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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 203
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The projects Alicia lived in were located in a remote area that was surrounded by old and cheap housing.

It was a two-story building that looked similar to an attic.

Alicia's home, located on the first floor, only had a hall and a single bedroom. The kitchen, located within the living room, caused the entire place to appear dark and messy.

With no lights on, Jonathan felt that the inside was colder than the outside the moment he entered. In fact, he even detected a musty smell in the air.

Alicia then led him to the bedroom where he was caught by surprise—Alicia’s sister was fair-skinned.

She looked around twenty-five and was gorgeous.

Nonetheless, it was clear that her condition was dire.

Lying in bed with her eyes shut, she was covered by layers of thick blankets. She subsequently opened her eyes upon hearing Alicia gently calling out to her.

Only then did Jonathan notice that her eyes were striking blue.

Alicia's sister tried to sit up, but it was clearly a laborious task for her.

Alicia, despite her best efforts, wasn't strong enough to help.

Jonathan quickly remarked, “That's okay. You don't have to situp.” Nevertheless, when Alicia's sister insisted, Jonathan proceeded to help her up.

Looking at him, she murmured weakly, “Mister, thank you for your generosity toward Alicia.” Jonathan replied with a smile, “It's no big deal. Besides, Alicia is really adorable.” The sister continued, “I'm Lucille. May | know how to address you?” “I'm Jonathan. Jonathan Lawson.” “Thank you for taking the trouble to come all the way here.” Smiling faintly, Jonathan replied, “It's no trouble at all.” After

a brief pause, he continued, “Ms. Lucille, your condition seems to be serious. Why don't | send you to the hospital?” After coughing slightly, Lucille waved her hand and mustered all her strength to reply, “It's fine, Mr. Lawson. | appreciate the kind thought. However, I've no illusions about my condition. It's a disease that runs in the family, where none of us can live past thirty.” Jonathan was surprised to hear that it was a hereditary disease.

Lucille continued, “We are part of the Dougal family and our elders have always said that our blood contains the bloodline of vampires. As humans, we're incapable of bearing the weight of the bloodline, hence none of us ever lived past thirty.” She paused and broke into a faint smile before continuing, “Having said that, it doesn't matter anymore for | am the last of our family. Once I'm gone, my family's line will end with me.” Jonathan couldn't help but ask, “What about Alicia?”

“l adopted her. She's not a member of the Dougals.” Upon a sudden realization, Jonathan remarked, “I understand what you want now. You're hoping that | can take Alicia in once you're gone, is that right?” Lucille nodded. “Considering how young she is, | can't bear to leave her alone.” A wry smile descended on Jonathan's face. “I'm afraid | won't be able to keep Alicia by my side, as | don't even have a permanent place of my own. However, | can place her with a friend of mine.” Lucille's eyes lit up in delight, but she quickly grew concerned. “Is your friend reliable?” “I wouldn't do so otherwise.” “In that case, thank you.” “Don't mention it. Considering how much you care for Alicia's future despite being on your deathbed, this is the least | can do to help.” “Mr. Lawson, | don't know how | can ever repay your

kindness.” “Just focus on taking care of yourself. Stop overthinking for the time being.” Nevertheless, the trembling Lucille pulled something that looked like an ancient black pendant out of her blanket. “Mr.

Lawson, this is a family heirloom of the Dougal family—the Lunar Pendant. Since it's a treasure that has been handed down for generations, there might be something special about it that I'm just not aware of. Hence, please take this as a token of my gratitude.” Jonathan didn't look at it, for he couldn't accept the Lunar Pendant regardless of precious it was. Instead, he replied, “Ms. Lucille, you should give it to Alicia. At the very least, she would have something to remember you by. Anyway, don't worry about her. I'll definitely make the appropriate arrangements to ensure she has a comfortable life.” However, Lucille shook her head repeatedly. “No, no, no!" She protested in a breathless voice. “Previously, there were many powerful warriors who tried to seize it from us. The

Lunar Pendant is precisely the reason why our family has fallen into such dire circumstances. | can tell that you're ‘someone with high levels of cultivation. Thus, it might be of use to you. No matter what, the pendant shouldn't be in Alicia's hands. If you really feel that it is a burden, you can choose to dispose of it.” Jolted slightly by her words, Jonathan extended his hand to accept the Lunar Pendant.

An elated glint subsequently flashed across Lucille's eyes.

The moment the Lunar Pendant touched his hand, Jonathan felt an icy sensation channel rapidly through his body before rushing to fill his brain.

The refreshing feeling brought a sense of peace into his mind.

What a treasure this is! Although Jonathan had no idea what it could be used for, he was certain he was holding onto something special. “All right then, I'll accept it,” he finally agreed.

Lucille let out a long sigh before flashing a sudden smile,

one that was beautiful yet desolate at the same time.

She remarked, “I can rest in peace now.” No sooner had she spoken than her head drooped to the side after she breathed her last.

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She was still at the peak of her youth, but her life had already come to an end.

In that instant, the stunned Jonathan suddenly realized how fragile life was.

Alicia, in tears over Lucille's death, held the latter's hand and called out to her repeatedly.

That very night, Jonathan sent Lucille's corpse to one of Lostaria's funeral homes.

‘When Catherine called him upon returning, he told her that he was busy and they needn't be worried.

Catherine, who had faith in Jonathan, didn't feel the need to inquire any further as she ended the call.

Meanwhile, it wasn't a smooth process to get Lucille's body

cremated. After all, Jonathan was a Chanaean, whereas Lucille was still a young lady.

At five in the morning, a group of police officers arrived to question him as part of their investigations.

Their intentions outraged Jonathan. Where were you when she was alive? Instead of providing any help back then, you now come here pretending to be on the side of justice? The police ignored Jonathan's indignance, for they just couldn't tolerate a Chanaean flaring his temper at them.

In the end, he had to reveal his identity as a member of Divine Realm.

To his surprise, the revelation served its purpose well, as the officers’ attitude improved significantly.

Given that nothing was suspicious about the case, especially after verifying Lucille's disease as hereditary, the police officer even expressed his gratitude to Jonathan for the latter's kind act.

It was then that Jonathan informed the officer regarding his promise to Lucille about caring for Alicia. After all, he had

hoped to bring Alicia back to Chanaea with him.

The officer's original intention was to send Alicia to the orphanage. Nevertheless, upon hearing that Jonathan was willing to take her in, he commented, “Mr. Lawson, raising a child is a huge undertaking. | hope that you have given it due consideration.” Jonathan answered, “I understand. I'll carry out my responsibility to the best of my abilities.” “Since this is Ms. Lucille's last wish, I'll help you get the paperwork done. However, the formalities of settling Alicia down in Chanaea might be a little complicated.” “I'll take care of it.” Initially, Jonathan could have given Alicia some money and sent her to a reputable orphanage.

Nonetheless, accepting the Lunar Pendant from Lucille made him feel guilty to choose that option.

The next afternoon, Lucille was finally buried.

That same evening, Jonathan took Alicia back to the hotel.

The little girl regarded Catherine warily when they first met.

Jonathan introduced them. “Alicia, this is Ms. Catherine.” Alicia greeted her in Ustranasian, “Ms. Catherine.” Catherine gave Alicia an emotionless glance before looking at Jonathan curiously.

The latter instructed Alicia, “Stay here for a moment, as Catherine and | need to speak in private.” After Alicia nodded, Jonathan went to the next room with Catherine in tow.

After hearing Jonathan relate everything, she asked, “What are you—" “I hope that you can take her back home and raise her. She can also keep Grandpa company there. Once she's older, I'll send her back here to Lostaria for her studies. So, what do you think?” “I'm okay with it!" “Thank you.”

“You're welcome.” Her expression was just as cold as before. However, she wasn't being unfriendly on purpose.

That was just her inherent nature.

After that, Jonathan had to explain Catherine's character to Alicia. Even though he failed to reassure Alicia, that was the best he could do.

That night, Alicia slept on the couch. He didn't let her sleep with him and Catherine, for they essentially barely knew each other still.

Conversely, he didn't send her to sleep in a different room, as doing so would be too cruel for someone who had just lost her sister. In the end, the couch seemed to be the best ‘compromise.

Naturally, the couch within the presidential suite was luxurious. Hence, it was by no means a mistreatment of Alicia in any way.

The next morning, Jonathan brought Alicia along for breakfast. After getting her to acknowledge Simon and the others as her godfathers, he got Elijah to take her shopping

for clothes.

This was his way of showing his concern for her. Given that those men weren't ordinary folk, acknowledging them as her godfathers would do her a lot of good.

After breakfast, Jonathan sent Alicia back to the room before he unveiled the Lunar Pendant in front of everyone.

“Alicia's sister gave this to me. Simon, why don't you examine it?” Although he recognized how precious the Lunar Pendant was as a treasure, Jonathan would never hide anything from his friends.

Atter receiving the pendant and holding it in his hand, Simon's expression turned grim. A short while later, he handed it to Lesley who was sitting next to him.

“What's wrong, Simon?” Jonathan asked.

Simon replied, “I can't really tell what the pendant can do, but it's undeniably a rare treasure. After the good deed that you have done, obtaining this pendant is well-deserved.

Since fate has brought it to you, you had better take good care of it. Perhaps it will become useful one day.”

Lesley, too, found the Lunar Pendant to be strangely mysterious. Nodding in agreement, he passed it on to Elijah, who naturally couldn't provide more color on the object.

In the end, he returned it to Jonathan who hung it around his neck.

As for what their plan was going forward, they had yet to come to a decision. Since they weren't in a hurry, they continued to stay where they were.

Subsequently, when Jonathan ordered Elijah to take Alicia shopping for clothes, Lesley expressed his interest in joining them.

He said, “Don't forget that I'm Alicia's godfather too!”

Lailah said, “When we're outside, there's no need to call me Ms. Hall. We're peers, so just call me Lailah.” Jonathan was slightly stunned before he replied, “I don't think | have the right to call you that yet.” A smile formed on her face. “Stop saying stuff like that.

Anyone can tell you're an arrogant person.” He chuckled and called her, “Lailah.” With a serious expression, she uttered, “I am aware of your current predicament, and | think | know a way to help you out.” “Pray tell.” Jonathan's eyes sparkled.

“Of course, this plan of mine largely serves my interest, but it can help you out as well.” Her words intrigued him. “What's the plan?” “I have a dual-level mission, and | want you to complete it with me. Once it's done, you'll take the target with you to claim the reward. If you do, you'll ascend to Silver rank.

Also, the dual-level mission's reward is three Heaven Pills.

I'll take one, and you can have the rest.” Jonathan stared at her, puzzled. “Aren't you basically just handing me what | want on a silver platter? | don't understand why you're approaching me with this matter.” “I knew you would get suspicious. | told you, this method can help you. Besides, this arrangement benefits me more, so no, I'm not giving you what you want for nothing. You must understand that the Heaven Pills will help you ascend to greater heights in your cultivation and put you in the Silver rank. Once you achieve that, It'll be easier for you to do a lot of things in the future. Additionally, with the two of us together, | can help you kill Lucio if he comes looking for trouble.” Jonathan was a shrewd man, so he wasn't immediately moved by the benefits Lailah was mentioning. “What kind of mission is this, Lailah? | see a lot of benefits here, but | have to be alive to claim them. I think it's better if we discuss this transparently today. This way, there won't be any suspicions between us when we work together.”

“This dual-level mission involves finding a book called the Sinai Bible in King Sergiu's temple. | have a matter that requires the usage of the Sinai Bible, so once we get the book, I'll keep it for three days. After that, you can hand it to Divine Realm.” Hearing that shocked him. “King Sergiu's Sinai Bible?" The moment he heard the mission goal, he knew exactly how difficult it was going to be. This is definitely a dual-level mission! Lailah nodded.

A bitter smile formed on his face as he rubbed his nose.

“The treasures of King Sergiu have been mentioned many times throughout history. For centuries, people had been looking for this treasure, but nobody found it. King Sergiu and his seventy-two demons are just a myth. | don't think the thing you're looking for is real. If we just search for it rashly, won't we get sealed off?” “The value of three Heaven Pills is priceless. Do you think it's that easy to get them?”

“How about we look for the Sinai Bible first? Once we find it, we'll take on the mission. This way, we can avoid the risk of getting sealed off altogether.” “If this works, | wouldn't have asked you for help. In any mission, there are hints that will guide people to the mission goal. It's the same for King Sergiu's Sinai Bible. We'll only be able to see the important hints once we take on the mission.” “In that case, how about you take on the mission by yourself, and I'll go looking for it with you? Once we find the Sinai Bible, you can just give me a Heaven Pill.” Without hesitation, Lailah rejected, “No!” Jonathan laughed dryly. | knew it wasn't going to work, but it was worth a shot, anyway. There's no way anyone is foolish enough to take on all the risk while letting someone else get a portion of the benefits.

“You should know about this, Jonathan. Your cultivation may be impressive, but it's not that good when compared to mine. | willingly chose you and agreed to help you deal with

Lucio because | value your luck. Luck is the most important thing we need to find the Sinai Bible. Why would | be talking to you if I'm not here to invite you to join me? You're the Chosen One, and | don't believe the heavens will let you get sealed off when your journey had just started not too long ago. Since you won't get sealed off when you choose to take on the mission, then the only outcome is that we'll find the Sinai Bible.” “Luck is a vague, immaterial thing. What if my luck's not good enough? Then both of us will be screwed.” “There's always a risk for anything we do. If you don't want any risk at all, you can just stay in the mountains of Chanaea. No one will disturb you there.” Inside Jonathan's mind, he began to weigh the pros and cons.

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Then, he asked, “Why me? Aren't there many Chosen Ones in Divine Realm beside me? There's also Simon, whose cultivation is stronger than mine and is also a Chosen One. So, why me?”

“It's simple. I've been researching you, and your recent development has shown me that your luck is the most powerful. There are differences among the Chosen Ones.

Some of them are only destined to prop others up, while others are fated to be kings.” A bitter smile was visible on his face. “Thank you for thinking so highly of me.” He paused, then continued, “Fine, I'l go find the Sinai Bible with you.” Lailah was slightly surprised. “Why did you suddenly agree to it so decisively?” With a chuckle, he answered, “It's because | no longer have any questions about what we're doing.” Alook of approval flashed past her eyes. “Good. In that case, you should return and prepare yourself. Tomorrow morning, we'll grab the mission and head out.” “Sounds good!” ‘When their discussion concluded, their meals arrived.

Lailah began focusing on eating.

As Jonathan glanced at her, he thought she wasn't as cold as she used to be during the evaluation. Instead, she had become much more approachable.

Additionally, she was really pretty.

His line of sight slowly moved downward and arrived at the bountiful assets under her white woolen shirt. Wow, it looks bigger than Catherine's.

Just as he was about to finish eating, he used his visit to the restroom as an excuse to pay the bills.

Despite what he said, he didn't have the habit of letting a woman pay for a meal.

‘When Lailah finished her meal, she called for the waiter to pay the bills. The moment the waiter told her the bill had been paid, she realized what was going on. There wasn't any change in her expression, but she still felt pleased because that was a gesture of respect from Jonathan.

‘Women enjoyed being respected like that. They wouldn't mind paying the bills, but they would mind not being respected.

After that, Lailah drove Jonathan back to the hotel.

Upon arriving at the hotel, he returned to his room and saw that Catherine was eating a hearty lunch with Alicia.

Elijah and Lesley were there, too. With a resigned tone, Elijah spoke to Jonathan. “I wanted to invite everyone to a meal downstairs, but your wife refused.” Chuckling, Jonathan said, “It's fine.” Alicia stood up obediently and greeted, “Jonathan.” He smiled. “Just enjoy your lunch.” In response, she sat back down obediently.

Sweeping his gaze across the room, he asked, “Why is Simon not here?” Lesley smiled wryly and informed, “Simon's a training freak.

He doesn't have time to eat.” “I need to find him first. Once you two finish your meals, come and find me. | have something to tell you all.” Both Elijah and Lesley were slightly surprised and quickly

put down their forks. “We'll join you now since we're pretty much full.” “Sounds good.” Catherine wasn't curious about it and continued to eat lunch with Alicia.

The three men arrived at Simon's room.

Simon was sitting crossed-legged on a couch.

Subsequently, he opened his eyes and put his legs down.

After turning on the laptop sitting on the coffee table, Jonathan typed in a web address. After a while, the Divine Realm website was displayed on the screen. He quickly searched through the mission board to find the Sinai Bible mission.

Then, he informed, “Lailah was looking for me today. She asked me to join her on a mission to look for the Sinai Bible. Once the mission is completed, I'll claim the mission reward and hand only one Heaven Pill to her.” “You agreed to it?” Simon asked the most important


With a nod, Jonathan replied, “Yes, | did.” “The mission is going to be difficult. However, since you already agree to it, there's nothing much any of us can say.” “Indeed, it will be really dangerous. However, as dangerous as itis, | can't pass up this opportunity and drag things out any longer.” Jonathan paused for a while before he continued, “Here's my plan. Once Lailah and | take on the mission and confirm that Lucio is joining too, you three can pick other missions. Let's all try our best to reach Silver rank as quickly as possible.” “Sounds good!” That was the end of the discussion.

After Jonathan returned to his room, he talked about the matter with Catherine.

She said, “I'm coming with you.” “No, you can't,” he rejected seriously. “This mission is far too difficult. If we can't find the bible, then everyone doing

this mission will be sealed off. | just need you to help me take Alicia back to Grandpa's side. Also, you need to consume the Spirit Gathering Pill and reach the realm of Celestial Soul as soon as possible.” He didn't ask for much from her. As long as she reached the realm of Celestial Soul and was a Silver rank member, she would be able to stay in the Divine Realm or home safely. As for any other matters, he would take care of them himself.

Catherine insisted, “I want to come with you.” However, Jonathan was more stubborn than her. “You must listen to me on this matter, all right?” In the end, she could only nod in agreement because she didn't want to upset him.

Seeing how dejected she appeared to be, he felt his heart clench. In response, he gently pinched her cheek and said, “I promise you, I'll return safely to your side.” She nodded. “Okay!”

After the conversation, he let out a sigh of relief. He proceeded to search for any information about King Sergiu online with his laptop.