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His Ex wife is a billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus) Novel Full Episode

His Ex wife is a billionaire Chapter 666
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Chapter 666


Evadne was furious, a rush of anger overtaking her, “Darn it. I’m already on the edge and now they dare to provoke me? Watch me smash their skulls with a good baseball bat!”

“Cassius is with Emeric right now; I haven’t let them know about this yet.”

Thaddeus‘ eyes

darkened, whispering in her ear, “We all know why the Bright family is here. At this sensitive time, Cassius can’t show up, and even less can Emeric. Otherwise, those Bright group will take advantage of this incident to stir the pot, and who knows what kind of dirty tricks they’ll pull.”

“Huh. Let them try.”

The memory of Chasel’s suffering at the hands of the Bright family ignited a fiery rage in Evadne, “Chasel is such a good man, and just because he was trying to get medical treatment for Emeric, they beat him half to death. The Bright

family clearly treated Chasel as a scapegoat! Do they even have the face to claim as Chasel’s family? They’re not worthy at all!”

Thaddeus nodded in solemn agreement, “This is a matter between your two families, and as an outsider, it’s not my place to step in. But don’t you worry, Bennett and Arnold are already on their way, and I’ll step in if need be. I won’t let them cause a scene and disturb Emeric’s recovery.”

“Who says you’re an outsider?” Evadne almost let her true feelings slip, biting her lip gently, her hands clutching at his crisp shirt.

“Hmm?” The man lowered his gaze, his breaths coming in warm, making her blush and heartbeat quicken.

“You’re part of the Ashbourne family, you’re my husband, definitely not an outsider.”

Her voice was soft and coy, cheeks blushing red as she nestled into his embrace.

Thaddeus‘ heartbeat raced, his hands trembling as they caressed the back of her neck, his voice deep and warm, “I’m your husband, always have been and always will be.”

God knows how agonizing it had been for him to wait for her to call him “husband.” Such sweet endearments are commonplace among lovers, but for him, someone who had once hurt her deeply, he dared not even hope for it.

He thought of Evadne’s past troubles, remembered that though she was rightfully his wife, she had to live alone in her cold room like a widow every day, longing day and night for his return, not even daring to call him “husband.”

Regret fiooded him, and Thaddeus‘ throat tightened, his eyes involuntarily moistening.

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“Evadne, Thaddeus.”

Chasel, having composed himself, approached them with a determined expression, “Let me go.”

“No way!”

Evadne fiatly refused, her eyes filled with concern, “They almost beat you to death last time. Are you looking to throw your life away by walking into the

lion’s den?”

“Dr. Bright, it’s better if you don’t show up. If something happens to you, Evadne and I wouldn’t be able to explain it to Cassius,” Thaddeus said sharply, hitting the nail on the head.

But Chasel shook his head firmly, “I may love men, but first and foremost, I am a man who doesn’t shy away from trouble. If I play the coward now, I don’t deserve to be considered part of Evadne’s family, nor to be worthy of her calling me…”

Evadne was moved, “Chasel.”

“And besides, I’ve done nothing wrong. Why should I hide?”

Chasel’s handsome jaw set firm, his fists clenched tightly, “Whether it was before or now, the ones in the wrong are always them!” A line of black luxury cars roared into the parking lot of Ashbourne Hospital.

“Dad! My brother has gone nuts! He’s a lunatic!”

Warner fumed as he followed Zachary, ranting and raving, eager to nail Chasel to the cross, “No wonder our people couldn’t find him for days; it turns out he ran to Casslus and was hidden by him! Can you believe it? He was debauched abroad, messing around with a bunch of foreigners, and now that he was back, he didn’t even try to be discreet, getting involved with Cassius! It’s a disgrace to the Bright family name, an utter misfortune! If Grandfather knew,”

“Shut up!”

Zachary, already furious, found the incessant noise intolerable, wishing he could tear Warner’s mouth apart.



Chapter 666

“As the eldest brother, your medical skills are less than your brother’s, and your business acumen is mediocre at best, but I could have tolerated that. But you can’t even handle your brother, something so simple, you’re useless!”

Warner clenched his teeth in anger, feeling unjustly accused and ready to burst into fiames!

Zachary’s eyes were bloodshot with hatred, “If only you had told me about his reckless actions earlier, would our family’s dirty laundry be aired like this? Now the whole world knows the Bright family has a freak with a deviant sexual orientation! How can I ever hold my head high?”

“Dad, I wanted to handle it, but my brother was abroad, and you know how stubborn he is. I wanted to handle it, but I must be able to do so!”

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 3

Warner’s face darkened as he said through clenched teeth, “With such a scandal this time, when you catch Chasel, you must keep a close watch on him, and make sure he has no more dealings with the Ashbourne family. Especially that Cassius! The two men cuddling and hugging. It’s disgusting!”

He felt sickened, and so did Zachary, who at that moment wanted nothing more than to throttle the cause of all this disgrace.

The Bright group had barely walked a short distance when they saw two tall men standing calmly ahead, their dignified presence

forbidding any approach.

It was Arnold and Bennett.

Zachary brought along a dozen secretaries and bodyguards, but the mere presence of the two younger Ashbourne men suppressed them with such an imposing aura that they dared not even breathe too loudly, without the need for violence.


Arnold stood there, his expression dead serious, but his elbow gave a sly nudge to his younger brother beside him. “Looks like the Bright family showed up with their whole dog pack. I’m getting jittery, bro. Among us four, Im the least skilled in combat, so you’ve got to have my back when the fist breaks out.”

Bennett glanced at him and smiled shallowly. “Relax, if a fight really breaks out, I’ll guard you like you were my wife.”

Arnold’s skin crawled, and he cringed so hard his toes curled inside his shoes. “Great metaphor. Just don’t use it again.”

“What are you Ashbournes planning to do?!” Warner, bolstered by their numerical advantage and eager to show off in front of his father, stepped forward with a loud demand.

Arnold let out a snort of contempt. “Kid, you’ve just stolen my line. What does the Bright family, bringing such a crowd to our hospital, intend to do? You all

seem to have your limbs intact; could it be a collective issue from top to bottom, coming to check on mental health?”

Upon hearing that, Zachary’s face darkened to the point you could nearly squeeze ink from it.

“Arnold! Who the hell do you think you’re insulting? Warner pointed at him, fuming.

“Whoever gets annoyed, I’m referring to them.”

Arnold raised an eyebrow in mock surprise. “Can’t even grasp such an obvious taunt.” “You!” Warner was so mad he wanted to charge over and beat him up, but he feared he wouldn’t land a punch!

Prosecutor Arnold, known for his razor tongue in the courtroom, wasn’t even breaking a sweat with this amateur hour.

“Warner, that’s enough.”

Zachary frowned and gestured with a hand, then turned his cold gaze to Arnold. “I know Chasel is here with your lot. Let him out. I’m taking him home.”

Arnold shot back with icy defiance, “Then you can turn right back around. Chasel won’t be going back with you.”

“And what exactly are you, huh? What right do you have to say that? Chasel is a member of the Bright family, not for the Ashbourne family to dictate!” Warner roared.

“Family? Do you even deserve to call yourselves that?”

Bennett stepped forward; his eyes glacial. “I seldom come home, but today has sure been an eye–opening. I’m curious to see what sort of ‘family‘ is so callous as to batter their own fiesh and blood for personal grievances, then disregard his human rights by imprisoning him.”

“Exactly, how is this the act of human?” Arnold added indignantly beside him.

“What do you know? This is the Bright family’s internal affairs. Violating family disciplines warrants punishment; it has been a rule established early on. Unlike your Ashbourne family, with its myriad of wives, lacking respect for hierarchy– such a family with no moral compass, how could you understand the morals of common people?”



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Chapter 666

Zachary looked at them, a mocking smile on his face.

Different from his son’s words, who was all ruffied feathers, the father was deeply sly in his maneuvering.

Bennett’s fists clenched, cracking with tension. “Whatever you say is pointless. It’s not just about taking Chasel away, while I’m here, you won’t even get close to him.”

“Warner, take the men upstairs. Bring your brother down.”

Zachary was done wasting words and decided to force his way through.

Alarm bells went off in Arnold’s mind, and Bennett, with his suit stretching over his tightened muscles, was ready for a fight.

A bitter battle was inevitable.


Suddenly, a jarring honk pierced the air. Four SUVS sped in, encircling them in the middle.

The car doors swung open in unison, and out jumped a gang of dandy young men in light–colored suits and open–collared fioral shirts, hands in pockets, each with an air of arrogance.

Warner broke into a cold sweat. “Dad, they look like mobsters!”

“Oh, so this is how the high and mighty family handle things? Resorting to the underworld gang members to corner us? Is there no law in this world?!” Zachary’s composure was finally cracking.

Clearly, he hadn’t brought enough people. If a confiict erupted, they wouldn’t have the upper hand!

Arnold and Bennett exchanged a look of surprise.

This wasn’t their doing.

The men stepped aside respectfully, making way for a tall man in a pink shirt and white suit, who strode up to them like a gust of wind and bowed elegantly.

“Arnold, Bennett, pleasure to meet you. I’m Lionel, sent by Miss Aviana to assist you.”

Arnold and Bennett were shocked. “Aviana?!”

“Yes, our lady was worried you might be at a disadvantage, so she called me to rush over. If even a single hair on your heads was harmed, she said she’d blacklist me.” Lionel Griffith rubbed his chest with a hint of fear.

Arnold, recognizing the man who had once made Cedric eat dirt, immediately bowed in gratitude. “Thanks for coming so promptly, but it’s OK. With my younger brother here, we’re more than covered. He can take on ten at a time.”

Bennett remained silent, with an unreadable expression on his face.

Lionel chuckled, “That won’t do. The lady instructed me to come, so I must act. She said you two are too precious to dirty your hands over these riff–raffs.”


The Bright family were fiushed with anger!

Lionel then sneered contemptuously at the people from the Bright group, his lips curling into a wicked grin. “I don’t care for any one here; in my domain, dragons should coil, tigers should lie down, and phoenixes should stay grounded. Boys, let’s go!”
