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His Lost Lycan Luna (Kyson and Ivy)

Chapter 99
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Liam smacked my chest, which is what woke me, and I was instantly alert as I saw the town limits as he

drove in.

“Orphanage first,” I tell him, and he nods, heading straight for it. I leaned over into the back, tugging my

jacket out of the bag. The morning air was a little chilly this morning. We pulled up out of the front of the


The place needed to be condemned, though someone had built a ramp for the old b***h to get in now

that she would spend the rest of her life in a wheelchair. However, she wouldn’t have to worry about the

future because hers ends today.

He pulls over to the curb, and I climb out of the car, shutting the door gently. No children were awake;

lyrics could tell because no noise came from the place. So l knew that everyone was still tucked into their

beds. l step over the small brick fence out the front and hear Liam open the trunk.

“Not needed here; there are children here,” I tell him.

“So what are we doing here, then?” he asks.

“Grabbing the old bat, getting a name and leaving,” I tell him, and he sighs but shuts the trunk. I continue

to the door and knock, waiting to see if anyone answers. No one does, but it was only early, so I wouldn’t

be surprised if Mrs. Daley was the only adult here. Walking around the back of the building, however. I

found the back door unlocked and shook my head. Stepping inside, it was colder inside the orphanage

than it was outside.

“F**k, it’s like the artic in here,” Liam snarls.

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“I’m assuming she would no longer live upstairs,” I tell him, looking at the beaten spiral staircase.

“Not unless the old bat grew wings and can now fly,” Liam laughed.

“Oh, she will fly alright,” I tell him, walking through the bottom level, looking for where she may have had

her room moved to. It was the sounds of banging around that alerted me to which one. It sounded like

she fell out of bed, and her annoying screeching voice as she cursed made my upper lip pull back over

my teeth as l pushed open the door. The room stunk of p**s and s**t.

“F**k me, we haven’t even touched her, and she already s**t herself,” Liam chuckled, and her head

snapped u to look at us from where she was trapped beside her bed, her wheelchair overturned. Her

eyes go wide, and she cowers away.

“Haven’t you done enough?” she said, visibly shaking.

“Nope, but I will make it quick. All I need is a name,” I tell her, gripping her shoulders while Liam turns the

wheelchair upright. I lift her, dropping her into the seat, and she clutches the armrests.

“How about a nice cup of tea, love? You look rather parched. I make an outstanding brew,” Liam says,

grabbing the handles and steering her out.

“There are children here,” she says, flinching as she passes me when I hold the door open for him to

push her out.

“Well, it wouldn’t be an orphanage without children?” told her, following behind as he took her to the

kitchen. Liam zips around the kitchen, and I shake my head. He liked the theatrics, and I know he was

just easing her into her d***h.

“What have I done this time? What did the king order you to do to me?” she asked, her lips quivering.

Liam chuckles, finding an apron and putting it on before flicking the kettle on. “The children will be up any

minute; I have to start making their breakfast soon,” she claims. Liam snorts.

“You, you can’t even reach the bench. What use would you be in a kitchen?” Liam asks her and her eyes

p***k with tears.

“Either way, today you will be put out of your misery, so you answer honestly I will make it quick, you

don’t,” Liam turns quickly, plunging a knife into her hand, his other hand clamping over her mouth as her

eyes widen and she screams.

“Get the idea?” I ask her, folding my arms over my chest and glaring at her. She wheezed, her withered

old face bright red as she stared at her hand, the knife all the way through to the handle and stabbing

through the wooden armrest.

“Oh right, forgot,” Liam says, ripping it out.

“Ah, none of that, you’re a big girl,” Liam scolds when her mouth opens to scream, the sound shrill, as it

quickly dies out when he waves the knife in front of her face. He then cleans it on the apron around his

waist. “Need to get me one of these,” he says, admiring the floral apron.

“Do you have one with skulls instead of flowers? I am not complaining, though.” Mrs. Daley shakes her

head, tears falling down her cheeks and her mouth wide open. She reminds me of one of those clowns

at the carnival where you pop the b***s into their mouth.

“Never mind, I will just keep this one. Suits me right,” Liam taunts, wiggling his jean-clad a*s at the

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withered woman. “Does it make my a*s look big?” he asks, and I shake my head, trying not to laugh as

he parades around the kitchen. She shook her head.

“Now that was a lie, wasn’t it? It’s alright. I will let that one slide. One sugar or two?” he asks; she just

stared at him wide-eyed.

“You look like two. Let’s make it three, though. You seem like a bitter b***h,” he says, turning back to

make coffee.

Liam hands me mine when he is done making them, and I sip it, watching Mrs. Daley hiss when he

forces the cup into her injured hand.

“Bottoms up; it is nice and hot. Don’t want it to go cold,” he says, sipping his own. “Ah, now that’s a nice

brand. What is that?” he asks, looking back at the counter. It was some expensive coffee, from the looks

of it.

“Hmm, where did you order this?” He asks.

“Online,” she stutters out.

“Good, you can write down the site before I k**l you,” he says. Mrs. Daley whimpers and points to the

fridge where a card was stuck to the board up top. Liam walks over and plucks it off.

“Well, that was easy,” he says before pocketing the card with the same name-branded label as the coffee

jar. Mrs. Daley sipped her coffee like it would delay the inevitable, and we decided to entertain her. Liam

kept making small talk with her until I finished mine, and I placed my mug in the sink and washed it

before putting it to dry. Turning around, I leaned on the counter and watched the woman shake like a leaf

as she watched Liam.