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Hitched & Hitched Again: A Comedy of Marital Mayhem

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106

“Ah? This... this Isn't quite right,” Elysia hesitated, a frown creasing her forehead.

“Nonsense, it's perfectly fine if | say so. Unless, of course, you're looking down on me,” Jessamine retorted with a

playful smirk.

“No, no, not at all. It’s just that | feel... I'm out of my league here,” Elysia admitted, her cheeks flushed with


“Out of your league? If anything. I'm punching above my weight with you! Look, because of Corbin’s situation,

I've been a bit of a recluse these past years. Haven't really hit the social scene, my circle of friends has pretty

much dried up. We met because of Corbin, and that’s fate if you ask me. If you don’t mind, let's be friends from

now on. We can be there for each other, lend an ear, share our thoughts and troubles. What do you say?”

Jessamine’s eyes were earnest, searching Elysia’s for agreement.

Elysia found it impossible to refuse such a heartfelt offer. “Okay!”

Jessamine beamed. “Great!”

“Ding ding ding...”

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The sudden sound of Elysia’s phone interrupted their moment. It was Blossom calling.

“You go ahead and take that,” Jessamine said, gesturing towards the phone.

Elysia nodded and swiped to answer, “Hey, Blossom.”

“Elysia, Elliot and | are just outside the mall. The place inside ran out of strawberry-flavored milkshakes, so we

snagged sfrom a stand out here. It's a bit crowded; just let Emmett know there's no rush, okay?”

No wonder they were taking so long; they had stepped out.

“Sure thing, sendyour location, and Emmett and | will cfind you guys later.”

“Will do.”

After hanging up, Jessamine asked, “A friend of yours?”

“Yeah, my bestie. We cout together, and she took my other two sons to grab smilkshakes.” “Other two?

You got three kids?”

“That's right.

“That's lovely. When you've got sfree time, bring the kiddos and their dad over. We could have a family get-


Elysia chuckled awkwardly. “Well, the kids... they don’t have a dad. It's justraising the three of them.”

Jessamine paused, her brow furrowing with concern. “Did something happen to him, or did you split?”


Chapter 106

“It was a... mutual parting.” Elysia said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

Jessamine understood the unspoken hardship. “You've had it tough.”

A mother knows another mother’s heart.

“It was difficult at first, but we've settled into a good rhythm. It’s not bad.”

“Listen, the Huber family has sclout here in Jindale City. If you ever run into any trouble, just letknow. I'll

have your back!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Thanks, Jess. | appreciate that.”

“I was hoping to take you out for dinner today, but since you've got plans with your friend, | won't keep you.

However, if you could find stafter you're done, could you swing by the hospital to check on Corbin? He's

been doing okay, just starting to resist the hospital environment. He hates the smell of the disinfectants... But

I'm not sure about his current condition, and whether he’s ready to be discharged, so... | could really use your


Before Elysia could respond, Jessamine hurriedly added, as though afraid of a rejection, “If you're busy today,

that’s fine. Just cby whenever you can.”

“I'll try to make it today, but it might be late,” Elysia considered.

Jessamine’s face lit up with gratitude as she said, “Oh, thank you, thank you!”

Once Jessamine had left, Emmett chimed in, “I like Auntie Jessamine. She's as kind as you, Mommy.”

Elysia smiled gently. “She’s a wise and kind auntie. We owe her one for having our backs today. Otherwise...”

They would surely have been at a disadvantage. Especially with Oriana around, Elysia knew she would have

been at a loss.

It seemed it always paid to do good deeds; you never knew when you'd need a helping hand. If she hadn't

helped Corbin that day, she wouldn't have met Jessamine.

And today, she wouldn't have had Jessamine to stand up for her.