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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 620
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‘Show sincerity? Seek forgiveness?- ] In front of the Walbees family manor, Thorin knelt on the ground, listening to Frank's furious roat and the sound of the phone being hung up, feeling as though he had fallen nto any abyss. He tommed.

deathly pale.

J Jonathan. You beast!" Thorin, usually as steady as a mountain, had lost al his previous composure.

He pushed himself up from the ground with both hands. He grabbed his phone ercely, and ashe dialed Jonathan's ‘urbe, he roared hoarsely, "You'itte beast You damned mongrel! Tish | could" From the phone, a melodious and polite electronic volce sounded clearly. “The.

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number you have dialed currently unavailable. Please ry again later."

Aflurry of hurried and anxious footsteps |

is now facing utter ruin!" ! What! / Jonathan's father, Horace, the current head of the Walbeer amily, instinctively covered his swollen cheek, is face ull of disboie. "Sir, the ister Kane you mentioned i the same Alexander rom the New Chesire Group? Wasn't he usta Son-in-law? How could he be abig shot behind the Redvine family? "And.. Jonathan told me that Alexander nasa graphite mine. He ust ordered assassins tosh over seize the graphite mine. For our Walbeer family, the significance of the graphite mine s immense. 1 think." Another slap, harder and aster than before, sent Horace staggering back, nearly falling to the ground! ou still dare to menton the graphite mine.. Wait, what did you just say? Assassins? That scum actually dares 0

train men like that!?" Atthat moment, Thor's vison blurred, andhis head spun — They were done for. No vonder tht litle scum turned off his phone. He wanted to act ist and report ate, planning to male a move on Mister Kane a the Ninth Mining Zone o the Watford Mining.

Corporation! With just afew small fry, how could they possibly be a match for Mister Kane? He was nat some son-in-law. The head of the Redwine family just said he was.

clearly the most untouchable figure in the country! Helicopte! Prepare the helicopter now!" Thorin roated, his vice almost raspy. "Goto Watford Mining, Corporation ight away, nota second to lose 1 hope we can make tn time! 1 hat litle scum messes up bg mes

‘our family is finished for good!" Horaces heart semble. Dieegarding he pain on is face, he hasty pulled ait his phone and quickly contacted the Walbeer family's private pilot.

“Prepare the helicopter. Both 1 and Mister Walbeer Senior are in the front yard of the estate We need to head to Walford Mining Corporation th fastest speed.

Hurry! Meal, in Pearson Tov, at the Ninth Mining Zone of the Wafford ising Corporation Corporation.

The colossal transport plane brought by Heath soared slowly from the square of the miningarea, carrying over 20000 tons of freshly mined graphiteore, roaring towards the north.

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psister Kamel” On the square, Darusand a group of miners gathered around Alexander, pleading eamesty, "The lents have lft, You should lave 0.

“Take Miss Chesire back to O1' Mare. Just make phone calls fo matters on tis side ofthe nore! “you don't leavs soon incase the Walbeer family's men show up, could het sudden burst of machine gun ice instantly drowned out the voices ofthe miners! Twas Jonathan! With Tiego and eight bodyguards, cradinga sek black submachine un, he fired aburstof bullets ncothe sy, then slowly approached from he entrance ofthe miningarea, sneering at.

Alexander. "Kane, take a ooka tis. A machine gun! "You told met scram’ and et your men stap mein th face? Let me see if you dare tory agin! hat set my yes on, no ane has ever

been able to take it away. That graphite mine discovered by Wafford Mining Corporation, he Walbeer family must haveit] = "Now, arrange the transfer procedures.

and hand over the graphite mine to me, orthese bullets won't disceiminate. 111.

wn you into a sieve right awayl"