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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 151
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Chapter 151

Elysia was shoved into the skeleton of an unfinished high-rise by two burly men. Inside, a handful of others

awaited her arrival.

Her heart raced, lodged firmly in her throat, as she realized she didn’t recognize any of them. They sized her up,

their gazes predatory and amused. One of them whistled and remarked, “Man, we hit the jackpot with this one.

She's a looker. I'd pay good money to get cozy with her, no joke”

The bald man sitting on a makeshift throne of stacked crates, his eyes gleaming with malice, gestured for his

cronies to rip the duct tape from her mouth.

As soon as she could speak, Elysia blurted out, “What do you want with me? Who the hell are you guys? Why did

you bringhere?”

ignoring her questions as if she hadn't spoken, the bald man leaned forward. “Listen, doll, we're gonna ask you a

few questions. Play nice, and this won't get ugly”

Gasping for air, her eyes darting around for an escape, she asked, “What questions?”

“You got anything to do with what happened to Gage Slater?”

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“Gage?” Her mind reeled, fear made her forgetful. She couldn't place the name.

“Don’t play dumb with me, sweetheart. You've crossed paths with him plenty,” the bald man said, his voice low

and dangerous.

After a moment to collect her thoughts, Elysia replied, “I know of him, but we're not exactly buddies.”

“Oh, really? ‘Cause word on the street is you had someone snip his manhood.”

Elysia’s eyes flared with indignation. “That's a damn lie! | can’t stand the guy, but | never ordered someone to

do that.”

Skepticism creased the bald man’s forehead. “Don’t test my patience, or you'll find we're not so gentle.”

“I'm telling you the truth!”

With a subtle nod, the bald man signaled his goons.

Without warning, two thugs grabbed Elysia by the hair and dunked her head into a barrel filled with ice-cold

water. Every cell in her body screamed in shock, and her mind buzzed on the cusp of unconsciousness.

Her world was submerged, her lungs screaming for air. The suffocating pressure mounted until her

consciousness began to fray at the edges...

Suddenly, she was yanked back to the harsh reality, drenched and sputtering, her senses returning as she took

greedy, ragged breaths, shivering from the cold.

The man persisted, “Gonna talk straight now? Did you have anything to do with Gage’s “accident?”

She shook her head with fierce determination. Admitting to such an accusation would have dire consequences.

The next moment, another bucket of ice water drenched her, soaking what little had remained dry.

“Spill it, or we go again. Did you do it?”

Elysia shouted, her voice hoarse, “I've told you a thousand times, it wasn’t me! Even if you tortureto death, |

won't confess to something | didn’t do!”

The men frowned deeply, about to react, when suddenly a woman burst in from the shadows. “You're lying!” It

was Oriana Sutton, Keaton Huber’s ex-girlfriend!

The bald man turned to her, his demeanor shifting to one of respect. “Ms. Sutton.”

It was clear that they knew each other.

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Recalling the incident at the mall, Elysia’s brows knitted in suspicion. “Did you setup? Are these your


Oriana ignored her, stating coldly, “When Mr. Gage was assaulted, the attacker mentioned you, said it was all

‘cause of you, and warned him to stay away. You still claim you have nothing to do with it?”

Elysia was dumbstruck.

Someone had sought revenge on Gage, mentioning her name?


She had just returned to Jindale City. Other than Blossom and Zane, she had no connections here.

Who would take such a risk for her?



Chapter 152
