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How Death Became My Rebirth by Evelyn Florence

Chapter 92
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Chapter 92

During the graduation photo shoot in the afternoon, Christine approached Cassandra with

great enthusiasm.

“Yulissa, can I stand with you?”

She preferred Cassandra, who openly expressed her emotions, over Yulissa’s hypocritical

and affected demeanor.

Deep in thought, Christine reflected, Fortunately, Mom made me turn around in time. If I

hadn’t seen through Yulissa’s true colors, I might have been unwittingly used as a pawn in

the future.

Cassandra, caught off guard by this unexpected response, was taken aback. “You don’t

have to be so enthusiastic, she thought.

Some wounds, once inflicted, endure a lifetime, making forgiveness a challenging


Nonetheless, Cassandra found it difficult to resist the genuine enthusiasm of others.

“I…” Christine’s words were abruptly cut off by Yulissa.

“Christy, can I stand with you? Let’s take a graduation photo together.”

Yulissa walked up to Christine with a pitiful expression, cliciting sympathy from the male


To them, every girl is susceptible to making mistakes, especially someone as beautiful and

gentle as Yulissa. While any mistake is deemed forgivable, the question remains. Why did

those girls have to be so assertive?

In her thoughts, Yulissa considered, ‘Christine

don’t believe she would end our friendship Duldn’t possibly reject me in public. I

just like that!

“I already have someone next to me. You can stand with the other classmates,” Christine


‘She turned me down! What’s happening? Does Christine truly value her friendship. with

Cassandra to this extent? Why?’ Yulissa pondered silently.

She was disheartened by the rejection, and called out to Christine, “Christy…”

“I’ll just stand behind you, Cassandra, and won’t disturb you,” Christine remarked.

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Chapter 92

Internally, she contemplated, ‘Anyway, I’ll stand a bit taller behind, so height won’t be an


She was eager to mend her friendship with Cassandra and make it up to her.

Cassandra said in a casual tone, “Suit yourself.”

Soon after taking the graduation photos, they returned to the classroom. As Cassandra

was getting ready to go home, so was Christine.

Theresa had assured Cassandra that Christine would not show up before SAT. This time, an

exception was made for the graduation photos, as Theresa believed Christine genuinely

wanted to apologize to Cassandra.

A genuinely remorseful person deserved forgiveness.

Fortunately, Christine hadn’t descended into deeper misconduct and had avoided

committing more egregious acts.

Otherwise, redemption might have been impossible.

She held the belief that in time, Cassandra’s kind nature would lead to forgiveness.

However, just as she was about to depart, someone obstructed her path.

Yulissa feigned concern and said, “Christy, how’s your review at home? Do you want to

come back to school these last few days? Let’s make a final push together.”

Yulissa spoke with apparent sincerity, aiming to sway Christine’s decision.

Aware that Cassandra wouldn’t return, she saw an opportunity to influence Christine

during those days.

‘Trying to cozy up to Cassandra? No chance!’ Yulissa brooded inwardly.

“Yeah, Christine and Cassandra, you two are so out of touch. We’re about to graduate, and

you can’t just not be with us, your classmates, right? We need to discuss the post-

graduation gathering, and without the two of you around, we can’t get your opinions,” a

male classmate chimed in.

He could not bear to see Yulissa’s disappointed expression.

“You guys can decide on the gathering. Just inform me when it’s finalized. I won’t be

coming these two days due to the intensive review arranged at home,” Christine



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Chapter 92

inquired one student.

“Talking about past incidents lacks fairness. Why should someone who doesn’t integrate

well be favored by others?” remarked another student.

“So, what do you all want to do? Repeat history? Cassandra hasn’t said anything from

start to finish. All of you surrounding her, trying to play the heroes. Disperse and go back

to your seats for revision!”

With a dark expression, he instructed them to return. Samuel was a little angry. “This

group of people seems to have nothing better to do.”

Christine and Cassandra then left.

Upon returning to Springmount Townhouse, Hugo was already at home.

“Hugo, why are you back today?” Cassandra inquired, expressing her surprise.

Although she had been home for a while, Hugo hardly returned, choosing to stay in a

different mansion instead.

The main reason was to avoid arousing suspicions.

If anyone noticed him frequently coming and going with Cassandra, rumors could easily


“Ms. Yates, you’re back. I have something to discuss with you,” he addressed.

Cassandra sat across from Hugo and asked, “Tell me, what’s up?”

After pondering for a moment, Hugo began, “Today, someone from the Zelinski family

came, expressing the hope that you could extend your assistance in their treatment…”

Before he could complete his sentence, he was interrupted. “No, I won’t go. If they don’t

show up with the consultation fee the day after tomorrow, you should know what to do.”

From the start, she had no desire to treat Conrad, especially since Kenneth had disclosed

that his father had threatened him with a letter from his mother.

Moreover, despite her diligent efforts, she couldn’t uncover any information.

Otherwise, she wouldn’t have agreed to go.

Healing a disguised wolf would only amplify its deceitful nature. Considering Harriet’s

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stance, it appeared as if the entire Zelinski family was already under Conrad’s control.

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Chapter 92



Given those circumstances, what incentive could she have to genuinely cure Conrad?

Kenneth had been kind to her, so she was determined to protect what belonged to him.

“Yes, I understand.” Hugo replied.

It appeared that Cassandra would not continue with the treatment.

However, that was simply her character.

After all, Tyler took advantage of his past favors, requesting assistance, and Hugo had

indeed helped when asked.

‘If Ms. Yates disagrees, then it’s not my problem, Hugo contemplated privately.

The Zelinski family shouldn’t expect his assistance by leveraging on past favors.

When it came to returning favors, once was sufficient.


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Chapter 92


Given those circumstances, what incentive could she have to genuinely cure Conrad

Kenneth had been kind to her. so she was determined to protect what belonged to him.

“Yes, I understand, Hugo replied.

It appeared that Cassandra would not continue with the treatment.

However, that was simply her character.

After all. Tyler took advantage of his past favors, requesting assistance, and Hugo had

indeed helped when asked.

‘If Ms. Yates disagrees, then it’s not my problem. Hugo contemplated privately.

The Zelinski family shouldn’t expect his assistance by leveraging on past favors.

When it came to returning favors, once was sufficient.


The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!