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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 135
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Chapter 135

Elysia’s day took a turn for the better after a video call with her sons, recharging her spirits. Her mind

immediately drifted to Tarquin.

The encounter with the rugged stranger was just a hiccup; Tarquin was the prize she had returned for. Sure, he

had told her not to bother him, but a phone call wasn’t exactly bothering, was it? She hadn’t shown up on his

doorstep unannounced or anything.

With her mood in check, Elysia dialed the number for the Royal Community.

She swallowed her pride, asking meekly, “Excuse me, is Mr. Bradford available for a quickie divorce today?”

The response was polite enough, “No, if he happens to free up, Mr. Bradford will reach out to you. Just wait for his

call, no need to ring us up.”

With that, the line went dead.

Elysia pouted. Wait for his call? Till when, the twelfth of never?

She still thought that pressuring Tarquin through Keaton was the best play. But Keaton was no pushover, and he

definitely wasn’t a fool. How to leverage him was the real puzzle.

“Ring, ring, ring...”

Lost in thought, Elysia was pulled back by the sound of her ringing phone. It was Zane.

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She answered, “Hello?”

“Elysia, you free today?” Zane sounded downcast.

“What's up?”

“If you're available, could you swing by the hospital and talk ssense into Sarah ?”

“Sarah? Your cousin?”


“What happened?”

“She's... given up on life. Tried to slit her wrists. Thank God the nurses found her in time, or she'd be gone.”

Elysia gasped, “Over the baby?”

“Maybe. I'm just her cousin and a guy to boot. I'm not cut out for this, and my mind doesn’t always catch the

subtleties. Don’t really know how to comfort her, and Winona'’s out of town. I'm clueless about who else to turn




“Have you not reached out to her folks?”

“She forbade it, threatened to jump out the window if | so much as contacted her mother.

Elysia sighed, “I'm free today. I'll head over in a bit.”

Zane sounded relieved, “Great, great. Needto pick you up?”

“No, stay with her. I'll grab a cab.”

After hanging up, Elysia’s brow furrowed in thought. She had always been curious about Zane’s cousin, and

today seemed like a fitting chance to meet her.

Half an hour later, Elysia arrived at Heart Hospital.

Zane was waiting at the entrance. Upon seeing her, he rushed over and asked, “Aren’t you cold dressed like






In her haste that morning, Elysia had thrown on a thin down jacket, which seemed insufficient now.*


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While talking, Zane had already started to shrug off his trench coat to drape over her.

Elysia caught a flicker of something odd in his gesture and quickly declined, “I'm fine, keep it on. How's your

cousin doing?”

Zane realized he might have been a tad too enthusiastic, even for a good friend. There should be boundaries,

after all. He put his coat back on, his face creased with worry. “She’s been refusing food and drink since the

surgery, and this is her second suicide attempt. The aides are keeping a close eye on her, can’t leave her alone

for a second.”

“Is she...depressed?” Elysia speculated.

Postpartum depression was common, and though Sarah hadn't given birth, her trouble seemed even more


Terminating a pregnancy early on usually has less impact, as the emotional bond isn’t as strong. But at five

months, the psychological blow could be devastating.

Zane shook his head and said, “Not sure yet. We'll get a doctor to assess her later.”


They proceeded to Sarah’s room together, entering a spotless, brightly lit private ward.

Sarah was in a hospital gown, staring out the window, with an aide sitting quietly by her side.
