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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 183
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Simon had planned everything. It was evident that he went to catch some snakes when he disappeared.

As Jungle King, he could turn anything in the jungle into a weapon.

An intense murderous force field enveloped Jonathan.

It was so strong that his killing intent almost swallowed Jonathan's soul.

At that critical moment, Jonathan reacted swiftly. Just when he was shrouded with darkness, a sense of fury surged within his heart.

The power of the Great Sage Force Field had been unleashed.

Truthfully, the Great Sage Force Field originated from the power of the legendary Great Sage. Whoever tried to oppress Jonathan would end up facing stronger resistance from him. His eyes turned blood-red. Within a second, a powerful, tremendous force field burst forth.

That was the most incredible strength that one had ever


In that instant, he broke open Simon's deadly aura.

Before he could think any further, he made up his mind to activate the power of his Haemocore.

With that, a force weighing two thousand kilograms was released from his body.

Simon was in the final stage of Nascent Soul.

Hence, if Jonathan did not release his Haemocore strength, he would never get to withstand Simon's attack.

Right then, Jonathan only thought of retreating. He took a big step backward, as that was the only thing he could do.

Simon was wearing the golden brass knuckles, and they were too powerful that Jonathan could not force himself to fight with the former.

Moreover, Simon's movements were as fast as bolts of lightning. He continued attacking like a tornado, leaving no chance for Jonathan to defend himself. He swung his golden brass knuckles toward Jonathan, creating a series

of afterimages.

It was a crucial moment, and Jonathan did not have time to catch his breath.

In the end, Jonathan got suppressed by Simon. After all, Simon was moving too fast. Jonathan did not have the chance to use Antelope Rhythm or Shadow Step even if he wanted to.

Everything happened in a flash.

Unfortunately, Jonathan could not back away anymore. The more he retreated, the closer Simon followed him. With that, he would become further and further away from Catherine. In that case, it would be more difficult for Catherine to save him. If he continued to back away for even three more steps, Simon would send him flying with only a punch.

Hence, Jonathan stopped moving. He took a small step backward and stood still. Although Simon continued to approach him, he did not budge at all.

He was as steady as a rock, exuding a peaceful, calm aura

around him.

In the blink of an eye, Simon arrived in front of him. He swung his fists fiercely toward Jonathan's eyes.

As soon as Jonathan stopped moving, Simon's fists were already aimed right at the former's eyes. With a scoff, Jonathan delivered Satin Palm, the attack he learned from Polly.

He held his fingers tight, sending intense energy toward Simon. A moment later, an electric spark spiked in Simon's armpits.

Jonathan had made an unconventional and risky move. If Simon's golden brass knuckles landed on his eyes, he would turn blind. Even so, if he managed to stab Simon's armpits with his fingers, Simon's arms would break.

That was a classic move he had learned from the history.

Since he could not fight with Simon's golden brass knuckles, that was his only option.

The two made their following movements quickly, trying to

get each other's vital points.

Jonathan was facing higher risks compared to Simon, though. If his attack was slightly delayed, Simon could have already smashed his head into pieces. Regardless, Jonathan would be able to break Simon's arms.

Although it seemed like Jonathan was taking a risk, he was, in fact, confident about himself because he knew how much Simon wanted to enter Divine Realm. After all, Divine Realm only wanted the most talented people. If Simon's arms turned crippled, he could not be valuable to Divine Realm anymore.

Therefore, Simon would never want to take the risk.

As expected, at this moment, Simon grabbed Jonathan's arm with Grappling Technique with a flick of his wrists.

Right then, Jonathan finally had the time to take a breather.

His expression was grim. Similarly, he twisted his wrists and changed his attack to Dragon Claw.

Dragon Claw Grab! His fingers were sharp like swords, releasing cold, terrifying

sword energy. If he managed to grab Simon's body at that moment, he would break the latter's bones and tendons in no time.

Simon snorted as a cold glint flashed across his eyes.

Jonathan's heart sank when he heard that. He felt utterly terrible as if Simon's killing intent had entered his heart.

In that case, Jonathan's movement got slowed down again.

Simon's Grappling Technique was not as ruthless as Jonathan's attack. All of a sudden, he clashed his fists with Jonathan's palms.

It turned out that the golden brass knuckles on his fists were too powerful. Since Jonathan's movement was already delayed, he no longer had the time to change into another attack. Reluctantly, he had no choice but to retract his arms.

At last, Simon's fist landed on Jonathan's palm, leaving a bloody, deep cut on it.

Blood was splattered everywhere.

Boom! Even so, Simon did not plan to stop as he threw another punch at Jonathan's head without hesitation.

With that, Jonathan was in danger again. Fortunately, he had an upper hand in that situation. The more in danger he was, the more relaxed he became. Right when his palm got injured, he exerted a force on his feet. He stretched his leg and threw a kick toward Simon's abdomen.

Upon seeing that, Simon instantly turned pale. It was then that he finally understood how terrifying Jonathan was.

Jonathan's attacks were too brilliant, and his movements were always that agile. Those were the reasons why he was still alive now.

Moreover, Simon did not dare to imagine whether he would be that powerful if he ended up in Jonathan's shoe today.

First, Jonathan had turned the tide by using his Satin Palm out of the blue, which was an impressive move.

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His kick was even more splendid. It was as if he had predicted all of those to happen.

Simon took a step backward. At that moment, he decided to give up on Killing Jonathan. Turning around, he rushed toward the jungle without hesitation.

He knew that his plan to kill Jonathan had failed, and Catherine would be there soon. If Catherine and Jonathan fought against him together, he would be in deep trouble.

In fact, the battle between Jonathan and Simon had lasted only about a second. Everything happened so fast that it seemed as though nothing had happened. If an ordinary person watched their fight from the side, they would only see Simon rushing forward and disappearing into the jungle in the next second.

Not long after, Catherine walked over to Jonathan. She looked at him, asking nonchalantly, “Are you okay?” Jonathan could not clench his hand as the bone-deep scars on his palm were too deep and painful.

Black blood oozed out from his palm, dripping on the dry sand.

Catherine immediately noticed his bloody face, and the

color drained from her face. “You're hurt?” Jonathan spread his arms out. He knew that the golden brass knuckles were poisonous, but the poison was not harmful to him.

Nevertheless, Jonathan was still in dire straits.

Those deep cuts had destroyed his nervous system, so he could no longer use that hand to fight anymore.

If he ended up in another battle with Simon, he would be nothing but crippled.

There was no way that he could defeat Simon with only one hand.

Furthermore, he thought of another possibility, too.

If Simon went to catch ten more snakes and attacked him again like how he did just now, Jonathan would never be able to block Simon's attacks.

In that case, death would be the only outcome.

If Simon could kill Jonathan, it would mean Catherine was no match for Simon.

Simon's combat techniques and cultivation were much more powerful than Catherine's.

While Jonathan was deep in his thoughts, Catherine tore her sleeves to bandage Jonathan's wound with it.

Although her fair, delicate arm was revealed, she was unbothered.

There was a serious look on her face when she was treating his wound.

Jonathan was stunned for a second. Though surprised, a sense of warmth surged within his heart.

After treating Jonathan's wound, Catherine stood beside him silently and motionlessly while Jonathan controlled his vitality to stop the blood from flowing.

Although he could stop the bleeding, he could not heal the wound in such a short time. Hence, he had to rest for at least five days.

“Catherine, I'll have to rely on you if Simon attacks us ‘again. Otherwise, both of us will die,” he said.

Catherine remained silent for a while before nodding.

Jonathan let out a sigh. He knew Catherine was not used to attacking. Thus, his words only made her feel pressured.

Unfortunately, he had no other choices.

Soon, Jonathan and Catherine arrived in front of the still- unconscious Elijah and Lesley.

Crouching, Jonathan massaged their foreheads. Within a second, they woke up.

As soon as Lesley regained his consciousness, he sat up abruptly. “Jonathan, Simon is here...” Inmediately, he noticed the bandage on Jonathan's palm.

“Jonathan, you're injured too?” he asked, feeling stupefied.

Elijah was shocked as well. “Jonathan, are you okay?” Jonathan flashed a wry smile. “We couldn't initiate that many attacks because Simon was wearing his golden brass knuckles.” “Even you're injured, as well,” Lesley muttered. Right then,

both Elijah and he looked pessimistic. “It seems we'll all die here this time.” Jonathan sat cross-legged. “Let's do our best and leave the rest in God's hands.” After finishing his words, he closed his eyes. That was Jonathan's style. No matter how dangerous the situation was, he would never lose hope.

As he calmed himself down, he recalled his movements during the battle with Simon just now. He thought of how sturdy he was, even though he was cornered by Simon. At that moment, he looked like a great empire standing still on his feet, no matter how powerful Simon's attacks were.

Great Emperor Seal! Suddenly, Jonathan came up with a new attack.

Great Sage Seal was a powerful attack, while Great Emperor Seal was the calmest power he would ever possess.

If he could use both seals at the same time, he could make a perfect combo attack.

Elijah, Lesley, and Catherine fell silent upon realizing that Jonathan was cultivating; they did not want to disturb him.

Jonathan demonstrated Great Emperor Seal again and again in his mind.

Great Emperor Seal was not a combat technique. Instead, it was a cultivation stage and aura.

An actual great emperor would remain calm and collected, no matter how successful he was. Even though he was facing an attack from different directions, he would still remain courageous.

Besides, a great emperor was a man who was capable of accepting and controlling everything in the world. That was the essence of Great Emperor Seal.

After a while, Jonathan tried to understand the power of Requiem in his mind. All of a sudden, a Syllable Power appeared.

It was then covered by the spiritual imprints of Great Emperor Seal.

Instantly, that Syllable Power possessed a spirituality of its own.

Jonathan used the power of that to mobilize the vigor in his body.

Release the vigor! That was a step he had to experience during the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

The vigor in Jonathan's body began to move under the attack of Syllable Power. It spread throughout his body gradually before combining with his blood.

Then it purified and refined his blood.

After some time, Jonathan opened his eyes abruptly.

His eyes were brimming brightly.

It turned out that he had achieved a miraculous breakthrough at that moment. Therefore, he was now a professional fighter in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

In just two months, Jonathan made a giant leap from early- stage to middle-stage Nascent Soul. That was initially impossible, but thanks to Simon's relentless pursuit, he figured out the supreme might of Great Emperor Seal.

The Great Emperor Seal integrated the Syllable Power of Requiem. Therefore, Syllable Power was no longer just a beacon in search of Haemocore. Instead, it had transformed into vigor.

Pure Syllable Power was too weak. In other words, the spirit within Syllable Power was insufficient and couldn't unloosen solid vigor.

However, with the addition of the vitality from the Great Emperor Seal, Syllable Power was seemingly infused with masculine characteristics, reacting and becoming much stronger.

Vigor depended on one's energy to slowly break down, and that required time.

In that, Syllable Power and Great Emperor Seal acted as catalysts.

At that instant, Jonathan's strength finally reached fifteen hundred kilograms.

Besides, his endurance skyrocketed at once.

If he were to unleash the power of Haemocore, he could attain a strength of two thousand five hundred kilograms.

That far surpassed the strength wielded by final-stage Nascent Soul experts.

At the same time, Jonathan could sense the wound on his palm itching. That was a sign of it healing rapidly.

Nonetheless, it was still a wound courtesy of Simon—a final-stage Nascent Soul expert—who even destroyed his meridians, so it was by no means quick to heal.

Jonathan reckoned that it would take at least five days for his wound to heal.

Unfortunately, too many things could happen in five days.

“Have you made a breakthrough, Jonathan?” Lesley queried in surprise as he and Elijah sensed an invisible

change in Jonathan's aura.

Snapping back to reality, Jonathan turned to them and answered with a nod, “Yes.” Then, he paused for a second before lamenting, “If my hand wasn't injured, | would now have the confidence to deal with Simon alone. Regretfully, there are no ifs.” “How long do you think it'll take for your wound to heal?” Lesley continued asking.

“On the safe side, I'd say five days,” Jonathan answered.

When Lesley and Elijah heard that, their hearts instantly sank to rock bottom.

At the side, Catherine remained silent.

All of a sudden, Lesley's eyes lit up, and he exclaimed, “I've got an idea!” Jonathan and Elijah swung their gazes to him in concert.

“Jonathan, | know you've got an incredible power- generating trick, no? You used it back when you pursued Simon in the forest then. | felt that your power at that time ‘was on par with that of a final-stage Nascent Soul expert.”

Lesley commented.

At that, Jonathan was impressed by the man's perceptiveness. He didn't bother hiding anything but admitted frankly, “That's right.” Lesley then questioned, “Now that you've broken through to the middle stage, has your strength amplified to the point where it surpassed final-stage Nascent Soul experts?” Jonathan didn't quite understand what the man was trying to say, but still, he replied honestly, “It's indeed possible, but the duration will be brief. That kind of explosive force can't last.” “Ms. Catherine is also a final-stage Nascent Soul expert.

Now that you've had a breakthrough in your cultivation, you can retreat first if Simon arrives. With your current strength, it'll be difficult for him to catch up to you. Meanwhile, Ms.

Catherine can intercept him. Once she engages with him, you can return and attack. Then, he'll be in great trouble,” Lesley suggested.

After Jonathan heard that, his eyes lit up. That's certainly a great idea! He turned to Catherine and inquired, “We'll go with that, okay?” Appearing quiet and docile, Catherine nodded in acquiescence.

A slightly worried Jonathan asserted, “Catherine, you must intercept and attack him quickly. Otherwise, we all likely won't survive.” “Got it!” Catherine replied with a nod, saying nothing further.

Jonathan breathed a sigh of relief.

Due to Simon's attack, all the strawberries from back then scattered onto the beach in the end. Many were even trampled to mush, so they were all rendered inedible.

Thus, Jonathan and Catherine went in search of food once more.

But this time, confidence imbued Jonathan, thanks to his breakthrough in cultivation. Although he was injured, the

injury was at least on his palm, so it didn't affect his ability to flee. Presently, if he wanted to take off, it would be difficult for Simon to catch up to him.

Subsequently, the two of them entered the forest and returned to their old haunt in search of strawberries.

After doing that, they made their way back.

This time, they didn't bump into Simon, nor did the latter spy on them.

Jonathan surmised that he might be resting as well or perhaps preparing for his next attack.

The two of them returned to the beach.

Without Simon mucking things up this time, the four of them shared the wild strawberries among themselves.

The strawberries were exceedingly sweet and provided much nourishment to the body.

After eating them, Lesley and Elijah looked much better.

Meanwhile, Jonathan and Catherine continued sitting there


The sunlight gradually grew increasingly hotter.

By one o'clock in the afternoon, it was downright blistering.

Sweat dotted the foreheads of both Lesley and Elijah, and their lips were parched beyond words.

Contrarily, Jonathan and Catherine were just fine. As their cultivation level was high, they could lock vitality and moisture within their bodies.

Jonathan quietly gained an understanding of the mysteries of the Great Emperor Seal. At the same time, he keenly experienced the profound marvel of middle-stage Nascent Soul.

Next, he infused the spirit within him with vitality before ultimately transforming it into Force.

That was considered another refinement and purification of the blood within him.

When one attained final-stage Nascent Soul, a single drop of blood contained a strong spiritual imprint and could

intimidate ghosts and spirits.

Felicia was already considered very strong back then, causing Jonathan and Amber great difficulty.

However, if a final-stage Nascent Soul expert were to act, he wouldn't need much. A single drop of blood would be sufficient to vanquish Felicia.

‘When one had attained the same cultivation stage as Edward and Mabel, just their writing alone contained a strong sense of vitality. A single line of their writing could scare off a vengeful spirit.

Charms by the average Destino artist could only deceive the public. Conversely, charms by those of a higher level could intimidate some weak ghosts.

Meanwhile, charms by true Destino artists could truly shake up ghosts.

The charms they all drew were exactly the same, but the effects were vastly different.

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It had nothing to do with the power of the charm itself but the strength of the person's vitality.

A person might die, but his vitality could remain forever.

Putting that aside, Jonathan's heart lurched at that precise moment, for he sensed a chill in the air.

Simon had arrived.

Jonathan and Catherine shot to their feet.

Twenty meters away, Simon slowly strolled over.

His pace was sedate, and his shadow elongated under the sun.

He was dressed in black from head to toe. His countenance was chilly, rendering him just like Grim Reaper.

As soon as he appeared, he caused them all a strong sense of oppression.

One of Jonathan's hands was injured then, so he definitely couldn't take the initiative to attack as he couldn't take the man's life with a single blow.

Then, he wouldn't be able to defeat Simon, who possessed a weapon, with a single hand when the latter jolted back to

his senses.

Furthermore, he didn't dare do it either, for he wasn't all that confident with Catherine at his back.

“Retreat!” Jonathan backed away while pulling Catherine along.

He was determined to never allow Simon to approach furtively.

At that moment, he hadn't the presence of mind to bother about Lesley and Elijah's safety anymore.

If Simon insisted on eliminating them, he could only mourn their deaths.

Nevertheless, he felt that the man probably had no interest in slaughtering the two men who had no way of defending themselves.

To his surprise, Simon suddenly headed toward Lesley and Elijah before lifting them both effortlessly.

Lesley and Elijah had no choice but to endure the humiliation, allowing the man to manipulate them as he


In no time, Simon's intention dawned upon Jonathan—the man wanted to seize them both and toss them at him as though playing ball.

If he didn't catch them, they would die for sure. But if he did, he would also perish.

In such a situation, there was no correct answer.

Despite all that, Jonathan fervently hoped that nothing would befall them both.

Hence, he immediately bellowed, “Simon, if you don't put them down, Catherine and | will take off into the forest at once. If you're so great and mighty, you can bring them both along in pursuit of us. I'll admit that | don't want them to die, Simon, but you're now hoping to use them to Kill us.

‘You underestimated me!” Upon hearing that, Simon was stunned for a moment.

He stared at Jonathan intently before he placed Lesley and Elijah down at long last.

It was clear as day that the man would take flight if he continued holding the two men captive.

Besides, Jonathan and Catherine would no longer have anything holding them back if Lesley and Elijah were dead.

Once they fled into the woods, that would unquestionably be a disaster to him, for he would be looking for a needle in a haystack.

After Simon had flung Lesley and Elijah down, a burst of iciness erupted from his eyes. His figure blurred as he launched his attack.

In that split second, he was so fast that he formed an afterimage, and the air in front of him split like ripples.

In the blink of an eye, he reached Jonathan.

His intense murderous force field promptly burst forth and enveloped the man.

At the same time, his fists shot forward like lightning.

From his sleeves, ten venomous snakes flew out once more and attacked Catherine.

It was the same old trick again, but this time, he used his foot to attack.

In a heartbeat, the sand on the beach swirled like a sandstorm, hurtling straight at Jonathan and Catherine.

Simon's feet and hands weren't idle either as he launched a triple attack on them both right then.

In a flash, his golden brass knuckles flew right at Jonathan's throat.

Without even batting an eyelash, Jonathan used his Great Sage Force Field and blocked off the man's lethal technique.

Simultaneously, he activated the power of Haemocore.

No sooner had the golden brass knuckles headed toward him that he unleashed the Shadow Step and retreated like a ghost.

‘When Simon's fist failed to find its target, he immediately pressed forward at lightning speed. He knew that Jonathan was injured, so he wanted to take the man's life right then and there.

The moment the man breathed his last, everything would be over.

Previously, Jonathan couldn't unleash any impressive techniques, but he could presently move with ease after having attained a breakthrough.

As soon as Simon came at him, he instantly veered away with Antelope Rhythm and dodged the man's attack once more. At the same time, he unleashed Mongrel Attack.

Surprise inundated Simon, for Jonathan's kick was simply too powerful.

He knew that he was no match for it head-on, so he had no choice but to twist sideways and dodge.

At that exact moment, Catherine attacked him.

Catherine was paralyzed for a while by those venomous snakes and sand, but she quickly gathered her wits about her and dealt with them.

She wore a grim expression on her face then. While her

moves weren't as brutal, they were aggressive and ferocious, as quick as lightning. With her Eagle's Ironclaw, she grabbed the back of Simon's collar.

Bending slightly, Simon narrowly avoided her grasp.

Nonetheless, Catherine immediately swung her Eagle's Ironclaw down and went after him.

Verily, she was like a dog with a bone as she pursued him relentlessly.