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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 123
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Chapter 123

Blossom caught sight of her and immediately called out, “Aren’t you hearly? What took you so long?”

Elysia heaved a sigh, but chose not to explain just yet. Instead, she asked, “How are the kids?”

“Sound asleep.”


“Yeah, | took them down to the playground before you got home. They played on the and were crashed after

coming back. How was your meeting with the Denton family?”

“It went well. The Dentons were really appreciative.”

as for a

“Of course they are grateful to you. Corbin is the only heir to the Denton legacy. They were beside themselves

with worry when he fell ill, what with all the rumors flying around. Now that he’s getting better, the Dentons

must be over the moon. Heard you went out for dinner with them, and it event made the trending news.”


Blossom chuckled, “Don’t worry. | know you like to keep a low profile. They pixelated your face in the photos.”

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Elysia breathed a sigh of relief, “That's good to hear.”

“You look beat. Go freshen up, we're bunking together tonight.”


After checking on the little ones and freshening up. Elysia lay down and asked, “Blossom, you're

working tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah. Why? | can take a day off if you need something. Our boss is pretty easy-going.”

“I do have something tomorrow. Could you possibly take the triplets to daycare for a bit of a trial


“Sure thing, no problem at all. What's on your plate?”

Elysia felt the weight of her worries. She recounted the incident that had occurred at the entrance of their

apartment complex.

Blossom'’s eyes went wide as saucers, “He's threatening you to work for him in secret? What's his angle? He's

not got the hots for you, has he?”

“Hardly! Didn't you see how he treated me? He was downright nasty!”

“So... he really wants you to nanny his son?”

“It looks like it. His son has bipolar disorder too, and | guess seeinghelp Corbin stirred something in him.

Honestly, | wouldn't mind helping Elijah, | just don’t want to deal with his father. If he turns out to be Elliot and

Evan's biological dad, the more | interact with him, the more likely I'll blow their cover.”




Blossom nodded in understanding. “So what's the plan now?”

“I don’t know...”

“The best thing would be to pay back that 50 million! Lettalk to Zane about it, I'll ask my folks for a part of

it, and maybe borrow sfrom Zane. We need to scrape together that 50 million to get him off your back!”

Elysia immediately shook her head. 50 million was a huge amount!

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She knew Blossom’s parents and Zane were well off, but that kind of money was astronomical to anyone. She

didn’t want her arrival to disrupt their peace.

“Letfirst go see Elijah tomorrow. By the way, did you know Zane has a cousin?”

“The one who's into dance?”


“I heard about her from Winona, but | haven't met her. What about her?”

Elysia felt it was wrong to gossip, but she trusted Blossom, so she shared, “I saw Zane at the hospital today

when | went to visit Corbin. He was there supporting his cousin through an abortion.”

“What?!” Blossom was shocked, “Isn’t she still in college? How did she end up pregnant and then having an


“Zane said she got pregnant unexpectedly after dating a guy at school. She took a leave of absence, but then

they broke up, and there were complications with the pregnancy. The doctors said the baby couldn't be saved

and recommended termination.”

Blossom was taken aback, “Winona mentioned she was quite a gentle soul. | never imagined she'd be caught up

in something like this. Getting pregnant, dropping out, cohabitating before marriage, abortion... Those are all

pretty heavy for someone her age.”