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His Lost Lycan Luna (Kyson and Ivy)

Chapter 70
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The next few days went the same, the King forcing me to go with him wherever he went, forcing me to

follow around like a lost puppy. I stared longingly out toward the forest through his office window at

Clarice and Peter. Peter had a bucket and a scrubbing brush in his hand. Clarice was talking to him, and

she looked like she was about to hang out the washing. I pressed my forehead against the cool glass.

Fresh air would be good, anything to get away from the King or guards, even if only for a few moments.

“I will take you outside later,” the King said, and I peered over at him. He stared down at his laptop

screen, not paying any attention to me whatsoever. For the most part, we ignored each other. However, I

could see he was becoming bothered by it. It was almost as if he was picking fights with me when we did

talk, just to give him a reason to grab me or touch me.

He never hurt me, but I don’t believe that was his intention, anyway. The bond drew him closer to me and

Damian had admitted that is why the King drinks the way he does; to fight off the urges for him to give in

to the bond, something I have refused to do myself. I had also been refusing to sleep in the bed with him

even though I could hear him pacing because of it. It gave me a sick satisfaction that it disturbed him.

Like I was winning at something. Though it pained me refusing him, I was becoming desensitized to the


He couldn’t complain about it because he said I couldn’t leave the room, and technically I hadn’t or tried

to, so he had no reason to force me into bed with him or use the calling on me though, I could see the

temptation too clearly on his face.

“Can I ring Abbie?” I asked, and he peered over the laptop screen at where I was sitting.

“You tried her earlier, and she never picked up. You may try tonight, and if she doesn’t answer, I will ring

her mate, so you can speak with her, that is if you behave and eat tonight,” he adds. I turn my gaze away

and glare out the window. I have had no appetite since being back. Just the smell of food makes me

want to throw up.

“Can you go help, Clarice?” I asked.

“No, I am busy,” he growled and chewed my lip. It was boring sitting here and that’s all I ever seemed to

do, sit around and wait for him to drag me somewhere else.

“Damian can take me,” I told him, and he sighed, sitting back in his chair and staring over at me.

“Damian and Gannon are working; I can’t pull them away from their duties just because you’re bored,

Ivy,” he said. A growl slipped from me, and he folded his arms across his chest and arched an eyebrow

at me before pressing his full lips in a line. My eyes stared at them and I had to pull my gaze away from

them, making me lick mine. Something I noticed he did when he was debating with himself and not liking

his own trail of thoughts.

Standing up, he watched me as I made my way over to him before stopping next to his desk; he swiveled

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

in his chair to face me straight on like he thought I was about to make a run for the door when I noticed

his computer screen. Noticing my gaze, he glanced back at the beautiful woman on the screen and hurt

rushed through me. There were lots of them, all tiny pictures of women displayed in different states of

undress and posing for the camera.

“It’s not what you think,” he murmured, and I looked at him. He reached for me, but I jerked my hand

away. Had been sitting here this entire time looking at other women while I sat across from him.

“Ivy, come here,” he snarled, leaning forward and wrapping his fingers around my wrist. He pulled me on

his lap before locking his arm around my waist when I tried to get up, and he nipped my shoulder with his


“I’ll show you, stop,” he growled.

“I don’t want to see your side pieces,” I snapped at him, and his arm around my waist tightened, and his

growl turned menacing as he pressed his teeth against the back of my neck.

“I don’t have side pieces, only you. Now stop it,” he snapped before moving the mouse around and

clicking on one. I growled. I couldn’t help it until it clicked open, and then the screen opened up to her

mutilated body. My stomach lurched, and I looked away, my heart thumping in my ears loudly and my

eyes wide in h****r.

“Are you still jealous of a d**d woman?” Kyson asked as I turned away, unable to handle looking at the


“Get rid of it,” I whispered as tears burned and stung my eyes at the thought of what she endured to look

like that.

“I clicked out of another file. I didn’t think about the picture on it, or I would have shut the screen

completely down.”

“Why are they all half-naked? Did they not have better pictures?” I said, wiping a stray tear. I couldn’t get

the image out of my head. The way she was torn apart and the look of anguish in her d**d eyes.

“Unfortunately, no, their owners didn’t take normal pictures they wouldn’t sell; The King said.

“Wouldn’t sell?” I asked.

“Yes, these women are rogue s*x slaves, Ivy. We have been trying to find out where they are kept, and

we also believe the children’s bodies that have been washing up belong to some of these women, we

know the hunters are behind it, yet we don’t know why so many are suddenly popping up,” “The children

you buried the other week?” he nods before dropping his chin on my shoulder.

“Who would do such a thing?” I murmured, staring back at the women.

“Some very sick individuals, unfortunately, the hunters have help, we have found a few of the rebels’

insignia patches too along with the bodies,” he reached over to the drawer beside him and pulled out a

sandwich bag full of fabric patches. He dropped it on the desk and I picked it up. The moment I turned it

over, I gasped and clutched my ears.

I found myself submerged in the noise of the new surroundings that became deafening as I struggled to

take it in. The fear that coursed through me. At the forefront of my mind, I suddenly perceived a memory

arising from a time I wished to stay forgotten. Suddenly, the sounds of gunfire could be heard resounding

in the air around me.

“It’s ok, come on out, come to Mummy,” my mother whispered. My mother’s blood-encrusted hands

reached toward me. In my attempt to d***n out the sound of gunshots, I tried to hide in what appeared to

be a cupboard, my hands covering my ears. In what appeared to be a cleaner’s uniform, my mother had

a patch across her heart that was sewn into the uniform. Blood soiled the front, and her skin was tainted

in it.

‘Come on, Ivy, I would like you to come to me,” my mother said, and I didn’t want to go with her, for some

reason, she scared me but reluctantly I placed my hand in hers, and she pulled me out into the carnage.

The memory fizzled and warped before I found myself breathing heavily as I tried to get my bearings.

She was one of them. She really did do the horrible things she was accused of.

“Ivy, what is it?” Kyson asked, clutching me tighter against him while I tugged on my hair, needing the

pain to make it stop, to ground me back to the present.

“Ivy, you’re scaring me. Speak to me,” the King said as I began to have a panic a****k. My lungs refused

to work as I tried to s**k in a breath when I felt the calling sweep over me. His deep purr emanated from

him, forcing me to relax against him, and I let out a shaky breath, pressing closer and seeking it out.

“What happened?” he murmured, but I shook my head, not wanting to remember instead wanting to


“She really did it, didn’t she?” I whispered as tears blurred my vision.


“My mother,” I choked, and he growled, his arms growing tighter, and I could feel the tremble of his arms

as he gripped me. Trying to reign in his anger toward her and for me being hers.

“The patch triggered something?” he asked, unable to keep his anger from his voice, though his purring

never stopped, and I nodded against his chest. He nodded his head but said nothing instead, letting me

calm down.

“Come on, I will take you back to the room.” I shook my head and pressed the sharp points of his teeth

against my shoulder. I shuddered, but he seemed to merely do it as if to tell me he was still there like l

had somehow forgotten he was holding me.

“I will see if Gannon or Damian will take you for a walk then I have work to do. So I can’t right now,” he

whispered into my hair. The King only took a few minutes before he sighed, and I sat up.

“They’re busy; I will get someone to grab a pillow and blanket. You can rest on the couch until I’m done,”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I chewed my lip, suddenly embarrassed over my breakdown. I was meant to be avoiding the bond, not

seeking it.

I looked longingly out the window, wanting to go outside. This room all of a sudden felt stuffy and closed

in. “I won’t run,” I whispered before looking back at the King.

He was watching me, his chin rested on his hand thoughtfully. “Ivy, I can’t-“

“How are you going to trust me if you don’t let me earn it?” I asked, and he worried his lip between his

teeth before pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I will check in with Clarice every hour, I promise.” I pleaded.

“Half an hour, if you are so much as a minute late. I will send the entire castle out to hunt you down,” he

warned, gripping my chin and forcing me to meet his gaze.

“I let you go by yourself. You sleep in the bed with me?” he asked, tilting my chin to the side and

watching me. My guess was that he was trying to see if I was trying to deceive him.

“Promise me, I need sleep, and I can’t with you sleeping on the goddamn couch,” he said, and I pulled

away from him.

“I need an answer, Ivy, or you don’t go,” he said. I sighed, but I really needed out of this room. Without

him breathing down my neck, I needed to breathe for a few minutes. But most of all, I wanted to feel free,

even if it was only momentarily, so I nodded and agreed to his request.

“Then you can go; I will come to find you when I am done,” he says, and I get up off his lap. Moving

toward the door, he speaks, “And Ivy.” I stop looking back at him.

“Check in with Clarice,”

“Yes, every half an hour,” I finished for him, and he nodded before allowing me to go. I quickly escape

downstairs. Stepping out, I sighed a breath of relief. Today it was pretty warm, and the sun felt nice on .

my cold skin. Clarice was hanging the last sheet on the clothesline, however, Peter was nowhere to be


“Where did Peter go?” I asked her and she jumped from not hearing me come up behind her. “Gosh, my

Queen, you gave me a fright,” she said, clutching her hand that held two pegs to her chest.

“Sorry, is Peter around?” I asked.

“Down at the cemetery. Where is the King?” She asked, glancing around nervously. The entire castle

was aware I was in lockdown and under strict guard, so it must have worried her seeing me without


“He let me out, but I have to check up with you every half an hour,” I growled.

“Right, well, Peter is busy. Although, I am sure he would love the company. Little s**t tried to rope me into

helping him.” she chuckled. I nodded before making my way down to the graveyard.