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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 693
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Chapter 693

Leaving the villa, Evadne and Thaddeus settled into the car, a prolonged silence enveloping them.

Finally, it was Evadne who broke the silence.

“Thaddeus, I think I’m going home tonight. You have to go on a trip early tomorrow, right? Don’t bother coming back, head to Windermere Estate, or you can stay at my place.”

Thaddeus, his mind heavy with thoughts of Jareth, furrowed his brow and agreed.

“All right, I’ll drop you off at Silverlake Harbor. I’ll come see you tomorrow night.”

They shared a tender kiss goodbye outside her house in Silverlake Harbor.

It was only after watching the little lady enter the door that Thaddeus, with a heavy heart, took out his phone to call Gordon.

“What’s the situation at the hospital?”

“The boy died of excessive blood loss. His parents are somewhat infiuential in Elmsworth; they’re threatening to take this to the end. The real trouble is the cops are involved now. If they trace it back to someone associated with the Fairhaven group, it’ll be difficult to handle.”

Gordon’s usual cheekiness was replaced by a rare gravity. “But I followed your instructions and carefully inquired with Lily. Mr. Jareth never meant for killing that boy. It was his heavy-handed subordinates–even if they avoided the vitals,

who could survive a ten times of stabs? Still, that boy had it coming. Didn’t we check on him? He was practically a walking disaster; a real Byron reincamate!”

“The cops will turn over every stone.”

Thaddeus mused, and after a few seconds of contemplation, he commanded in a chilly tone. “Stay in close touch with Lily. Money is not the issue. The priority is to silence the person from the Fairhaven group involved, clear any links to the group, and have him turn himself in immediately. No matter the cost, we cannot let this trace back to Jareth in any way. Got it?”

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Gordon inhaled sharply. “Got it

Back home, Evadne’s face was a canvas of worry.

Just then, Suri came through the living room, carrying a bowl of chicken soup intended for Emeric.

“Evadne, you’re back.”

*Suri, is Aaron home tonight? I heard you say he returned. Is he around?”

Suri nodded emphatically. “Yes, he’s here. Went down to the wine cellar. You need him?”

Evadne’s eyes crinkled with a soft smile. “Nothing, I just missed Aaron and wanted to have a drink with him.”

The wine cellar was a haven of peace and tranquility,

When Evadne entered, Aaron was sitting under the kaleidoscopically lit glass lamp, pouring himself a glass. The fiowing light played across his face, revealing

a devilish charm rarely seen.

In truth, Evadne always thought Aaron was the son resembled Emeric the most.

He never bothered with the suits and ties like his older brothers, yet even in sackcloth, his aristocracy couldn’t be masked; covered in mud, he still shone.

Emeric’s sons, once unleashed, would either be a calamity to the nation or a bane to the people.

“Aaron,” Evadne called out gently.

Startled as if from a dream, Aaron’s gaze snapped into focus, lifting his eyes to meet hers. “Evadne, you’re back. Will you join me

for a drink?”

Evadne’s gaze landed on the familiar box of bear–claw pastries on the table, her smile intriguing

“I remember, Aaron doesn’t have much of a sweet tooth”

After a brief pause, Aaron’s lips curled into a faint smile. “Occasionally I crave it too. The bear–claw pastries, quite appetizing”

“Does Aaron have a taste for bear–claw pastries, or is it a case of looking at the object and remembering the person?”

Evadne took a seat across from him, the deeper meaning in her words now evident

Their eyes locked, and after a moment, Aaron’s face lit up with a bright, open smile. “Evadne, we’re siblings; we can speak openly”


ispter 693

“Aaron, I saw Marilla today.”

The mere mention of the name caused a fiicker in Aaron’s heart, but he remained composed. “How is she? Still doing well? The incident last time was frightening for her. Has she recovered?”

Despite his calm demeanor, every word was laced with concern.

“Aaron, since you asked me to speak openly, I won’t beat around the bush.”

Evadne took a deep breath, her expression solemn. “Do you have feelings for Marilla?”

Aaron’s grip on his glass tightened, his knuckles whitening, a hint of warmth creeping into the corners of his eyes.

“Yeah, I do. But I’m a rational man, there is an appropriate and inappropriate time to have feelings for someone. Marilla and Jareth are in love and discussing about marriage. So my feelings are inappropriate.”


“But still like her. I can’t lie to you nor to myself.” Aaron forced a casual smile and picked up a pastry, offering it to his sister. Evadne felt a mix of pain and bitterness.

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If only she had the chance, she would have done everything to bring Aaron and Marilla together, even if it meant Marilla becoming her seventh sister–in–law.

But love is all about timing.

Missing by a step meant some people’s love could only rest in their hearts forever.

“You came looking for me tonight to talk about Marilla, and so seriously. Did something happen?”

Aaron was always bold but careful, his heart leaping at the possibilities. “Is my presence troubling her? Did she and Jareth have a fight?

“Marilla hopes that you and Mr. Jareth can be friends,” Evadne said in a low voice.

Aaron let out a bitter laugh. “Evadne, do you think that’s possible?”

Evadne sighed heavily in frustration.

“From the moment I fell for Marilla, friendship with Jareth was off the table. If not for chance or accident, I probably won’t see Marilla again. I can’t trouble her or give Jareth any reason to worry. But I’ll send a gift for their wedding. Yeah, that’s all, I guess.” Aaron drained his glass with nonchalance.

Evadne’s eyes moistened, and she poured herself a glass of wine.

Suri had raised her children too well–selfiess, generous, upright and kind..

“Evadne, I’ve heard you talk about Marilla a lot, and I know it hasn’t been an easy road for her to find her current fiame.”

Aaron felt a twinge in his heart, but managed a slight smile. “Compared to being with her, I just want her to be truly happy. No matter who she’s with, as long as she’s happy, that’s all that matters.”

“Aaron, you’ll find your own happiness one day, too.”

He let out a hearty laugh. “My happiness? That’s just being a stand–up guy, serving the community.”

With that, the siblings clinked their glasses, lifting the weight off their chests, and drank heartily into the night.
