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I Am The Luna

Chapter 356
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Chapter 0356


I switch the coffee machine on, staring at the little blue light as | hear the door shut, leavingin here, alone,

with a shirtless Zade


‘Don’t cry, Little Mate, it makeswant to spill blood.”

His words run through my mind once again, rich and seductive like red wine, masking the sinister underlying

message with ease.

Words from the lips of a killer, but even knowing that, they givea strength 1 can’t explain.

“Letget that.”

| gasp when | realise he’s stepped up behind me. He leans aroundreaching for the mugs, his arm grazing my

shoulder, sending tingles through me, makingvery aware of the heat of his body, my entire body is on edge,

humming where his

skin kisses mine.

‘Sure,” | breathe out, sliding out from between him and the counter, closing my eyes as | try not to press against

him. My ass brushes against him and | freeze.

“Sorry,” he murmurs, his hand going to my waist as he steps back, allowing met to move past him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Being around Zade feels like being ready to skydive. You're teetering on the edge, feeling nervous and tense, yet

at the stthere is a powerful sense of exhilaration and excitement of the unknown of what will happen

when you let go. If you let go...

“Doctor Valerie Scott... Valerie, right? You don’t mind if I call you that?”

“You can drop the doctor,” | wave my hand.

“Yeah... | meant Valerie.”

“Yeah, sure, that’s fine.”

| blush lightly as he picks up the coffee mugs and I quickly busy myself with grabbing scakes and biscuits,

although | don’t really have many since 1 mainly got the necessities delivered.


“Great, | wasn’t sure since | was called doctor back at Dark Hollow Falls... murmur. When you sat there silently,

refusing to eat as you watchedwith great intensity.

“Yeah. | remember,” he says, placing the mugs on the tray I've taken out.

My gaze flicks to his back and the curve of his muscles as he reaches for the sugar sachets, his muscles flexing.

He is a sexy hunk. There's no denying that. Toned, muscular and damn fine.

I quickly place the cakes and snacks on the tray before picking it up and carrying it over to the sectional, placing

it on the small coffee table in front of it. | can feel his eyes onand suddenly the ambience of the apartment

feels too... romantic.

A far cry from last night.

“Shall | put a movie on?” | suggest loudly, too loudly. He cocks a brow as he glances at the couch before he drops

onto it looking dangerously sexy.


“Great, do you have any preferences?” | ask briskly, trying to get rid of the sizzling energy between us.

“You...” he tilts his head, my eyes widening. “Choose.” He finishes-glancing at the TV screen, and | close my

eyes for a second before grabbing the remote.

Stop thinking he means something else, girl.

| can feel his eyes onagain and | glance back to where he’s sitting, neither left, nor right... whichever side |

choose, I'll be pretty close to him....

| could just sit on the floor, | guess,

My mind is working in overdrive as | log on to my account, I've not been here long enough to set anything up and

| have to think for a minute before | remember my password, blocking his view of the TV as | enter it.

“I'm not going to steal your N**+¥*x account details.” He remarks.

“I never said you would.” | declare.

“Then what's to hide? Unless you have the spassword for everything.” | freeze. “You're a doctor. I'm sure

you're smarter than that.”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

| scoff. “Pft of course not. | don’t have the spassword for everything!”

I'll make sure to change them later.

Smiling slightly, | shake my head. With him here... I'm not listening out for every little sound or wondering if the

creak | heard was something sinister.

Yeah, of course not. The biggest bad wolf out there is in here. What's to be scared about, unless, of course, he

wants to eat me? | imagine Zade growing before


delivering a menacing grin, one that is rimmed with deadly wolf teeth.

All the better to eatwith.

I glance at Zade who's sitting silently watching the TV screen, his angled jaw, his | don’t-give-a-fuck attitude,

those sharp eyes and dark lush hair... nope no wolf teeth but, deadly in more ways than one... but this wolf is

still dangerous, only he comes in a sexy disguise.

“You're going through the srow of movies, over and over. How hard is it to choose what you want, or are you

busy staring elsewhere?” He cocks a brow, his eyes snapping to mine with an almost knowing look in them that

makeseven more nervous, and | glance sharply at the screen.

“Uh... I know! and no, | wasn’t | was... | am just deciding between these... few...” | mutter, trying to focus on the

images on the screen.


Chapter 0357