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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 90
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Chapter 90

Tarquin couldn't quite pinpoint whether he wanted her to take care of Elijah or if he was trying to scope out her

intentions. So, he paid extra attention to the people and events surrounding her.

“By the way,” Lowell mentioned casually, “Professor Folly’s daughter, Blossom Blythe, Is pretty chummy with Ms.

Thorne. Just last night, Ms. Blythe treated Ms. Thorne to dinner and didn’t return home. She checked into the

Wheatfield Homestay instead.”

Tarquin’s eyelids flicked up at the mention, his gaze shifting to Lowell. “Professor Folly’s only child?”

“Yeah, | did sdigging. Ms. Thorne, Ms. Blossom Blythe, and Ms. Winona Newsom were the inseparable trio

back in school. Very tight-knit.”

There was a silence before Tarquin murmured an acknowledgment.

The Blythe couple were two professors he held in high regard. His interest in ancient cultures ran deep, and the

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Blythes were experts in that field. He had visited them on multiple occasions.

He knew they had an only daughter, but he had never met her, nor did he know her name. He hadn't expected

Elysia to be best friends with the daughter.

“Is Professor Folly still over in Border City?”

“Yep, they discovered sancient tomb out there. The whole team’s gone to Border City. Might be a while

before they're back.”

Noticing Tarquin’s furrowed brow, Lowell continued, “You probably don’t need to worry about Ms. Blythe's safety.

She and Ms. Thorne are genuine friends. When the news of Ms. Thorne’s affair broke out, everyone familiar with

her was bad-mouthing her, except Ms. Blythe and Ms. Newsom. They actually hit back at the haters. They both

faced a lot. of backlash online, took a lot of flak. Luckily, the Newsoms have deep pockets and managed to

suppress the trending searches. That helped put an end to the whole ordeal.” “Let's look into what Elysia was up

to in the years she was out in the countryside before this,” Tarquin said after a pause.

She used to be a model student, but who knows if she’s changed? People do change over


His thoughts drifted to his wife, and he asked, “No word from her at the Royal Community?”

“Her phone’s been ringing off the hook, but no answer.” Lowell knew what Tarquin was thinking and reassured

him, “But all things considered, | don’t think she’s related to the troubles we've had these past few days. If

someone was trying to muscle in on our

business to get back at her, they would've acted again after you refused to divorce. But look, It's been days, no

divorce, and no more stunts.”

Tarquin’s expression darkened, and he remained silent.

Lowell's point was valid, but if it wasn’t Elysia or his wife, who could the ‘little lady’ be?

Tarquin.” Benjamin had arrived for work.

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Tarquin snapped out of his reverie and glanced at Elijah, standing up.

“Look after him for me. I've got to go. Callthe moment he wakes up.”

Elijah was familiar with Benjamin, so Tarquin was confident that Elijah wouldn't throw a fit upon seeing him.

Benjamin, aware that Tarquin had spent the night at Elijah’s bedside, reminded him, “You better go get some


Tarquin grunted noncommittally and headed straight to his car, saying, “To the office.

Lowell sighed and said, “Tarquin, go home. You need srest. You've barely slept properly in days.”

Between worrying about Elijah and work, he was running on fumes. Even an iron man has his limits. But Tarquin’s

response was a chilly, “To the office first.”

He closed his eyes for a brief respite as Lowell reluctantly started the car.

Outsiders always said Tarquin was cold and ruthless, a heartless creature, but they had him all wrong. He was

the epitof a tough exterior housing a warm heart. He was the best father anyone could ask for.

And the best friend and boss too!