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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 145
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Chapter 145 The morning sun streamed through the windows, basking the room in golden light. I blinked awake, disoriented for five whole seconds till the unfamiliar room jogged my memory and events of last night tumbled back.

I blinked smore, looking to my side to a sleeping stranger. The man I had lost my virginity to.

Red stained my cheeks at the picture that flashed through my mind looking at the man sleeping next to me, one of his hands underneath his head, his feet crossed, his chest rising up and down in his peaceful slumber.

Tattoos I had been so fascinated with graced his bare chest, all the way to his right hand which rested on his stomach.

I gulped. They were so... intricately done, thought into.

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However, I didn't have the tto wonder about them right now. I needed to leave before Luca woke up.

I had zero experience with hook-ups. What do people do? It was still early, a little over dawn, but I hardly doubted he would wake up and be offeringbreakfast.

I slip into my dress as quietly as I could, the half ripped lace lingerie from last night sitting uncomfortably on me.

I half assumed I would wake Luca up, but he doesn't as much as stir.

With one last look at my stranger, I slip out of his room, taking a deep breath before my walk of shthrough the hotel's lobby.

Ignoring the prying eyes at my party get up from last night, the regret takes overwhen I sit in the cab on the way to my apartment. I didn't regret losing my virginity, I regretted doing it on a Sunday night.

Today was a Monday morning, also known as the day I was starting my new work.

Also, I didn't even leave him a note. Isn't that the polite thing to do? I hoped not, because I hadn't.

Pushing my gorgeous stranger out of my tumbling thoughts, I shower in a running warm water, and it does nothing for the soreness I felt between my legs.

I cooked my breakfast, watched snetflix, and got ready in a sharp suit. Just as the clock struck eight, my phone rang to buzz my father in.

My father, Gabriel Whitlock, was nothing if not a punctual man, and I was the apple of his eyes. "I 1/3 W AMASARURANHAN thanks H hm p chhal pudi with copte andlabove a merol Comicilet you deadl spys A WWW Night St Chapter 144 was before I could even start, "Mr. Romano is expecting you? He politely smiles, but it wasn't the welcoming kind. “Thirtieth floor First door to the right? I nod. "Thanks!

Breathing deep to calm the nerves | usually don't feel. Growing up with parents like I had, I was always confident. I wasn't used to the anxiety I was feeling right now.

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I press the button to his floor, but before the elevator doors could close, a blonde haired man Enters 100, dressed in a blue button down with grey pants. He studieseven though I keep my eyes on the closed elevator doors, and I squirm a little.

"Nervous?" He asks.

0 I wasn't usually one to make friends, but I nod, "First day." I try offering a smile, but nothing comes Our "That obvious?" "You'ry good" He shakes his head, "Mr. Romano is a good man. A little uptight, but fair." "I hope so, since I'm going to be his assistant for the next few months." "All the best" be offersa smile when the elevator stops at his floors. "I'm Edward." He steps out, and the doors close, It takesa moment to realise I hadn't introduced myself back. Ugh.

The elevator stops at the thirtieth floor next, and just one door adorns the complete right side of the floor R-O-M-A-N-0. The letters adorn the door in bold, capital letters.

I take a breath and then I knock, Nine, Right on time.

"Cin the words beckon me, and I enter with a smile on my lips which disappears along with all the confidence I had managed to muster, "Welcome, Aurora," My sexy tattooed Italian stranger from last night smiles, a glint in his. eyes. "Or should I call you Stella?" X