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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 219
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“If...” murmured Jonathan before he paused to gather his thoughts. “Lailah, if Master Gideon really is the one responsible for your parents’ death, what will you do?” Lailah glanced at Jonathan. She didn't answer right away because that was a tough question to begin with.

“I... don't know,” Lailah replied.

Jonathan sighed inwardly, for he knew it would be best if Lailah truly was just a random orphan that Gideon had brought home. If Gideon was the one who murdered Lailah's parents, she would be devastated since that would make it impossible for her to exact her revenge.

Jonathan could imagine just how powerful Gideon was.

After all, the latter had dozens of skilled fighters working as his subordinates.

If Lailah were to betray him, she wouldn't just be making an enemy out of Gideon's men. She would also have to deal with everyone else in the Divine Realm.

If nothing else, the mark that the Divine Emperor had left on

her was more than enough to make it impossible for her to flee.

The mere thought of the consequences got Jonathan to tremble in so much fear that he couldn't breathe.

At that moment, he was just a third party empathizing with Lailah. Things would be much worse and more frustrating for her.

Everyone had their own scars, and every family had its fair share of problems.

Jonathan had problems of his own that he couldn't avoid as well.

However, his hardship was nothing compared to what Lailah would have to face in the future.

She couldn't confirm what had happened to her parents, but she had her suspicions.

The truth probably wasn't that far off, either. What Lailah needed was confirmation.

“If there is no fighting back, why not just ignore it and turn a

blind eye?” Jonathan sighed. “Lailah, clueless people are sometimes the happiest.” Lailah said calmly, “It'd be fine to turn a blind eye if | am actually clueless, but that is no longer an option since | have learned too much. | would be lying to myself if | turned ablind eye.” Jonathan understood that Lailah was right, but he was still upset because he was an honorable man. He was a hero who couldn't sit idly by and let injustice happen. It was in his nature to fight and help others.

Unfortunately, he couldn't do anything if the truth turned out to be unfavorable, and Lailah would have to deal with something so cruel and painful.

He couldn't fight against the Divine Realm because he was not alone. He couldn't risk destroying himself to help Lailah.

That was why, despite his dissatisfaction, he had no choice but to remain quiet at that moment.

He thought it would be rather pretentious of him to say anything to comfort her.

In fact, Lailah had never thought about asking others to help her. She was simply overwhelmed, and that was the only reason she talked to Jonathan about this.

“Lailah, | can promise you this. Everything we discuss today will be kept between the two of us,” said Jonathan after a while.

He probably never imagined that there would come a day when he would fight against the Divine Realm with Lailah by his side. They would narrowly escape death, and their story would become a legend.

Lailah nodded and asked, “Do we still have any drinks left?” “We do.” Jonathan tossed her a can of beer.

Lailah continued drinking away, but Jonathan refrained from doing the same. He said, “I still need to drive later.” Lailah didn't push him.

She got drunk at around midnight and passed out because she didn't do anything to stop the alcohol from getting to her.

Jonathan felt they should leave when it was about one in the morning. However, Lailah was sound asleep on the couch. Jonathan, surprisingly, didn't feel any desire for her.

All he felt was pity and heartbreak. He simply left to get a blanket and draped it over her.

Just as he was deliberating if he should wake her up, Lailah suddenly sat up.

Her beautiful eyes shone with clarity. She stood up and said, “Let's go.” Jonathan was stunned for a moment there, but he caught up soon after.

Everyone had a biological clock, and an expert like Lailah could set a biological alarm. It wouldn't matter how much alcohol she consumed, as she would still wake up at that precise moment.

A Celestial Soul expert like her had full control over her body. That was actually a defining trait that granted her the rank of Celestial Soul.

The moon was bright that night, and the sky was beautiful.

Even the cloud couldn't eclipse the stunning view above.

Jonathan sped toward Serity Monastery in his Mercedes- Benz, and they reached their destination about thirty minutes later.

Serity Monastery looked majestic under the night sky, and the entire place exuded a regal aura that was unique to Barsm.

Leslie showed up mysteriously moments after Jonathan and Lailah arrived.

He didn't say much. All he did was greet them and asked them to follow him.

They did as told.

With Leslie as their guide, both Jonathan and Lailah made it into Serity Monastery without any trouble.

The religious atmosphere here was very strong, as the people who visited the monastery were Plutorians.

Serity Monastery was a rather famous site, so the place was actually open to the public. Many tourists would visit

during their trip to Yeringham.

The front doors of Serity Monastery were made of red sandalwood, and a vast yard would reveal itself once those doors were opened.

A few simple lamps sat on the grass and illuminated the place.

There were also a few sycamore trees that were full of leaves, filling the air with a pleasant scent.

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And on the floor were some fallen leaves.

Missionaries worked the night shift in Serity Monastery, and there were surveillance cameras in every corner.

Leslie knew a way around all of that. He was, in a way, a tour guide who earned his income by taking others to the Holy Boulder. Naturally, he had to share that income with the bodyguards to sneak in safely.

Jonathan and Lailah got into the monastery without running

into any trouble.

The security in Serity Monastery was rather tight, although there were no sculptures of any deity inside.

Leslie led them and made quite a few turns before they reached a dark and humid basement that was rather eerie.

He turned on his flashlight after everyone was inside, then pressed a button and revealed an entrance hidden under the floor.

As he pointed at the entrance, he said, “Climb down this ladder, and you will reach the Holy Boulder soon. You have thirty minutes.” Jonathan and Lailah nodded, then climbed down the steps.

The basement they were in was about three meters underground.

After that, they fell into a tunnel, which was so narrow that it could only fit one person.

Hence, Jonathan and Lailah could only go one after another.

There were some cushions on the ground, and that made it more comfortable to crawl around.

It seemed that Leslie and the others had truly gone all out just to make more money.

Lailah led the way, with Jonathan followed closely behind.

They only had a flashlight to light the way, but Jonathan could still see the way Lailah's buttocks moved. His eyesight was simply that good.

He felt his desire burning once more.

Fortunately, he was behind her. His reaction, therefore, wasn't visible from her angle.

The tunnel was about fifty meters long.

As Jonathan crawled forward, he cussed at Leslie internally.

Reach the Holy Boulder soon? B*lishit! Jonathan, however, understood why Leslie never clarified anything. The latter had only given them thirty minutes to

make the trip. They would surely complain if he were to tell them they would have to travel that far.

Nevertheless, Jonathan did not take the half an hour seriously. What is he going to do if | don't come back out on time? It's not as though he can complain to someone about it. This is his secret, too! About ten minutes later, Jonathan and Lailah got to the end of the tunnel.

All they saw was a ruined palace.

It was almost as though the entire palace had sunk into the ground.

Huge pillars had fallen, and there were even pieces of shattered statues.

Jonathan and Lailah stood there and took everything in.

For a moment there, Jonathan felt as though he was embracing history and was sensing the glory, the war, and the fall that had taken place there.

Debris had blocked the road ahead, and the place was in

horrible shape.

Yet, the most obvious thing in this dilapidated place was the Holy Boulder in the middle.

The legend of the Holy Boulder was something else.

It was said that the religion of the Plutorians was founded right there when the prophet stood on that bolder and received a message from an angel. Legend claimed that even to this day, the prophet's footprint remained visible on that boulder. That was how it gained its name as the Holy Boulder. Underneath the Holy Boulder was an entrance to a cave. It definitely had enough space to hide the Sinai Bible and the Holy Chest away.

Once, there were a few Ustranasion adventurers who had tried to find the Sinai Bible and the Holy Chest upon learning the views of the scholars. Like Jonathan and Lailah, those adventurers had bribed the missionaries at Serity Monastery and snuck into the place late at night. In the morning, they would move some rocks around to hide the entrance of the cave. They did that for a few ‘consecutive nights before they were eventually caught.

After that, they fled the country and never returned.

Jonathan knew a thing or two about the Holy Boulder.

He and Lailah first went to the entrance of the cave under the Holy Boulder.

True to the records, there was another tunnel down there.

Legend claimed that both the Sinai Bible and the Holy Chest were buried somewhere inside.

Lailah went forward and jumped into the cave.

Jonathan didn't follow. He didn't believe that the Sinai Bible and the Holy Chest were actually there.

He thought that those items would have been long gone if they were there.

In fact, the location of the Holy Boulder was pretty much an open secret.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of adventurers had bribed Leslie and made the same trip.

Jonathan thought about it for a bit before he climbed up the

Holy Boulder.

That boulder was about eighteen meters long and fourteen meters wide. It was also about one meter tall.

‘When Jonathan stood on the Holy Boulder, he saw that there were actually footprints and hoofprints there.

He examined the hoofprints and realized that it was no different from that of a regular horse. The footprints, however, were rather strange.

It seemed to belong to a human, but something was off as it took the shape of a human's foot and a duck's webbed foot.

Wait... Does that mean... Are angels real? And they take the form of a bird? Jonathan was confused.

He examined the footprints for a while before he sat down on that boulder.

There, he closed his eyes and slowly gathered his thoughts.

The Holy Boulder is real, but the texts and legends may not

be accurate. Most were just written by third parties who heard those stories from someone who heard them from ‘someone else. So what really happened here? Did the prophet really ride this boulder to receive God's messages?

Based on Jonathan's observation, the footprints and hoofprints here were not deliberately left behind.

Jonathan closed his eyes. He wanted to see if he could obtain some secrets from the past in an extremely quiet state.

However, it was all in vain.

There would be residual information in the magnetic field after the occurrences of certain things. However, major changes had taken place here. Thus, all magnetic field information had been disrupted.

Jonathan could not feel anything, except for a slight trace of a warm aura.

It was dark and humid here. Yet, he felt a faint warm aura in the most sensitive area of his brain.

It was like the smell of chemicals in the air after a bomb explosion.

Jonathan knew that something supernatural must have happened on this Holy Boulder.

That was why there was this lingering smell.

However, Jonathan had no idea what had happened exactly.

Five minutes later, Jonathan jumped down from the Holy Boulder.

He waited for a while, but he did not see Lailah coming back up. So he jumped down from the entrance of the cave as well.

It was also a steep tunnel, and Jonathan slid for almost twenty meters before finally landing on the ground.

He looked up and saw Lailah, who was in a daze.

It was a narrow cave with less than ten square meters.

This cave was probably dug by the Ustranasions.

Those Ustranasions had been trying to dig for treasures here, but they had given up in the end.

It was dark, hot, humid, and musty in this cave. It looked just like an ordinary cave, and there was nothing special

about it.

Lailah turned around and said to Jonathan, “There's nothing here.” Her voice was full of disappointment.

Jonathan looked around, not knowing what to say.

Lailah said again, “Did you find anything up there?” Jonathan replied in a deep voice, “The footprints and hoofprints on the Holy Boulder were not artificially carved.

The boulder will turn soft when there's a change in temperature. When someone steps on it, it feels like stepping on soft mud. Those footprints seemed to be left under that circumstance. | also felt a faint warm aura. | think it was left over as the temperature became too high when these footprints were created. It means that there's a possibility that the prophet rode this boulder to listen to God's teaching. Even if the prophet did not listen to the teaching, something supernatural must have happened here.” A trace of excitement finally crossed Lailah's face. “The increase in the temperature must be caused by someone

who used mana to move the boulder. But the boulder is too heavy. So when there's friction with the mana, there'll be such a reaction.” “Your analysis makes senses,” said Jonathan.

“But we still don't have any information about the Sinai Bible. This is our last clue. If we can't find anything there, what should we do next?” “Lailah, we can't give up until the very last moment. These few days, we've been taking the same routes as the others.

So we got the same information as everyone else too. In this case, we have to do the opposite.” Lailah's eyes lit up. “The opposite? How?" “l once practiced a technique. When | was cultivating, | tried to dig and search for it, but it didn't work.” He was referring to the previous incident when he had used the technique of Requiem to find Haemocore. At that time, he could not find Haemocore but had sensed it instead. “Then | stopped digging, but | tried to sense it. In the end, | found what | looked for.”

“Is it the explosive power that you suddenly have?” The memory of how Jonathan had defeated Lucio was still vivid in her mind.

A power that could let the final stage of Nascent Soul defeat the middle stage of Celestial Soul was absolutely terrifying.

With no intention of hiding it from Lailah, Jonathan said, “That's right. People who come here are here to look for King Sergiu's treasures. They often come and go in a hurry.

None of them will calm down and feel the atmosphere and environment here. What is this place? This is the ruins of the Sacred Temple, which has a turbulent history. The treasures could be stolen, but the remaining spirit will not go away. | propose we stay here for two days and see if we can find anything in silence. If we find nothing, we'll go to the Crying Wall and stay for two more days. If it still doesn't work... then there's nothing else that | can do.” “Okay. We'll go with what you've proposed,” Lailah said.

Jonathan's words gave hope to Lailah, who was initially

overwhelmed by despair.

The two stayed in the cave. They found a place and sat down against the cave wall.

Leslie, who was waiting for them up there, was probably really mad right now.

However, they did not care about him at all.

The ventilation in the cave was really bad, and it was hot.

Both Jonathan and Lailah were soaked in sweat.

They sat cross-legged and began to cultivate.

No ordinary man could stay long and calm down in this place.

However, Jonathan and Lailah were highly cultivated. They could force themselves to calm down.

Soon, both of them entered a state of meditation and remained motionless.

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At the same time, they were sweating profusely.

The scent on Lailah's body was mixed with sweat. It smelled so good that it could trigger a man's hormone.

The two of them would not have foul-smelling sweat because their bodies were as clear as crystal, without any impurities.

Time ticked by.

However, Jonathan and Lailah did not find anything, even in an extremely quiet state.

Two hours had passed, and the two of them looked as though they had taken a sauna in there.

It was still bearable if they were to continue searching for treasures around, but just sitting like that was definitely a torment.

Nevertheless, Jonathan and Lailah did not complain a single word.

They leaned against the wall and fell asleep after a while.

At eight o'clock the next morning, they woke up, but they did not discover anything new.

Since they had decided to stay here for two days, they did not give up and continued to cultivate.

As night fell, they fell asleep again.

They started to get used to the temperature in the cave, and they stopped sweating.

They were finally at peace after a long time.

That night, when they were asleep, Jonathan had a weird dream.

He dreamed of a man who was dressed in a royal robe, wearing a crown, and in his fifties.

His face was full of beard, and his eyes were sharp.

Jonathan had an intuition that this man was King Sergiu.

Jonathan saw the Sacred Temple in his dream. The temple was intact, and its ground was as smooth as a mirror.

King Sergiu was standing in front of the Holy Boulder, and there were several things enshrined on the boulder. They were the Holy Chest and the Sinai Bible.

The Bible was in all black, and it looked very ordinary.

The Holy Chest looked common too, and it seemed that it was made of soapwood.

Right then, there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside.

A general in armor quickly stepped in.

He walked up to King Sergiu and knelt down on one knee.

“Your Majesty, we're going to lose the city. The Holy Knights: are about to break in. Please evacuate quickly, Your Majesty!” King Sergiu's eyes were cold as he said, “Say Euston, if ten days ago, | did not send the cavalry to the stone gate to defend the southeast army but sent them to the Giant Wood Castle to attack the Holy Knights, what would have been the outcome?” Euston was stunned for a moment. “But Your Majesty, the Holy Knights' arrival was rather secretive this time. We didn't know about their plan of attack at all ten days ago.” King Sergiu looked at the Holy Chest and said, “That's

right. | knew nothing about the conspiracy of the Holy Knights ten days ago. But now, | do. So | want to use this Holy Chest to bring us back to ten days ago and change the outcome.” Euston was dumbfounded. “But Your Majesty, the Holy Chest is a divine item. It is a communication tool between you and God. If you use it to change what has happened, I'm afraid there'll be bad consequences.” “It's okay. Just let me suffer all the bad consequences.” King Sergiu sounded resolute.

He then waved his hand and grabbed the Holy Chest out of thin air.

It was obvious that King Sergiu had used his mana to do that, and it was the mana of a Level Nine Divine Master.

Then, King Sergiu used his mana to move the Holy Chest again.

The Holy Chest suddenly glowed.

The next moment, a library appeared in front of King Sergiu and Euston.

The library was full of books.

Those books were sparkling and did not look like real books.

Each book seemed to represent a year or a certain point in time.

King Sergiu found one of the books and read it aloud.

After that, he disappeared into the sparkle, and so did Euston.

Then, the scene changed.

This time, it was the old King Sergiu standing in front of the Holy Boulder, with the Sinai Bible in his hands.

He flipped open the Sinai Bible, revealing an ordinary black screen.

Jonathan saw nothing other than a black screen.

Right then, King Sergiu activated his mana again.

After the black screen received King Sergiu's mana, it

began to show pictures like a TV screen.

It was the image of a vast and starry night.

Suddenly, a light flashed between King Sergiu's eyebrows.

The light connected with the black screen, and King Sergiu seemed to be controlled by the power of the Sinai Bible. He was obviously in pain, and he struggled but to no avail.

In the end, King Sergiu died.

Following that, another scene appeared. The Holy Chest and the Sinai Bible were still enshrined on the Holy Boulder, but they remained untouched.

Euston, on the other hand, started writing words on the boulder. It was ancient writing that Jonathan did not know atall.

At that moment, Jonathan woke up with a start.