Jonathan was touched, but at the same time, he felt even more dejected.

Mabel called to ask about his progress as well.

She, too, thought that Jonathan's situation was less than ideal.

With less than five days left, they were still as clueless as ever.

How could they find something the others had failed to find for the past millenniums? It was almost an impossible task.

Lailah was also getting more and more disheartened.

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Perhaps Jonathan had finally arrived at the end of his road, having created miracle after miracle.

Perhaps that was his fate.

Even so, no one would know for sure what was going to happen next.

Another day had passed.

By then, they had less than four days left.

At ten that night, the city of Yeringham was brightly lit.

Jonathan stood on the balcony and cast a glance at the city lights, feeling sorrowful. There's nothing more we can do! I've spent so many days thinking, and | still can't find any clues. It seems that all that is left is death.

“F*ck!” Jonathan cursed as he looked into the night sky.

Right then, he heard someone knocking on his door, and he knew it was Lailah. We're both in such a pitiful state, and only death awaits us.

Jonathan quickly went to open the door.

As expected, it was Lailah.

At that moment, Lailah seemed different. There was a trace of hostility in her eyes. However, she seemed to have concealed it when she saw Jonathan.

Being as observant as he was, Jonathan could sense it, but

there's something different about her. When | had dinner with her earlier, she seemed devastated. And she even changed her clothes in a short period of time.

Despite his thoughts, he invited Lailah in without hesitation.

Lailah entered the room and closed the door.

“What's wrong? Having trouble sleeping?” Jonathan went to the fridge to get two cans of beer and tossed one of them to Lailah.

Lailah took the beer from him and uttered flatly, “Since we can't find the Sinai Bible, I'll have all the sleep | want in the future.” All of a sudden, Jonathan felt dizzy. What's happening? This is strange. It seems that something happened to the magnetic field.

Failing to figure out what was happening, he shook his head violently to regain his composure. With a bitter smile, he said, “I'm sorry for letting you down!” “What's there to apologize for? I've made my own decision,

and I'm going to be responsible for it.” Lailah paused, then suddenly asked, “Do you find me pretty?” Jonathan was stunned. But shortly after, he answered truthfully, “I do.” Lailah fixed her gaze on him and slowly walked up to him.

Jonathan caught a whiff of her pleasant smell. When he saw her getting closer, he panicked. “Lailah, have you had too much to drink?” Lailah flashed a cold smile and answered, “I haven't. In fact, I'm well awake. Since we'll surely get sealed off, why don't we take the opportunity and have fun over the next few days? We should enjoy our last days, no?” Heart racing, Jonathan stared at Lailah in disbelief. What the f*ck? Is Lailah trying to sleep with me? Sh*t! Should | accept her offer? | should accept her offer, right? Why should | reject her? It's a sin to reject her! Although I'm a married man, I'm going to get sealed off pretty soon. And I'll most probably die during the Great Tribulation. F*ck this! | should have fun in life. Why should | overthink? I'm going to

die a happy man if | get to have sex with someone as stunning as Lailah.

Just then, Lailah suddenly took off her shirt to reveal her black bra.

Behind her bra were her huge breasts.

Seeing that, Jonathan couldn't hold it in anymore.

However, it was also then he sensed a hint of danger. | can sense a trace of murderous intent on Lailah's body.

Although Lailah concealed it well, Jonathan was good at sensing these things.

In fact, he could even sense a hint of restlessness in her.

Why is she so restless? Is she so eager to kill me? At that moment, Lailah went over to hug him.

Jonathan immediately became wary and quickly stepped backward. “Lailah, | don't think this is appropriate.” Lailah's eyes flashed menacingly. “It seems that you've already figured it out. Now hand over your life!”

With that, she suddenly attacked him.

Since she had achieved the final stage of Celestial Soul, Jonathan was no match for her. He was frightened and puzzled at the same time. What the f*ck? What's going on? Why does Lailah want to kill me? Has she gone mad? What's her motive? This makes no sense! Jonathan was utterly confounded.

Right then, Lailah's attack was fast approaching.

Jonathan hurriedly used Shadow Step to dodge her attack.

After that, their fists collided. Even with his Haemocore, he was still no match for Lailah. She ended up sending him flying three meters backward with her punch.

Jonathan knew that he couldn't fight Lailah. Although | have Haemocore, Lailah is in the final stage of Celestial Soul.

She's so much stronger than me! After getting knocked back, he crashed into the wall and ended up in the room next door.

At that moment, Jonathan knew he had to run for his life.

My Haemocore is at its limit, and I'm going to get crushed!

There was a middle-aged couple from Anglandur next door.

They were watching the television when Jonathan suddenly crashed into their room. Needless to say, they were stunned.

Jonathan couldn't be bothered anymore. He immediately got up and ran toward the corridor.

The moment he arrived in the corridor, Lailah appeared before him and stood in his way.

Lailah was still in her black bra when she blocked him. “Do you think you can get away?”

“I've never done something to upset you, Lailah,” Jonathan uttered in a deep voice. “Why are you trying to kill me?” He was in a bad place because the end of the corridor was around ten meters behind him, and Lailah was blocking the only way out.

There was nowhere for him to run.

Lailah sneered, “Because we're all going to die if you don't! So, you have to die right now!” The moment she finished speaking, she charged toward him at lightning speed as though there was a gust of wind beneath her feet.

Jonathan paled. His vision tuned dark, then he sensed Lailah using Hawk's Talon to grab his throat.

Jonathan felt suffocated. Lailah was so fast that he couldn't even find an opening to dodge her attack.

However, he remained calm and unleashed Mongrel Attack without thinking much.

His Haemocore could only last for five seconds. During his escape, he had used three seconds of it. When he stood

just now, he had deactivated the power of Haemocore.

Yet, at that moment, Mongrel Attack had a force of six thousand pounds.

Jonathan had completely given up on defense since there was no point in it, so he opted to take Lailah down with him.

At once, Lailah sensed the ferocity of his attack. With no other choice, she could only dodge it.

She didn't want to go down with him.

After successfully forcing Lailah back, Jonathan turned and ran.

He had no other options.

There were windows at the end of the corridor, but none of them were installed with anti-theft nets.

That was because they were on the thirty-sixth floor.

Additionally, there weren't any air conditioners.

Nowadays, hotel managements were very particular about the aesthetic of the buildings, so they wouldn't hang air conditioner units outside the buildings.

Therefore, there was no path for Jonathan to escape.

Regardless of a person's cultivation, if someone fell to the ground from so high up, they would turn into a lump of meat paste when they landed.

At that moment, Jonathan didn't have the luxury to worry about that because he could already feel a gust of wind behind his back. Lailah was hot on his heels.

What the f*ck is this b*tch going about? God, why do you hate me so much? Jonathan charged toward the window and smashed it into pieces before flying into the air.

The moment Jonathan did that, he turned around and grabbed Lailah's wrist when she unleashed Hawk's Talon in his direction.

That also gave her the opportunity to grab his wrist.

As Jonathan fell, Lailah was also pulled out of the window.

Lailah didn't expect him to jump and had thought that he would retaliate in front of the window. That was why she

didn't hold back her attack, and the consequence of that was them falling off the window.

The wind blew against them as they fell from the thirty-sixth floor.

At that height, the landing would be enough to kill them both.

Godd*mmit! | can't believe I'm going to fall to my death, Jonathan cursed bitterly.

Lailah had pushed Jonathan away the moment they fell.

Hence, they landed one after the other.

Thud! Thud! Two loud thuds rang out, and Jonathan swiftly passed out.

The moment he landed, he felt his organs were crushed.

At the same time, screams could be heard.

It was a swimming pool there.

At that moment, a rich man was swimming with his mistress and having fun. It was quite a romantic scene.

Below the parasol was a couch. It was where the rich man and his mistress would enjoy themselves.

The parasol and the couch were both high-quality items.

When the rich man and his mistress came out of the ‘swimming pool, Jonathan landed on the parasol before falling right through it.

Then he landed directly on the couch, causing it to explode into pieces.

He was lucky enough to survive because those two objects greatly lessened the impact of his fall.

Lailah, however, was not that fortunate.

She had landed on the marble floor and turned into a lump of meat paste, her blood spilling everywhere.

She was a beautiful woman when she was still alive, yet she turned into a disgusting mound of meat when she died.

When the rich man and his mistress saw that, they were frightened to their core.

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A minute later, Jonathan woke up. His injury wasn't that severe.

While that fall would've killed an ordinary person, it wasn't enough to kill him, for his body was very tough.

After he sat up and shook his head, he saw a bloody mound of flesh next to him. It's Lailah. She's dead? What the h*ll is going on? Jonathan was utterly confounded, but he didn't plan to keep staying there.

His plan was to head back to Lailah's room first to check out what was going on.

Before the police and the security guards arrived, he scurried away and into an elevator, where he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

Soon, the elevator arrived on the thirtieth-sixth floor.

Just as Jonathan arrived in front of Lailah's room and was about to knock on the door, he heard someone speaking inside the room.

It was Lailah's voice.

Jonathan was stunned. What the f*ck? Am | hearing a ghost talking right now? Lailah asked, “Have you really thought about where the Sinai Bible is?” Another voice rang out. “This matter must be kept between us, Lailah. It may just be a guess, but | think it's possible.

It's at...” ‘When Jonathan heard the voice, he trembled in shock because the voice was his. What the f*ck is going on? Knowing that something was wrong, Jonathan kicked the door open.

The moment the door opened, he saw someone who looked exactly like him leaning close to Lailah in the living room. Even though that person seemed as though he wanted to share a secret, he was actually ready to kill.

‘When Jonathan barged in, the imposter and Lailah were shocked.

The moment the imposter saw Jonathan, a violent look flashed in his eyes. He ignored Lailah and charged toward Jonathan, using the power of Haemocore.

Jonathan was about to attack when something strange happened.

He suddenly felt dizzy when the imposter arrived in front of him.

Sensing that something was off about the imposter, Lailah charged forward as well.

Together, she and the real Jonathan surrounded the imposter.

There was nothing the imposter could do, and he seemed to feel dizzy as well. In the end, he was caught by Lailah's Hawk's Talon.

Upon restraining the imposter, Lailah questioned, “Who are you?”

As she spoke, she tried scratching the imposters face. But to her and Jonathan's surprise, there was no mask on the imposter's face.

She couldn't help but think that the fake Jonathan was also real.

Jonathan wanted to approach the imposter, but every step he took made him feel extremely dizzy.

The invisible magnetic fields in the air clashed against each other violently as though they were trying to start a fire through friction.

“Don't come any closer!” The imposter looked at Jonathan in horror.

The moment he finished speaking, his whole body suddenly twisted, and he burst into flames.

Jonathan and Lailah stepped backward in shock.

Moments later, the imposter was burned into ashes.

“This...” Lailah was stunned by the scene.

Jonathan recollected himself and said, “We need to leave

this place right now. Otherwise, there will be endless troubles with the police.” They were running out of time, so naturally, they couldn't afford to waste time dealing with the police.

While Lailah was still very confused about the situation, she knew her priorities.

Without delay, she packed her luggage and sneaked out of the hotel with Jonathan.

After they left the hotel, Jonathan started the engine of his Mercedes-Benz. Lailah, sitting in the passenger seat, couldn't help but ask, “What's going on? Not only does that person know how to use Haemocore like you, but he was also not wearing any masks. | don't think he's a fake. If ‘someone pretended to be you to approach me, | would've been able to detect it.” “There's something | haven't told you, Lailah. | also met someone like that earlier. As in, there was a fake Lailah trying to kill me. Not only that, her cultivation, techniques, and even manner of speech were exactly like yours.”

“Why is this happening?” “I have no idea. Let's just settle down somewhere and clear our heads before discussing it.” Lailah nodded.

Not long after, she asked, “You said you met someone who looked identical to me and had the same cultivation level as me. She tried to kill you?” “Yes.” “Where is she? If she was as powerful as me, she would've been able to Kill you.” Jonathan smiled bitterly. “I almost died, yeah. But | got lucky. We fell from the thirtieth-sixth floor. While she turned into a lump of meat upon landing on the ground, | landed on a parasol and a couch. That's why I'm still alive.” He knew his luck had saved him again.

Currently, the situation back at the hotel they stayed at was amess.

The worst part was the hotel management had no idea what had happened.

That was because the fake Lailah, who had turned into meat paste, had suddenly combusted and turned into ash like the fake Jonathan.

That was to say, no one died in the hotel since both Lailah and Jonathan were still alive and well.

Because of that, the management had no idea what they were going to tell the police.

Additionally, it wasn't illegal for the two of them to leave the hotel without checking out because they had already paid for the rooms and they had left lots of deposits.

Jonathan drove to a secluded area on an empty and quiet road connected to the northern desert highway.

It was almost midnight when he parked the car.

The moon hung high in the sky.

Jonathan felt it was about time to organize his thoughts ‘about what had happened.

“I think | know what's going on, Lailah.” Jonathan went first.

“What?” Lailah was still confused.

“First, | don't think those two people who died are fakes.” “Are you saying they're real? What are we, then?” “You can disguise as someone, but you can't fake your techniques and cultivation.” Lailah couldn't argue with that.

Jonathan continued, “Do you know why both of them were so eager to kill us?” “Why?”