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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 72
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Chapter 72

“I know, go ahead.”

“Alright... By the way, how cyou're here? Did you cwith someone?”

This was the Jinpeach Restaurant, a place with a steep bill that ordinary folks wouldn't just stroll into.

Elysia told the truth, “I cwith Blossom. She's treatingto dinner.”

“Oh, that explains it. Well, enjoy your meal. I'll cfind you once I'm done here. Giveyour new number,

and let's exchange contacts.”

Elysia nodded, and they swapped numbers, also adding each other on WhatsApp.

With that, Zane parted ways with Elysia.

Elysia steadied her mind and made another trip to the restroom. She needed to freshen up, not wanting Blossom

or the kids to notice anything off.

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But fate-damn it-has its own plans!

Right as she reached the restroom door, she spotted Tarquin in the smoking area. He was the only one there,

standing at the railing, tall and straight, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a cigarette, taking

occasional drags.

From her angle, she could only see his profile-sharp nose, long eyelashes, and clear and distinct facial contours.

To be fair, the guy was handsome!

Elliot and Evan did bear a striking resemblance to him.

Elysia didn’t want to see him, though. Just a glimpse stirred annoyance within her. She decided against going to

the restroom and turned to leave.

She couldn't afford to offend him, but at least she could avoid him, right?

But then, a man’s voice cfrom behind, “I really dislike it when people play games in front of me.”

Elysia stopped in her tracks. Was he talking to her? She glanced back at Tarquin who was still staring straight

ahead, his posture unchanged, not looking at her.

Was she imagining things?

Just as she was about to continue walking, she heard him again, “My patience is limited. If you're trying to play

hard to get, save yourself the effort. Why don’t you just cclean about what you're trying to get from me?”

Now, Elysia was sure she wasn’t hearing things.


She looked around; they were alone in the hallway. He was speaking to her.

Elysia’s patience was wearing thin. She turned around and marched up to Tarquin, stopping a mere three feet


She looked up at him and said, “My patience is just as limited. I've explained to you many times that | had no

intention of getting close to you. | never even thought about knowing you, let alone getting something from you.

Don't flatter yourself.”

Tarquin turned to look at her, his expression so cold it could have frozen the century. “People who play mind

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games in front ofnever end well!”

Elysia, though startled by his demeanor, stood her ground, tilting her chin up bravely. “I'm not playing any

games with you!”

She knew she couldn't run; she had to stand up to him and make things clear, or else she'd be guilty of all the

accusations he was hurling at her.


“You're always suspicious of me, and | want to ask you-what’s your deal? They say a lecher sees lechery

everywhere; is it just your paranoia, or do you have ssort of ulterior motive concerning me?”

Tarquin’s face darkened. “What about you could possibly interest me?”

“Fine, if I'm worthless in your eyes, then could you please stop with your baseless suspicions and leavebe?

Let's keep our paths separate, and we'll mind our own business. Can we agree on that?”

“When have you ever not been the one to look forfirst?”

“When? Can you be more specific?”

Tarquin was silent...