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His Lost Lycan Luna (Kyson and Ivy)

chapter 228
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Mis Found Lycan Luna Chapter 104

Azalea POV

Kyson woke early to Tyson trying to climb out of bed, which in turn woke me. Rubbing my eyes, I could

hear arguing outside the door between Pustin and someone else. The door was slightly ajar as I sat up,

and Tyson was running toward the door, but Kyson scooped him up before he reached it.

“Where are you off to, little man?” Kyson asks, bringing him back to me. I grab Tyson, wondering how

Abbie is and if her heat has subsided. Yet as the voices got louder, it piqued my curiosity. “Lim, Lim,”

Tyson tuts grasping air and pointing to the door.

“I need to go shower,” Kyson says, pecking my lips just as Liam’s voice reaches my ears, and I realize

it is Dustin and Liam arguing. “Lim, Lim,” Tyson toots squirming to get out of my arms before he turns

limp on me and slides out of my arms. His little feet pound toward the door, and I groan, racing to stop

him, not wanting to interrupt their

obviously heated argument. Yet Tyson shoves through the door, I quickly grab my robe, pull it on, and

move closer to the door.

“Just go. You’re supposed to be watching Peter,” Dustin snarls at Liam just as I step outside the door.

Liam was standing by the stairs, and Tyson rushes toward Liam, who scoops him up as if it is second

nature to take the boy. He props him on his hip while Tyson smacks his chest, screeching “Lim, Lim,”

“See, this is exactly what I mean, Liam. What happens when you want kids? I can’t give you that; I am

a man, not a woman” Dustin snaps, pointing at Tyson. Liam looks at Tyson in his arms.

“What has kids got to do with anything? You always have some fucking excuse, Dustin.” Liam retorts.

“Language, Liam,”

“The squid don’t know what I am saying. It’s been three damn years, Dustin, and you still turn me



sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“You mark me, then what? Later on down the track, you want kids and leave me for a damn woman. I

don’t do vagina Liam, I don’t swing that way, and I won’t handle seeing you with another woman if we

are exclusive. It is better to keep things the way they are,” Dustin tells him.

“I don’t want to be with anyone else, only you. How many damn times I gotta tell you that?”

“You say that now. I see you with Tyson, Oliver, and all the other kids. You will want kids,” Dustin tells

him. Liam snarls, looking down at Tyson. “Do I look like father material to you? I would fuck some kids

up raising one. I don’t want kids, even if I eventually did. We got what..” he looks at me.

“A handful of kids downstairs that need adopting, take your pick. Then what excuse have you got? I

don’t want kids; I only want you, you Dustin, the rest we can figure out later.”

“You’re bisexual, Liam, not gay. You will want another,”

“What has my sexuality got to do with anything? I can be considered Mysexual, too; I fuck myself

regularly; 1 beat Mrs. Palmer a few times a week, too. Really give my left hand a fucking workout when

you‘re in a bad mood, but that doesn’t mean I want to continue fucking it. Damn it. I have a left arm like

Popeye!” Liam snaps at him.

“Again, Liam language!” Dustin growls, and Liam shakes his head, wandering over to hand me Tyson. I

take him, and Dustin sighs.

“Sorry, Azalea, he is just leaving,” Dustin tells me, and I’see Trey still as a statue by the window.

“Ah, who is watching Peter?”

“Don’t worry about him. Tied him real good to the bed. He ain’t going anywhere,” Liam tells me. I shake

my head and look at Trey, who groans.

“I guess I will go get him then?” Trey says when I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Handcuff keys on the dresser. You’ll need a knife to cut the ropes off, knotted them real good.” Trey

nods when Liam clears his throat.

“Wait, you’ll need these too,” Liam says, digging in his pocket. He tosses two keys to Trey. “The little

one will release Ball Gag and the skinny one. is for the choker. I told you he wasn’t going anywhere.

Dusty poo likes a little bondage” Liam says, winking at me before turning back to Dustin while Trey

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holds the keys up, looking horrified at him. Dustin’s face turns bright red. I just blink, not really needing

that information.

“Go, I have work to do. We can argue later. Azzy doesn’t want to hear this shit” Dustin says, waving

him off. “You’re causing a scene,” Dustin says.

“I am not causing a scene. You are. Three years Dustin, I have been asking you to let me mark you,

three years, and you still turn me down,” Liam snaps before walking off and following after Trey. Dustin

turns to face me.

“Sorry,” he mumbles

“Trouble in paradise, Dustin,” Kyson says, coming behind me, trying to put his cufflinks on.

“That was quick,” I tell him.

“Larkin, remember, I am leaving the guard here with you and going with Cedric.”

“Wait, you’re going by yourself?” I ask him.

“No, Cedric will be with me.”

“Maybe take Damian and Gannon with you?” Kyson shakes his head.

“I am not leaving you here defenseless. I should only be gone a couple hours max. I’ll be fine. And

Gannon is still locked down with Abbie’s heat,” he tells me, kissing my forehead and wandering off.

“I’ll be back soon” he calls over his shoulder, and I sigh, looking down at Tyson. “Let’s go see Clarice

and get you out of your jammies,” I tell him when Dustin moves toward the window. He grabs a


“Liam came and got his clothes already. That’s why he came down. I forgot the bag,” Dustin says,

holding it out to me. I take it, and he follows me into the room. “What’s the deal with you and Liam


“He wants to be exclusive.”

“You aren’t already?” I ask him.

“Not from his lack of trying.” Dustin tells me.

“Then what’s the issue? He seemed pretty upset.”

“I know he will leave me, eventually. It is better this way.”

“You mean because he also likes women?” I ask, remembering Tandi.

“Yes and no, he mainly does that to piss me off. I told him I don’t care who it’s with; I know he will leave

me for a woman eventually,” Dustin tells me.

“I don’t think he would, not if you let him mark you.”

“You sound like Gannon. He said the same thing the other week” Dustin groans.

“You don’t believe Gannon?”

“No, I just don’t want him to resent me later because he has marked me. And once he does, I won’t

allow him to fool around with women. Which wouldn’t work if he decided he wanted kids. I can’t give

him that, so-” He shruas as ! pull Tyson’s top off.

“Can always adopi, as Liam said,” Dustin shakes his head, passing me Tyson’s tank top when we hear

a knock on the door. Dustin goes to answer it. He opens the door, and I realize it is Tandi.

“Clarice and I are taking the kids out to play on the hill after breakfast if you want to come,” she says,

with Hunter in her arms.

“Yep, I will be down in a minute. Where is everyone eating?” I ask her.

“Ballroom, we are taking the few orphanage kids out with us while the weather is nice, a storm is meant

to hit this afternoon, and they will end up stuck inside if it sticks around” she tells me. I nod.

“Okay, I will be right there. I just gotta get changed,” I tell her, and she nods before turning and walking

away with Hunter. I finish dressing Tyson and Dustin, watches him for me while I quickly get changed,

and I mind-link Kyson.

“Can Peter come to the hill with the kids? Trey and Dustin will be with us?” I ask him. Yet after last

night, I think we had all determined Peter was no longer a threat to me. It was sad, really. Everything he

did was for his mother, only for her to abandon him once again. He seriously believed if the king got rid

of me, she would be allowed back in the castle where he could see her.

“Yes, but stay with our guard; I love you,” he tells me.

“I love you too,” I tell him, cutting the link off. We make our way downstairs. A handful of children,

Clarice’s boys, Hunter and Tandi, were already here when Trey brought in Peter. He sits at the table

with his face down.

Yet, after about twenty minutes, he was animatedly playing with a few of the orphanage kids while I

wandered over to the whiteboard to look at the added parts Liam and Gannon put up about Sia and

Vivienne. Liam came over and leaned on the table next to me as I stared at it. Liam helps me read the

newest parts since I don’t recognize the wording.

“So, did you find out why Sia was kicked out of the Vermillion pack?” I ask Liam. He nods his head,

“Yes, Last Night Irang the alpha the of Vermillion who pulled the records from back then,” Liam tells me,

wandering over to the table. He picks them up, but Dustin takes them from him before he can show me.

“What’s it say?” I ask him.

“That they were kicked from the pack for Vivienne’s works in witchcraft and the illegal dealings with


“Illegal dealings?” I ask.

“Yes, though we never found who her supplier was, after digging around last night with the King’s

resources, we are pretty sure she was the one supplying the Hunters with wolfsbane,” Liam tells me.

“One thing I wanted to ask. When did you meet Abbie? Gannon told me she has memories of her

grandmother in Ravana Pack. But that you don’t remember meeting Vivienne despite Abbie saying you

were there,” Liam asks, grabbing one of the markers and moving toward the board.

“I was about Five years old. All I remember is Abbie’s family was being chased by rogue bandits. They

were attacked; Marrissa and Jordan helped them and after that, they stayed with us,”


“Abbie said she met with her Grandmother a few times when she was a child,” Liam shrugs but adds it

to the board.

Inod my head, turning back to the drawing board, and Liam walks me through what everything says


2001- Liam meets Sia via Crux at a pub in Vermillion Pack for locations spell.

2002- Gannon meets Sia, and she rejects him. Sia moves to Ravana Pack after being kicked out of

Vermillion Pack.

2004 – Azalea was born.

Gannon kills Sia, buried outside Ravana Pack.

2007, December – Ester falls pregnant with Peter.

2008, February – Landeena Kingdom falls. Azalea is missing. Marissa is missing.

Trey spent 3 months in Valkyrie Hospital for silver poisoning.

Trey was released from the hospital in May and went looking for Marrissa and Azalea.

2009 – Ester moves back to the Valkyrie Kingdom, and starts working as a castle servant. Started in

the stables.

2010 – Trey returned to the Valkyrie Kingdom and started working at the Mill.

2011- Vivienne is killed. Gannon investigated rogue murders, and Vivienne followed him and tried to kill

him out of vengeance for Sia. Body buried off the river near the bridge.

2011 – Trey failed the guard trials

2011- March Ester moves into the castle as Claire’s personal servant.

2011-May-Marrissa starts out in the stables at the castle.

2012- March Emanual dies in pack attacks trying to get to Ravana Pack.

2012 – Trey failed the guard trials

2013- January-Marrissa starts working as a castle servant.

2013- February – Landeena anniversary. The Valkyrie Kingdom attacked. Claire was killed. Marrissa is

on the run.

2013-May-Kyson created Pack Oath for Royal Guard

2014 – Marrissa Talbot was killed. Azalea and Abbie are placed in the orphanage.

Trey rejoined guard trials and passed, became Royal guard.

2022- Azalea Landeena is found and returned to the Valkyrie Kingdom.

I stare at the board, trying to piece it together before looking at Liam. “Crux is how you met Sia?” I ask

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him and he nods.

“Yes, I needed a location spell done,” he tells me.

“So Crux knew Sia?” I ask again.

“Yes, Crux had worked with Vivienne in the past,” Liam tells me.

“And there is your link. I just don’t understand why Crux would work with Ester and how it is connected

with the council besides Crux,” I tell him, and he seems to think for a second.

“Did Ester know Sia?” I ask and Liam shrugs. “No, idea,”

“But she knew Crux?”

“Everyone knows Crux. He has been on the council for centuries,” Liam states, and I sigh. Yeah, that

was a dumb question. It still didn’t explain about the rogue murders or Claire. Clarice claps her hands

loudly, drawing all the kid’s


“Come on, we can play outside until lunch, but then we need to lock everything down. A storm is

brewing, kiddos, so sun while you can.” Clarice tells them, and I smile, moving towards Tyson, who was

sitting next to Tandi. I grab him, and we take the kids to the hill by the cemetery and stables. The kids

instantly take off, yet Tyson Wanders around, following Tandi and me. Liam takes off to play with the

kids as they all roll down the hill having races.

“Where is Damian?” I ask her. She pushes some hair behind her ear before looking at me.

“Looking into Alpha Brock, he is trying to see what he can find out about Paige for me,” she says, and I

press my lips in a line when Tyson tugs on my shirt, trying to get my attention.

“Du, Du,” he toots, pointing toward the stable.

“Yep, duck, duck,” I tell him, and he waves to it, still holding my shirt fisted in his hand while he kept

squawking the Du, Du. “Gosh, he is an idiot,” Dustin laughs, pointing at Liam covered in grass, rolling

down the hill, and knocking the kids over that squeal, trying to jump over him as he rolls toward them.

“Dustin!” we hear called out, making us look toward the castle. He wanders off to speak with Trey, and

we turn our attention to the kids playing when Hunter starts fussing.

“I am going to go put him down to nap while Damian is still up there. I will be back,” she tells me, and I

nod. Yet as time passed, the sky began darkening with the approaching storm, and Kyson still hadn’t


“Du, Du,” Tyson yells, and I look down at him just as the wind picks up.

“Come on, kids, inside. This storm is coming over faster than we thought,” Clarice calls out, and I move

to help pick up the toys scattered along the ground with Tandi. Tyson refuses to go with Clarice or

Dustin, yet he was him in his jacket and Beanie so I let him follow as we picked up the junk the kids

dragged out.

“Dustin, Liam, run these in,” I tell them, pointing to the huge plastic tubs. Tandi and I filled with balls and

skipping ropes.

“I’ll grab the last one,” Tandi tells me, rushing to the top of the hill while Clarice leads the last of the

children inside with Peter. Liam. Dustin carried the tubs in while Trey was helping tug the clothes off the

line with the servant.

“Come on, Tyson,” I tell him, holding my hand out to him. Only when I look down do I not see him.

“Tyson?” I call, turning and looking for him.

“Tyson!” | yell out, and I look at Tandi.

“He was just here!” I tell her.

Tandi looks around from the top of the hill, looking around frantically just as the wind starts howling


“Tyson!” I scream when Trey runs over.

“What’s going on?” he asks, jogging over.

“I’ can’t find Tyson!” 1 panic.

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