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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 217
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It wasn't long until he drifted off and began to dream. In his dream, he first became one with Jennifer, reveling in pleasure with their bodies entangled. However, the lady beneath him then turned into Lailah for some reason.

Right then, Lailah opened her eyes abruptly, startling Jonathan and causing him to unleash everything he had.

‘When he woke up the next day, Jonathan realized that he had wet his pants.

What the f*ck? | had a wet dream? Jonathan found himself blushing. It was rather embarrassing for a man in his twenties to still be doing that.

Hence, he hurriedly removed his pants and went to the bathroom for a shower.

During his shower, Jonathan was a little troubled by the guilt he felt.

He felt he had wronged Catherine when he dreamt of Jennifer and Lailah but not her.

However, Jonathan was also crystal clear that the feeling

he harbored toward Catherine was more love than lust.

Catherine was the type of woman whom people would want to take care of and protect from harm's way.

But dreaming can't really be considered cheating, which means I've not wronged Catherine, right? Men would always think of having an intimate relationship with beautiful ladies, so this is nothing, Jonathan comforted himself.

Given that the climate in Yeringham was similar to Horington's, it wasn't particularly freezing in the winter.

The morning sunlight was warm and bright. As the rays bathed the hotel room, it was an indescribably beautiful sight.

Jonathan put on a casual white shirt, jeans, and a pair of sports shoes. Overall, his attire would allow him more freedom of movement.

With that, he went to look for Lailah.

What surprised him was that Lailah was still sleeping when

he arrived.

Jonathan had always perceived Lailah as a very disciplined lady.

Seems like | can't judge a book by its cover on many things! When she went to get the door, Lailah was still in a sleepy and disheveled state. Only when Jonathan entered her vision did she snap to her senses. She hurriedly slammed the door shut again and shouted, “Wait for a second!” At that, Jonathan rubbed his nose in exasperation and waited obediently.

About ten minutes later, Lailah, who had cleaned and dressed herself up, exited.

Her hair was tied into a ponytail, and she had put on black sportswear.

It was also at this moment that Jonathan noticed something. Whenever he put on a black shirt, Lailah would put on a white shirt, and vice versa. No matter what, the

color of the shirt they put on would only alternate between black and white.

At that, he asked in frustration, “Lailah, is there a need for that?” His question caught Lailah off guard. Feeling confused, Lailah frowned and asked, “What do you mean?” “Look at the way we dress. We're like a chessboard!” The surprised Lailah mulled over his words and realized that it was exactly like what he said. Her lips curled into a smile, and she burst out laughing in response.

However, she quickly stopped laughing and added, “Let's go. We'll go to the Crying Wall first and pay Professor Horowitz a visit later. Once we get the Holy Boulder's address from him, we can proceed with our investigation.” Hearing that, Jonathan turned serious and replied, “Okay.

But | somehow have this feeling that we're looking in the wrong direction, Lailah.” Displeased to hear that, Lailah asked, “How so?”

“The Crying Wall and Holy Boulder are no secrets.

Countless people have walked the path we plan to look into, and none have ever stumbled upon anything. Do you think we're better than the lot of them?” Though she knew what Jonathan said was reasonable, she had never thought about it, fearing it would shatter her confidence. As anger crept into her, she scowled. “So you're trying to say that we just sit at home and think about it?” “No, that's not what | meant. Forget it. Let's go,” Jonathan hurriedly explained himself as soon as the woman grew angry.

As she was not a troublemaker, Lailah let it go quickly and said nary a word after that.

If Lailah were someone pettier, she would be pestering Jonathan if he regretted coming along with her by now.

In truth, Jonathan had not put much thought into it either.

He merely reckoned that they needed to brainstorm more instead of rushing forward blindly.

However, he figured that by looking around and brainstorming about it at the same time, they might stumble upon something.

Hence, he voiced no objections.

After leaving the hotel, they stopped at the supermarket to stock up on their supplies before departing for the Crying Wall.

On their way there, Jonathan munched on some bread while driving.

As for Lailah, she sat in the back seat of the car instead of the front passenger seat.

To her, whether or not her behavior and choices would disrespect Jonathan in any way was never her concern.

Jonathan, who knew what kind of a person Lailah was, did not overthink.

At nine o'clock in the morning, they arrived at the Crying Wall.

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At this point, the Crying Wall was fully opened to the public.

Donned in their prayer attires, plenty of Yartranians were already here for their morning prayers.

There amongst them were, of course, tourists.

In the meantime, Jonathan and Lailah blended in with the crowd. They bought a similar headpiece and ticket before entering the Crying Wall.

With that, they put on the headpiece and knelt among the crowd.

Knowing that this task was of utmost importance, Jonathan gave it everything he had.

Hence, he shut his eyes and let his mind go blank.

As the sun blazed down on them, Jonathan suddenly realized that the Yartranians had started chanting in a language that he could not fathom. Though it was an alien language, which rendered him unable to understand anything, Jonathan could still feel the Syllable Power contained in their language.

As they chanted, a mysterious magnetic force was formed

between the Syllable Power and the Crying Wall.

What exactly that was remained a mystery to Jonathan.

After all, he couldn't tell much of it aside from the mysterious synergy between the Syllable Power and the Crying Wall.

The magnetic field's mysterious synergy was also why he could not relate it to King Sergiu's treasures.

There was basically nothing he could do.

In the meantime, Lailah did the same thing Jonathan did, but she captured nothing.

When the prayer was over, they even approached the wall.

They reached their hand out and personally felt the wall, only to find nothing. Though the Crying Wall was historical, there was nothing special about it.

They lingered around for another four hours and left at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Alas, they had discovered nothing.

When they returned to the car, they rested and preserved

their energy while having some bread and water.

After that, Jonathan drove toward Peace River Hospital.

As the Crying Wall investigation proved fruitless, Jonathan and Lailah felt slightly depressed.

Even though one month was quite a lengthy period, the lack of clues right now was more than enough to drive them crazy with frustration and helplessness.

While he drove, Jonathan started wondering if he had already failed.

Will | be sealed off for ten years before | can even live my life to the fullest? By the time I'm released, things won't be the same anymore! This is stupid! I'm the Chosen One, and the Chosen One is the protagonist of fate! If I'm locked up, the drama will be coming to an abrupt stop! As his mind began drifting away, Jonathan, too, was crystal clear that if fate was a drama, and he was locked up halfway, then he would be nothing more than just a side character.

As the drama was limited to only a selected few, it was not guaranteed that the protagonist had to be a good guy.

In no time, Jonathan and Lailah arrived at Peace River Hospital, where they met Professor Horowitz again.

This time, Kochava was rather nice toward them.

As compared to their previous encounter, Ranen was looking much better with the help of the Spirit Gathering Pill.

Yet, as the Spirit Gathering Pill was just a temporary solution, it couldn't get rid of the root of Ranen's problem— the cancer haunting him.

Such was the Spirit Gathering Pill. It could prolong a person's life if the person were healthy or merely afflicted with some minor illness.

If the person had some sort of terminal disease, however, then no pills would be effective.

After all, medicines were only effective against illnesses that could not claim lives. That was the way medicines

worked all the while.

“Professor Horowitz, we were at the Crying Wall today,” Lailah said.

“So, how was it?" Ranen asked with a smile.

“We got nothing.” Ranen instantly replied, “Of course. That's completely normal. | know the Crying Wall better than both of you, and 1, too, found no clues from it.” “l also want to take a look at the Holy Boulder,” Lailah added.

“That's no problem. How about this? I'll give you a number.

Contact the person, tell him | recommended you, and he'll sort it out for you. However, you may have to spend a little as this man is only interested in money.” “Money is not an issue,” Lailah answered quickly.

With that, Ranen gave her a number, and Lailah handed it to Jonathan. It was better if Jonathan was the one that showed himself in public as compared to her.

‘With the number received, Jonathan went ahead and contacted the person.

The person whose number Ranen gave them was an employee of Serity Monastery. His name was Leslie.

The man was over the moon when Jonathan offered him ten thousand in Anglandurn currency for his help. Leslie was so overjoyed that he wanted to pick up Jonathan and Lailah right away.

With that, everything was set to go.

An hour later, Jonathan and Lailah arrived at Serity Monastery.

‘When Leslie welcomed them, he handed over two sets of traditional black robes. “Come back here at two o'clock in the morning. That's my shift, and I'll be able to sneak you in that way.” Donned in traditional robes, Leslie looked religious and polite, but, in truth, he was nothing more than an ordinary man who loved money.

Yet, no rules stated that monks or priests were not allowed to favor money.

After all, money was fundamental to their daily lives.

In the cultivator's world, wealth, techniques, soulmates, and territory were the four things that cultivators focused on, and wealth was the first to be mentioned among them.

After coming to a mutual agreement, Jonathan and Lailah decided to return to the hotel for a rest since there was still time.

After all, it had been a pretty tiring day.

Jonathan then drove back immediately while Lailah remained silent throughout the trip.

Seeing that, Jonathan decided that it was best to leave her alone.

After traveling for some distance, Lailah suddenly broke the silence. “Jonathan, what would you do if we failed to get clues from the Holy Boulder as well?”

At those words, Jonathan was stunned. That means all the clues would have reached a dead end. What can | do by then? “No idea,” Jonathan replied. “Right now, all we can do is go with the flow and take things one step at a time.” Angered by his reply, Lailah exploded, “Aren't you supposed to be lucky? Aren't you the so-called Chosen One? Do something!” She had finally snapped.

Jonathan couldn't help but wail inwardly, How can she blame this on me? However, given that it was best not to start a fight with her, Jonathan sucked it up and smiled bitterly. “I may be the Chosen One, but the Chosen One is not capable in every aspect.” Hearing that, Lailah fell silent.

Jonathan continued, “Lailah, you and | know that the chances of finding King Sergiu's treasure are very slim. It's

so slim that it could be considered non-existent. The only reason I'm here is that this is the only way that | could find to solve my problem. But what about you? Why did you land yourself in such a situation?”

Lailah remained silent for quite a while.

Jonathan thought she wasn't going to answer his question, and he wasn't expecting her to.

To his surprise, she suddenly said, “Unlike you, I'm concerned about my background.” Jonathan was stunned momentarily. “It's not that I'm not concerned with my background. It's just because | was never close to my parents.” “I can't remember anything about my life before | turned seven. However, | dream about my parents when | sleep. In my dreams, | can see them clearly. My mom would cry and say I'm an evil person. My dad would also say that I'm a monster and wouldn't acknowledge me as his daughter.” Jonathan was stunned for a moment, but he soon figured out why Lailah had her concerns. This has got to be something Lailah has never been able to overcome. She doesn't know what happened before she turned seven. Yet, her parents are scolding her in her dreams for it.

While driving, Jonathan kept formulating his sentence in his head. After a while, he asked, “Have you asked Master Gideon about it?” “I have. However, Master Gideon just said he picked me up from the streets.” “Do you think Master Gideon is lying?” Lailah went quiet and didn't answer Jonathan's question.

Instead, she just turned her head to look out the window.

Jonathan realized that he had overstepped his boundary.

That's such a sensitive question, and it would be inappropriate for her to answer it. We're not close enough to tell each other everything.

After they went back to the hotel, they had dinner together and went back to their own rooms.

Jonathan then sat cross-legged and cultivated Ultra Sun Moon Mantra.

At last, his vitality seemed to be in perfect shape.

He had transformed vigor into spirit.

Next, he would have to transform his spirit into energy.

He needed to do that because he wanted to transform his energy into something physical.

Basically, it was like transforming an energy sword into a real sword.

It was a tough breakthrough to make.

If Simon couldn't even do it after taking four Spirit Gathering Pills, it was bound to be even harder for Jonathan.

Although they both seemed to have achieved the final stage of Nascent Soul, there was still a big difference between their strengths.

Jonathan cultivated for around two hours, but there was still no progress made.

However, he wasn't upset because he knew it was perfectly normal. | haven't been in Nascent Soul for long enough.

Heck, | was stuck in the final stage of Neutralizing Force for three years. How could | get past Nascent Soul within a few months’ time?

Jonathan then took a can of beer from the fridge and went to his computer.

After logging into Divine Realm's website, he went through the mission board.

The mission board was refreshed on a daily basis. Besides available missions, the board also showed the missions being taken.

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Jonathan was looking at the missions the others had taken and saw one that was taken by Simon, Lesley, Elijah, and Catherine.

The last name baffled Jonathan. Why did Catherine also join the mission? After thinking about it for a while, he figured out what was going on. Simon knows how Catherine is, and she would never take up a mission on her own. Hence, he got her to join them so that she could complete missions.

Jonathan then went to see Catherine's mission status and noticed that she had already completed a mission. Without a shadow of a doubt, Simon must have also helped her

complete that mission.

With that thought in mind, Jonathan rang Catherine.

In no time, he got through to her.

Jonathan's phone had a roaming function, so he could make international long-distance calls. Although it was expensive, he wasn't bothered by it.

He had an account that Jennifer would transfer his dividends to every month.

“Hey, Catherine,” Jonathan uttered.

Catherine hummed in response and kept mum.

Jonathan was used to getting such a response from Catherine, so he asked, “How have you been lately?” “Good!” Jonathan smiled. “Do you miss me?” After going silent for a while, she answered, “Yes.” Jonathan smiled in satisfaction upon hearing that. It's not easy getting her to say that.

“By the way, Catherine, | saw that you've completed a mission. What happened?” he asked.

“Simon and the rest helped me. | just went to collect the rewards.” “You have to respect Simon, okay?” Jonathan urged. At the ‘same time, he felt warmth in his heart because he was touched by the relationship between his sworn siblings.

Catherine merely hummed in response.

They hung up the phone after a short conversation.

Jonathan then called Simon. Simon must've planned and organized everything. He's the only one who's capable and has organizational skills.

The call went through rather quickly.

“Hi, Simon!” Jonathan greeted in excitement.

In response, Simon asked flatly, “How's your mission going?”

“I've already killed Lucio. However, | have no leads on King Sergiu's treasure.” In a deep voice, Simon said, “I'm not surprised you've killed Lucio. However, I've already told you it's going to be hard trying to locate King Sergiu's treasure.” “I know, but I've already made the choice. There's nothing much to say about it now.” Simon grunted in assent and said, “On my side, I'll keep collecting information for you. I'm busy now, so I'm hanging up.” “Wait, Simon!” Jonathan quickly yelled.

“Is there anything else?” It was evident Simon was also a reserved person. He wouldn't tell anyone what he was up to. Instead, he would just act.

“Thank you, Simon,” Jonathan said.

Simon was stunned momentarily before saying, “I'm hanging up now.”

With that, he ended the call.

Jonathan kept his phone and felt relieved. Now | know if ‘something were to happen to me, Simon would take care of my friends and family. Although he's cold and emotionless to his enemies, he appreciates his sworn siblings.

At ten that night, Lailah suddenly came to knock on Jonathan's door.

Jonathan looked through the peephole and jumped in alarm when he saw who was at the door. I'm in my boxers, drinking beer, and watching a cartoon.

He was watching a cartoon because he couldn't understand the Irethielian shows on television. | can only understand cartoons because | only need the graphics.

At that moment, Jonathan's heart was racing. Why is Lailah looking for me at this hour? Could it be that she's lonely? F*ck! What if she's here to sleep with me? Jonathan's mind was running wild. However, he knew how ridiculous his thoughts were. None of those

things will happen.

He quickly got dressed and opened the door.

After he did so, Lailah walked in expressionlessly and sat on the couch.

Closing the door, he walked into the living room. “Lailah, do you want something to drink?” Lailah glanced at the beer in Jonathan's hand and said, “Give me what you're drinking.” Jonathan was taken aback. After that, he reluctantly said, “Oh, okay. If you don't mind, you can have it.” With that, he gave her his beer.

Lailah couldn't help but be astounded. “What are you thinking? | said | want what you're drinking. That doesn't mean | want to drink from the same can.” Jonathan was embarrassed. D*mn it! I've misunderstood her.

He then quickly turned around to get Lailah a can of beer.

After that, he changed the topic by asking, “Lailah, we still

have some time before going to see the Holy Boulder. May I know why you've come to look for me at this hour?” “Nothing much. | was bored, so | wanted to have a chat with you.” Jonathan sat on a separate couch and asked, “Could it be that you have some new doubts, Lailah?” Although Jonathan usually appeared carefree, he was actually very observant.

“Can | trust you?” Lailah suddenly asked.

That stunned Jonathan slightly before he replied, “That's not up to me to decide. You have to come to your own decision.” Lailah let out a self-deprecating laugh. “It seems like I've asked a pointless question.” “Lailah, | can promise you this. Whatever you tell me today will be kept between the two of us.” Sighing softly, she said, “It's nothing much. It's just that | don't show my weak side to anyone. However, | feel like |

need to get something off of my chest.” Jonathan kept quiet and listened.

Lailah continued, “You guessed it right. I've been suspecting Master Gideon. In actuality, | shouldn't be telling you this because if we end up going back alive, you might use it against me. I'll be in trouble when that happens.” “I'm not going to do that.” “Well, | don't think | have to worry about that. We'll most probably die here. If not, we'll get sealed off. I've been too impulsive. | thought if I could find you, | could find the Sinai Bible.” In a deep voice, Jonathan said, “Lailah, things aren't over yet. We still have a chance.” Lailah drank a big gulp of beer and answered, “Yes. Let's hope that's the case.” “Why do you find Master Gideon suspicious?” he asked.

“I'm twenty-six this year. Do you know how hard is it to achieve the final stage of Celestial Soul by this age?”

“I don't know how hard that is, but | know it's hard enough to even achieve the initial stage of Celestial Soul.” “Master Gideon took in five disciples. The oldest is thirty- three, Frost Carnell. He's a very powerful Level Three Divine Master. The youngest among us is twenty-two, Yuna Long. She has achieved the middle-stage Celestial Soul.

Indeed, we've eaten a lot of elixir pills, so we have an advantage over others. However, no matter how much of an advantage we have over others, we'd still need natural talent to get to where we are today.” Instantly, Jonathan knew what Lailah meant. His face fell as he said, “He has five disciples, and they're all geniuses. It's rather hard to believe that he had picked all of you off the streets. It seems like you guys were deliberately chosen.” “That's right.” “Are you suspecting Master Gideon murdered your parents?” Instead of giving a straight answer, she said, “I won't jump to conclusions before getting to the bottom of things.”

Right then, Jonathan finally understood why Lailah was so obsessed with getting to the bottom of her background. If Master Gideon had really murdered her parents and she has been serving him in return, it's going to be so hard for Lailah to accept it. That's just cruel.